shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Walking into my balcony, I slid the balcony door and allowed the gush of cold air to wash me over. Staring into the darkness of the road on a cold Tuesday night, from the 10th floor of my apartment complex, I find my thoughts drifting into space while taking in the serenity. Looking down From above, I started to picture what my future would look like. No doubt, my heart started racing while I allowed fear to run me over. Deep thoughts filled my brain and I was finally awaken by the excitement upon realising the days to summer, to home, to finally seeing you again, are nearing 💞😀. But that would mean assignments nearing its due dates 🙄😑. Recently, my friends have been texting me for motivational at the gym. Thanks guys but really, believe it or not, I'm still training 😂. I've been asked where my motivation comes from, I guess it would have to be from...me.
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Oops 🙊?!
On today’s episode of ShuYu trying to go to bed early and be less lethargic tmr at lectures, she FAILS. AGAIN 😂🙄
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
The most cliche thang U'll read today
You've always been there for me. Seen me cry, heard me rant, been there as my confidant. Throughout this one year of knowing you, firstly it's been my pleasure to get to know u so well , tho u annoy me so dang much but I won't trade our friendship for anything. Secondly, thanks for walking into my life. Thanks for being the reason I laugh so hard everyday. As the saying goes 'you learn by living', I guess that's true?! . I'm afraid of changes, I'm not ready to part ways with you but I know our friendships as best friend will persist, despite it being of a long distant one. I pray for u everyday, for your health, especially. I always only wish for good things to happen to you, well it's obv that God haven't been listening to me😩 but I'll continue, regardless. I know u so well that I know you'll recover, miraculously, without a doubt. Safe flight tmr. I'll really miss you a lot. If you're reading this, thank you for all these memories and banter. 💕💕💕💕 see u real soon, bruh 😢💕
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
He was my only source of happiness, basically
Walking out of my apartment complex, the Australian Winter woke me up. I persisted to make it to class early, partly also to grab $2.50 sushi for lunch. The gloomy Thursday morning did have an impact on, coincidently. Yesterday, I spent my entire afternoon with him before I waved farewell to him. It was a sad one but whilst I was with him, it was as if all the sorrow have been washed away by our flirty banter towards each other. Bedtime rolled around and I realised I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Instead, i allowed my emotions to take over me. I cried, knowing my best friend was leaving the country and probs won’t be back again. Needless to say, it was hard to fall asleep. I woke up this morning, and continued crying. He who was the reason I laughed (out loud) won’t be physically beside me anymore. I struggled to calm myself down and eventually turned to him and my other friends for comfort. I feel my eyes swelling but I persisted to continue my day regardless. From being so used to seeing him almost everyday to being long distance best friend is gon be challenging... Very challenging. What's worst is knowing your best friend is going to go blind one day... It's just honestly very heart breaking. I'll miss you a lot 💕💕💕😢
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Storytime- I walked in on someone in the dressing room ?! 🙊😳
Yet again, another Saturday has rolled around. With intentions to get the free MAC lipstick, my friend and I dropped by feeling super excited but to be notified that it was over. We were slight disappointed, needless to say. Meanwhile there were sales going on everywhere so we decided to drop by at supre. I picked up a denim jacket and a basic Tshirt, and strutted to the dressing room. Took a wrong size then went for another try with a size down. My friend: bro, r u still here? Me: yeah man, just came back with another size. Whilst walking, because the fitting room's 'door' were like curtains, it was hard to see if people were really inside. I opened one of the dressing room, and SHIIT, I exclaimed under my breathed upon realising someone was inside. Thankfully she wasn't naked. It was still the most awk encounter today 😂. Whilst I was trying the outfits, I heard the lady said ' sorry, was there a reason u came in..?!' I didn't answer cuz I didn't know if she was talking to me.... 🙊😬
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Friday nights realisations
Let's just recall when was the last time we really appreciated the people around us, however fortunate we are and just.... live in the presence, just for a bit, experience self love. Self love. Recently, I've been reading a lot like am talking a lottt- neglecting technologies just for 15 minutes everyday, having some me time. Me time to me, provides me with some time to reflect. Let's not forget that it's sometimes good to be selfish when it comes to self love. 'Am too nice'. Sometimes I think to myself that I'm too nice. It's so hard for me to say 'no' (but obv I'll put my foot down when I have to). There are sooo many times where I let in because I don't want to 'attract attention to myself'. But I can't always let in considering that my values can't be compromised. Appreciation. Yesterday, I learnt that one of my closest friend is sick (I don't mean fever, I mean more serious than that). Def, I did feel sad for awhile and thus a sense of unfairness. Unfair because we've only started to get close then this is happening ? Not fair 😥. Bottom line: appreciate people around you, really. Appreciation. Every night, I pray that my family and friends are safe, happy and healthy. The last thing I want for them to experience is smtg unfortunate. And also how privilege I am to be able to live through this day. You really don't know what'll happen in the next minute or so....
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Love diary #episode1
Mixed feelings showered over me yesterday. Failed my driving exam but idc 😂🙂🙃. I came home 10 hours later to a text from my crush. He said he was coming to pick me up for dinner. A Lexus pulled over in front of my place. I got in. He looked at me for what seemed like half a minute 😍and was greeted with a warm hug 🤗 while he said ' hi boss' 😂💞. We talked , and talked and talked as if we've known each other for forever but in fact this is only the second time we've met 😂. We had dinner at a Japanese restaurant at a mall close to my place. We ate and needless to say, we continued talking throughout dinner. He treated me ❤️. Came home, he was stopped by the guards at the entrance of my place ( it's a norm to be stopped by guards cuz I live in a guarded community) and told them that 'boss stays here 😂'. Dropped me off at my place with another hug 🤗 😘. Hun, I love u and can't wait to see u very soon ❤️❤️.
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Life lessons #101
- Moderation. Learn to strike a balance between work and play. Its easy said that done but when you look back, you’ll be glad you made such choices, after all, because YOLO! ( but don't go overboard) 
- Forgive, forget and let go. In life, its a norm for people to screw up, but thats just how individuals evolve to a better version of themselves. Forget what made you pissed. Breathe, breathe. I always tell myself. Meditate if it helps. Let go of the pass because as the saying goes, ‘life is too short to be serious all the time.’ Build a bridge and get over it. 
- Reflect. Spend some much needed ‘me’ time. Don’t be afraid to turn down invitations. Spend this time to acknowledge your blessings and appreciate your surrounding. 
- Be open minded. Understand people’s perspective. Take the good, leave the bad. Filter what people tell you. don’t just listen blindly. 
- Failure is part of success. Part of learning is through failing. Learn from mistakes and don't repeat them. 
- Capability. You are capable of more than what you think you are. Don’t let your mind control you. Be in control of your mind. Until you try, you won't know. 
To be continued ...
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
words of advice from a senior in college: - good grades are important, but so is experience. your 4.0 is exceptional, but your resume is an entire page and that incredible gpa takes up very little space. so take full advantage of internships, clubs, research opportunities, volunteer work, anything you can that pertains to your major. you’ll thank yourself when you start applying for jobs. - if you are passionate about a club or organization that has nothing to do with your future career path, that is perfectly okay! stick with it every year, hold leadership positions, do the best you can in it. the passion, leadership, and loyalty speaks volumes. - get to know the professors in your major classes and let them get to know you too. go talk to them, even if you don’t have any questions about the class. one day you’re going to need references and letters of recommendations and their words carry weight. - learn how to study. it’s different for everyone. if studying with other people is unproductive for you, then don’t feel bad about not going to the study group that your classmates organized. studying hard is good, but studying smart is better. - sometimes you have to stay in and study for your huge exam while your friends go out to dinner. but sometimes you just have to say screw it and go with them anyway. you’re in college to learn, but the spontaneous late night runs to taco bell is something you’ll cherish for a lifetime. - if your college has some sort of career center, take advantage of it. they can help you with your resume, your interview skills, your cover letter, everything. they can point you in the direction of internships and companies that are hiring. career centers are incredible resources that your tuition paid for, so you might as well use it. - always keep an umbrella, a water bottle, and some snacks in your backpack. you’ll thank yourself. - in every class, make at least one friend and get their number. it’s helpful to have someone in your classes that can send you notes if you overslept or can clarify assignments. these people are absolutely crucial – they will save your butt more times than once. - if you come really close to making that grade that you really needed on a certain exam, don’t give up on it. follow through. don’t email your professor – go talk to them about it. see where you went wrong, understand the mistakes that you made and explain to them why the question tricked you. tell them that the question you missed will keep you from making a certain grade in the class. don’t beg them for mercy, don’t ask them to boost your grade. groveling isn’t as appealing as a student who is genuinely interested to see where they went wrong. teachers appreciate students who care enough to follow up. and they just might end up changing your grade because of it. it’s happened to me before. and if they don’t end up changing it, then you did all that you could. the world will go on. i promise. - before an interview, go into a bathroom stall and assume a superhero pose. legs apart, hands on your hips, head held high. hold it for a couple minutes. this boosts your testosterone and lowers your cortisol, which increases your confidence and decreases anxiety. after the pose, do a little dance with your limbs out long. i don’t know if this does anything for you physiologically, but it helps with the jitters. take a few deep breaths and tell yourself you got this one in the bag. it may sound silly but it really works, i swear by it. - make the most of these 4 years. i know you’ve heard people say it goes by fast, but you don’t realize how fast it’s gone until you’re two months away from your graduation and your mind is completely blown. so milk it for all it’s worth and don’t waste any time – start the first day of your freshman year. put yourself out there, try something new, make mistakes, meet as many people as you can, go to the football games and the basketball games and the equestrian meets, stay up all night and climb the buildings on campus and watch the sunrise, go to the library during finals week even though it’s crowded - there’s this odd comfort and unity that comes from being among all the other stressed out students, study hard, play hard, don’t wish away your week and look forward to the weekend – use every single day as an opportunity to do something you’ll remember, something you’ll thank yourself for, something new. - the moral of the story is that you have four years to do everything you possibly can so that when graduation is right around the corner, you can look back and have zero regrets – or maybe a couple drunken ones, but no need to dwell on those. you did it and you did it well. that’s the feeling you want.
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Bookworm alert? :)
Recently I've been conducting many therapeutic reading sessions, almost like having a solo reading marathon- and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Just this two months,ive read the following three books and loved it. Through reading, I discovered my love for reading and writing. I'll be continuing my journey, needless to say. Next up: The Goldfinch: Donna Tart, which am super stoked about ! :) Book recommendations: Barracudas : Christos Tsolkas Two by Two : Nicholas Sparks Trafficked: Sophie Hayes Norwegian wood- Haruki Murakami
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Whenever I'm bored, I write. It clears my mind.
Staring blankly at an internet page that seemed to be disturbed by the wifi connection made my thoughts traverse to space and finally settling on the realisation on how fortunate I am to be able to get what i wanted whenever i want. Not knowing where to stare at, i continued trying to get connected to the wifi that unfortunately, was not willing to corporate with me. Nothing worked. No music, no Facebook, nothing. And then, suddenly, it was like the technical nerves started to kick in, providing me with some needed mercy, that maybe life wasn't that bland. Adrenaline grew and my heart suddenly raced! The humid weather that occasionally, breeze came with it, seems to rock me to bed. Despite finding my eyes slowly closing then reopening again, i persist to continue writing anyways.
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
I woke up feeling positive, as if my inner voice was telling me something good was gon happen today and sure enough it was right.
We’ve gotten to know each other for 13 months already and it was only recently when we got closer that we’ve seen each other grow as an individual. With memories from impromptu plans, I can’t thank you enough for being my confidant. Here’s to prove that not all heroes wear capes.
I went down for breakfast and came up to my phone with 5 texts from u. Everytime I see ur name pop up on my screen, I can barely contain myself, it was as if I was gon puke happiness and excitement. 😂.
Knowing that we were gon meet for whatsoever reason, made (and still does, makes) my heart ❤️ beat a beat faster 😂🙈
Before this post gets any cheesier, I’ll wrap it up with cheers to more (future) memories!! 😘
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
It’s not proximity that brought us close
He who has always cared for me, been there for me, hear me rant, provided me with mental strength and support, contributed happiness to my life and basically just always being there for me, you hold a special spot in my heart. As cheesy as it sounds, you mean a (hell) lot to me, i hope you have acknowledged that and that i love you. I’m thankful for your presence in my life, really. Never would have asked for a better male friend. Thank you x1000000. Can’t wait to see you when we reunite for sem 2. Cheers to more memorise <3. 
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
The power & art of literacy
One week in class, our teacher got us to scribble down a short anecdote based on our senses.. He sent us out of the class to witness the public. 
‘I was greeted by people bolting down Swanston road, while dodging cyclist to catch trams seemed merely impossible at the last blink of the greenlight seemed to be an everyday occurrence. It was 6pm on a Thursday when i finally breathed a sigh of relief upon realising that i was returning to the cocoon, that fortunately, peace came with it. However, before my train of thoughts ended, i see trams coming towards my direction. That was when the thought of peak hour commuters hit me. I dreaded commuting on public transport during peak hours, as I feel claustrophobic travelling in a long, enclosed, yet crowded cylindrical tube. “
Ever since I started my college years out of the country, i was able to discover my long overdue love for reading and writing. My passion for writing and reading was as if they have been hidden in a treasure box, neglected. Writing has acted as a therapeutic activity to me as i often find myself expressing myself and pouring out ideas on a piece of A4 lined sheet, This has helped me to immensely clear my head and ultimately eliminating possible stress factors that i may be enduring. 
Reading, on the other hand, has helped me to widen my imagination, enabling me to be a dreamer (LOL? :p), to visualise the ‘perfect’ life that many have been curtail of. The bookstore brought me overwhelming joy. Everytime i walk pass a bookstore, i’ll be sure to pay a visit. I have always wondered how awesome it would be if one day i was granted a book voucher of rm1000 ($300+).... I don’t see reading as a chore ( unlike younger me), rather an enjoyment.
 As Malala Yousafzai once said,’the pen is mightier than the sword’. 
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
Soft but not weak, strong but not stiff
Yu Tsai
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
AHHHH i cant contain, i cant wait to go home in a couple of days, like seriously am about to puke excitement HAHAHAH. Flying with a friend makes the journey x100000 better esp cuz my friend is as hyper as I am and that we do crazy shit tgt :p. ‘So thankful for such a blessing ye...’. I cannot believe that am going back so so soooo soon. It feels like we’ve been held captive and stranded in the land down under :p LMAO. In all seriously, bring me the heat, food and awesome companions <3 <3 <3 
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shoeeeyu01-blog · 7 years
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A bit of a tb here…
On Sunday, I thought I won’t be able to see y'all for a month. Honestly I felt sad and already missed y'all. But am glad that I’ll be able to see y'all tmr. Everytime we meet, I get super happy and excited. Idk why?! 😂😂
Thanks boys, for all these memories, in which I will cherish and look back, everytime for a long time. Guys (sometimes) really are better friends than girls.
The day when my relationship with my best friend ended, I thought I won’t be able to smile and feel happiness again. Thank you, really, guys, for filling the broken spot in me, that I never had imagined would be replaced.
I’ll miss u guys so so much this holidays. Goodluck in exams, and don’t do stupid things 😂 cheers to more memories guys 😘💞💞💞
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