shinodafan94 · 2 months
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shinodafan94 · 4 months
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❛ My poor husband. He deserved so much better than this but this is what he got. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ This is what we all got.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀‒ Jessica LeClerk in
Red Dead Online.
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shinodafan94 · 5 months
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shinodafan94 · 7 months
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The final moment in my favourite 10 J/7 moments in season 4.
You can all guess what episode it is going to be, seeing as it is impossible to make a J/7 spam for this season… or overall tbf without mentioning this episode.
Hope and Fear.
You know it. Probably one of my favourite J/7 episodes ever. We have velocity matches, them getting all sweaty and out of breath. Oooft.
Ok so they do butt heads a helluva lot in this episode, it’s totally all building up to that special moment in the brig.
Oh the brig. You all know how wonderful it is. Their little talk is adorable.
Janeway: In case I never get a chance to say this - I realize that I’ve been hard on you at times. But it was never out of anger, or regret that I brought you on board. I’m your Captain. That means I can’t always be a friend. Understand? Seven: No. However, if we are assimilated, our thoughts will become one, and I’m sure I will understand perfectly.
*Janeway looks shocked*
Seven: A joke captain, you yourself have encouraged me to use my sense of humour.
Janeway: *smiles* It’s nice to know you’ve taken some of my advice to heart.
They of course save the day and we are given a lovely scene of them two playing more velocity at the end <3 It’s as if they turned around and said:
“Hey you J/7'ers, you’ve been good little fans this season, here is some extra sexy velocity scenes to tide you over till season 5”
and boy am i glad they did.
Seven: As we approached Borg space, I began to re-evaluate my future. The prospect of becoming a drone… was unappealing. Janeway: Sometimes you’ve got to look back in order to move forward. Sounds to me like you’re starting to embrace your humanity. Seven: No. But as I said: nothing is impossible.
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shinodafan94 · 7 months
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Will Riker and Deanna Troi hugs in Star Trek | TNG | Nemesis | Picard
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shinodafan94 · 7 months
Could you draw Quark getting ready to go swimming/take a bath but when he steps into the pool/tub the liquid reveals itself to be Odo?
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DS9 really missed out on doing this kind of stuff it's hilarious
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shinodafan94 · 1 year
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Fantastic LCARS UI bridge graphics from the U.S.S. Dauntless NCC-80816 from Star Trek: Prodigy, via Warndenlight Studio's Artstation. Lots of gags and Easter Eggs tucked away in these.
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
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Fleet Admiral Janeway
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
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I made a Janeway sticker design to put on my laptop! Absolutely obsessed with her lil coffee mug 😭
I might make a Tuvok sticker so they can be besties on my laptop too
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
The weirdest part of this writer’s block I’m going through its that it isn’t the lack of ideas - it’s the lack of ability to complete them.
To work on them.
To even dwell on them for a length of time.
I still get them. The concepts, the interactions, the prompts still bounce around in my mind but they’re like fish in a pond. If I reach in with my hand they slip away too fast for me to catch.
It’s frustrating but it’s so fleeting it’s as if there’s nothing wrong at all.
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
“Whumpee?” Caretaker questioned blearily as the door to their room opened, “is everything okay?”
Whumpee fidgeted nervously at the doorway, opening and closing their mouth a few time before asking, “can I sleep with you tonight? It’s just really c-cold and-”
Caretaker smiled fondly, “of course you can, darling, come here.”
Whumpee slowly padded over and got under the covers that Caretaker had kindly lifted up for them.
“There,” Caretaker said gently and opened their arms as an invitation for Whumpee to cuddle up close. It didn’t take long until they were pressed up against Caretaker’s chest, shuffling around a little so everything was just right.
“T-thank you,” Whumpee whispered nervously.
“No need to thank me, lovely, I’m always here for you,” Caretaker ended the statement with a kiss to Whumpee’s forehead and tightened their hug slightly.
Whumpee sighed and felt themself drifting off, the gentle weight of Caretaker’s arms and the warmth from the blankets surrounding them were softly pulling them into unconsciousness.
As everything around them was getting fuzzy and dull, only feeling the rise and fall of Caretaker’s chest, they heard one last thing from above their head.
“I love you so much.”
And Whumpee swore they got a little bit warmer.
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
warning for anyone saving whump art to pinterest
you should not save it from the search page, as it does not link back to the actual post/artist.
open the link in a new tab so it can be properly credited!
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
Whump Dialogue
(Sarcastic/annoyed caretaker)
“How many fingers?… Yes I’m serious! Shut up and answer the question!”
“If even half of that blood is yours you need to sit down right now.”
“Is it too much to ask for you to not get stabbed for five minutes!?”
“Wow those bloodstained clothes really bring out your eyes… Of course I’m being sarcastic! Get over here and let me stitch you up!”
“C’mon, you gotta work with me here. I’m not dragging your unconscious ass back by myself”
“Y’know, I don’t really blame them. Your face is very punchable… especially when you glare at me like that..”
“I may not be a doctor, but I’m pretty sure blood belongs on the inside.”
“Okay, normally I’d laugh, but this is just getting ridiculous. Sit down before you pass out.”
“Ah yes, how heroic of you to get shot in the side and puke all over my shoes. Next time could you just pull me out of the way like a normal person instead of jumping in front of the bullet?”
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
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Opened a redbubble shop (Hurrah! After about 2 years of saying I would). Get a sticker, maybe a notebook with Cassandra in which to write smutty literature, a pillow with Solas to experience the Fade. If you’d like anything else uploaded/made available, please send a message.  Several cheaper versions of Solas & Dorian avail on my tictail shop + one deal for all 12 for $15 (less than the $19 from redbubble)
I am ordering more charms in July. Please fill this form to let me know which charms to stock more of. To get a charm made of your OC, check this post. Thanks much!
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
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actual disney princess josephine montilyet
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
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a pirate captain with a proper captain’s hat and a first mate to match
i dedicate this to against-stars because everything is her fault 
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shinodafan94 · 2 years
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Ghilan’nain. An overpaint of this. I said that I wouldn’t publish any of these repaints until the set was complete, but hey. One out of nine.
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