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What Did You Prep This Week?
While not prep related Wonderful Wife and I spent a lot of time this week cleaning out closets, cabinets, the attic and the garage. All the items we pulled were no longer being used and we held a garage sale Saturday to get rid of as much as we could. Everything that didn't sell was donated to charity. We made about $100 on the garage sale and we plan to deposit that into our grand-kid's savings accounts. It was a lot of work and we still have some work to do to reorganize what we didn't get rid of but it was definitely worth it.
I had not planned to add anything to the emergency pantry this week. Instead I had planned to limit expenditures and put as much as possible into savings. But there were a couple of good sales and we ended up adding a few dozen more canned goods anyway. I expect we can meat our current goals in the next two weeks. AT that point we'll probably review those gals and decide if we need to increase our goals on anything or add any items to the emergency pantry. 
In addition to adding to the grand-kid's savings we were also able to add a little to our own savings. It wasn't nearly what I hoped but if we can hold the line on spending until Wonderful Wife's next paycheck we will be able to make a reasonable deposit. Our current goals are to have five months of salary in savings. This should give us enough savings to pay our bills for at least six months should something happen.
The "spring cleaning" and garage sale was a lot of work. I got plenty of exercise.
I purchased an inside the waistband holster for the G43. It is a bit too big and heavy for comfortable pocket carry in most of my pants and shorts. It was a DeSantis Sof-Tuck. I returned it. It was pretty comfortable but being a "one size fits many" design didn't fit the firearm as well as I would have liked. I also ordered a G43 shell for my Alien Gear holster. It arrived today and I put it on but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. 
One of the discount sporting goods chains had a pretty good supply of Winchester Whitebox 9mm JHP ammunition. From the testing I have seen it preforms surprisingly well and a $15 for a box of 50 it is a comparative bargain. While it wont replace my primary carry ammunition, it is cheap enough that I can stock up on it for a rainy day. I will, of course, test it in my self-defense guns before I bet my life on it.
That's it, that's what I prepped this week. How about you?
#planbp   #beingprepared   #preparedness   #finances #ammo  
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The news today is that the US military special operations teams took out key ISIS leadership in Syria and while I am all for taking out ISIS leadership, terrorists or even affiliates I have to say the whole US strategy in the middle-east has me pretty confused.
We committed an act of war (US troops entered a foreign country without permission) to take out ISIS leaders whose terrorists/fighters have (directly or indirectly) been armed and trained by the US government in an effort to topple Assad who is backed by Iran and supported by Iranian troops and Hezbollah terrorists. On the other side of the border, in Iraq, we are also fighting ISIS but ALONGSIDE Iranian troops. Down the block in Yemen we are siding with the Saudis and Yemeni Al Qaeda (remember them from 9/11?) AGAINST Iranian backed terrorists/fighters and likely some troops as well.
So, an Iranian fighter in Syria is fighting people we train and support but just might attack those we support anyway. The same Iranian fighter in Iraq gets US intelligence and air support. If that same Iranian is transfered to Yemen he is a likely target of a US drone strike. If he is shooting at merchant vessels in International waters we'll ignore him. If he works security for the Iranian nuclear negotiators the US will be wining (figuratively) and dining him...
I think I have it straight now.
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What Did You Prep This Week
With hurricane season around the corner I'm in a bit of a hurry to make sure I'm ready should we have an early season storm in the Gulf. Combine that with a few decent sales and I was able to add quite a few canned goods to the emergency pantry. As a result, for most of the items on my list I have reached my minimum goals and I'm getting pretty close on the remainder. 
I was able to add a little to our savings but way less than I should have. We were a little frivolous over the last few weeks, spending money we really didn't need to spend. We discussed this and we both agreed to slow down and (re)focus on saving money.
We are still trying to beat whatever crud we've been fighting as a result we really haven't exercised in a little over a week. We do, finally, seem to be getting a little better so, hopefully, we'll be back at it next week. 
I made it out to the range for a bit last week. Most of the time was spent with the new G43 and comparing it to the G42. I walso worked with my mom who accompanied me to the range to help her gte more comfortable with her SIG 238. She wants to take the CHL class before the summer is over but she has some work to do.  I love the AK platform and I am a little more accurate with it using iron sights than I am most rifles. That is probably because they are so similar to pistol sights. But, to be honest, I am not very good with the manual of arms as a whole. To overcome this at least once per day I grab the old AK and perform at least mag changes as quickly as possible. I have only been at it a few days but I think this will help me get much better with the gun. 
That's it for me. That's what I prepped this week. How about you, what did you prep this week.
#planbp   #beingprepared   #preparedness   #finances  
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Build A Kit | Ready.gov
It's not even hurricane season yet but there is a (sub)tropical storm in the Atlantic and due to hit the east cost soon. If you are in the path of the storm there is not much you can do at this point but for everyone else this should be a "heads up." Do you have a hurricane/disaster kit already? If not, what are you waiting for? Once a storm or disaster threatens it may be too late to find the supplies you need.
Here is a good link to get you started on a readiness kit: http://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit #beingprepared #planbp   #preparedness   #hurricane   #disaster  
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G43: Initial Range Report
I have had the new Glock 43 out to the range a couple of times now and wanted to share my thoughts. 
So, far it has been about as reliable as…well…a Glock. I have around 200 rounds through the 43 so far and no hiccups or issues whatsoever. The little Glock has eaten ball ammo (50 rounds of S & B Ammo I found on sale at Sportsman’s Guide, 50 rounds of cheap Estate ammo and 50 rounds of American Eagle) and hollow point (25 rounds of Winchester Defend and 25 rounds of Speer Gold Dot) without complaint. I plan to put at least another two hundred rounds through it before I start to carry it for self-defense but I doubt there will be any issues.   
The G43 feels really good in the hand. It is only slightly larger than the G42 but that seems to make a good bit of difference…for the better. Of course, hand size and personal preference will determine how you feel about it.
A number of folks have commented that the trigger feels a lot heavier than other Glocks. The same has been said of the 42 as well but I haven’t noticed this on either one. I wonder of the smaller size and lighter weight of the 42 and 43 make the trigger “seem” heavier. 
The recoil of the 9mm G43, as should be expected, is noticeably more pronounced than the 42. By comparison, shooting the 42 seems almost like shooting a .22 with almost no felt recoil. That is not to say the 43 is a hard recoiling gun. To me it is pretty similar to the Glock 26 and has noticeably less felt recoil than the Kahr CM9. Overall the G43 is a pleasure to shoot. If you like Glocks this will feel and shoot just like every other Glock out there just a little thinner and lighter.
I do seem to be a bit more accurate and a bit more comfortable shooting the G43 with the pinky extension but it will be easier to carry with the flush magazine.
From an accuracy perspective I am sure both the 43 and 42 are more accurate than I am. I did seem to be a little faster with the 42 (no surprise) but more accurate with the 43. It seems like the slight increase in size and weight over the 42 make it easier to shoot accurately.  
I need to buy some more magazines because with only two mags I seem to spend as much time loading as shooting (it’s amazing how quickly those six rounds go)! 
I have a DeSantis Nemesis holster for that fits and I have been carrying it around the house to see how it feels. Most of my pants are cargo style and, so far, it seems to be fine for pocket carry. The extra weight (of the ammo mostly) is noticeable over the 42. I have found that to be true of the CW9 as well and a belt will probably be needed even for pocket carry. Something that the lighter G42 and Ruger LCP didn’t require. 
I don’t have an IWB holster that works with the G43 yet but I may pick one up here shortly so I have that as an alternative when I am wearing pants with less generous pockets like my blue jeans or dress slacks.
All in all, I have to say that, at this point, the 43 is now my favorite Glock to shoot. It will take a bit longer to see how it compares in terms of actually carrying.
#Glock #G43 #G42 #G26 #SelfDefense #RangeReport #Kahr #CW9
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Yet another new patch. This one from AK Operators Union Local 47-74 +Ak Operators Union, Local 47-74 #patchlife #moralepatch
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5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies) | Cracked.com
Those of us raised on the laws of Rambo and Red Dawn are totally boned.
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What Did You Prep This Week?
We continued stocking up on canned goods this week. Now that we have a good inventory we are really able to focus on the items we need. That way I won’t end up with three times as much corn as I had planned (again). I also moved the location of my “emergency pantry” (again). The new location is easier to get to and stock items but safer as it is no longer located directly above the kitchen.  I also added a case of water and more gatorade to the inventory. Let’s face it, in Texas not staying hydrated can kill you pretty quickly.
We also bought beef and strawberries while they were on sale. These will go into the freezer.
I continued to stock up on ammo while it is (relatively) cheap and available. I added 50 rounds of self-defense ammo in .380 ACP and another 260 rounds of 5.56 practice ammo (.223 actually). This purchase puts me at the updated inventory level I set for myself for practice ammunition in this caliber.
I succumbed to temptation again and purchased a Glock 43 at full retail price. I definitely had planned on waiting until prices came down in a few months but…
I never carry a firearm for self-defense until I have put at least 500 rounds through it plus at least one box of my carry ammo. Once I am able to meet my minimum round count this will actually save me a little money. Right now I stock and practice with .380 because of the G42, once I replace it with the G43 I can stock less .380 and practice sessions will become a good bit cheaper.
We sold an old computer that we had no use for and put the money in savings. 
We are still doing pretty well on our exercise program and, I have to say, we are both feeling a lot better as a result. We’ll be ready for our next 5k soon!
That’s it for me. What did you prep this week?
#planbp #beingprepared #glock #G43 #ammo #Selfdefense
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Attention authors and wannabe authors, if you write about a character carrying a ".9 mm" and they empty their "clip" in a gunfight don't expect a good review and don't expect I will ever purchase your work again. Show your readers enough respect to learn and use the correct terminology.
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A family of Glocks to protect the family; G19, G26, G43, and G42. +GLOCKIncUSA #glock #g43 #g42 #g19 #g26
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I'm thinking about a CA Vz2008 rifle. They are currently on sale over at PSA. But I have a question for the VZ fans out there. Since these come for Century do they need to be inspected (like the WASRs) or are they typically good to go out of the box? By that I mean do I need to inspect the sights for alignment, etc. to make sure I get one that wasn't assembled on "hangover day?" 
Thanks guys.
#vz2008   #vz58   #762x39  
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Revolver love, antique to modern. #revolver
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It's always a good day when the ammo delivery truck shows up. #ammo +Sportsman's Guide
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These are the mug shots of the six police officers being charged related to the death of Freddie Gray. According to the media narrative and those who prosper from conflict Mr. Gray's death was the result of institutional racism by the police...really?
#baltimoreriots #blacklivesmatter #racism #liberalagenda #medialies
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New patch for the patch panel...
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5/1/15 - 1
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Ok, a few questions for those of you running AKs. With my AK, the plastic mags (tap on or magpul) rock in with no issues. The steel mags can be a pain, sometimes to the point where I have to turn the rifle over and put eyes on it to get the mag in. It is almost like there is more free play in the smaller steel mags and they bind up going in on occasion. Is this normal and just a training issue?
#ak47 +Isaac Lewellen +Ak Operators Union, Local 47-74 +GunWebsites
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