shirayuki-no-ame · 3 years
Utsukushii Tamashii Chapter 4
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Again, we would like to thank our generous donors for making this possible. And a special shout out for people who message us to say thanks or offer help/raws. We really appreciate the gesture. Translator will be working again on another manga for her other team (she only works on one other manga with regular updates) so the next chapter won’t probably be out until late November. Please manage your expectations. (^^)  Without further ado, here’s  CHAPTER 4. Previous chapters : Chapter 3.A
Chapter 3.B Please support the mangaka and purchase her works on Renta. It’s about $2 a chapter so we can support Sensei and her work. ❤️  https://renta.papy.co.jp/renta/sc/frm/item/168249/ p.s. Please don’t upload anywhere else. Thanks!
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
己亥+ Wangxian family fluff
Happy new year! It’s minus 17 degree celsius and covered with snow where I’m at, so have some Lan family winter fluff with a hint of Wangxian.
“This is most unusual,” Lan Xichen says.
“Mm,“ Lan Wangji says, his breath forming a wisp of white in the crisp air. They’re seated together at the entrance of the cottage where Lan Xichen has chosen his seclusion, eyes following the antics of Lan Xichen’s visitors in the snow-covered yard.
A snowman of what looks like Lan Qiren stands in the corner of the yard, watching on with pebble-eyes and knitted stick-brows as Wei Wuxian and the Lan disciples pelt each other with snowballs, laughter filling the compound. Wei Wuxian has collected an armful of the frozen weapons, flinging them with deadly accuracy, whereas Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi have formed a team, one covering with a volley of snowballs when the other attacks. Wen Ning, meanwhile, sits motionless by the snowman, gazing at it with a pensive expression.
“Does uncle know they’re here?” Lan Xichen asks after a moment.
“No,” Lan Wangji says. He frowns when Lan Jingyi stuffs snow down the back of Wei Wuxian’s robes—thin and light and not at all conducive for the winters in the Cloud Recesses.
“Of course,” Lan Xichen says, chuckling over Wei Wuxian’s screams.
Lan Wangji rises to his feet then. Crosses the distance between the entrance and the yard. Instantly, the snowball fight ceases, with Lan Sizhui pulling Lan Jingyi away by the arm. Robes now plastered to his back, Wei Wuxian grins at Lan Wangji as he approaches, eyes bright and cheeks flushed, and Lan Wangji feels something tug at him, chest growing warm.
“Lan Er-Gege,” Wei Wuxian croons, hands curling around the fur collar that lines Lan Wangji’s outer cloak. “Are you finally joining the battle?”
Shaking his head, Lan Wangji unclasps his cloak and drapes it around Wei Wuxian. Pulls Wei Wuxian in as he does, heart surging at the way Wei Wuxian fits against him, his shoulders the perfect width for Lan Wangji’s arms, his face at the perfect height for burrowing, with a sigh, into Lan Wangji’s neck.
“You’ll catch a cold,” Lan Wangji chides, gently.
“Good thing you’re here to warm me up,” Wei Wuxian says, and Lan Wangji can’t help but press a kiss to his forehead, soft and fond.
“Senior Wei,” Lan Jingyi’s voice drifts over to them. “Is the fight over? Did we win?”
“Jingyi,” Lan Sizhui says, with a laugh.
“Young Master Wei, young Master Lan,” Wen Ning calls from the corner of the yard. “I, I still think Elder Lan could do with a nose…”
“I agree with young Master Wen,” Lan Xichen says, and Wen Ning ducks his head, as if embarrassed by the title. “Might I also suggest giving uncle a pair of arms?”
“Yes, Zewu-Jun,” the juniors chorus.
As Wei Wuxian pulls away to join the others in their search, white cloak wrapped firmly around his frame, he offers a salute to Lan Xichen, who returns the gesture with grace.
“Father would have liked him,” Lan Xichen muses.
Lan Wangji returns to his seat by his brother. “Mother too,” he says.
Lan Xichen nods before he, together with Lan Wangji, shifts his gaze back to the yard. Once blanketed with pristine white, undisturbed, it’s now littered with tracks of footprints, some larger than others but no less haphazard. In the corner, the snowman looks on, silent and disapproving.
“This is most unusual,” Lan Xichen says again.
But he’s smiling, eyes softer and brighter than Lan Wangji has seen in weeks.
“Mm,” Lan Wangji says, mouth tugging into a small smile of his own.
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
Gusu Lan Sect and alcohol
This was a translation request elsewhere so I’m cross-posting it here. It’s from a post of MXTX on her Weibo. The scene is enacted in one of the audio drama extras ;)
Do all the members of the Gusu Lan Sect have a poor alcohol tolerance? Since Lan Er’s alcohol tolerance is so low, how is Lan Da’s [1]? Of course, things like the ability to drink alcohol and how one behaves when drunk are hereditary. If Zewu-Jun has a single cup, he will turn into a passionate young man brimming with excessive enthusiasm. Every sentence he speaks will sound like there are at least three exclamation marks. His tone also loses a bit of its usual gentle politeness. It becomes extremely sonorous and vigorous, rising and falling uninhibitedly. Uncle is astonished: “What happened to you, Xichen?!” “Uncle, I’m all right!! I’m fine!!!” “…” “Uncle, have you seen my Liebing? I can’t find it anywhere, how can this be!!!” “Haven’t you been holding it in your hand all along?!” “Really?! So this is what is called ‘not seeing the wood for the trees’!!” “…” “Thank you for your instruction, Uncle. Xichen has benefited a lot today!!” Uncle: “…" 😱 He is unable to watch anymore. He quickly lets Lan Er lock up his elder brother. But if the brothers are both drunk then it’s a disaster. Lan Da slaps Lan Er on the shoulder: ”Didi [2], don’t be depressed!!!“ Lan Er ignores him and crouches on the floor: ”…“ "Come on, let’s go down the mountain and get rid of the evil harming people!!!” “…flute…” “What?!” “… I want a flute…” What Lan Er wants is the person playing the flute. But it’s embarrassing to admit it to Gege so he just says he wants a flute for himself. In the end, their alcohol tolerance is not much different. Their behaviour when drunk is also about the same. This is the power of genes. 😘
Translator’s Notes
[1] ‘Da’ is short for dage (大哥) here which means ‘big brother’.
[2] Xichen uses didi (弟弟), ‘little brother’, instead of addressing him by Wangji, it sounds more casual.
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
己亥 - Wangxian Pda mortifying the juniors !! 😆
Happy new year, dear! Thank you for the request!
On occasion, Lan Wangji joins their night hunts.
And as much as Lan Jingyi respects and admires the formidable, magnificent, unbeatable Hanguang-Jun, he would really rather not have him around. Not if the majority of his presence involves a sickening display of public affection with Wei Wuxian.
Lan Jingyi takes it all in stride at first. He tells off the other Lan disciples when they cringe, shushes Jin Ling when the other boy starts swearing, hands flying to his eyes. Averts his gaze and wills his sword to go faster when he hears what sounds like kissing in the air next to him.
But after six hunts and one night of walking into the wrong room at the wrong time, enough is enough.
“We need to stage an intervention,” Lan Jingyi hisses.
The other juniors have huddled in a circle around him, some with pained expressions on their faces, others with fingers stuck in their ears. In the distance, Wei Wuxian is saying something about Lan Wangji’s long fingers and the way they play him like a guqin, and oh, Lan Zhan, can I make song requests~? Lan Jingyi doesn’t have to look to know that Wei Wuxian is seated on Lan Wangji’s lap, with Lan Wangji’s hands resting on his hips.
“I think it’s sweet,” Lan Sizhui says.
(Without a hint of sarcasm, bless his soul.)
“I agree with Sizhui,” Ouyang Zizhen pipes up. He’s looking over at the couple, eyes shining with some emotion that Lan Jingyi really doesn’t want to put a name to.
“Much as I hate to say it,” Jin Ling says, scowling. “I’m with Jingyi on this one.”
The juniors, especially the Lan disciples, bob their heads up and down in rapid unison.
“Okay, majority wins,” Lan Jingyi says, casting an apologetic look at Lan Sizhui, whose gentle smile gives him the reassurance to keep going. “Who’ll be the one to talk to them, then?”
His question is met with silence and bowed heads—all refusing to make eye contact.
“I can talk to The Idiot,” Jin Ling says after a moment, the tone in his voice somehow managing to capitalize the last two words. “But someone from your Lan Sect should talk to Hanguang-Jun.”
Again, the group descends into silence.
“—hurts sometimes,” Wei Wuxian’s voice drifts over. “How would you like it if I bit you in the thigh like a mad dog?”  
“I would like it,” Lan Wangji says.
“I would like it.”
“Really?” Wei Wuxian’s voice goes low, and there’s the distinct rustle of fabric being shifted. “Then maybe tonight, we can—”
“I can’t take this anymore,” Lan Jingyi shrieks.
A long pause follows, with the juniors staring at Lan Jingyi as though he has finally gone mad. Only Jin Ling is trembling violently, fists stuffed into his mouth to hide his laughter.
“Lan Jingyi,” Lan Wangji says from a distance. “Excessive emotion is prohibited.”
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian says, laughter in his tone. “The more you talk like your uncle, the more I wonder what you’d look like with facial hair. The great and beautiful Hanguang-Jun, with a moustache, no, a goatie—no, a full-on beard that looks like Little Apple’s—mmf!”
“They’re rolling on the grass now,” Ouyang Zizhen reports dutifully. “I wouldn’t look that way if I were you.”
Lan Jingyi drops his head in his hands while Lan Sizhui pats his shoulder.
Jin Ling, the asshole, is still laughing.
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
I’m way too laid back about actual problems and I have anxiety over small problems
Broke my leg? No problem
Get left on read? Problemproblemproblemproblem
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
An action being “punishable by a fine” basically means ��legal for rich people”.
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
so this kid he used to bully me in middle school before i got tough, well this is kind of a funny story. so i sugar from time to time but my latest sugar mommys house is so extra and i didnt bring my glasses but im going through the house because she told me to make myself at home and i see a family photo and im just like he looks really familiar but i cant make out shit. and so she and i start talking and shes like yeah i have a son your age actually and im just like wait… and she was like you’ll meet him later when we go to the car show, and im just like fuckin wait.. and we get to the car show and its me and her we’re holding hands being friendly and shes like and heres my son. and i shit u not this is the same dude who used to fucking bully me in middle school and he starts fucking crying because he didnt know his mom was lesbian and i was just like hey its been a while, but im getting fucked by your mom.
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
easy come, easy go
inspired by/an alternate take on @faelicy​‘s translation of a Scum Villain extra. Please mind the tags before you read. Also available on my AO3.
It’s too tempting.
“Do you really want me to help you?” Shen Qingqiu asks, eyebrow raised but expression smooth otherwise. His insides, however, are in a vicious turmoil.
Liu Qingge looks at him askance, as if he finds this question stupid. Perhaps it is. Of course, it is. The pressure on Shen Qingqiu’s wrist increases, little points of pain digging into his veins.
His body comes to the decision before his brain has caught up, and he pulls Liu Qingge down on a sort of comfortable spot on the cave floor. Liu Qingge twists a little in his arms, eyes wide as he’s pulled flush against Shen Qingqiu’s chest.
“W-what?” Liu Qingge’s voice falters. “What are you doing?” If anything, his face gets blotchier. Shen Qingqiu feels his higher reasoning snap and shatter into nothingness. Maybe he also got sprayed with the Succubi poison without realizing.
Keep reading
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
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It’s been 10 years???? Omfggggg
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
My child needs to be informed about the ways of love😂. He's utterly clueless.
I mean to have a crush on someone for so many years and not realise it... He's a little bit of a dumbass.
I mean he had more" potential couple " energy with SQQ than LBH had most of the time, but unlike the last one he didn't have much self-awareness.
😂😭 LQG it's actually kind of relatable. I headcanon him as a demisexual.
wait a second excuse my dumbassery but does LQQ like SQQ (romantically)????
That’s what’s implied! Though LQG’s actions in the main story are pretty suspicious by themselves.
Bonus – what I do all the time:
Remember that LQG (in chapter 43) watched SQQ kill himself. Then think about those extras.
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
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Just Peter and Harry
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
man imagine getting an anal exam from carlisle. i know the mans a good doctor but his fingers are chilly….
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
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• Koimonogatari •
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
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Love is … putting the bomb in his car🔥
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
Creator: CL__是个假车厘
Source: http://cherrypng.lofter.com/post/1d56b2c5_12ab700e7
Translator: Api
Proofreader: 吾酒& Jae & Alpace Fighter
[Authorized Translation]
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shirayuki-no-ame · 6 years
Wei Wuxian: Hey, do you have bags that I can borrow?
Jiang Cheng: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they’re specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.
Wei Wuxian: Literally all you had to do was say no.
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