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A game!
@hipster-merchant-of-death @katsontherun @babayaga67 @danielsleftwhitevan @dekusleftshoe @thots4daze @michiieewrites @aizawascumslut @ravenfeet222 @strawbirb @yanderart @league-of-villians-headcanons @sailor-manga
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Birthday gift for @shiohara-in-devildom!
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Haruhi's first physical character draft wasn't that different from her original now, I made her eyes softer and with a dark brown hue instead of a menacing red.
Had her wear cute lolita goth dresses instead of a frequent skull patterned kimono and a katana.
It was her personality that took a complete 180 due to the fact that her personality was menacing, villainous and overall too serious and killer vibes that made her non-approachable.
So I changed it to a gentle and shy one.
This is to celebrate Haruhi's birthday! (July 19th) and also mine!! Hoho,,, remember
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-sincerely OP
Jackel: please don't actually follow what he says
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It says multiple masters to rule them all in your blog title, are there any other mcs?
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Haruhi: Please click for better quality! Leviathan mentions that tumblr tends to downgrade the thumbnail.
Jackel: Don't be afraid to ask us questions now
Urian: just make sure it isn't personal
Rian: Isn't that the purpose of this blog?
Don: don't get smart with us
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Smooch smooch 💕💕
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Queen of hearts and his wife, the king of hearts.
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Dear Diary,
Today, Lucifer said something really amusing, I didn't completely understand what he was implying but it must be something bad as my little brother, Donatello shouted a "WHAT THE FUCK!?!"
I wonder, What did Lucifer mean when he said me and him have a long night alone?
Sincerly, Haruhi
Tag: @obey-kie
Dear dairy,
If Asmodeus was an artist. I want him to paint me like one of his French girls.
A Thirsty Hoe
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Haruhi: Oh, I got Hasoiluc the avatar of violin
Rian: Risonbee the avatar of cookie dough...haha
Urian:... I got Ursonlev the avatar of bat
Don:..Dosoobel the avatar of knife-
‪find your obey me! demon name & what your avatar of!‬
‪• first 2 letters of your first name‬
‪• first consonant of your last name‬
‪• second letter of your middle name (or parent’s name)‬
‪• last vowel of your first name‬
‪• add the last three letters of your fave demon bro’s name‬
‪• thing closest to your left is what you are avatar of‬
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Gotta draw one of my MCs with cakes themed after her boyfriends- a mix of creativity plus cake cravings have pushed me into this
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Decided to make a custom SSR lust card of my mc, inspired by the sleep event the game had, I call this card "Bittersweet Slumber" I wanted to make a non deflowered and deflowered version (The first one is the non deflowered and the second is the deflowered)
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"Can't I stay? I don't want to leave.."
Hey, have some angst of my mc crying to lucifer after they banged because I love making myself sad
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Haruhi, do you agree that you are a baby?
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Obey Me! MC Questions!
About Your MC!
Which of the Boys are they the most like?
Which of the Boys are they the least like?
Who does your MC date? [If multiple, what order do they start dating each one?]
How does your MC Sleep? [On their side, on their back, with a partner, etc., in PJs, etc.]
If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your MC, what would it be and why?
Did they come from a religious family/culture? Do they practice a religion? 
What do they think about the whole angel/demon stuff? 
What’s your MC’s relationship with their family?
What are your MC’chances of survival if they got lost in the levels of Devildom that take you to the surface [aka the layers of Hell]?
Is your MC jealous/upset about not being able to use magic? Do they learn?
What was your MC’s first impression of the demon boys? 
First impression of the Angels & Solomon?
What is a skill your MC has that the Boys would be surprised by?
Do they own a secret place for their most prized possessions?   
What’s the most important thing they own?
Do they eat the strange demon food?
What’s their favourite part of being in Devildom?
What does your MC miss most about the human world?
What does MC spend most of their time doing/with who?
How does MC wear the RAD uniform? [If they do.]
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Please feel free to asking just about anything ^_^ - Haruhi
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