shizundump · 2 months
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i missed making tmnt art, i missed my muse(s)
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shizundump · 2 months
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Old sketch xd
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shizundump · 2 months
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shizundump · 2 months
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i had another brain worm
you know i like butterflies/moths? no? now you do...
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shizundump · 2 months
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Throughout the years
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shizundump · 2 months
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"what have you been doing this day?" "drawing" "but you do that every day..." "yeeeaaaaah~"
and, yeah, I messed up and forgot about Leo's prosthetic :")
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shizundump · 2 months
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"If I must die, then we will die together" - 2012 Splinter pretty much.
Yo, fuck this version of Shredder specifically, like jesus fucking crispies dude wtf. Can someone analyze this man or something he's scaring me.
Bro said "and I took that personally" when splints wanted to care for his daughter and live in peace with his family, gyad damn.
I actually hate this man- I must have more. I am curious
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shizundump · 2 months
ohhhh I want to draw something. Something anime related even 🙏
this post seems empty so here are some doodles
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shizundump · 2 months
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So, I did kinda sketch ref for my Kraang character and make her more of a person, or something, with a name and all. I'm still going to use they/them pronounce and Y/N when people will be asking something about Krangified AU.
More information about her below.
So, her name is Ana now.
About her personality before she was turned into the Kraang zombie I still can't say much at the moment (because I'm mostly focused on their interactions in the present timeline), except for her being the person who was genuinely worried about Leo and what's been going on in his head. She saw his attitude and for her it was obvious it was mostly a facade to hide his real emotions and wanted to help him, being a shoulder to lean on. I see her being the weirdo to others that found his jokes actually funny.
After Kraangification, I can describe her with one word: DEPRESSION. I mean, you've been a mindless zombie for about 10 years that practically flashed before your eyes. You wake up facing the facts that the world has been at war with the Kraang for all this time, everyone you knew grew up, your family is long gone, your boyfriend been through hell and lost his arm, and, yeah, your still kinda a zombie also facing some self-control issues. Your Kraang half is taking control over you from time to time, attacking others and even friends if provoked. Not to mention that a lot of things that used to be casual to you are now something you need to learn to be used to again, like bed or actual food. Yeah and also that little inconvenience that she has to eat people now.
She's been dozing off a lot at first, after Leo got her to their base, just staring at one point, processing the whole situation and still feeling like it's just a very long nightmare. And only Leo could snap her out of this state at least for a short amount of time.
When I've been making first sketches with her I gave her this pointed ear and horn like Kraang appendage on her forehead, and thought this kinda reminded of oni's (demons) from Japanese folklore, which kinda resonated with this whole Kraang AU concept.
I also can't stop thinking about Beauty and the Beast (original Disney animated movie) concept, only with them swapping roles in contrast to the original story.
I really like the concept of the turtles being able to make this chirping and churring sounds, and thought, why can't she make something like this? So, yeah, she can churp and purr (I don't know if there's a difference between churring and purring, still didn't understand, and this churring sound is still mostly fictional, fanon thing..? but, anyway). I like this idea of Leo and Ana being able to communicate with the language only they (and other turtles) understand.
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A few more sketches with her and a couple of scenes.
Her claws on the Kraang arm can extend. I thought about her being able to shapeshift her arm further, but for now it's either extended claws, or something like a sword or some other sharp pointy thing...
I've been thinking about her fighting style, and for a reference I used the The Witcher 3 again (yeah) There's a vampire species, Bruxa and Alp, and I'm thinking her fighting style would be something like of an Alp. Fast and agile, also pretty strong (tho still not strong enough to take out big enemies like the Kraang in their suits).
I have this scene in my head that I actually been sketching already, where she's fighting the Kraang hounds, and pretty much able to lift one grabbing it by it's throat and throwing it into the tree like a rag doll.
Another thing is her screech she uses to intimidate/immobilize her enemies. It's also more of an alp than bruxa, especially in this video time code 00:36, this is pretty much how I imagine it.
I also know that I've messed up her eyes when she's in her Kraang mode, because they should be turning purple, like Raph's left eye that wasn't covered by Kraang flesh, but, uuuh, I don't want to change that at this point...
I think that's it for now...? If I'll have more ideas I'll either be making other posts, or updating this one.
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shizundump · 2 months
*falls from roof and lands gracefully- not.*
Do you ever think.. F!Leo and Y/N would get married. And if so.. do you think F!Leo would cry??
Keep up the amazing work you are very inspiring 💕💕
*Puts a pillow for you to land on*
I'm not sure if you meant my au or overall, so I'm going to stick with the second xd
I think, if we stick more to the canon, he would be like: "Marriage...? Why...? We're in the middle of the apocalypse, what are you talking about..." BUT, but, if Y/N is stubborn enough, Leo eventually gives up. "Yeah, ok, ok! You won! We'll arrange something..."
I can totally imagine him cry a bit (or not a bit...), but maybe after the whole ceremony? I imagine him keeping his cheerful, "classic Leo" facade the entire process, but after this all is over and him and Y/N is left alone, his mask cracks and emotions flow out. But, like, those are tears of happiness, also a bit of disbelief. I imagine him sitting down on the bed, hand on his face as tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He chuckles with a soft smile, processing the fact that this is something that actually happened, in this whole chaos when the world is crumbling down, and he just got this moment of happiness.
"Wow... I'm married..."
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And I imagine him refusing marriage at first not only because of the circumstances they were in, but also because he didn't believe he deserved something like this.
Yeah I made a little sketch because the image of this moment scratched my brain...
Also, thank you~
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shizundump · 2 months
TW/CW: blood, kinda self harm but kinda not because she's attacking the Kraang...?, Mental breakdown
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shizundump · 2 months
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shizundump · 2 months
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I found this bell while looking for something to treat myself today and it gave me an idea.
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shizundump · 2 months
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Please share this!!!!! As you resident vitiligan and fellow artist I am here to educate people on how to properly create a character with vitiligo and other things to keep in mind about the disorder. And don’t forget, this trauma can be purely environmental. Even a small cut or scratch can trigger vitiligo to start appearing.
Only 1% of the entire world’s population has vitiligo but I see so many artists making characters with it when they sometimes don’t even know what vitiligo is and pass it off as “skin pigmentation”. Like— what does that even mean??? XD
It’s not an aesthetic and it won’t get you “diversity points” so stop romanticizing vitiligo!
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shizundump · 2 months
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This joke will never not be funny to me
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shizundump · 2 months
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Nuevo avance de la historia "Mentes Rotas"
✨One shots✨
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shizundump · 2 months
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She's cute
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