shinobswrites · 2 years
She’ll admit to being a tiny bit surprised, but mostly confused as to how she got to this specific moment. One minute she’s talking with Becky (more like listening) about the upcoming ball and next thing she knows her friend (the traitor!) is leaving so this guy from some other class can talk to her. He’s a bit of a blubbering mess for a second there, nervous - no need to read his mind to tell as much - but then he finally spits it out and the look of shock on her face is instant. She hadn’t really expected for anyone to invite her to go to the ball, she’d only agreed to attend in the first place because Becky insisted she be there, but the plan was to go by herself, now that her friend had a date. And really, it’s nothing against this sweaty-palmed guy, but she’s not exactly all that familiar with him, y’know?
She’s about to open her mouth to give a random excuse as to why she’d have to refuse, when he’s shoved out of her way. Anya isn’t exactly sure why Damian seemed so mad, but she’d have to thank him properly for coming up with a lie on the spot on her behalf. She can only imagine how shocked she must’ve looked for him to step in! And she’s nothing if not a good actress, so she plays the part right into the lie Damian spews. ❛ Ah - yeah! Anya is going with Sy-on boy! ❜ She takes just a simple step closer to him, hand lightly placed on his arm - always careful not to overstep her boundaries lest he decides to drop the ruse! - and a faint pink on her cheeks. ❛ Sorry! But thank you for the invitation. ❜
He was both in disbelief and over the moon, when he heard Anya agreeing with his rushed statement. Pinkie was really going to the ball with him (not with the npc looking side character that had boldly asked her out). He could feel the enthusiasm swell in his chest and he wanted to give his happiness a voice, but having to keep his cool in public, he kept a poker face, but mentally cheered in joy. The angry wrinkle on his forehead disappeared visibly and his mood was lifted at once. The ball would be a good place to show off what a great guy he was.
The interaction with the other guy didn't seemed to be over yet (much to Damian's annoyance), so he threw an angry glare at the side character. When Anya touched his arm, his whole body tensed up from the sudden sensation and his ears turned beetred. She smells sweet, he thought, explaining to himself that noticing Anya's smell was simply an observation, not admiration. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and nodded energetically. "Yeah, she is going with me, so fuck off." An odd feeling of satisfaction filled him, when he repeated himself once more and when the other finally took off.
For a moment, he remained like that, feeling the hand still resting on his arm. Then he turned his head slightly to glance over. "You better come all dressed up, when you don't want him to think, you are lying."
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shinobswrites · 2 years
Continued from here! @changqwi
chuckling, he lifts his hands in front of his chest. "sorry, sorry. your round, little head looked just too tempting to leave it untouched." his honey coloured eyes muster her, as she desperately tries to fix her hair. she was simply too cute to ignore.
he can see the mischief in her eyes, when she tells him to lean down. surpressing a grin, he comes closer and leans down, face right up her comfort zone. whatever she had up her sleeve, he was ready to strike right back. "oh? give me all the tea, sweetie."
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shinobswrites · 2 years
“Atsumu!” After briefly parting from his friend, Wren returns with a shopping bag in hand, a bright smile on his face. “Sorry I left you, but I saw this shirt and I thought it would be absolutely perfect on you.” It’s a simple shirt for working out, one that’s easy to move around in and sweat absorbent. And if it happens to be a bit tight and show off the other’s muscles, Wren will insist it’s simply a coincidence! (It’s not). “You could use it while practicing for volleyball if you want! I hope it’s okay though!”
On weekend's the city was usually crowded, but Atsumu didn't really minded, as long as he could hang out with his friends properly. But when he turned around this time, he suddenly found himself to be all alone in midst of strangers. He wasn't quite sure, if the other had told him how he had to look for a restroom and Atsumu just had overheard it between his own blabbering. For a moment he thought about calling him, just to see his friend appearing between other people with a big smile on his face.
Happily, he wrapped an arm around Wren's shoulders and rubbed his head on the other. "Dude, I thought you've abandoned me. I was almost heartbroken." Blinking, he took the gift Wren just got him. "Bro, what the hell? You can't get me off of your mind, hm?" He giggled and winked jokingly. "That's really sweet of you! I'll make sure to send you a photo when I wear it next time. Maybe I'll include some fanservice, exclusively for you."
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shinobswrites · 2 years
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           【 将 ;; masaru 】 ❝ How did your interviews? You didn't seem to pleased to have so many applicants to talk to. Did you at least find someone good? ❞ 
"Don't remind me. Competence is really rare these days. It was a waste of time." He let out a sigh and pressed his cigarette into an ashtray. "But yeah, there was one fledgeling that seemed quite fitting and interested in the company." Masamune stared out of his window into the dark. "And besides, he is easy on the eyes. So I'll give him a chance."
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shinobswrites · 2 years
he hadn’t been born with an icy core, but one that was capable of love, one that was nurtured by a parental presence that yet abandoned him unexpectedly, leaving no trails behind that he could hold onto and have a smidgen of hope. over the years, however, he had coddled the cold and stabbed the love from every tiny interaction with the world ⸻ a monster who ended up embracing every vice as a virtue, his cold heart no more than a void. and so, when she arrived with her heroic and benevolent stance, when her perpetual innocence came, he saw her not; he saw only an opportunity to gain that so very temporary and most shallow of twisted highs.
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❝ i don’t think i asked for help. ❞ he commenced with his nonchalant speech, observing her under the aureate of his intense spheres, studying her lineaments as if fetching for a malicious sign: a sign that cared not to come for it did not exist. only her refined intentions, solely a sense of justice, of probity, of love. he loathed so much compassion, for he feared the loss of it with the guilt weighing upon his shoulders. ❝ i told you i work alone… which means, i heal alone too. ❞ his familiar stood beside him with an equal cool stance, with a similar dubious stare. ❝ your friends are waiting for you… shouldn’t you be joining them? i’m certain they disapprove your decision to come here and help me. ❞
In all honesty Sett could definitely come off as a scary brute of a man with his strong willed demeanor and his sharp words, but Soraka had promised herself to let all of her doubts and fears behind, whenever she saw someone of need. She was aware of the naivety of her decision and would always push aside the thoughts of what if's. Instead she would bravely take things into her own hands and do what she deemed to be the right thing to do. Soraka was a healer before a Star Guardian, so her belief in altruistic help was stronger than any fear could ever grow. And even after all she had seen from the way Sett used his fists to break through enemy lines to his blood smeared paths, it broke her heart to know him suffering pain all alone.
He was fighting for the side of Light, just like they did. So technically he was one of them and therefore deserved to be treated like them. Even if he didn't liked it. At his snarky answer, she nodded gently. Soraka was known for her endless patience and kindness, so she was sure that things between them only needed some time. "I know. But I don't offer my help as a Starguardian, but my help as a healer. It's my duty to ease the pain of those in need." She gave him a small smile, before shaking the head. "I don't see why they should disapprove, when all I want to do is making sure you are fine. It's not like you will hurt me, right?"
Her gentle eyes looked up to him. "So may I take a look at your wounds?"
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shinobswrites · 2 years
I will work on some replies in the next few days and will post them without being able to cut them because I work on mobile atm, but whenever I am on train rides my writing juices are flowing, so please bear with me! 🥺🫡
Will edit them as soon as possible which will be at the end of the week!
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shinobswrites · 2 years
at least his new found partner seemed to be seriously interested in the class. from the corner of his eyes bakugou could see the other diligently taking notes. which surprisingly earned the other an imaginary brownie point. bakugou's expression softens slightly. this would definitely make things less painful. he finally starts to relax a little, as he listens carefully to the given instructions. unlike his seat partner he rarely took any notes, since he was pretty good in memorizing stuff. but it doesn't really matter to him, as long as it wouldn't become a problem to completing the course.
he wasn't much of a fan to exchange courtesies but then again he was not the type of guy who wasn't taught well by his parents. he just didn't like it. "uhu... likewise, i guess." he mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact, when todoroki all of the sudden starts to direct a pretty smile towards him.
"when you are done forming pairs, start some brainstorming about the first cooking project. i'll let you decide freely what to cook." he wasn't too sure if a creative project was a good thing, but he guessed it was a perfect way to determine if his new partner was a good pick or not. he turned his face. "what do you want to cook? i want something spicy."
at this point it was more than obvious that those chicks were just after that dude’s pretty ass, instead of focusing on the cooking class. it was more than annoying and pissed him off. he definitely didn’t sign up for a bunch of simping fangirls, but for some useful lessons to pursue his dream. clicking his tongue, he unwillingly looked around the room, as in attempt to find a needed partner (but not really). this was going to be bothersome, he thought to himself, still ignoring the crowd of girls trying to win over the white-red haired guy next to him.
with a grim look, the blonde leaned over, hand on his chin, while thinking about what to do about this partner thing. he wasn’t exactly the type of guy who worked well with about everyone. actually there was just a small amount of people, namingly those he would call his friends, who he would be able to be paired up with. and apparently there was none of those present. his ear twitched, when he heard the only other guy in the class speaking up. and above that, his question was directed at him.
wordless, he glanced to the side. some of the girls surrounding him already started to back up from him, making it easier to listening to him talk. it was not like he actually wanted to team up with the other guy, despite him being the only one who had asked him to, but katsuki didn’t had another choice. so he nodded silently and said: “fine. just don’t get in my way.”
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slowly everyone paired up and the teacher finally started the lesson by giving instructions how the applications worked and where they could find the ingredients for the first task. sighing, he remembered the words and the light hit on his head, when his mother told him to always introduce himself to strangers. what a fucking nutjob. “the name’s bakugou katsuki. what do i call you, half-half dude?”
he’s just glad that the loud, booming and shrieking voices had died down, allowing for a more peaceful experience. this wasn’t what he’d signed up for: he’d assumed that people would be at least somewhat quiet during a class such as this, but so far, the most quiet one of them all had been the constantly angry looking guy next to him. a surprise, to be sure, but a pleasant one at that. ❛ yeah - i won’t. ❜ while it’s more than obvious that there’s a hostile reaction to shoto being next to him, he can’t be exactly sure as to why. though he figures it’s best to not poke the sleeping bear and just follow instructions given by the teacher.
shoto is nothing if not diligent with his note-taking, jotting down every single word the teacher utters, even if they were nothing more than simple instructions. he’s brought out of his focus by the sudden voice speaking next to him, making wide eyes blink curiously up at the blonde. half-half? a hand rises to momentarily hover over his scar, though he quickly lowers it instead. he hopes he’s talking about his hair and that the burn on his face isn’t a topic that he tries to throw around just for shits and giggles. ❛ todoroki shoto. ❜ he offers with the smallest of smiles. ❛ pleasure to meet you, bakugou katsuki. ❜
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shinobswrites · 2 years
For Hakuba's birthday on the 29th: at least the bastard did something get him nice on his birthday. wrapped in a golden elegant looking box to match the color of his eyes which kaito had observed from afar: it contained a set of sherlock holmes detective novels that and a shiny ,new pocket watch. ' here .' he muttered, turning pink as he conjured up a present for him and a bouquet of rose . ' happy birthday hakuba-kun.'
with all the bickering they had been constantly doing, whenever they saw each other hakuba had actually expected kaito to be the last person to get him a present for his birthday. and even then he had believed he would at most get him a cookie to go with his tea time. but instead he received a variety of high quality presents: a new edition of a set of sherlock holmes novels he had been obsessed with from a young age on and a pretty pocket watch that fit straight into his aesthetics. and on top of that he was even suprised with a bouquet of beautifully assembled roses.
with a smile he closed his eyes and took in the enchanting scent. amber coloured eyes looked over to the other then, before a hand was gently placed on his chin. "well, aren't I well loved by my dear princess?" he smirked and moved his face a little closer. "and now tell me, how I can thank you for these wonderful gifts?"
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shinobswrites · 2 years
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“We have to cut his Akasha connection- Now!”
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shinobswrites · 2 years
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Two paths lie before you, but you can only take one.
~ Soraka
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shinobswrites · 2 years
ah, this is so unfair . it’s much easier flustering him as his alter ego but in his civilian identity ? not quite ! it’s not everyday for kaito to be flustered over something suggestive . it’s giving him weird ideas and hakuba’s encouraging about this . on the other hand, it could be some kind of a payback at his female friends for forcing him in such an awkward position with a guy he’s silently crushing on . the ideas are endless .
‘ aw , why can’t we do this somewhere private ? ’ regret is evident in his voice after he realizes he can’t escape from this since aoko had purposely planned this . she’s so evil ! the blush on his cheeks becomes deeper as soon as he was face to face with him. it’s a similar suggestion to him as kid .for some reason he thinks hakuba’s taking advantage of flirting with him as kaito is some kind of payback when he tried to escape from almost being caught .
‘ t-that would prove their point if we do that . do you really want to ? ’ it’s much of a turn-on for him , as much as he hated to admit but his usual pokerfaced expression is starting to fade from his rival trying to hit on him many times . he watches him with interest as if to study his appearance – he doesn’t look bad but rather attractive in his standards . kaito assumes & mentally curses his feelings to get in the way of something small .
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kuroba wasn't as 'aggressive' as kaito kid, but that didn't exactly mean he did not know how to flirt back. if anything, hakuba thought it was quite a nice change for once. chuckling, he gives the shorter male a gentle squeeze to his cheek. "you are aware, you just admitted you are fine with whatever this is. if only we were in a more private space. but when it comes to you..." he leans over, arms next to kuroba's head, supporting hakuba's body, to whisper into his ear. "i don't mind doing stuff here."
he was a master in pushing the buttons, knew too well how to tease without going too far. so as soon as the words had slipped over his lips, hakuba leans back to wait for a reaction. it was still too dark to make out much facial movement, but feeling kuroba's presence in front of him, was enough to rile him up. when he hears the other's whispered question, he puts his hands on the shorter male's hips to pull him closer. grinding into him, his face is just a blink of an eye away from kuroba's. "is that enough for an answer?"
he feels the warmth and the racing heart on the other. it excites him, making his center throb. lowering his gaze, he stares at the lips, lingering just a touch away. the hot breath is evident on their skin, and expectant hakuba waits for kuroba's consent. "the question is: do you want to do this kind of stuff with me?"
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shinobswrites · 2 years
Now that his capable assistant was about to take his paternal leave, Masamune was in dire need of a new assistant. His standards were high though, so he wouldn't just take any person stepping into the office. His time to hire was limited, however, so he wasn't exactly in the best mood. A CEO of a prestigous company like his couldn't venture to be not professional about it.
So he grants permission to enter the office to the next applicant in the most neutral tone possible. "Good afternoon, Nishikawa-san. Please take a seat." The business man points at the chair in front of his desk. The applicant looks quite young, not exactly the type he would assume to work long and hard without complaining, but Masamune was willing to give him a chance to prove himself. "May I take a look at your folder?" He asks and pitch-black eyes muster the shorter male intensely.
When he was given said folder, he looks over the curriculum vitae. "Please tell me about your career so far and your reason to apply for this position? What do you know about the company?"
@shinobswrites​ || masamune & nagisa
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           【 渚 ;; nagisa 】 It was already a miracle that he got an interview at the prestigious company – but would he be able to do it again and actually get the job? His stint at Club Komachi was always meant to be temporary. He couldn’t rely on that place forever and to prove that to himself he marched into Mamoru’s office that morning and, possibly due to the sheer determination he felt, quit right before he left for the interview he just arrived to. Would he regret it if he didn’t get this job? Absolutely, which is why failure was not an option. 
              With the front desk receptionist’s directions in mind, Nagisa walked through the halls until he finally found the door he’d been searching for – CEO, Oda Masamune. Behind that door was the one person that had the power to hire or reject him. Nagisa took a deep breath, clutched his resume folder to firmly and knocked on the large doors before entering when permission was granted.
              ❝ Good afternoon. My name is Nishikawa Nagisa, I’m here for the personal assistant interview. Thank you for meeting with me today. ❞
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shinobswrites · 2 years
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watching atsumu go through the rack and pull out a black dress … short but not too short , just modest enough … taking it when he gives it to her , watching him shed his jersey before placing it atop the dress she’s holding . shifting so it’s over her figure to give the other a better look at how the outfit would look like on her body … she tilts her head as her glance flickers to the mirror at the side .
“ oh ~~ new style … i’ve worn the boyfriend shirt thing and all , but the jersey idea is completely new to me , ” she muses , it feels almost possessive with the way atsumu’s surname is inked across the back of it . it certainly screams ‘ MINE ’ . “ this is a whole new tier of boyfriend shirt … ” she hums , turning the jersey around to show atsumu the surname across the back of the jersey .
a grin on her lips , “ i think it’d be QUITE convincing if i wear the jersey … y’know , feels like you’re puttin’ a ring on it , ” she jokes , wiggling the fingers on her right hand . “ i’ll keep the makeup natural and tone down the jewelry so all people will notice is the jersey , it’ll be the HIGHLIGHT , ” she says , after all … they’re trying to put up a convincing act of dating and having been in a relationship for a while .
when she gives him a hint at how she would look in his chosen fit, he returns a satiesfied smirk. even if she would look great in every kind of attire, he couldn't deny the charm of the women's favorite. and the match with his jersey gave the whole outfit a personal touch. while he imaginarily patted his own shoulder proudly, he watches her whirling around to show off his name stretched over her back. he feels the warmth filling his cheeks, as he listens to her chatter. her assumptions were kind of cute and if he was honest to himself, they most likely bore some bit of truth.
atsumu couldn't help but grin widely, when she presented her ring finger. gently picking up the stretched out hand, he raises it to his lips, stopping right before touching the back of her hand. "don't be so charming, reiko, or I might pop the question at the family dinner for real." for a moment he musters her silently, just to let go again. chuckling lightly he nods his head at her idea of making the jersey the highlight of the outfit. "whatever feels the most comfortable for you." he smiles and turns around to see if he can find some nice shoes or accessoires as well.
"by the way... how do you want me to call you in front of my family? reiko-chan? honey? darling?"
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shinobswrites · 2 years
No matter how much she and her friends would love to include Sett in their team, they had come to learn to respect the boundaries he had set for them. When they had met for the first time, Soraka had been probably as surprised as the others, since he was such a sight to see. Big and strong, a character that was overflowing with manliness and pride, someone she had not come in contact with. Neither of the Star Guardians knew where he had come from and what his mission was, aside from protecting as much as they did, but it surely wasn't easy go accept him prefering to fight alone. It was simply an act against their beliefs of friendship and love and kindness towards each other, but then again there was nothing to do against his ways.
As long as he kept himself safe, at least in Soraka's imaginary terms of contract. When the Starguardians led by Ahri however arrived at the fighting scene that night however, they found a rather ghastly scoffing Sett who told them to return home since the fight was already over. But when the others turned their backs on him to leave him alone as he wished, she found herself following after the Vasteyan who seemed to be limping and visibly bleeding. As a healer there was no way in hell she could leave him be. Not in this state.
"Wait up, Sett! Let me take a look at your wounds!"
Starter for Sett & @wolvensden ​ !
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shinobswrites · 2 years
Hi, I will try to work on a few drafts tomorrow! Thank you for the patience!
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shinobswrites · 2 years
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old xian’s new illustration!
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shinobswrites · 2 years
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credits: gangsta. -- kohske // forgetting -- joy ladin // the truth about grief -- fortesa lafiti // my mother was a freedom fighter -- aja monet // david foster wallace // on earth we're briefly gorgeous -- ocean vuong
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