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“…I feel like my head is filled with errors"
Mystic Messenger Aesthetic
/ Yoosung / Jumin / Jaehee / Zen / 707 / V / Saeran /
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So uh long story short. I’m going on a full hiatus. I don’t know how long it’ll be. There’s an explanation under the cut but be warned it’s pretty emo.
Keep reading
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Please have Yoosung for your perfect & sweet Valentine’s Day
This picture is based on his phone call when he told us about his student life in middle school. There was a trend of folding 100 origami birds with love message in them, which they believed will make the person you like asks you out first. Yoosung helped his friend folding the birds. I’m sure he wants to fold them for us now :3~~
Let me join in Valentine’s Day event of @mysticmessimagines xDDD
P.S. I got scared EVERY time I haven’t finished drawing his eyes yet…..
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@eludum from here
Yoosung had wanted to talk to Chiaki ever since he’d found out there was an older, better Ultimate Gamer- he’d actually seen her online even before being accepted here, too. Unlike him, she was talented at games- Yoosung had just kind of… dropped everything else in his life to play every second of the day, which of course, led to getting good at it. The only reason he’d won all those tournaments was obviously because she hadn’t been there- she must have either already been enrolled here or just not have cared for the franchise that had brought him here.
By some good luck streak on his end, she’d needed to go to the computer lab and had no choice but to take the only empty seat beside him, and he’d actually signed off of his game to try to socialize except…
Rather than say something normal, he’d said that. He honestly couldn't even tell himself if he’d been serious or just attempting to make a real life shitpost... But clearly, she’d taken it seriously.
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His brow instantly creased in concern. “Are you okay? Did something happen?” He was a pretty good listener… or at least, he thought he was. No one had ever told him anything personal before, so he wouldn't really know. 
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What have I done (original x)
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@miumiya from here
It’d been some game, some dumb joke, or at least, he’d thought- put your name in a box and the Ultimate Matchmaker would pair you up with someone for a week to be married that would apparently have a gurnateed success rate.  Yoosung hadn’t thought it was real- he hadn’t even thought there was really someone here with a talent like that.
And now, here they were. Yoosung had been extremely nervous, positive she would be angry… but now…
Ah…! Yoosung’s eyes went wide in shock, his heart skipping a beat. She’d…. made this for him? Wow… he’d never got such a thoughtful gift from anyone before!
“Thank you so much, Iruma-chan! Ah… I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything…” Actually, he had a bouquet of flowers in his bag, but after she’d just gave him something so thoughtful…? No way. Plus, he'd felt like it'd be cringey when he bought it... after all, she'd probably not care at all, right? Well, obviously not. Ugh... He needed to make this up to her somehow-
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Wait. What was that last part....? He glanced at her, clearly confused. “Huh? Why?” He asked stupidly innocently. 
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have a seat.
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Zen knew very well how bad smoking was for him, and he had been smoking less recently to try and quit but when his stress got this bad, he’d often break his streak of no smoking just to finally find a way to get his head to relax after extreme stress.
Though Zen did like Yoosung as a friend, he didn’t want to make someone so bubbly as him feel down or upset just because he was, then again Zen always had a bad habit of people he cared about first in everything and himself second.
“You don’t need to cry for me, Yoosung. I’ll be fine but…Thank you…” It wasn’t that Zen was jealous of Yoosung’s innocence and how he clearly had the happier life, rather he just wanted him to continue that happiness instead of dropping it all for the sake of himself. Zen was narcissistic about his physical appearance, but never a selfish person.
“Yeah…” He trusted Yoosung, it wasn’t like he was going to blurt it out to the fan club and media after all. “Jumin…He reminds me of my family and even looks like my brother. My…My family treated me really poorly because of what I wanted to do with my life. I can still remember all the times my mother called my ugly.”
Zen’s voice sounded so different from what he was used to; the bold confidence was gone, replaced with the hollow tone of someone that was either on the very edge of breaking or already cracked beyond repair. Had Zen been dealing with this all by himself for who knows how long…? Perhaps Yoosung was just reading too much into it, but at the moment, he certainly didn’t consider that to be the case.
The blond’s heart sank to his stomach as he opened up to him. No one had ever really… done that with him before. He’d never understood why, either; it was like no one ever took him seriously. When he tried to get a friend to tell him what was wrong, they shut down. When he needed someone to talk to about Rika or V, the RFA started talking about cats or memes. For the first time in his life, someone was treating him like a person, like a friend… but he was rapidly realizing he hadn’t the slightest idea what to do.
“Zen… I’m so sorry…” Tears rose up in his eyes despite Zen’s earlier words, his own words failing him. Helpless. Truly helpless. Was this why no one told him anything? Was this why Rika never said anything to me, the tiny part of himself that thought maybe she really had just been depressed and killed herself whispered. She’d… known he wouldn’t be able to do anything…
No. Like hell he was going to stew in his own problems when Zen was here, when there was a chance he could help him somehow. “You… you aren’t ugly.” He just let the words come out, even if they were probably the wrong ones. “I don’t understand why she’d do that… family is supposed to always be there for you, but… it’s… not always like that. But. She never should have said anything like that… it’s… it’s not fair.”
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Jumin was like his brother? Well, that explained a lot. The way he always spammed him with cat pictures wasn’t exactly nice, either, but well, was he much better…? It suddenly hit him like a truck- he always made quips about how much of a narcissist Zen was, but… god… he still remembered his advanced placement psychology class in high school. It… it made sense for Zen to be this way. God, he was so stupid, blind, self-centered…
“I… they were wrong to do that. I’m…” He wrapped his arms around himself. “I’m sorry the RFA hasn’t been here for you like we should… I’m sorry I haven’t, I… Zen, you’re really talented. I, I know I’ve never actually watched one of your musicals, but from what I have seen, you really are incredible! Someday you’re definitely gonna be famous and be even richer than Jumin!” The words sounded hollow, but his voice did have the same passion he’d use when discussing LOLOL. “I believe in you! Honestly! It’s… it’s really not fair you had to go through that, though… a-all by yourself…”
The tears spilled down his face. Poor Zen… Acting on pure instinct, he abruptly hugged the actor, the gesture almost childish, like a kid that was trying to get their sibling to stop crying. He didn’t even care if his cigarette burned him- he just… wanted Zen to feel better somehow. “P-Please don’t be sad… I’m s-sorry… you don’t deserve that, really…"
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“Take advantage of your what mates?” Zen really didn’t get gaming terms, to him the name alone sounded completely ridiculous. “My my, how mean of you to take advantage of other people like that~” The urge to hide his laughter was quite strong, truly enjoying watching Yoosung’s face get so flustered.
“I would watch movies with other’s, if more people liked musicals too but alas I’m completely alone in that~” He sighs dramatically, pretending to wipe away non-existent tears. “You? A leader? What the hell even is a guild, it sounds so silly.” He shakes his head. “I may have a love of beauty, but a sexy lady in armor can only go so far with me~”
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…..! UGH! Yoosung’s entire face was crimson by now, his teeth digging into his lip. “M-My guildmates! I couldn’t take advantage of my guildmates!" He whined, truly not getting the point at all. “It would be mean to take advantage of them, the same way it’d be mean for you to take advantage of your fans! I’m being a good person just like you are so you can't make fun of me because that would just be making fun of yourself!!!" Yeah... totally. 
"Y-Yeah, exactly! You’re alone in liking musicals but LOLOL is an international sensation, Zen!!” Gah! Why?! Yoosung shoved his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, fidgeting with the inner fabric hard enough for it to create a moving bulge on his stomach- pretty counterproductive as he was trying to not show his distress, but he was too flustered to notice. (And besides, he was already failing miserably.) “Of course I’d be a leader- I’m extremely responsible!  And a guild is the purest symbol of camaraderie! It’s like… a clan, a group, y'know? And we all band up and conquer the villains in our world together! We save our world everyday while you’re just! Doing pull-ups!!”
He freed his hands, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout. “Well, that just means you haven’t seen the right sexy lady in armor yet! Hmmph!”
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@talented-zen from here
Oh… Yoosung felt his heart twist, his brow creasing in concern. He usually would have been coughing or scrunching up his nose from the smoke- after all, one of the first things they’d gone over at SKY’s veterinary program had been the horrible effects of secondhand smoke on pets!- but now, he was so worried he didn’t care.
Sure, Zen picked on him sometimes, but for the most part, he’d always been kind to Yoosung and worried for him; plus, Yoosung would genuinely hate to see anyone from RFA looking so distressed except maybe V.
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He listened without commenting, looking almost as if he was about to burst into tears. “Zen… I’m so sorry…” He said once he’d finished, his gaze focusing on the floor for a moment. What should he say…? He had no idea what Zen’s past was like, and as for him, he’d had a pretty happy life growing up… he’d probably never be able to understand if it was something about his family, would he…?
But... even so...
“Can… can I ask what it is he reminded you of? O-Only if you want to talk about it though, I’d understand if you don’t wanna tell me…”
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what makes this real is tht, saeyoung rlly could make an alexa furby
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Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Would they date them: yes | no (he’s more in the maybe line tbh lol)Favorite thing about them: “I love how sweet you are to everyone and just want all of us to get along.” Least favorite thing about them: “That LOLOL addiction. I still don’t get it!”   
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Oops- he’d not only been rude, he’d startled her out of her own thoughts, though he hadn’t really noticed it when he’d first done it. The smile and wave accompanied with a gentle greeting made him feel like she was friendly, but, well… she probably wouldn’t be after what he’d said-
Ah… she was laughing- but the way she waved her hands made him feel like it was too soon to completely lose hope. She had a nice laugh, too- it sounded good-natured, not the kind of laugh that, say, Seven would have made if he heard about Yoosung’s current situation…
Oh- they were natural? Before he could applogize, though, she kept going, assuring him it was okay before he could even speak. 
...Rika had been like that, too- when people asked things about, say, her natural hair color for example, she'd been honest but reassured them so quickly, so thoroughly, and laughed so benevolently they didn’t even have a chance to worry…
And then she winked- which was pretty cute (unlike the totally narcisstic way Zen did, ugh) and… said that. It took a moment for it to sink in, his eyes going wide in shock.
She… played LOLOL…? And she even liked the same skin that was also one of his favorites…?
Yoosung’s heart jumped up to his throat, his eyes shining- this! This was the best moment of his whole life, to be this lucky, he just, he…!
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The blond leaned forward in excitement, his hands resting on either side of his face. “You’re too kind! And! And you?! You really like LOLOL???? That’s so amazing I’ve never met anyone here that played it like this before I’m so happy I can’t believe it what server do you play in? Ohohoh which guild?!”
Oh, yeah- yet again, he realized he was being rude, moving away and leaning back out of her personal space with an embarrassed chuckle. “Ahaha, sorry about that!” He noticed she had a bit of an accent (though it wasn’t one of the annoying ones) but decided he shouldn’t ask about that. “What’s your name by the way? I’m Yoosung Kim and I’m enrolled here to be a, uh, veterinarian…” It definitely hadn’t taken him a second to remember why he was here, of course not… But hey, who cared?! He'd met someone that seemed! So cool!
Continued! || [X] @shootingstaryoosungkim
Classes. The definition of hell to those still attempting to gather their education for specific job of their choosing, or at least that’s what Mary’s silent definition of what it was. Not that she had anything against the educational facility or such - she was actually quite excited that she was going to this school in particular anyways - it’s just that was the typical definition that every protagonist in college/highschool would use to describe classes most of the time. Which was understandable, classes was simply work outside of home so that was obviously far from fun compared to socialization, pranks, and such; However, just because it was far from fun didn’t mean she had to be a negative nacy about it’s role in society. Despite knowing the following information - Mary was actually quite excited! This had been the first time in almost 12 years that she had been in a public teaching facility with actual people besides family!  Outside of homeschool! This was going to be amazing! Mary was going to be able to make actual friends - possible partnerships..! And they won’t be thanks to any help to her family! Not to mention - giving her the opportunity to prove her parents wrong for thinking what she was majoring in was a bad idea! It was going to be a silent promise to herself that she do that just to see the looks on their faces. As she silently fantasized about the moment, a voice seemed to catch her attention. Causing the moment to come to a pause, the raven in question lightly jumping before looking over at an opposing blonde whom seemed to welcome her. A light smile tugging at her features before waving at him, “ Hey -!” she began before again stopping in her place. The new acquaintance quickly going on a tangent about.. contacts? Mary watched the male with obvious confusion upon her features. Since when did she look like..? Oh! That’s when it hit her! He thought she was wearing contacts because of her eyes, wasn’t he? That was fine if that was the case - it wouldn’t be the first time someone had commented about her eyes in a way; Though, being compared to a pretty LOLOL skin was a first. It didn’t seem to stop her from being a little excited though -! So her sitting partner was into LOLOL too?? How ironic! Maybe they could possibly game later if she gave him her stuff - AH! But wait! She’s getting ahead of herself! They haven’t gotten through the introduction! Mary couldn’t help but laugh a bit, gently waving her hands. Resting her elbows upon the table before her, smiling at the innocent blonde before tilting her head; Showing him that she was at least friendly, “No,” Mary commented before continuing on, “They’re naturally like this!” she explained before finding herself laughing again. “But it’s okay, don’t feel bad or anything, It’s the first time that I’ve been compared to a LOLOL character skin.” she pointed out before sending a wink his way! “Especially one that’s a favorite!”
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Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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Yoosung had figured out by now that Byakuya wasn’t necessarily the… most friendly person around. He was pretty nervous about actually talking to him, but when he’d seen him looking even more glum than usual, he’d had to at least try to help.
…But still, he didn’t think he was going to be rejected this harshly. A rush of color rose to his face as his words sank in. “W-What? That’s not true! Really!” The Ultimate Gamer did his best to make his voice sound confident, though it probably didn't work in the slightest. “I used to make the best grades of my class! Honestly! You can quiz me or something…!” He sighed, burying his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, his gaze flicking to the floor.
“I just… didn’t want you to be sad, y'know? You seem really lonely…”
“ it’s okay. you can tell me.”
meme - accepting.
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“No, I can’t.”
                        Byakuya was wickedly intelligent, and when it came to remaining on top of things, he always kept his cards close to his chest. What he knew, he told absolutely no one unless it was during a trial. He had to remain the best of the best, and the best didn’t stay that way by telling everyone they came across their secrets.
“If I believed you to be intelligent, perhaps I could tell you a few details. However, as far as I’m concerned, you’re as brain dead as the rest of these sheep. So, no. I won’t be telling you anything.”
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