shotsfiredxiv · 4 years
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shotsfiredxiv · 4 years
Hi i’m still alive just haven’t been on tumblr. Still been RPing on Balmung with James though so feel free to shoot a /tell or message if you wanna RP!
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shotsfiredxiv · 4 years
You keep storing up all that anger and grief. Eventually it spills over. Or you drown in it.
Leigh Bardugo (via quotemadness)
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shotsfiredxiv · 4 years
God’s Hand Linkshell
HEY Y’ALL! After debating this for literal MONTHS, I’ve decided to make a Linkshell for James’s outlaw gang, God’s Hand! If anyone’s interested in some good ol’ Ilsabard-based wild west outlaw RP who rob and harass Garlean Imperials (and rich assholes), feel free to send a /tell to James Ryder, Dakota Sun, or Charles Denman for an invite!
If we get a good handful of members, I might make a discord.
God’s Hand is also currently allied with the Underdark <<SHADE>> and The Earthen Historia <<MYTHS>>! Some of our RP will be tied to theirs!
This is on Balmung server!
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shotsfiredxiv · 4 years
“I hadn’t considered what it was like to leave a place you knew, and lose everything, and travel into the unknown. How hollow and dark that must feel, except for mayble the little glimmer of hope that had allowed you to take such a chance. Very soon, I, too was going to feel like that. I would be in a dark place, carrying a tiny spark of light, trying to find my way.”
— Margaret Atwood, from “The Testaments,” released c. September 2019
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shotsfiredxiv · 4 years
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My first Cinemagraph.
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shotsfiredxiv · 4 years
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
“I drank to drown my sorrows, but the damned things learned how to swim.“”
— Frida Kahlo (via goodreadss)
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
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Okay, so this one one of the other larges in the same ward as my house, and it’s actually a really well done creepy house. Go see it sometime if you’re looking for something to do! I chatted with the owner, who said he plans to leave it up until the beginning of Dec, when he’ll redecorate it for Starlight, so you have less than a couple weeks before it’s gone!
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
Send a ❤ to give my muse a blanket to cuddle with since it’s very cold. You can also send  ❥ to not only give them the blanket but to join them to help them get warm. 
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
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I love this emote a little too much (plus I reached lvl 80 FSH and this outfit is amazing)
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
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This is everything.
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
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@crescent-ffxiv | @keepers-kiss | @drunkenmoogle | @luckysparrowffxiv | @drunkdungeoneers-ffxiv | @maelstrom-command | @savothesewercat
Huge thanks to all of the hosts, organizers, and performers who put this on! It was an absolute blast!
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
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Pubcrawl 2019!
Thanks for coming everyone. Was a blast!
@crescent-ffxiv | @keepers-kiss | @drunkenmoogle | @luckysparrowffxiv | @drunkdungeoneers-ffxiv | @maelstrom-command
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
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Instagram | Patreon
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shotsfiredxiv · 5 years
found family dynamics i adore:
the entire gang shares 1 (one) braincell which they takes turns passing around
unwilling teammates gradually grow on each other
Area Man Forcibly Adopted by Several Children
bonded over shared trauma
none of us have actual families or homes to go back to anymore, but at least we have each other
“every single one of these guys has tried to kill me at least once, but we’re cool now and i’d trust them with my life”
redemption arc comes with bonus new family and friends (bonus feature is non-negotiable and eventual acceptance inevitable)
i WAS going to leave the group and go my own way as soon as this job was over - and i would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for my meddling heart!
villains with Feelings™
Officer I Swear I’ve Never Met Any Of These People In My Life (But If Anything Were To Happen To Them I Would Kill Everyone Here And Then Myself)
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