shoutoscenarios · 5 years
Hi~ i dunno if your ask box is open (still trying to figure how Tumblr works) but can I please request Todoroki's s/o dying prematurely because of an accident or something leaving him to raise their kid as a single dad . I just had the sudden need for angst. Love your writing btw and no pressure :)
Words can’t describe the amount of respect I have for single parents.
Please forgive any OOCness and mistakes. I’m very rusty writing for Shouto.
(d/n) = daughter’s name
Warnings: Angst
Todoroki had always thought he would die before you.
Be it from a fight gone wrong or life-shortening diagnosis, he never saw your death preceding his. 
As wishful as it sounded, Todoroki had wanted a happy ending, one where he’d retire, grow old, and spend however many days he had left with you, in a place far from the city. Out of the limelight. It was its own kind of cruelty to want his death to be before yours, but Todoroki would’ve been content to have you outlive him. For between the two of you, it was you who should have.
Todoroki would’ve gladly given up years—decades—of his life to have you back. To be able to hold and kiss you and raise the beautiful daughter that you two had together.
A single accident was all it’d taken.
A truck stolen by a villain, slamming into the car you were driving. There were no survivors from either vehicle. By the time it reached Todoroki’s ears what’d happened, there was nothing he could do to save you.
The accident had made headlines for weeks—sometimes still did—as heroes and civilians from around the world were shocked and saddened to learn the number two hero’s, Shouto’s, spouse of four years had died. 
Immediately following the news, Todoroki’s siblings, mother, and father had come to see him, and Todoroki had received hundreds and hundreds of flowers, cards, and gift baskets, many with handwritten notes of condolence for Todoroki’s loss. Every one of his old classmates at U.A. had reached out to him, including Midoriya, the number one hero.
For weeks Todoroki avoided what he could of the media. 
Even before becoming a Pro, he’d never been one to relish the attention he often received, but Todoroki had been determined to protect what little of his life he could still keep private. Now more than ever, with his daughter missing one of her parents and her father becoming a new single parent. Todoroki had taken time off from his hero duties to focus on what needed to be done for the arrangements after your death.
Within the year, the world had collected itself and carried on, as there was always something new to worry about. But Todoroki had always held onto the day of your accident and onto the happiest days of his life with you. When you first said you loved him. When you accepted his proposal. When (d/n) entered his and your lives.
There were times when Todoroki thought about retiring so he could raise (d/n) alone, despite how senseless it seemed. Being so young and at the ranking he was at, Todoroki would’ve been throwing his duties aside, putting an early end to the future many saw for him, but without you in it. All to retire and be with his family, his daughter.
Todoroki would do it if there ever came such a time when he couldn’t stand it any longer, the villains and other heroes and hours at work.
“She always misses you.” Fuyumi smiled, watching Todoroki pick (d/n) up after a long day at the agency.
“Thank you for taking care of her.”
“Didn’t I tell you before?” Fuyumi reminded gently. “You don’t need to thank me, Shouto. I just… want to do what I can.”
Although she hesitated for a moment, Fuyumi asked, “Have you seen what the media’s been saying lately?”
“Yeah, they’ve been getting persistent,” Todoroki said, frowning to himself.
Talk of Todoroki’s relationship status was becoming more common, with speculation about whether or not he’d begin to date again now that it’d been nearly a year since your death. 
Maybe it’d been long enough that they thought the period of mourning was over, but it never was for Todoroki.
Not truly.
He kissed (d/n)’s forehead, happy just to be home.
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shoutoscenarios · 5 years
Over a year later
And I am so sorry for the total silence between my last post and now. There is really no great excuse for it, but a combination of school and a debilitating disease made it so much harder and harder to keep up with both my work and my writing. For the first time in over a year, I logged into this account and almost cried looking over the support I received in the past and even when I stopped writing, and I felt like I had to make a post, if only to say sorry and thank you for all the support. Considering how long it’s been, I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to writing like I once did, but there was one request in my inbox that I wanted to do because I could relate very strongly to it. It should be up later today or tomorrow.
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Anonymous said: Can you do a scenario where S/O likes to hug him a lot and Todorki notices how short his S/O is and points it out to her. Then S/O pouts about it which he finds that adorable.
THIS request is just as adorable, Anon! <3 Here it is, and I hope you’ll like it! Honestly... I couldn’t help myself from writing Todoroki’s mom in here, so it’s not entirely fluffy, but I enjoyed writing this very much! <3
Warnings: Spoilers for Todoroki’s parents.
“Man, that test was tough!”
“If you studied, then what’s the problem?”
Interrupting Kirishima and Mineta, Todoroki zipped past his classmates for the classroom door, as fast as he could without running outright and creating suspicion, although he suspected he was already doing that, judging from the raised eyebrows and hurried sidesteps he was receiving from a few of his classmates. But he couldn’t care less about the unusualness of it. Or him.
Being in different classes at Yuuei, he couldn’t always see you, even after school when you had your clubs or activities to get to, and Todoroki himself would occasionally have to get home early to entertain whatever thoughts Endeavor had now about his future, followed closely by questions he had of how All Might was doing—Todoroki found those especially annoying—if his father was so interested, why couldn’t he ask All Might himself? It wasn’t like they avoided each other.
As two Heros in training, it was difficult for you and Todoroki to find free time together, but today he had it. You both did. And Todoroki’s excitement for his after-school date with you was showing. He couldn’t wait to see you.
He just didn’t expect it to be this soon.
Turning rapidly from the classroom door, Todoroki ran straight into a body. “—!”
“Oof—!” it said in a voice Todoroki couldn’t forget anytime soon if he tried. He looked down at you rubbing your head, eyes closed in slight pain.
“Sorry,” Todoroki said gently, feeling guilty he was the cause of your current pained expression, but at the same time, moved. Classes had just ended for the day, yet you were rushing to his classroom. Probably just as deliriously happy he was. Before he ran into you, of course.
“It’s okay… Shouto,” you said, slowly opening your eyes to smile at him, once all the shock of seconds ago had died down. “I’m just happy to see you!”
You wrapped your arms around Todoroki in a warm hug that he returned in no time.
And then you both were walking out of the hallway, out of Yuuei, and onto the streets, in a less dense part of the city, where no one either of you knew could spot you walking close and holding hands. Or that one time you leaned in, reaching forward to fix Todoroki’s uneven hair, claiming that some of his red strands were trying to change color, by crossing over to his white side.
You were still holding hands.
Here, there were fewer people around, so fewer to recognize you or Todoroki, as students of the famed Yuuei Hero Academy, and fewer to give you two a hard time for ambling in the warm, still sun-in-the-sky afternoon. And there was water too and more land than city.
It was really what Todoroki needed after the past month he’d had with the rest of Class 1-A, doing what they did best. Grabbing the attention of dangerous and extremely dangerous villains.
“How’s your mother doing?” you asked then, though quietly, waiting for the surprise on Todoroki’s face to settle into something calmer.
It wasn’t the first time you’d asked how his mother was doing. You’d made sure to do it every once in a while, after his first visit to the hospital. And as much as he wanted to say, after a whole year of his mother back in his life, that he was used to it—and to her—he wasn’t. There was so much lost time to make up for, more than one year could accomplish, but he and his mother were getting there. Steadily.
“She’s fine,” Todoroki said, gazing ahead.
To most, it would’ve seemed like a right time to say or think That’s it? But to you, more didn’t need to be said. It was Todoroki’s shortened form of saying She’s fine. I visited her last week, and we talked. You never pushed for him to continue with every detail he could think of.
The walking stopped when you did, with Todoroki turning to look at you. His eyes widened when you suddenly hugged him.
“I’m really glad you’re still talking.” Smiling, you pressed a cheek against his chest.
He didn’t often concentrate on it, but feeling you hug him tighter, Todoroki realized again how short you were. 
“…you’re really cute short.”
You had to look all the way up to meet his eyes. “Where is this coming from?” You pouted, and Todoroki thought it was absolutely adorable.
“I-I know! Let’s buy your mother some flowers!” you piped up, flustered and pulling away from him.
Todoroki hoped he could take you to meet her someday.
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
I have a REALLY rough draft of the next scenario finished. Aiming to post it over the weekend! Thank you always.
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Anonymous said: I'm so sorry about bothering you but could I request a lil romantic scenario with a vampire!Todoroki and a fem!S/o?? I would write it myself but I'm very b a d at this kind of stuff, haha! Thank you and have a wonderful day~
You’ll never bother me, Anon. Thank you for requesting! I wrote this for Halloween, but kept polishing it up til today, and it’s based off of some Halloween art I saw for BnHA, where Todoroki’s dressed as a vampire. I think I failed on making it romantic though, Anon.. ugh I’m sorry, lol.
And happy (belated) Halloween!!!
Warnings: None
He looked ridiculous.
His hair slicked back, Todoroki peered into the mirror, something that he was thankful he could do, despite that one myth about his kind and reflections. Tilting his head back, Todoroki felt at his fangs with a hand, cape falling once more over his shoulders, before he took a step backward, taking in his appearance in the mirror and the costume he had on for that stupid party. The party you'd convinced him to go to with you. Since apparently everyone, even Bakugou, in the class was going.
And costumes were mandatory.
Todoroki’s costume was fine, although ironic and your idea.
But the fangs were far too real-looking for it.
Because they were.
Todoroki stood in his room. There was less than a half hour until the party would start, and he was already wishing he’d gone with another choice for his costume instead of the obvious one. Being himself, a vampire. Soon to be at a party full of humans, where no one else but you knew what he truly was.
"…You really think they're going to believe this?" Todoroki asked you, feeling unconvinced as he finally took his hand away from his fangs to see what you were wearing for your costume. Honestly, through his fixation on his own, he’d forgotten what you were going as, only remembering you’d said something about not wanting to go as a vampire couple, or else you’d “steal his thunder.”
If that was even possible, Todoroki still doubted it anyway.
You redid the knot holding his cape together. “Of course! No one will know, Shouto,” you said breezily, making a satisfied face and looking at Todoroki with an easy smile. “They’ll just think you bought some pricey fangs for the party, to keep up with your vampire appearances and all.”
“Now, no more worrying about it,” you scolded, pushing open the door. “I can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes!”
Todoroki wasn’t feeling any less restless about the party than he was before you’d scolded him, but he followed you out, hoping he wouldn’t have to answer any strange questions that night about his costume.
It was just his luck that at Yuuei’s annual Halloween party, you’d both run into Midoriya, surprisingly not dressed up as some version of All Might like Todoroki had half-expected, and Midoriya, with his keen appreciation for the minor details, was already shooting questions at him, one after the other. His head and green- black curls bobbed up and down as he looked over Todoroki’s costume thoughtfully.
Fortunately, Midoriya didn’t pay much attention to the repeated nods and hmm-ing Todoroki was giving him as answers, letting Midoriya mumble to himself.
Until his eyes dropped to the two fangs peeking out from Todoroki’s mouth.
Todoroki tensed.
Midoriya broke into a wide grin.
“I never would’ve guessed you’d come as a vampire, Todoroki! Your costume’s really well-made!”
“Isn’t it?” you agreed heartily, matching his grin, and both you and Midoriya glanced at Todoroki’s costume, as if appreciating it even more.
Todoroki shifted uncomfortably in response, also making sure to mention the costume was your idea. Not that he hated it though—no, no!—but it was definitely drawing attention.
To his relief, however, Midoriya remained cheerful, saying goodbye to the two of you before he sauntered back to a chatting Uraraka and Iida, thinking nothing more of Todoroki’s vampire costume or his “plastic” fangs.
It was later during the party, while he was with you getting punch at the food table, that Todoroki heard his name, rather, his nickname, being shouted, and he knew full well there was only one person that called him half-and-half.
“What the hell are you supposed to be?”
Todoroki turned around, just in time to catch Bakugou stepping closer, until they were both at eye level.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Todoroki said, quietly setting down his cup. Behind him, he could sense you were moving to the side, trying to find out what was going on.
He couldn’t have known why Bakugou (wearing some sort of dog ears??) decided that now would be a good time to pick a fight, but if that’s what he really wanted, Todoroki wasn’t completely against it.
“You don’t know what a werewolf is?” Bakugou spat, his tone angry.
“Just like you don’t a vampire.”
Todoroki was aware of the small crowd beginning to gather around them now, curious to see if there really was going to be a fight in the middle of the party. Somewhere, there was probably even a teacher watching them closely, ready to step in should things go beyond harsh words.
But Bakugou was silent, staying put, eyes narrowing. He focused them on Todoroki’s fangs suspiciously, before finally turning away and walking towards the food table.
“ …fucking cape,” Bakugou muttered.
Todoroki pretended not to hear it.
And with that settled, the gathered crowd dispersed, interest lost on the situation, and a cup of red punch was pushed to Todoroki.
“See? Even Bakugou couldn’t tell,” you said, looking a little smug. You wiggled the cup in front of him, holding yours with your other hand. “Reminds you a lot of something else, right?” you teased, and Todoroki couldn’t help his slight smile as he took the cup from you and sipped, being careful not to poke it with his fangs.
When he looked up, he noticed your blank stare.
“What is it?”
“Nothing,” you said hurriedly, now seeming more interested in your punch than ever. 
“…you just look really attractive like that, with your fangs out, Shouto…” you admitted, going in for a long gulp, but Todoroki stopped you before you could, placing one hand over yours.
He traced his tongue over his fangs.
Todoroki knew he wouldn’t make it through the night if he couldn’t have them in your neck at least once.
“No more punch.”
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
I am so sorry for the long silence on this blog this past week. I’ve been so busy lately with my courses and work that I haven’t had the time to just sit down and type. But I am not abandoning this blog. However, with all that’s been going on in my life, I’m thinking that it might be better if I aim to post at least once a week, from now on. I know this is very different than when I first started posting, but it’s what I think I can do right now.
Thank you always to everyone that has been patient and supportive of me and my writing. It really means the world, and I hope to write something for you soon.
- Eva
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Gosh I get so happy whenever I see you post! Like that last scenario was so cute! You, my friend, have an eternal follower 😉💖
Thank you! THANK YOUUU, Anon! And I'm happy that you're happy ♥ :)
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Anonymous said: Headcannons for todo with an s/o who's easily startled?? Like she gets scared really easily/ she's really jumpy
for you, Anon, of course <3 I thought this request was so fitting with Halloween coming up! :D
Warnings: None
Before dating you, Todoroki used to think that he was the one scaring you, thanks to many moments where he’d just happened to enter a room, and you’d jumped, sometimes dropping whatever was in your hands at the time, obviously startled. While it’d confused the heck out of him, it’d made Todoroki determined to figure out what it was about him that scared you. True, he didn’t know you very well then, and he generally wasn’t interested in any of his classmates or their lives, but he didn’t want to be someone you were scared of… and much later did he want to be someone that was more than a friend to you.
Todoroki’s very relieved when he realizes he’s wrong about scaring you, but from all the time he’s spent with you, he also understands why you’re so jumpy. Besides just being naturally easier to startle than other people, you can get so focused on doing one thing that you’ll completely block out everything else, making it really easy to startle you with sudden noise or movement. And he’s seen you that focused before, while you were doing something important, or you were listening to music, earbuds fitted in your ears.
Because you can get so focused though, Todoroki’s much more aware of his surroundings with you, for the both you, in case you don’t see a student walking towards you, wanting to talk, or a teacher with words of praise for you about your work as a hero in training. So, Todoroki’s usually the first to notice if someone’s coming over, and when they’re close enough, he’ll either have to look at them or say their name to get your attention, and that way, there’s less of a chance that you’ll be startled out of your focus.
Todoroki’s never annoyed by your jumpiness. He understands that you’re not intentionally jumping at things for the fun of it, and if your reactions are all he has to go on, you rarely seem to enjoy being startled. Which is why he starts doing little things to keep himself from accidentally startling you, such as being conscious of his footsteps when he’s somewhere behind you and when it’s just the two of you around. Without overdoing it, Todoroki will walk a little louder so that if he approaches you, you’re more likely to hear him than startle, and maybe it could prevent a drink or two from sliding out of your hands and falling straight to the floor.
He’ll also avoid tapping and putting a hand on your shoulder whenever possible because Todoroki knows that it’s the suddenness of those actions that startle you the most during your busiest moments.
Todoroki will want to be near you when he’s with you, often holding your hand, which he gives a light squeeze to if you’re not particularly paying attention to someone or something that’s going on. But really, he just likes the feeling of comfort hand holding gives to the both of you, and it’s that intimate gesture that really helps Todoroki relax on frustrating days he’s had, where he can’t kiss you in public. At least not unless you both don’t mind a lot of gawking students.
He does make exceptions, occasionally.
Todoroki keeps you as far away from his father as possible, since Endeavor’s booming voice is enough to scare even little children away. Unlike his father, however, Todoroki’s own voice is pretty soothing to the ears, but say that to him, and you won’t be able to tell just how embarrassed (but pleased) he is to hear it.
Todoroki’s great with sitting through horror movies, despite getting slightly unsettled by some scenes. You, on the other hand, maybe not as much because of the suspense and the jump scares that leave you startled, latching onto Todoroki’s arm like he’s your first line of defense if a demon/ghost/zombie/etc. were to pop out of a horror movie and attack you both.
But it’s perfectly okay with Todoroki, even if it’s the fourth horror movie you’re watching together that week, or you’re both in the middle of a horror movie marathon.
Because startled or not, he’ll always find a way to protect you.
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
hello, are you accepting requests?
Yes, I am, Anon! :)
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Headcanons next! <3 I’m getting a rush of ideas for the request, but.. if I can actually write them, lol. Hoping to get it up soon!
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
chasingnar-gles said: Can I make a request for an au-ish one shot? Where SO is older than Shouto (not really a big age difference, maybe like 2-5 years?) and SO used to be like Shouto's big sister when they were younger but Shouto had to go away, and before the two of them gets separated lil Shouto promises to marry SO one day, but SO doesnt take it seriously. Then after years of no contact, Shouto returns and actually makes good on what he promised to SO hahahahha
I know it took ages to get to this point.. but thank you for the WONDERFUL request! Some of what we talked about way back are in here, but I changed a few things to make the one shot flow better.
Went crazy with the warnings, since all of them are important for this. ;)
Warnings: AU, 3-4 year age difference, short SO, fem SO, timeskips, spoilers for Todoroki’s family, spoilers for Sports Festival Arc.
He was five when he’d met you in the countryside.
Todoroki shyly tugged at the hem of his mother’s dress, hiding behind her legs, his eyes fixed on the little girl in the park holding up a kitten to her face, smiling as it stared down at her innocently. Todoroki had never held a kitten before. He wondered what it felt like to have its soft fur between his fingers and hear its tiny meow up close.
Todoroki’s mother bent down to rest her hands on top of his. “What is it, Shouto?” she asked gently, and Todoroki turned his head from the girl to his mother, then back to the girl, before looking at the grass beneath his feet, bangs brushing over his eyes.
“C-can I play with them, Mom?” he asked, balling up his fists, waiting for her to tell him no, just as she had those other times he’d asked to play with someone, and every time, Todoroki was always hopeful that it’d be different.
After a silent minute, he looked up from the grass, following his mother’s gaze to the girl. It lingered there for a moment, then returned to him, along with a smile.
“Only for a little bit, okay?” his mother said with some warning in her voice as she squeezed his hands lightly with her own, stressing how important it was that he listen.
Todoroki’s eyes widened. He nodded quickly, moving in to hug his mother, and wrapped his short arms around her, before taking off in the direction of the girl with the kitten.
When she noticed him, the girl set the kitten down.
Todoroki was panting by the time he reached her, bending over and trying to catch his breath. Once he could finally talk, he beamed at the girl, his head raised.
“Can I play with you?”
The girl grinned. “Sure!”
The kitten near her feet meowed with her, as though it agreed, but if it was actually protesting, Todoroki couldn’t know.
He sat on the grass with the girl on her opposite side. The kitten was between them, walking freely up to Todoroki to nuzzle his knee, which made him feel like the happiest boy in the park, if just briefly.
With his right hand, he petted the kitten’s head. “I wish dad would let me pet you,” he told it sadly, and using the same hand, Todoroki placed a palm on the ground, freezing strands of grass until they were covered with frost.
“Dad?” the girl asked, curious. She pulled the kitten away when it tried licking the frost, before poking the frost herself with a finger, gasping at its coldness.
Todoroki frowned. “He doesn’t let me pet dogs or cats or anything,” he grumbled, closing his left hand into a fist, then opening it, releasing little sparks he’d made with his quirk.
There was another gasp, and the little girl was waving one of her arms side to side, causing bubbles to seemingly pour out of it. She only stopped waving once they were surrounded by a decent amount of them.
Todoroki shook his head when a bubble popped against his cheek. “Your quirk is… bubbles?” he asked, amazed. He popped a few that were about to hit him.
“Yeah, but it’s not as cool as yours,” the girl said as the last of the bubbles popped. “You have ice and fire!”
Todoroki petted the kitten again, now settled next to his leg, curled up with its eyes closed. “Is this your kitten?” he asked, not really wanting to talk about his quirk.
You didn’t seem to mind. “No, my neighbor’s! My mom says they’re on vacation and can’t bring a kitten with them.” The girl tilted her head and looked behind Todoroki, pointing a finger. “She’s right there.”
Todoroki turned around and saw some woman—your mother—talking to his.
He pointed to his mother. “That’s mine,” he said.
His mother waved a hand for him to come over, and Todoroki’s face fell. He knew that wave meant he had to go home, but he didn’t want to. He was having a lot of fun with the girl whose name, he just realized, he didn’t know yet.
Todoroki waved at his mother, shouting, “I’m coming Mom!” He then looked to the girl just as she was picking up the kitten.
“I’m Todoroki Shouto,” he said, getting up. “What’s your name?”
…The little girl was you.
Todoroki and his mother had gone back to that park a couple more times.
He’d seen you again for most of them, though without the kitten, now with your neighbors. He was so sure you were his best friend, but when he’d said that to his mother, she’d just patted him on the head and smiled. Todoroki was too young to see how nervous she was, and he’d never asked why his father wasn’t with them.
Todoroki sat with you on the steps of the convenience store, his knees knocking against yours every once in a while, as he held the blue popsicle in his right hand, the right side of him keeping it from melting. It was a much happier sight compared to you and your popsicle, already dripping over your hand from the summer heat.
You made a face when another drop hit your fingers. “This melts too fast,” you complained, before biting a chunk off the popsicle.
Todoroki pulled back from taking a bite of his own, feeling bad that his popsicle wasn’t in the same shape as yours was, literally.
“Want me to ice it?” he offered, kind of hoping that you did. Todoroki liked using his quirk around you because you’d always marvel at the ice or fire he’d make, and he was getting better at using his quirk, every day.
You shook your head, moving your popsicle away from your mouth.
“No, it’s okay,” you said, then smiled cheekily at Todoroki. “I can just buy another one, right?”
Todoroki smiled too, despite feeling disappointed. “Yeah.” He bit into his popsicle again, immediately squeezing his eyes shut. His other hand came up to press against the side of his forehead. “Too cold…!”
He heard you laugh beside him and glared at you, although he didn’t really mean it, and he didn’t hesitate in turning down your offer of switching popsicles (“too cold” for “melty”). But Todoroki was all for competing to see which of you spotted the most cicadas in the park.
“Okay, you win,” you said, giving up, and Todoroki was slightly bothered by his easy win. He had good eyes, but you hadn’t focused too hard at spotting cicadas. And if he’d lost, he’d be unhappy.
“What do you want? A red popsicle?” you asked, standing up to smooth out your dress.
Todoroki thought about it as he sat, then stood up as well, facing you as tall as he could, even though you were (annoyingly) taller than him.
“I want to marry you!” he said, doing his best to be as confident as All Might.
You stared open-mouthed at him then, before laughing. “You’re so cute,” you gushed, picking up the two popsicle sticks lying on the top of the steps.
“No, I’m not!” Todoroki protested. “I’m going to marry you,” he said, voice lowering as he tried hiding his embarrassment. He saw you smile at him.
Todoroki nodded. “Promise!”
Holding back another laugh, you walked into the convenience store, with Todoroki going after you, frustrated that you didn’t seem to believe him.
The next time he saw you… Todoroki had bandages wrapped around the left side of his face.
He’d run from the men his father had looking after him, his father acting as if nothing had changed and that Todoroki could simply move on from what—who—was now missing from his life.
He’d ran to the park where he’d met you, farther away from his father’s men.
Todoroki didn’t know where else to go or who else he wanted to talk to, besides you, and he found you there again, sitting against a large tree. Your mother was talking to other people in another area of the park.
The smile you gave him disappeared when you noticed his bandages, but you didn’t say anything about them, letting Todoroki sit next to you, the breeze pushing against his bandages a little.
“Where’s your mom?” you asked, looking around the park for her.
“She’s not here,” Todoroki said flatly. He pulled his legs up, burying his face in them.
Neither of you talked for a few minutes, until Todoroki lifted his head, staring ahead distantly. 
“I’m moving.”
You turned to Todoroki immediately. “Moving where?” you asked, sounding shocked.
Todoroki didn’t want to see your hurt expression.
He left you under the shade of the tree and ran, fighting back the tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.
…He regretted how he’d parted with you, until his regret turned into a dull ache he’d feel whenever he thought back to that day.
Todoroki had tried more than once to ignore the feeling or reason with himself. He’d been five-years-old at the time and considering what had happened to him and his mother… but if he’d just asked for more than your name, such as what you wanted to be when you were older, or which hero academy you wanted to go to.
But he supposed he was looking at the answer to that second question, when he and Midoriya had arrived outside the teachers’ room, carrying boxes they’d been asked to deliver to Sensei there.
In the hallway were hanging pictures of former students of Yuuei, none Todoroki had ever met—he’d thought that, at first. One of the pictures was of a small group of students with a girl that he, at second glance, knew had to be you, although he could barely recognize you and the familiar classroom of Class 1-C, General Studies.
Todoroki had imagined before what you could’ve looked like as an older version of yourself, but he didn’t expect you to be like… this… and this was an older picture of you in your first year at Yuuei… Who knew what you were like now? He certainly didn’t, and it brought about a different kind of ache within him than the dull one he was used to feeling.
He’d come this close to seeing you again, but you’d already graduated from Yuuei.
You wouldn’t be coming back, not unless things with you had settled down, and you’d found a job or entered college. Even then, you could be too busy to visit the hero academy you’d only recently graduated from.
If Todoroki were a year older or you a year younger…
He looked away from the picture of the small group, feeling as if the weight of the box he was carrying had doubled.
Todoroki’s eyes snapped to Midoriya, who stood nearby, carrying his own box.
“What?” Todoroki asked, irritated.
“Did you know someone that went here, in General Studies?” Midoriya asked, peering at the picture Todoroki had just been looking at, most likely searching for the reason why Todoroki had been so distracted all of a sudden.
“No,” Todoroki lied.
Without checking to see if Midoriya had stopped admiring the hanging pictures, Todoroki continued walking with his box to the door of the teachers’ room. Now, he was too far away for Midoriya to read his face.
He didn’t like that Midoriya had been the one to see his rare show of emotion, but it was miles better than the entire class, Sensei included, seeing it instead. He couldn’t spend the rest of his morning in the hallway. He and Midoriya had the boxes to deliver to the teachers’ room.
Todoroki heard the footsteps of Midoriya behind him.
Speaking of teachers… he was almost completely sure that there was something between All Might and Midoriya that went beyond teacher and student… but what?
He had the upcoming sports festival to confront Midoriya about it, then prove to his father he could make do without using his left side.
If he did, if he won it all, Todoroki hoped you would be watching.
“She’ll be with you in just a few minutes,” the woman at the door said, after apologizing to Todoroki for the third time, her face flushed as she quietly shut the door, leaving Todoroki alone inside the office to wait.
When he’d entered the building earlier, he hadn’t intended to cause such a scene, but given that he was a pro-hero, it was probably inevitable that he did. Everyone had been surprised when they saw him, then a second later were welcoming Todoroki, apologizing for the pause.
Most of them, however, were curious as to what the hero Shouto could want from an office building that had no ties whatsoever to any pro-heroes or hero organizations, which led to Todoroki vaguely explaining what he was there for and being taken to the office he was currently in.
Your office.
He walked around the room, too nervous to sit in the chair across from your desk, and for Todoroki, it was unusual for him to be this nervous. But today, it was impossible not to be. He was going to see you again, but would you recognize him? Would you want to talk to him? What would you even talk about?
If he kept this up, he was going to have to use that right side of his on himself to cool calm down.
Todoroki forced himself to focus on the spines of the books on your bookcase.
He was on his sixth title when the door opened.
“I’m sorry for the wait—!” a voice said, before inhaling sharply. “…Todoroki?”
Todoroki’s heart quickened at the soft voice, and he turned, meeting your startled gaze.
“Senpai,” he greeted, hesitantly taking a step towards you as the door to your office closed.
“I can’t believe it,” You broke into a smile. “You’re so tall now!” you exclaimed, crossing the room to get a closer look at him. “You always did look tall on TV!”
“You… watch me on TV?” Todoroki asked, dumbfounded.
“Yeah,” You nodded, looking proud. “I think everyone here is sick of hearing it, but I can’t help but brag about the little kid I met in the countryside that’s now this famous pro-hero. And he’s on the news every week.”
“ …I always knew you’d become a great hero someday, Shouto,” you teased, using Todoroki’s hero name, which for the moment, he was ignoring was his hero name. It was still his first, and he rather liked you saying it…
“So, did you meet anyone over the years?”
Todoroki might’ve been too quick with his response, but he was honest.
“No,” he said, looking away sheepishly. “There’s no one.” His voice was softer now.
Suddenly, he felt a hand pat his head, and his eyes were on you again. You were standing closer to him with an arm outstretched. It was a bit silly, if you took into account the height difference between the two of you, but comforting, nonetheless.
“Don’t be a workaholic, Todoroki, okay?” you warned lightly. “…You’ll find someone.”
“You have the looks for it,” you joked, taking your hand away from his head.
It wasn’t enough for him to go by, but Todoroki didn’t see you wearing a ring, and you���d sounded like you were speaking from personal experience… Too much work to date. But it wasn’t like that for him. He’d found someone, a long time ago.
He couldn’t take your advice.
“Senpai,” Todoroki started, but he was a second too late. You were already talking.
“Do you remember when we first met? I had that kitten, and you were so happy to pet it. I always thought—”
Todoroki interrupted you then. Only instead of Senpai, he called you by your first name.
You went red, at a loss.
Todoroki took it as his chance to continue.
“I made you a promise,” he said, “…about marrying you.” 
He’d tried keeping his voice steady, but years of being apart had a way of making even him have trouble getting his emotions under control.
Todoroki watched as your eyes widened at the memory. “You still remember that?” you asked.
“I want to keep it,” Todoroki said, firm, and unlike his younger self… he was more confident about this than anything else.
You spent the next moment searching his eyes, then asked him to lean down, mumbling something about being too short.
Todoroki did so, confused 
…until soft lips pressed against his.
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Still working on AU one shot. Hoping to post it soon! :D
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
You and your blog make the world a better place
and so do you, Anon! Love you
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
I hope you're having a great day!
Aw, thank you! I hope you are too, Anon
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
The next request I'm doing is an AU one shot, which I'm thinking will take several days to finish. The request is tugging at my heartstrings so hard.. it'd feel wrong to cram it into a short scenario
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Also this is jumpy s/o request anon, I LOVEEE YOUR BLOG AND YOUR WRITING ITS SO GOOD ILY
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
You're like one of the sweetest people ever and your writing is gorgeous and i just get so happy seeing you on my dash, whether it's your writing or you simply responding to someone. Please have a wonderful day/night 💖
I.. have no words for this.. or I do, but how am I supposed to get them out?? Gosh.. thank you so much, Anon!!! YOU are much sweeter than I am, and my day/night is already wonderful because of you. Have an AMAZING week!!!
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