shinpaishite · 19 days
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shinpaishite · 23 days
Very funny that you think feminists shouldn't ally with the far right (it's true they shouldn't and us real feminists never would so we don't need to have that debate) but you also don't recognize the inherently right wing bioessentialism in your own ideology. Stop excluding women from your movement based on them having a marginalized identity you don't have and maybe you won't have to encourage your movement not to ally themselves with nazis. It's pretty fucking easy
Feminists are given this false binary between "support left wing anti-woman politics" and "support right wing anti-woman politics" so when feminists go "no thanks we're going to do pro-woman politics actually" the misogynist left wing men use the misogynist right wing men as a stick to beat us with. Tale as old as time.
By framing all criticism as "far right" and then refusing to talk with feminist women, instead no-platforming them and calling them Nazis, the far right got a massive open goal and a path into mainstream society. Alas, some women fell for this.
In countries where the resistance to the current flavour of identitarian anti-woman politics was not primarily conservative and religious but built by secular women of the left, the broader left would have done well to listen to them about the massive open goal to the far right they were creating.
Because if you try and use a ton of authoritarianism to force people into saying humans aren't sexed, that gay people aren't same sex attracted, that gender identity should replace sex in all of law and public policy, and medicalise gender nonconforming children, is it surprising there's a backlash?
When politicians start seeing this (and they have), is it not important that the adults in the room are not the people who want to blame everything on the loony left and gay marriage?
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shinpaishite · 25 days
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Mesmerizing needlework for this modern summer obi with ayame (iris) and hagi (bushclover) embroidered in metallic threads.
The embroidery is so beautifully textured it actually look like beadwork from afar:
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shinpaishite · 28 days
it hurts men as much as punching a wall hurts your knuckles. it's their fault🤷‍♀️
I’m trying to figure out how to word this but—I often see libfems appealing to men by saying the patriarchy hurts men as much as women (for example, they are bashed for “feminine” traits). How do you feel about this?
I agree that the patriarchy hurts men at a level that is comparable to how it hurts women.
I think it harms men some, but not substantially.
I think that men only benefit from the patriarchy.
My definition (or lack thereof) of the patriarchy makes this question irrelevant.
You might have to change the wording to make it fit idk
Thanks for the idea Nonnette!
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shinpaishite · 28 days
I think more people on radblr should be talking about sweatshops, especially in the garment industry.
• Around 80% of sweatshop workers are women. Some employers force them to take birth control and pregnancy tests to avoid having to pay for maternity leave. Pregnant women are routinely denied sick leave to visit doctors, terminated from their contracts early, or left without any maternity leave when their short-term contracts are not renewed.
• Women are more likely than men to experience minimum wage violations. According to one study, "30 percent of the women workers in our sample experienced minimum wage violations, compared to 20 percent of the men". [Source: https://www.nelp.org/publication/broken-laws-unprotected-workers-violations-of-employment-and-labor-laws-in-americas-cities/ ]
• Indonesian women employees report that “girls in the factory are harassed by male managers. They come on to the girls, call them into their offices, whisper into their ears, touch them, bribe them with money and threaten them with firing if they don’t have sex with them.” [source: cleanclothes.org]
• "Toilet breaks are monitored, and some workers said they were flat out denied them, even when sick. The same goes for water and lunch breaks, both necessary to stay healthy when working 12+ hour days in a stuffy, overcrowded factory." 20% of women in sweatshops report experiencing sexual violence. [https://iwda.org.au/three-ways-garment-factories-violate-the-rights-of-women-and-how-its-allowed-to-happen/ ]
It's easy not to support this kind of abuse. Do not buy clothes first-hand. Only buy from thrift shops and second-hand apps, or find ethical brands and investigate where and how they make their clothing (hint: if a t-shirt costs $3, it's not ethical). Patch your old clothes. Consider learning basic sewing (it's not as difficult as it seems!)
I don't care how cheap Shein and Temu are. I don't care how much you think you need that specific Zara coat. Buying clothes directly harms women and avoiding it is a very easy way to help.
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shinpaishite · 29 days
every once in a while tumblr decides i must have a disease i don't have or must speak a language i don't speak or that i must be interested in specifically chinese gymnastics and shows me 1,982,777 posts about it
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shinpaishite · 29 days
bonus points if you tell me ur answer & country/region in the comments or tags, I'm so curious I would love to know more!!!
under the cut are some examples of what I mean:
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shinpaishite · 29 days
a bunch of fireweed started growing in a pot full of years old dried up dirt :] that's gonna be my pet for the summer and i'm going to tend for it
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shinpaishite · 29 days
a thing that really shook me was the study where women performed worse in a math test when they were wearing a swimsuit vs a sweater whereas for men there was no difference. objectification literally diminishes your brain capacity. i can't help but wonder what we could be in a truly liberated society because there's no way that how we are raised to be objectified and to even self objectify hasn't thoroughly poisoned our brains to always underperform even in normal clothes.
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shinpaishite · 29 days
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it’s that simple
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shinpaishite · 29 days
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shinpaishite · 29 days
What period product do you use?
One-time pad
Reusable pad
Period cup
Period disc
Period underwear
Free bleed
A mix of two or more
I don't menstruate
Thanks for the poll Nona!
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shinpaishite · 29 days
all TRAs do is try to appeal to the assumed femininity of radical feminists who oppose them. they call us unattractive, undesirable, lesbians (derogatory), we are sexually useless. we are hags, they try to make us feel we're unkind and not nurturing enough, we are useless as wives and mothers.
we should as females be so feminine and insecure about our position in the heterosexual and femininity hierarchy that it should scare us silent (woman's place) and they freak out when it doesn't work.
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shinpaishite · 29 days
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Sent to U.S.A. on 14th of May 2024
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shinpaishite · 29 days
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Antique summer outfit featuring a blue stripes kimono patterned with shirasagi (white heron) flying alongside karasu (crow). It's paired an obi depicting huge yatsude (paperplant) leaves.
“Sagi to karasu” (to call a heron a crow) is a parable meaning bending the reason of something, even though it is clearly incorrect (=insisting that something that is clearly white is black). A synonym is “yuki to sumi” (snow and charcoal).
It seems the expression also refers to the black and white stones used to play go.
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shinpaishite · 29 days
do they think she's going to have a mental episode like they do about being called the wrong pronouns?
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Not them diagnosing jkr with trans man…
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shinpaishite · 29 days
A new law in Belgium celebrated by activists for providing a “labour contract” to prostitutes will also enable their pimps to punish them with a government mediator if they refuse sex more than 10 times in a six-month period. The Belgian Parliament voted for the law on May 3, with 93 in favor, zero opposed, and 33 abstentions.  
The legislation is being touted as a win by UTSOPI, the Belgium Union of Sex Workers, which had lobbied extensively for the legislation. The law outlines that prostitutes will receive health insurance, a pension, maternity and holiday leave, and unemployment benefits. Their pimps will be forced to provide them with a “safety button” to use for emergencies.
Their website claims that the law “is a historic step in the battle for sex workers’ rights” and will create a “respectful, fair relationship” between prostitutes and their pimps, with UTSOPI spokesperson Daan Bauwens telling media that he believes “Belgium is really demonstrating that it aims to protect sex workers, regardless of any moral judgements about the profession people may have.”
Prostitutes are to be granted “rights” to refuse sexual acts, stop sexual acts, perform sexual acts in the manner they prefer, and refuse to sit behind Amsterdam-style windows (public facing windows where prostitutes are on display). However, should a prostitute use these “rights” 10 times within six months, their pimp can then call on a government mediator to intervene.
All pimps must have a registered office and apply to the Belgian government for approval to offer contracts to prostitutes. The contracts will be disguised as hotel-restaurant-café (HoReCa) contracts so that prostitutes can remain anonymous.
Andrea Heinz, a prostitution abolition advocate, called out the new legislation on X (formerly Twitter).
“There is little chance this will (actually) favour women. Under legalization/full decrim, pimps become ‘managers’ with the backing of the state to further entrench and maintain their power. Pimps see women they sell as products, not people deserving of full dignity & respect.”
Outside the realm of so-called “sex work” activism, social media users have expressed horror at the new law.
“So the [government] helps pimps to coerce sex, what a disgusting idea,” posted X user @Bob16747466.
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