shortyladd-blog · 6 years
Adorable <3
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
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@markiplier hope you like the meme I made 😂😂😂👌🏼
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
Please remember that everything will be ok! Breathe, drink some water, eat something go out for a walk, take a nap, relax! You deserve it! And don’t forget to take your meds if you take any! Please stay strong and know that I am sending all my love, positivity and support your way!
Ok! You can keep scrolling now!
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
Man what a great guy!
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Yesterday a man came into my work, all scruffy and dirty with a big backpack on his shoulders, and as he was leaving I told him to stay dry because it’s been raining almost none stop for a few days. 
He stopped and turned around and laughed, and then he showed me his new shoes that he just bought and said “I’ve been walking the perimeter of the United States; these shoes will last me another month, rain or sunshine.”
We talked for a bit and he told me about how he’s walking around the perimeter of the entire U.S. to raise awareness and money for the homeless. He told me about some things he’s seen and the places he’s been so far. Before he left, he gave me a big smile, said “God be with you,” and walked out the door with the happiest strut I’ve ever seen. 
He started off in Virginia and made it all the way down here to Florida on foot, and he’s still got a long way to go. He was very kind and very optimistic. 
I’ve never met someone like him before, so I want to try and spread him and his effort here on tumblr. 
He isn’t very popular yet, but I really want to try to spread his word and raise awareness of the homelessness issue here in the U.S., and try to help him raise money for this cause. 
His name is Leroy Bailey and if you want to follow him around the U.S. his facebook is here. 
I didn’t get a photo of him so I took this one from his facebook
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
You are perfict as you are you beautiful sonova bitch ❤️ dont hate yourself love @markiplier
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
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aahhh what a beautiful meme i birthed
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shortyladd-blog · 6 years
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Ahhh the many wacky hairstyles of Markifart
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