shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
“like riding a bike bebe”
Now guess what bebe means…
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Well um
f r i c c
Garrett: *moaning like noise*
Andrew: oH YEAH
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
Gandrew Hogwarts!AU
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Garrett Watts is a typical Hufflepuff. He’s loyal, happy, kind, helpful, patient and fun to be around at all times. 
Andrew Siwicki have never really felt like he belonged in Ravenclaw. Sure, he’s pretty good at school and likes reading, but he’s not… well, passionate about something, not like many of the other Ravenclaws are.
The two boys meet during their first year, when they have History of Magic together, and Garrett tries to strike up a conversation, but Andrew is too shy for Garrett to really get anywhere with it. 
They become friends in their fourth year, when Andrew hear some Gryffindor boys making fun of Garrett for being so loud and silly, and suddenly he just can’t keep quiet, and stands up for him. Garrett isn’t there to hear it, but some other Hufflepuffs tell him about it, and he immediately sets out to find his defender and thank him. 
During their fifth year, they become best friends. Andrew is still struggling to find his place in his house, even though everyone is nice to him, he still doesn’t feel like he really belongs. Garrett invites him to the Hufflepuff common room a lot, and at first Garrett feels really weird being there, until he realizes several other Hufflepuffs brings their friends there too, he even saw some Slytherins there one time. He doesn’t really feel like he belongs there either, but he does, however, feel like he belongs with Garrett. 
When the boys meet at platform 9 ¾ at the start of their sixth year, they both feel different from last year. Garrett realizes what it is right away, as he’s been sure of his sexuality and out of the closet since mid fourth year, and he realizes he’s having feelings for his best friend. Andrew however, haven’t really given his sexuality any second though, but the overwhelming feeling of happiness, jittery nervousness and belonging he feels when seeing Garrett is different from anything he’s ever felt before. They both try to play it cool for the first weeks, but after a little more than a month, the tension is getting so obvious that Garrett can’t take it anymore, and tries to talk about it, admitting he’s having feelings for Andrew, but making sure Andrew knows he’s first and foremost his best friend, and he doesn’t want that to change. Then Andrew kisses him. 
Their seventh and final year of Hogwarts is a blissful one, even with the pressure of the N.E.W.T.s and their future looming over them. Andrew have, with help from his boyfriend, discovered his passion for creating stories and drawings, especially comics and other visual stories, and finally feels like he have found his place in his house. They’re in love, they’re best friends, and they know they’ll always have each other, no matter what the future holds. And that, they both agree, is all they ever need, 
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
Andrew Siwicki’s laugh, reblog if you agree
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
The topic on this week's Gay Agenda:
Not in my watch, young man. I ain’t gonna have no straight pride in my birthday
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
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Reasons to vote for The Greens:
Labor and Liberal support the Adani coalmine, which will further destroy the majestic Great Barrier Reef and the 64,000 jobs it provides. Greens will stand up against Adani.
Climate Change is an undeniable threat to the environment and our way of life and it is the central issue of The Greens while Liberals are full of climate deniers and Labor is less committed to reducing emissions than The Greens (45% vs 100% emissions reduction by 2030)
They want a transition plan to help those currently working in the coal industry to be retrained for new jobs. Their idea involves a $1 billion transition plan for workers affected by the end of the coal industry, which Richard Di Natale says will create more than 170,000 new jobs.
Greens will have a carbon price which would raise about $7 BILLION a year - saving the environment while also raising revenue for essential services
Greens want to end offshore detention - a cruel practice that has caused severe mental health problems in detainees, medical care being withheld for 5 years, and has been labelled torture by the UN.
They also want regional arrangements to help refugees so that they don’t resort to risky journeys via boat to flee persecution and potential death in their countries of origin as well as a comprehensive search and rescue to prevent deaths at sea.
Greens propose 10,000 places for community sponsored refugees - double that of Labor’s and 10 times that of Liberals to “give community groups the chance to offer additional support for people in need.”
Former Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser endorsed the Greens in the 2013 election stating that neither of the major parties deserve to form government because they both have unsatisfactory asylum seeker policies. Why vote for Liberals/Labor if not even a former Liberal PM won’t?
They have plenty of socially progressive policies to benefit everyone, not just those who already benefit from society. For example: The Greens have a $50 million plan to help increase the ability of migrants in Australia to access English language support.
The Greens want to introduce the “Buffett rule” so the rich don’t get away with not paying taxes. The Greens version of this limits deductions made by those earning more than $300,000 and make them pay a minimum tax rate. It’s estimated to raise $9.5 billion
They want to make dental part of medicare, to help it become more accessible and affordable
The Greens want to boost university funding by 10% instead of cut it and provide free undergraduate Uni and TAFE for all students. This will be funded by ending fossil fuel subsidies to save $140 billion over ten years.
Boost Newstart by $75 a week - a payment that hasn’t been raised in real terms in 20 years and those on it struggle to get by.
They want to ban conversion therapy, a hateful and harmful practice that emotionally traumatises LGBT+ people
They want to work with First Nations people to establish a path for sovereignty and treaties so we can close the gap. They also want to work on expanding education programs to 
$12 million to community organisations annually that empower communities to tackle racism
They want a national strategy to counter violent extremism in all forms through funding for community level-anti racism/extremism programs
A vote for The Greens is a vote for a better future for our environment. It’s an investment in the education of our nation. It’s a vote for progress and to stand up against discrimination. It’s a vote for the security of our nation. It’s a vote for accessibility for all - not just those rich enough to get ahead in life. It’s a vote for combining economic policy with environmental.
That’s why I personally will be voting 1 for The Greens in the Senate and House of Reps this election and why I hope you do too.
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
Another contribution
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
ya'll unfollow me if you ship roman and remus together
Important reminder from today’s video
Please. For the love of God. Do NOT ship Roman and Remus.
They’re brothers.
We ain’t doin this shit in this fandom.
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
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“... just like old times Virgil”
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
Fanders: “Vigil is a dark side.”
Thomas Sanders: “Virgil is a dark side.”
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
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There was so many moments of Virgil and his reactions speak louder than words
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
A/N: So, guess who was listening to First Burn and got inspired? Have this short semi-song fic. It’s short, but hopefully not too terrible. 
Pairings: Prinxiety, implied Logince that’s never acted on
TW: Infidelity, lies, swearing
Roman’s feet dragged on the floor, feeling like lead as he slowly trudged through the house towards the study. He could still see the furious look on Logan’s face as he threw the Reynold’s Pamphlet in his face, still hear the words echoing in his head. “I love my brother more than anything in this life, and I will choose his happiness over mine every time! I’m here for him, to stand at his side while he endures bitter torment because YOU were foolish enough to respond to schoolyard taunts with…THIS! Whatever we may have had? It’s done. Virgil is all that matters now. I hope you’re happy, you selfish bastard.”
Keep reading
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
First Burn
Pairings: Prinxiety Characters: Roman, Virgil, mention of Patton and Deceit (named Dorian) Warnings: Mention of Infidelity, Mention of Sex, cursing, yelling, heartbreak, not a happy ending Tag: @headachechris
“Crap, crap, crap!”
Roman pants as he runs towards the living room, hating how big this house was already. He could hear the faint sound of crying, the sound of a box falling. He opens the door to the living room quickly and pants, seeing Virgil.
Virgil. He was just on his knees, paper in hand. So many papers. Those were the letters Roman had sent throughout the years. Before he became part of the government.
Before he cheated on him.
Virgil stiffened and stood up slowly, holding a few letters in his hand. He turned towards Roman and gave a pained smile.
“You’re home now. I didn’t hear you come in,” He says and wipes away his tears, “I was just rereading the letters you had sent me years ago. How I adored them.”
Roman flinched at the past tense use, staring at him and was about to touch his shoulder when Virgil moved closer to the fireplace.
“It was around the time I knew we were meant to be,” Virgil chuckles softly and hums, “I have every single letter of yours saved. The memories of us falling in love make me…made me happy. They made me happy before the published article.”
Virgil holds it up and shows him the article, the front page of the pamphlet Roman published. The pamphlet that included all his misdeeds, the letters that Dorian sent him during their intimacy. Roman walked closer towards Virgil, wanting to tear that away from him,
“Virgil, love, please let me explain,” He pleaded.
“You have explained enough here,” Virgil remarks and turns around, glaring at him. His glare was darker than his brother’s, “Patton explained it all to me. After I told him what had happened, what you did, he said I married an idiot. An Icarus as he put it. An Icarus who had flown too close to the sun.”
His glare fell and his eyes were getting watery once more, but he didn’t want to seem weak so he wiped them away, and looked down at the pamphlet, stopping Roman as he tried once more to get closer.
“Do not dare to come near me!” He shouts, taking a deep breath and looked at Roman, “I do not trust myself with you around me. I want to grab you and shove you out of the window, so do not come near me.”
“Virgil, please, let us talk about this.”
“What is there to talk about?!” Virgil yells and shakes his head, “Do not even dare try…try to talk me back into your arms. Your tricks won’t work on me anymore,” He looks at the letters, sighing, “These letters are trash now. I’m going to burn away the lies and falseness you have written down so…eloquently.”
Virgil turned back to the fireplace and threw in the letters he had in hand, watching how the flames licked the papers and soon just became ash. Roman had tears streaming down his cheeks, just watching every single of Virgil’s move.
“You just had to publish every letter that this…this guy wrote for you. You fucking wrote about how you brought him into our house!” Virgil exclaims, turning to him, “You wrote how you brought him into our bed! The bed where I gave you everything, where we slept together, where we made love! Seeing it disgusts me to the core that I want to burn it!” He spat and looked at the pamphlet, “In his letters…he says how he fell for you. How you told him that you had a liking for him, how you were possibly falling for him. You were falling for him while…while I was away with Patton visiting our father. By doing this,” He holds up the pamphlet, “thinking you were going to clear your name, you have ruined our lives.”
“Virgil…I had to show my enemies-”
“Heaven forbid your enemies to whisper a rumor about you,” Virgil shakes his head and glares at him, “They whisper, so you have to scream? Is there no other way for you to respond?” He asks and turns around, grabbing more letters and smirks, “By the way, I may love you, but I am not naive. I’ve heard whispers here and there. I’ve also seen the way you look at my brother.”
“Virge-” Roman whispers, getting closer.
“Don’t you dare come to me!” He cried out, smirking at his shocked look, turning to face him, “Don’t act shocked at my outbursts at the moment. Now, I may seem naive to your…work, but I’m not. I have seen men and women around you, falling for your charms. Even my brother fell for your charms. You think I don’t see how they fall for your charms? I see it, every single time I am with you in public,” He snarls and stares down at the forgotten letters.
Virgil picks them up and crumples them in his hand, his hand slightly trembling be now. He turned to Roman, rolling his eyes at his tears.
“I’m erasing myself from the narrative,” He explains and walks closer to the fireplace, “The world doesn’t deserve a right to my heart. Let the future historians wonder my reaction to this situation you have caused. Let them wonder how Virgil…Virgil Prince reacted when you broke his heart,” He snarled, tears streaming down his cheeks now, everything slamming down into him, “Now stand back and watch your fucking words burn!”
Virgil threw all the letters in the fire, watching how the fire got bigger, burning the letters, and how they became ashes. He looked up from the fire and saw a picture of them, along with their children. All of them smiling. Happy.
“When the time comes, you will explain to the children,” Virgil told him, getting to his face, “Explain to those precious miracles, the pain, the embarrassment you not only put me through but what you put them through!”
Roman was crying by now, regret and guilt flooding his mind and body, staring down at Virgil’s broken expression. It held sadness, anger, disgust, and some love that was still there.
“You will explain to them how their father decided to put us through hell! Through misery for a stupid rumor, he was not accused of at first! How can you forget I am your legacy?” Virgil asked, “How can you forget that they are part of your legacy?!”
Virgil stood up straight, trying to be strong once more but was failing. He walked towards the door, ignoring the pitiful sobs coming out of Roman.
“You will sleep in that dreaded office of yours. You will stay away from me until I can even think about forgiving you for this sin you have committed,” He stated and hand his hand on the handle, “All I can hold dear to me are the memories of when you were mine. At this moment, I just hope that you burn in hell.”
Virgil walks out, slamming the door behind him while Roman fell onto his knees and sobbed.
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shirospeaks-blog · 5 years
If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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