shinrakills · 5 years
CBD cannabidiol - the key answers to the legal cannabis drug
When it came to hemp and cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was the dominant topic for a long time. More and more people are now hearing about cannabidiol (CBD) - but what is actually behind the trendy three letters? Why are there CBD products like capsules, oils, and drops? And is that legal in Austria and Germany? The most important answers and everything worth knowing about the coveted cannabis drug in the overview.
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What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural cannabis drug - a so-called cannabinoid. It is derived from the cannabis sativa or cannabis indica female hemp and is the second highest concentration hemp drug after tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Male hemp plants have no relevant levels of CBD. Like all other cannabinoids, cannabidiol is predominantly an acid in the hemp plant and is considered an inactive ingredient.
After Hanf can look back on a millennia-old history of usage, CBD was first discovered and extracted in 1940 in the United States. It was not until the second half of the twentieth century that the cannabinoid was studied separately and researched for its medical potential. To date, it is clearly in the shadow of tetrahydrocannabinol, which enjoys wide exploration.
Are cannabis and cannabidiol the same?
Because cannabidiol is derived from the hemp plant, it is also colloquially referred to as cannabis. Strictly speaking, however, it is a cannabis compound derived from the hemp plant. Simply calling it cannabis does not do it justice. Rather, it is necessary to distinguish between hemp, cannabis, THC, and CBD, as there may be large differences in some cases. For example, in the legal assessment.
Is CBD legal?
Due to its almost complete lack of psychoactive effect cannabidiol unlike other cannabinoids (such as THC) is legally available in many EU countries - as well as in Austria and Germany. Even the United Nations does not list it in the list for drug and crime control - in contrast to tetrahydrocannabinol.
Cannabidiol is authorized for cosmetic products - but is often marketed as a dietary supplement, often with a particular focus on use in electronic cigarettes as e-liquid. According to a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, since 1997 it has also been considered "novel food" and may only be placed on the market if there is an EU-wide authorization.
Cannabidiol is therefore available legally and without a prescription in most EU countries, as well as Austria - but only from the age of 18 years. CBD products become illegal the moment you exceed 0.2% THC.
It can also be legally prescribed as a medicine by a doctor. Then it is possible to get it via prescription through the pharmacy. However, most health insurance companies do not reimburse these costs because it is a so-called prescription medicine.
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What is the effect of cannabidiol?
If such products are used internally, the cannabinoid drug enters the brain to develop its effect on the nervous system. CBD acts opposite to the prominent THC: blocking and inhibiting. So it works instead of intoxicating and hunger stimulating, appetite suppressing, soothing and reducing heart rate.
Lowering heart rate
It stimulates the body's own receptors in the brain, without triggering intoxication states. In addition, it can to a certain extent also be regarded as a natural antidote to tetrahydrocannabinol, since it can dampen and regulate its effects and, of course, counteracts some THC side effects. It also inhibits the uptake of THC, thus reducing its influence directly. For this reason, breeds of "intoxicant hemp" also deliberately reduce the proportion of CBD Five.
Medically, it has anticonvulsant effects and can be anti-inflammatory as well as anxiolytic and nausea.
Pharmacologically, it is possible for CBD to target different receptor systems (THC at only two), which is why it is considered effective and well-tolerated. For this reason, it can also be considered as a very safe component of the hemp plant.
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