shonenb0t · 4 days
Founders AU, where everything is the same, except Tobirama fights with nodachi
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He's definitely not new to fighting with a sword his size, so why not
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And little bonus:
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shonenb0t · 4 months
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shonenb0t · 6 months
sasuke: what i’m after… is revolution
naruto: well have you planned out what to do after revolution
sasuke: what
sakura: yeah, after all, it’d be reckless to believe that just knocking down the existing structures would fix everything
sasuke: what
kakashi: that’s right. the economic/political structures through the various villages right now are pretty hard-wired, and to change them for the better, certainly, the first step is doing away with the old, but if you don’t have any steps afterwards, you’re likely looking at the same old kind of powers rising up and taking control.
sasuke: what
naruto: so if we’re going to go ahead with this revolution we also need to make sure that, beyond just killing the five kages, we tear down other capitalist structures underneath their reign and replace them with a system that uses resources and abilities - of which we seem to have almost no limit to, considering our own sizable skill with jutsus that allows us to move mountains themselves, our generate massive amounts of electrical power, for just a few examples - and put them to work making sure everyone is fed, sheltered, and has what they need.
sasuke: what
sakura: which isn’t to say we can just stop there. there are other oppressive structures at work, not limited to just capital and how it is used and who it is put in the hands of, but multiple axes of power in general, as brought on by how history has been structured and the narratives given to us by both those in power and society as a whole, and working to remove those should also be part of our goal.
sasuke: what
kakashi: correct. now, if you’ll look at this scroll here, i’ve started writing some theories on how, after revolution, we can use our jutsus, both as individuals and as a collective, to keep food production intact and distribute it to absolutely everyone
sasuke: i just
sasuke: i was just thinking i’d kill the five kages
naruto: well that seems very short sighted of you
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shonenb0t · 6 months
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shonenb0t · 6 months
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shonenb0t · 6 months
i care so much about fictional morality and ethics but not in a lame ass "is this character/ship problematic" way. i'm cringe for other reasons.
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shonenb0t · 7 months
ANIMATION MEME click click click
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shonenb0t · 8 months
“I’m so normal about them”
I wasn’t in fact so normal about them, I scoured the internet for crumbs.
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shonenb0t · 8 months
all the dialogue tags you'll ever need
chimed (in)
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shonenb0t · 8 months
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shonenb0t · 8 months
Trans people should rate their deadnames on a scale of 1-10. Mines a 2/10, dogshit name, cant imagine birthing a baby looking at it and naming it that
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shonenb0t · 8 months
guy with a degradation kink x guy who just hates him
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shonenb0t · 9 months
Mcu Stan's are some of the most ignorant and annoying people especially tony, Wanda and Peggy Stan's. I never understood how you could get mad at Jewish or romani people for having a problem with the way the mcu handles its characters. Countless Jewish people have pointed ot why peggy is problematic and why Wanda is to but people get so up in arms about it like a billion dollar company dosen't have the resources to research the characters they're writing.
Peggy as a character fustraits me so much because I know her problematic orgions in the mcu and so do the writers but they keep pushing her and it's starting to effect things outside the mcu.
‘Nonny, I couldn't agree more! 
They've already retconned the comics-Peggy to match MCU-Peggy/HA, to cover up that they adapted Cynthia-the-Nazi by another name.
(Sorry folks, a turd by any other name still stinks!) 
under a cut cuz you know I had to go off:
They've given this new Buff Liz Truss her own run in the comics, where she performs sudden leftwingism by- omg, guys -discovering Colonialism is bad?? Oh wow, so impressive, give her a biscuit!
And they've had her attacking, somehow beating, and victim-blaming comics-Bucky, saying it's 'insane' of him to question her motives.
(Just like She-Hulk lusting over Steve's ass, you can tell it's a nasty dig by male Disney execs at female fans; in this case at those who point out how rotten Peggy is. 
Ironically, it's super authoritarian, radfem and totally in-character of Peggy to violently attack anyone who dares to question her majesty, since that's the very first thing she ever did on screen!) 
Right before pissing away 80+ years of comics history, showing absolute devotion between Steve and Bucky, to turn comics Bucky into a full blown villain who attacks Steve (y'know, like she did?)
Cutting off comics Bucky's nose to spite MCU Bucky's face, cuz all they really want to do is further de-gay MCU Steve in order to bring his stalker Agent Brexit into the main MCU movies again, (because that's her only value! As an accessory to a man!), while they’re supposed to be raising up a black Cap they transparently Did Not Want. 🤮
And just as it was absolutely unforgivable to take Jewish-penned Antifa Steve and pair him off with a Nazi, (I can't help feeling the Indiana Jones movies might have been an influence, there?) 
It was also unforgivable to take Romani Jewish Wanda and turn her into a Nazi. 
Her joint Jewishness and Romani heritage were important, too, because they showed the intersectionality of Fascism’s victims, since comics-Magneto (Jewish) met her Romani mother while imprisoned in Auschwitz. 
(You could also count MCU Bucky under this whitewashing heading, too, since MCU Bucky is partly based on Jewish comics character Arnie Roth. Another Jew made into a villain to serve Disney's Fascist 'don't say gay' values! 
There’s even speculation that they’re going to give WhatIf Bucky Peggy’s shitty corrupt backstory in the next season, and shift the blame off her by having Bucky co-found SHIELDra instead of her. I wouldn’t put it past these whitewashing bastards...)
I can't fault the mere existence of Wanda's villain arc, since that is in the comics... 
Except for two things: 
1) it was transparently done too soon, just because a male creative wanted to be the one to have Cool Scarlet Witch Stuff in his movie.
(If there had been, say, a second season of WV, detailing her slow post-bereavement descent down a dark-mother path? That would've been more interesting and made MoM more organic, IMO.) 
2) The real problem, as someone on twitter I think pointed out, is that if you know about Wanda’s Jewish background in the comics... 
Well, the whole film is about an evil red-headed Jewish witch trying to kidnap and hurt a child for magic ritual purposes. 😬  
Which, if you know about the history of antisemitism, and that Wanda was originally Jewish, makes MoM ‘Blood Libel: the Movie.’ 
And it’s not like Disney would give a shit about the antisemitic vibes, if they knew. 
They’re about to undo all the good of the Captain Marvel movie by doing Secret Invasion, where evil lizard people are secretly infiltrating the earth (IYKYK). 
I saw one Jewish person on twitter pointing out: “Someone was arguing that the skrulls don't deserve their own story because they're evil infiltrators and... this is not comforting to me as a Jewish person, you know? antisemitic conspiracy theorists literally describe Jews as evil lizard people who infiltrate and disguise themselves...” 
Captain Marvel repositioned the Skrulls as innocent maligned refugees, but I guess Disney doesn’t give a fuck about standing by that. 
Mask off antisemitism for the Rat. 🤢
In terms of Wanda’s show, while WV was a great, well-made show, which I enjoyed, while she was an interesting character in it, and Olsen gave a great performance, what I didn't like were the conservative values. 
It reminded me of the anti- second wave feminism films of the 1980s, where any woman who has a career (read: power, like Wanda has) is shown basically being driven insane by it and secretly just wanting to be a tradwife all along, even to the point of threatening her man if he interferes with it. 
In Wanda, we have a woman who never mentioned wanting the white-picket-fence life before, suddenly being desperate to give up an icky career to be a stay-at-home-mom in the suburbs, just because of the kind of 'golden age' sitcoms Disney would love to be associated with.
And it's presented as a terrible tragedy that she doesn't get to keep this sheltered 'dream' 1950s nuclear-family life and the slaves sorry, ‘prisoners with jobs’ necessary to maintain it. 
The spirit of Kevin Feige’s pathetic self-insert, aka Endgame Skrull Steve, is alive and well.
(As usual, a black woman receives the brunt of the violence, and is then made to comfort Wanda about the 'sacrifice' she has made by giving her hex-slaves sorry, ‘prisoners with jobs', their freedom at the cost of her own comfort. 😯 Holy? SHIT??)
Wanda becoming a villain coincides exactly with her turning from white tradwifism and embracing her (career-related) power. 
As usual with Disney tho, they dun fucked up and accidentally made something you can also read as kinda queer? 
Like: a couple who can't have biological children of their own together (like queer couples)? Who don't get to have that white-picket-fence life? Getting run out of town for trying to live that fantasy anyway?
And then Wanda breaks bad because she's annoyed about that??
Yeah it's no wonder she has been embraced by the gays as a diva!
And, NGL, seeing her deliver some karmic justice to MAGA Carter was SO SWEET. 😩 
(It should've been Bucky tho...)
Tony and Peggy have a lot in common because, no matter what they do, it’s never their fault.
The resemblance to Elon Musk grows stronger every day. 
TERF joke, rape joke, the mistreatment of women in the early IM movies, (ditto the slut-shaming he and Pepper engage in), industrial espionage (buying the rights or outright stealing other people’s inventions and passing them off as their own), eulogising a real Nazi (Wernher von Braun) for doing what Stark Industries did, arguing in favour of Ultron (who operated out of a Hydra base) and Hydra’s Project Insight in EG... and then in Spiderman he just re-makes Project Insight anyway (re-named EDITH)! 
I thought he was supposed to have stopped being the Merchant of Death?
He calls himself a “genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.” 
But a) he just finishes off designs his daddy stole off other people, 
b) the value of which created his inherited generational wealth (not impressive sorry bro, what else did he get? an emerald mine?) 
c) he obviously mis-characterises his interactions with women (stripper-pole air hostesses under his employ? female journalists get a scoop after sleeping with him? pepper made CEO after dating him but mysteriously immediately dumps him once she’s been empowered? saying ‘I want one’ and being reminded of lawsuits when he ogles Natasha at work? this is giving Weinstein), 
and d) what billionaires call ‘philanthropy’ is actually just using charities for tax write-offs, donating to their old alma maters, etc. 
Daddy was a basic bitch thief, who dealt in stolen vibranium, knew about TWS, co-founded SHIELDra, had a villain business partner, and was BFFs with a Nazi torturer of POWs, and the woman who- gawd -she just can’t stop working with Nazis, bless 'er! 
Tony was blowing up people in the Middle East for decades, making a bundle and very obviously enjoying himself (sipping on champagne while the missiles fly) and only stopped doing that, when- gasp -it affected him personally? 
(The villains of IM movies are the ones just: doing what Tony did.)
Despite claiming otherwise, he hung around with black market arms traffickers often enough for Ulysses Klaue to recognise one of his catchphrases and claim “Stark used to say that to me.” 
He helped design Project Insight and saw nothing wrong with it (we know he didn’t, because he kept arguing in favour of it / recreating it.)
Even after this, he lied and sneaked around behind the Avengers’ backs to hubristically tamper with alien tech in order to create Ultron, leading directly to the endangerment of the world and further deaths in Sokovia (in another universe, this almost destroyed the entire multiverse).
He co-signed Accords which violated human rights, not affecting him since he’s rich, just to shift future blame and responsibility off himself and make him look dateable to Pepper. He admitted he knew Bucky was a brainwashed “Manchurian Candidate” but tried to murder him (to spite Steve) anyway. 
He refused to call Steve back when Thanos was coming, just out of piqued pride (if you wanted to calculate the potential consequences of that, maybe: half of all life in the multiverse?) And when asked to help undo the Snap his ego helped create, he says he “won’t, even” because, hey, it doesn’t affect him personally so who gives a shit, right?? 
But like a true billionaire none of this ever has any consequences for him!
He only sees the inside of a jail when he’s visiting!
So what with his messianic nuclear-family ending you can see why Disney haven’t felt the need to sabotage his comics incarnation. MCU Tony is right on-message!
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shonenb0t · 9 months
Every time an attractive black or poc character gets introduced into Marvel, fans who are of the same race and/or culture as them has to deal with ignorant white authors taking that character and writing the most blatantly offensive and whitewashed fanfics.
There’s no reason why Namor is speaking Spanish instead of his own native language. It’s not that difficult to do your research and it’s clear y’all have no problem doing it when it came to Thor or Loki. Y’all don’t even bother hiding it yet get defensive when someone points it out. Since we’re on this topic, lets not act dumb about his dislike for white people and the LOW chance of him having a white partner like bffr…
Lastly, we need to be VERY careful on how Namor is written and not play into stereotypes that’ll harm his character (and also Tenoch himself) in the long run. Y’all don’t seem to know (nor care) how dangerous it is to have him being written as the “aggressor” pursuing the “naive and innocent” white girl.
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shonenb0t · 9 months
You're gay and insane I hate every post that you upload onto Tumblr with your fingers. Everyday I get a notification that you're active or posting, I DONT CARE ABOUT ALL THAT GAY STUFF oh my god all day its about another gay person i just want to enjoy Naruto in peace and suddenly the gaymeister (you) of Tumblr has new content. I'm not homophobic I love my gay friends I'm just tired of logging onto Tumblr to see my favorite character and getting flashed with kakashi nip.
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shonenb0t · 9 months
born to prance in the glade forced to guard the royal capital
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shonenb0t · 10 months
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