shortlivedlove · 9 years
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Ayy! Senna again (soft crying) with another muse (crying intensifies) and if anyone would like a starter from Haru feel free to like this, I’ll probably cap at 3 or 4! Since I’m on semi-hiatus I’ll be slow but I really miss roleplaying Haru and can’t wait to get back into it ^^
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shortlivedlove · 9 years
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shortlivedlove · 9 years
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I can’t help it, can I? If the other persons a prince, I won’t be able to resist falling in love with him.
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
                         ;—{ ✽ } This guy certainly was a strange person. Haru had never met anyone like him. At first she always thought of Raku Ichijou as one of the stranger of people. However this guy was definitely up there as well. He looked pretty happy hearing she accepted his offer to stop by a café. It wasn't like there was anything else Haru had planned. What a weird guy... She thought to herself glancing to the side to avoid eye contact.
                         ;—{ ✽ } Suddenly hearing the other call her Haru-chan, a red flushed her cheeks. They had only met and already he was calling her such a thing. "D-Doesn't it sound weird saying your own name like that..!?"  she said, the embarrassment clear in her voice. "A-..And I don't think it works that way... Usually a convention is for something like comics." I think... She mentally added.
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He could feel her curious eyes, but it wasn’t as alarming as those judging gazes from the past… at least. He watched her rubbed her small hands, and all Haru could think of was the reason why girls always sob about spilled loved, well, of course it was going to spill with those hands. His smile flickered at her acceptance, and it widened at the thought of Haru being a common name.
"That’s why there could be a Haru convention, Haru-chan!” And he had to stifle his laugh from thinkindg he had just called himself a cutesy tag.
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
Aғᴛᴇʀ ʜᴏᴜʀs { 0tterboy }
                         ;—{ ✽ } Haru had grown used to living in Koi. As the hours marched on it felt like she belonged in this city. Of course she missed her mother and sister dearly, but despite the distance between her and them the three of them stayed in touch. Balancing school and her part time job could be troublesome at times. Even so Haru kept at it. The Sunflower café was like another family to her, to some extent at least. They weren't close, but the staff always had each other's back. She felt like somehow she owed the rest of the staff something for how good to her they were. It was a small thing she could do, but Haru had offered to stay late tonight cleaning the entire building. Despite offers to help Haru declined, claiming she would be capable of doing it on her own. It was a friday evening, surely people had places to be and Haru didn't have much to do herself. Why not take on the job herself. No problem... Right?
                         ;—{ ✽ } Little did she know the job was much larger than she had expected. Everything from the kitchen to the restroom was in need of a good scrubbing. A few hours passed until she had finished the cleaning. Whipping her forehead the brunette scanned her eyes around the room. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips. It looked like no one had ever been here. Satisfied with her hard work, Haru removed her uniform and changed back into her casual outfit. The girl cast a gaze out the window, only to see the sun had fallen. The streets were dark and only lit by the street lights. Stepping outside her chest tightened. Haru glanced from side to side, it didn't seem like anyone was around. Letting out a soft sigh Haru relaxed her muscles. "It got dark pretty fast..." she said to herself to keep herself company.
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                         ;—{ ✽ } It was a little nerve wracking to be out on her own like this. Haru had a few incidents in broad daylight before, who knew what could happen at night. For a girl who could get lost in her local mall to be wandering the streets in the middle of the night probably wasn't the best of idea's. "Come on Haru Onodera! Don't be such a wimp!! This is easy. Right, nothing to be afraid of." As an attempt at motivating herself to take another step away from the front entrance of the building she gave herself a little pep-talk. This city was safe anyways, why on earth was she so conscious? After all this time she had been here, nothing had happened to her. There was nothing to be worried about. Though as much as she told herself that, it didn't seem to be going through that thick skull of hers.
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
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Onodera Sisters
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
                         ;—{ ✽ } Feeling herself shrink down herself hearing those words. How rude. He full out admitted she wasn't doing a good job at concealing her poor sense of direction. Most people would have just left it at 'Lucky guess'. Boys were annoying. "I told you I wasn't lost..." she retorted still feeling somewhat embarrassed, her words almost sounded muffled. Both her sense of direction and her lying definitely wasn't on a very high scale. He could even tell she was new to the city it seemed. That was a little irritating. Knowing it read all over her face like that made her feel a little insecure. She was as easy to read as an open book.
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                         ;—{ ✽ } "Eh? If it's not dangerous don't give off the impression it is. It'll just make people misunderstand." She said overlapping part of his words. Given that last part added both the embarrassment and the nerve he had hit in that moment was clearly visible on her face. "H-Hey!! Who said I'm one to waste time! A-..Assuming something like that based off one meeting is pretty brainless if you ask me." Considering her daze simply standing in the middle of the pathway, you could hardly blame the guy for assuming such a thing. However the delivery of that message felt as thought it was simply to pick at her nerves -- which it succeeded at. 
                         ;—{ ✽ } Honestly, he was just trying to get her all rilled up. This was exactly why guys were irritating. Immature, rude people that was how she saw them. Well... Not all of them. Being around them definitely didn't give her a comfortable feeling. The brunette huffed and flicked her head to the side. "I see." She replied shutting her eyes and avoiding looking back over to him. So he had meant for her to be both insulted and grateful. Did this guy have some kind of mischievous plan or something? Haru would certainly be keeping an eye on him so he couldn't plan anything like that. 
                         ;—{ ✽ } This time she tried to ignore the damned meaningless comments he kept spewing out. All her reactions were doing was encouraging. It was hard to resist the urge to blow up again claiming she wasn't clumsy. "Hmph." Her only response to the comment to contain her irritation. "I don't recognize the name sweatpea café so I doubt that's it." she replied. Once the other named another cafe Haru hit her fist on her palm. "Ah!! That's it, Sunflower Café." Pleased to know the name of her soon to be work place Haru smiled brightly, until snapping back into thought. "Hm... But how do I get there--" realizing she had been speaking what she was thinking she shut her mouth before making it any worse for herself. Both to change the subject and due to her curiousity her interest was caught by the word Stables. "Wait.. Did you say stables? As in horse stables!? This city has a stable?" She asked. Both Haru's curiousity and excitement was clear as day. She had never been to a stable.
Pɪʟᴏᴛᴀɢᴇ ɢᴏɴᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ { open }
So she really was new to the town. “Lucky guess. You being new is painted on ya clear as day.” He leaned his back on one of the buildings they were next to, half-frowning from the pout she was giving him. “No worries, people will get lost in a big city like this eventually. Especially if they just moved.” Though, as much as he’d like to ignore it, he couldn’t help shake off the feeling this was common for her. Still wasn’t going to say that, though.
"Not saying this city is dangerous. It’s miles from New York City or something like that, but it’s always a good thing to take precaution, right? ‘specially when you seem prone to dawdling on things." Johnny gave a slight smirk with that last part. Still, spending nearly half a year crossing a country, he’d learned not to initially let your guard down.
Johnny grinned at her response to his comment. “You should feel both, really.” He still couldn’t wrap his head around her forgetting the name of her newest place of employment. Outside of her posture showing irritation, he could tell she was slightly embarrassed at the fact.
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"Well, straight to the point. I only know two places with the name ‘____ cafe’." Johnny scratched his head, wracking his brain to remember. "There’s Sweatpea Cafe, for one. Though…" he looked back at her, as if making observations, "…you might have the look down, I don’t think you’d fit. Unless they go for the whole ‘clumsy charm’ thing.” Another smirk. “There’s also Sunflower Cafe. That’s close to Chai Condos. I pass the place up every day when I go to the stables.”
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
Rᴀɪɴ, ʀᴀɪɴ ɢᴏ ᴀᴡᴀʏ { batcarrier }
                         ;—{ ✽ } The usual bright blue sky was covered in grey clouds. Most parts of the sky were covered, blocking the ray's of sun from reaching the ground. However there was no sign of rain. That was a good start too a bad situation. Banging on the door Haru hoped her roommate was home. Bang! bang! bang! Nothing. Just her luck. Letting out a sigh the girl rummaged through her bag and pockets in search of her key. Leaning her back on the door she let out a sigh. "Great..." glancing at the sky once again Haru decided to trace her steps. She must have left it somewhere. Pondering on the thought for a moment, finally she remembered. She had put her keys in the pocket of her uniform at work. Jeez, what a stupid idea. By the looks of it Haru would have to make a trip back to the Sunflower  café. They had closed early, but if she was lucky someone would still be there.
                         ;—{ ✽ } While walking every so often she would look up at the overcast sky. Still no sign of raining. "What a relief." She murmured to herself. She was about half way between Mocha Valley and the Sunflower café. She was making good time. Progressing a little further, a loud crackle from the sky startled her. Looking up once more, the sky had turned a dark shad grey without a spec of sunlight breaking through. Pattering at the pavement was ringing in her ears when she felt the rain hitting her body. Wearing nothing but her usual clothing, not even a jacket or runners. "E-Eh!? B-..But just a second ago--" Before being able to finish her thought, the rain was pouring down on her uncovered head. Soaking her with cold water. Instead of looking for cover Haru ran the rest of the way to the Sunflower café. 
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                         ;—{ ✽ } Arriving at the door out of breath she realized the lights were down and the sign was flipped to closed. "N-No way..." She banged on the door a few times before giving up. Now what? Standing in the pouring rain dressed like this much longer wasn't a good idea. Thinking quick Haru ran to a large tree beside the café waiting for the rain to calm. Shivering, the girl rubbed her hands together trying to warm herself up. It had been so hot the past few days, what on earth was it so cold all of a sudden? For now she was stuck in her soaking wet clothing, only able to wait under a tree. "..How longs it gonna last?" She complained to herself.
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
                         ;—{ ✽ } You would think after living in a new city for a few weeks you'd feel comfortable there. However, even after spending a fair amount of time here Haru never went a day were she didn't think about her family and friends. It was a little lonely here. The residents were nice, but it wasn't the same as having friends to spend time with. Not to mention living with anyone other than her mother and sister was uncomfortable. She didn't mind her roommate, but it still didn't give her that feeling of home. Even so, knowing back at home her mother and sister were cheering her on Haru had to do her best. Every day she would contact them by phone or email to tell them how things were going. Work in particular seemed to be a topic often popping up.
                         ;—{ ✽ } Shortly after moving to Koi, Haru snagged herself a part time job at a café.  Baking pastries was one of the things Haru liked to do most in the whole world. Being the pastry chef of such a popular café in town made her happy. Even if it was just part time. Haru worked harder than some of the full time workers. Which was exactly why her boss had offered her the remainder of the day off. Declining the offer at first, until a little pressure finally she agreed. Overworking herself wouldn't do any good anyways. After finishing the rest of the sweets for the day Haru removed her uniform. On her way out of the building suddenly a beautiful blonde haired girl bumped into her shoulder, Haru immediately recognized the other. "Eh..?" 
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                         ;—{ ✽ } "Ch—...Chitoge-senpai!?" Haru blurted out louder than she had meant. Chitoge Kirisaki, the famous 'supermodel' girlfriend of Raku Ichijou. At least that was how the rumours had described her. Although it seemed those rumours weren't as true as Haru first thought. The shock clear on her face, seeing someone she knew in this city as well was surprising. Before she had left, Chitoge was having fun with all her friends, why on earth would she have moved? The petite brunette nodded, of course it was her that was a silly question. "I— I never thought I'd see anyone else living here. How long have you been here..?"
     Dragging her luggage with her for almost a day since she arrived here, Chitoge finally felt hungry and decided to find a comfortable cafe for her to stay for a bit before continue with her goal. Come to think of it, this is her first time being away from her family and friends, and even to come here to a completely unfamiliar city by herself. That was new to the blonde but she really hoped that Claude didn’t dared to follow her here. She felt that she wants to at least be independent from now on.
Sunflower Cafe
       Chitoge read the sign and made an attempt to walk into the cafe. It looks nice and has cozy atmosphere around it. She smiled, finding an unoccupied table for two seats before walking to them. As soon as she was about to reach the table, she had almost bumped into a small girl’s shoulder. Chitoge froze and turned to the girl. “I’m sorry—”
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        She finally saw the small girl and she looks really really familiar— “H-Haru-chan?! It’s really you, right?”              
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
                         ;—{ ✽ } No matter how long Haru lived in a particular city the lay out of it never seemed to stay in her mind the same way the recipe to a cake did. Poor sense of direction you may call it. Usually when wandering the city Haru found herself distracted by the scenary around her. Unlike any city she had seen with her own eyes. It was like what would come out of a story book. For someone like Haru getting lost in the beauty of the city wasn't rare. In fact it seemed each time she left the house to do a little shopping she always ended up somewhere she hadn't meant to be. 
                         ;—{ ✽ } Today was another one of those unbearably hot days. Despite the heat and unpleasant humidity, it was also one of those days where everyone just wanted to outside to catch the end of the summer weather. Haru included in that group of people. With that in mind the petite brunette set out fro another day, with a small bag in hand. With no destinations set in mind, Haru was practically asking to get herself lost in this big city.
                         ;—{ ✽ } After some time of walking, she finally removed the extra layer she wore over her shirt. Tying it around her waist Haru looked around the area. Oddly enough, she recognized the area. It was somewhere near the Sunflower Café. At least she thought she recognized it, no certainties. It certainly was busier than usual, crowds surrounded the area, pushing her way through may prove to be some trouble. For some time, it felt like someone had been watching her. Surely that was just her imagination.  Just as she dismissed the thought, a male approached her out of nowhere.
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                         ;—{ ✽ } Part of her was startled by the others sudden outburst, while the sound around her was loud enough to prevent her from jumping anymore than she had. With minimal trembling, the petite girl slowly turned her head to look at the other. She had never seen this person, what did he want from her? Just as she opened her mouth to ask, it was answered. "Show you around..?"  Repeating his request she blinked. He wanted her, to show him around? Usually Haru was the one to be asked if she needed directions. What a change in events. "Sure... I guess I could do that." Hesitantly she agreed. This guy seemed friendly enough, and it wasn't like there was anywhere she needed to be. I'm not very familiar with this city either, but I'm sure this'll be fine... She thought to herself. "I'm Haru Onodera, and you?"
→ Checking Out
A city untouched from harm was quite a beautiful thing. Buildings tall in stature towered over those below, abiding by the law of street signs and traffic signals. Hisami was one of those citizens, leaving his motorcycle behind today as he decided it best to take a walk around and simply enjoy the view. It was nice out. Hot, but a breeze fooled those out into thinking that it was a comfortable temperature. With a comfortable stretch, Twelve rested his arms behind his head as he walked, a minimal sigh as he held his sight high.
After so many ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ moments, Hisami soon realized that there wasn’t much of this town that we was familiar with. Certainly he had his typical, well traveled routes by now (being simply the grocery and appliance stores, as well as not frequent, but well practiced trip to the Belladonna district). Humming in thought, the Sphinx brought his sight to the crowd around him, deciding it best to learn a bit about the place he would be living in (among other things).
Picking out someone from the crowd that looked just friendly enough to not turn him away, he followed her for a moment before introducing himself. She seemed to at least know the basics (and with that, it simply meant she didn’t look utterly and entirely clueless), so she’d be just as good of a tour guide as any, right?
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"Jambo!" He greeted, a casual wave as he strode to her side. "Mind showing me around? I’m new to the city and—" a sheepish chuckle. "—I really have no idea where I’m going." 
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
                         ;—{ ✽ } Working a part time job had become something normal to Haru. Even as a child, often Haru would help her mother with the candy shop their family owned. Certain people were surprised learning how long she had been working. Students her age often were expected to be more focused on school and spending time with friends. Certain days Haru may work longer shifts than others. Today she had come in just past noon. She wasn't planning on leaving until the café closed. It seemed in the afternoons the Sunflower Café was a little short staffed. While Haru was meant to stay at the back  making the japanese sweets, she offered to help out at the front desk as well.
                         ;—{ ✽ } A few hours ticked by faster than she had though. The day was nearing it's end. As usual the café was packed full of people enjoying sweets and coffee in a relaxing area. Haru was happy seeing so many people, it was quite lively around here today. Busy enough a stray cat sneaking into the building almost went unnoticed. Until it hopped up on the glass counter pawing at it. The shock clear on her face "How did you get in here anyways..?" She asked it, of course a cat wouldn't understand her words... Right? Looking down at the sweets displayed in the counter her gaze returned to the cat. Cats didn't eat that kind of thing, wasn't that unhealthy? Ah... But if it was a stray surely it was hungry. It was a little cute as well, a part of her wanted to pat it. That was beyond the point at the moment.
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                         ;—{ ✽ } Moments later she realized if any of the customers were to see a cat walking around the café, it may appear unsanitary. "A-Ah..! He-...Hey, get off the counter though..." She tried conversing with it again. Really, did she think a cat would understand her words? Maybe if she bribed it, it would come down. One might think to pick it up, but you never know with cats it could be dangerous. The petite brunette crouched on the ground for a moment, tapping the floor hoping the cat would jump down. Haru grumbled seeing her efforts didn't seem to change a thing. "You're stubborn..." She muttered.  Honestly, here she was at work talking to a cat. It was shocking no one had even noticed the feline as of yet. "Hey... I'll tell you what if you stay out of sight, maybe I could give you some leftovers after work, deal?" It wouldn't be much longer until the café closed, surely offering a stray cat a few sweets wasn't a big deal, right? She exhaled. As if it could comprehend her words though.
Meow Meow Give Me Free Shit - Haru
     Kano was a number of things, and underhanded was one of them. Why should he waste his money on food when he could use a few tricks to get it for free? His target today was the Sunflower Cafe and his plan couldn’t have been simpler. He’d disguise himself as a black cat, wander in, and act like he was lost. Surely one of the employees would give him something good, right? Never mind that any sane person wouldn’t give a stray cat anything but scraps of fish or some other inedible thing like that, Kano wanted to try for the hell of it. 
     In the alley beside the cafe, his eyes flickered red and his ability activated, giving him the appearance of an inconspicuous tom cat. Perfect! This area already had strays out to wazoo, so one more wouldn’t draw anyone’s attention. Kano strode out of the alleyway, keeping up his perfect disguise as he followed one of the customers in through the door and padded up to the counter. In all actuality, there was just some punk-ass blonde kid hopping up onto it, but to everyone else, it would look like an adorable kitten doing just that. He stared wide-eyed at the pastry chef with the name ‘Haru’ printed on a snow white name tag. 
      Mimicing the voice of a cat as well, Kano meowed and suppressed his laughter. Christ, if everyone could see a full grown human meowing like a literal cat while crouching on a counter, they’d think he was nuts. Thank god for his ability.
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    “…” Meowing again, he strode across the counter, pawing at the glass beneath him as if he were trying to signal that he wanted some of the cake displayed for customers to see. 
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
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                         ;—{ ✽ } Sure, she was a rather small girl. However that didn't make her unnoticeable. Despite that, when walking down the street it wasn't rare for someone to bump into her. Although today she had made the attempt to avoid the situation. Haru couldn't help but be startled when someone bumped into her causing her to lose her balance. Nearly falling over, she regained her balance and turned to look up at the stranger. "N—..No worries. It... happens a lot." 
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It was his fault for not paying attention. Kikuchi accidentally knocked into a bystander and he turned to face them so he could apologize and make sure they didn’t get knocked to the ground. "Ah, I’m sorry. Are you okey?" 
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
                         ;—{ ✽ } Hearing him point out she was in fact already lost irritated her a little bit. Bingo. Haru had always had poor sense of direction, although she would almost always try to deny it. Ah, this guy just kept going. The brunette pouted feeling embarrassed having been pointed out as if she were a lost kitten. "I—... I wouldn't call it lost though..." she defended unconvincingly. At least I'd rather not call it lost... Adding on to herself. "I guess this city is pretty big." She continued. Just how easy was she to read? It felt like he could guess everything about her just by looking at her clueless expression while blocking the path."Ye—Yeah, I moved here recently." Of course being new to the city didn't change the fact that she could get lost in the main shopping district back at home. Sighing she looked at the other. "Is it really that easy to tell..?"
                         ;—{ ✽ } Now she was basically being scolded by a compete stranger. Haru just couldn't catch a break. She wasn't a kid anymore, even so it felt like more often than not she was treated like one. Although, she wasn't that old either. Although one thing he said did catch her attention. "Eh..? Wh-What do you mean something shady?" She stuttered as her face turned pale. There was no way things like that would happen right? Haru had heard a few rumours about one particular part of town being a little unsafe, that couldn't be here right? This city seemed friendly as a whole. The stranger could have just been trying to scare her out of staring off into space like that-- Not really a bad habit to get out of but Haru wouldn't strike out that possibility. On the other hand, he could have been completely serious. Haru was certainly had no way of telling how people were thinking.
                         ;—{ ✽ } Several other questioned popped in her mind, she was a rather curious individual. However before she could open her mouth to say anything she was told to think nothing of it. "Um... Alright, thank you—..." Cutting off her words again once he finished his sentence. Lost and forgetful... That made her sound like she was helpless. "I'm not sure if I should be thankful or insulted..." A tone of sarcasm in her words she exhaled folding her arms across her chest. "Anyways... I don't actually remember the name of the café, but I'm pretty sure I'll be starting a part time job there soon. The something Café..." Of course saying that made her sound like an irresponsible worker. Not even knowing the name of the place she would soon be working.
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Pɪʟᴏᴛᴀɢᴇ ɢᴏɴᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ { open }
"You’re trying to find out where you’re going? Doesn’t that just mean you’re lost, in a way?" Johnny tried to hold back a sigh, scratching the side of his hair with a tilt of his head. “No need to get so miffed about it, anyway. It’s perfectly reasonable to get lost in a city this large when you’re new.” Not many would forget exactly where they were going in the first place, but he wasn’t gonna voice that opinion any time soon. Tact, he was learning. “You… are new to this city, aren’t you?” He really hoped so; poor sense of direction and large, densely populated areas didn’t mix well.
Johnny readjusted his beanie before resting his arms on his cane. “That’s beside the point, anyway. Reason I called you out was because you really should do something about staring off in the middle of a moving crowd. People aren’t all kind enough to simply walk around you. It disrupts movement, puts you at greater risk of some shady happenings, all kinds of bad vibes. Makes sense, no?” After going on a tirade on pedestrian etiquette, he paused to think.
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"I’m only out because I wanted to walk around, anyway. Horses can wait, if you don’t mind you could tell me where you were headed. I may not be of much help, but I might point you in the right direction at least." Be kinder to others, a goal he’d placed on himself upon arriving here. "Think nothing of it, it’s simply me doing my duty to help the lost and forgetful." Service with a snide remark.
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
                         ;—{ ✽ } Seeing the younger boy approach her Haru blinked leaning to the side trying to figure out what it was in his hand. When the two were close enough, the other reached over placing a flower crown on her head. At first it startled her having him reach over to place it on her head. "Wh-What’s this for..!?" The brunette stuttered while glancing in the window nearby to see her reflection. Letting out a sigh, a light pink tinted her cheeks. She didn’t think something like that suited her, but she didn’t hate it. Though she questioned why this boy came to give it to her in the first place, it was completely unnecessary. The petite girl glanced at the ground before responding. "Thanks for this… It’s cute." 
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
✿✿✿✿✿✿ (Flower crown time
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                         ;—{ ✽ } Out of the blue a pink haired girl asked Haru to come over to her. Although confused, Haru followed the younger girl. What on earth did this girl want? Haru wasn’t sure whether or not the two had even met yet. Being instructed to sit on the bench in the park, hesitantly she did so. The pinkette walked behind Haru placing something on top of her head, followed by a simple ‘Tada!' from the other girl. "Eh..?" Reaching up to her head she felt the object. Still uncertain what it could be the brunette pulled out her phone to look at the camera. A faint blush flushed her cheeks. "A flower crown?" She noted to herself. Haru rarely wore things like this. It looked cute, somehow wearing it felt embarrassing.
                         ;—{ ✽ } Haru turned her head to look at the other. "Thank you…" Slightly embarrassed she responded.  "Ah! Wait a second." Haru stood up reaching into her bag. Pulling out a small package she offered it to the girl with a warm smile. "Um… It’s a few japanese sweets I made to send my family." The started, scratching her cheek lightly. Jeez, why was she so embarrassed anyways? "Turns out they didn’t think sending food in the mail was a great idea. So, take them as a thanks." They were leftovers anyways, she could always make more if needed.
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shortlivedlove · 10 years
Send me a ✿ and my muse will react to your muse putting a flower in their hair
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