shrimpella21 · 2 months
There's something SO satisfying about the ways bears jiggle when they walk and run. Like yes babe please keep doing that. I'm a huge fan.
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shrimpella21 · 2 months
you think your food bills are high now? wait until you start dating a guy that has the metabolism of a common shrew. by the time you're done unloading your usual groceries, he's already eaten half of them because it's 'that time of the month'.
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shrimpella21 · 2 months
There was a laugh from Pedro's newfound companion. It was bitter, and slightly hoarse, as if the stranger was unaccustomed to using their voice. He leaned forward into a small patch of light to analyze the battered detective. "You are bleeding. Don't move." If there was any uncertainty about who he was, it was made clear by his accent that he was the missing man. Russian, tall, and with a curly mop of dark hair, the only thing clearly different about his appearance was the bruises blossoming across his face. He sighed. There was silence for a brief moment as he shoved himself forward to get closer and inspect the grounded detective. He grabbed Pedro by the hair, gingerly, and used his other hand to reach down and feel for blood. When he was met with a still-damp cut, he scowled and murmured, "Got you good, hm?" Shardik's physical changes were more obvious now that they were face to face. He was bigger, for one. The second, more obvious change was the scarring along his hands and cheek. Subtle on his cheek, it was anything but soft on his hands. They looked like burns but it was hard to tell for certain in the dingy light. "Did.....my brother send you?" He had no clue of knowing whether Valery spent time and money on a search. Valery certainly did, but eventually was met with the same fate as his brother - missing.
Open: any Connection: Pedro has been working your muse's missing persons case, but a lead got him too close to the truth. Now they have to work together to get out. Muse: Pedro da Costa. 23-30. Rookie detective.
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There was a dull voice pulling him from his unexpected slumber, a voice that he did not recognise. He felt woozy, head spinning and stomach twisting, recalling faintly the moment he had been grabbed from behind, something heavy hitting him in the head before everything had gone dark. As his eyes opened, he spotted someone not too far away from him and despite the dark space, the dim light was enough to make him realise that he may have unintentionally found the person he was looking for this whole time.
Just not in the way he had planned.
Their name stumbled past his lips, a query to ensure that he was speaking to who he thought he was, and only when he heard the confirmation did Pedro continue, trying to move into a seated position but instantly regretting it as his head spun once more.
“I… Goddamnit…" he began, leaning back against the cold ground, eyes scanning over them for any injuries from where he lay. “My name is Detective Pedro da Costa... I know- I know this might not give you much confidence right now, but I’ve been looking for you.”
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shrimpella21 · 2 months
A note: Shardik is not a character for those who don't like violence and shitty backstories. He's kinda freaky.
N/A. 30-40ish. He/Him.
Russian. Single. Bodyguard.
Homosexual and Homoromantic.
RL Faceclaim: Aaron Taylor Johnson (flexible)
I'll be honest - his age fluctuates a LOT depending on the verse/situation. His age tends to run on the older side (even if he doesn't look it) due to his shifter regeneration. But again it totally changes based on situation lmao. He's feral asf but he makes the BEST boyfriend. His age is dependent on whether or not he's supernatural. He's usually a werebear (he can be a reg human depending on partner preference). He's incredibly snuggly, soft, and protective. He's had a pretty shitty life (he is classically the subject of an experiment, not a bitten werecreature) so he could really use someone he can trust. Usually he works security for whoever he can find a job with. Also he has a super nasty identical twin >:)
Werebear Verse Info Sheet (General, Likes/Dislikes, Extras, Etc):
Normal!Shardik (no shifting, just a regular average guy)
ExperimentWerebear!Shardik (shifting is caused by a lab's experimentation)
BittenWerebear!Shardik (shifting is caused by a bite - this verse is kinda rare unless my partner would prefer a truly supernatural-based au)
SerialKiller!Shardik (he's not violent from trauma, he's just a freak)
Valery Info
Valery is Shardik's identical twin. Unless one has dyed their hair or Shardik is missing his ear, it's hard to impossible to tell them apart. Valery is a bit of an asshole, unless he's still working for the corporation that took him and Shardik. Then he's a raging dick. He's dangerous af. Probably shouldn't be messed with. Has less of a moral compass than Shardik and that's saying something. He's very brainwashed by the corp.
This is still a wip so forgive the mess!
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shrimpella21 · 2 months
mm the overwhelming urge to post what I have for shardik so far, compared to the urge to post it only once i'm done, with the added bonus of the urge to not do it at all bc i'm actually super lazy and want it to magically write itself. fml.
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shrimpella21 · 3 months
This will still be a multimuse blog but I've been favoring Shardik lately so I'm going to promote him to be my main for now. Nothing will change with the rest of my characters, I'm just adding a 'main muse' link on my pinned post. I'll also be making a full bio for him :) if there's any questions you have ab him you can let me know and i'll add that to the needed info!
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shrimpella21 · 3 months
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ayo i did a thing! template
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
𝕱𝖆𝖈𝖊𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒 𝖂𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
Here is the long-promised femme wishlist! There's absolutely no pressure to deliver any of these lovely ladies, but I'll be very happy if you do!
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Anne Hathaway ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Anya Taylor-Joy ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Cate Blanchett ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Dichen Lachman ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Emilia Clarke ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Florence Pugh ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Golda Rosheuvel ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ India Amarteifio ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Julia Roberts ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Keke Palmer ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Lady Gaga ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Lauren LaVera ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Lena Headey ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Maisie Williams ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Maya Hawke ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Mia Goth ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Nava Mau ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Noomi Rapace ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Sandra Bullock ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Sigourney Weaver ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Sophie Turner ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Sophie Wilde ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Toni Collette ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀┃ Winona Ryder
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
Well. He told himself it was only a matter of time before they made a barter - it might as well be now. After a tense moment, he pursed his lips and drew the knife away, stepping backward to shove it haphazardly into a raggedy sheath at his waistband. It could be risk. He could be shot. But really, he told himself, what's the worst that can happen? He gets shot and turns into a big scary monster, big whoop. "We have a truce. For now. But I think you should start talking, mystery man." It might've been egotistical, but he hadn't thought that anybody would be able to catch up before he moved on to the next place. "You look like you should be behind a desk."
a starter for the lovely @etxrnaleclipse ! "Give me the gun." A shaking, bloody hand, pressed an equally bloody blade up against the small of the stranger's back. Shardik wasn't sure who the man in front of him was, but he was sure he wasn't a friend. The gun told him such; the circumstances hinted at the rest. Only someone with a duty or a death wish would walk into a place like this. It was dark and rancid, filled with nothing but garbage and a poorly-hidden shelter. He'd been hopping from place to place for months. Realistically, someone was bound to find him - whether they were law enforcement or someone from the corporation, it didn't matter. The trail of bodies he'd been leaving (some incidental causalities, other intentional) was impossible to cover up. He let out a sigh, tutting his tongue as he leaned in. His accent was thick and Russian, but thankfully, his speech was smooth enough to understand. For now. "I'm sure my word doesn't mean much to you, but I promise in good faith you won't be hurt." A grin stretched across his face and he snaps his teeth together. They look abnormally sharp. "Unless you do something stupid."
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
Cosmo listened intently as Gabriel stumbled through his words, his hesitations echoing the weight of his circumstances. He's never thought about it much, but now that they're doing nothing but talking, the familiar Australian accent brings him comfort. It's nice to know he wouldn't be alone in such a shit situation. He doesn't respond to the question about love, however - it makes his stomach twist in a way he certainly doesn't like. There was something about the way Gabriel carried himself in the moment, a mix of vulnerability and resilience, that made him feel almost proud. Not everybody could be faced with a situation like this and be fine. As Gabriel expressed his disbelief at the offer of shelter, Cosmo's gaze softened, understanding the wariness that comes with accepting help. But there was something about Gabriel, a sincerity in his uncertainty, that tugged at his heart.
"You're not just any bruce." He replied, his tone firm yet gentle. "You're trying to do your best. And as for your car, don't worry. Nobody's going to steal it." There was an undertone in his words, something akin to; 'it's a piece of shit, leave it'. "Your life is worth more than a car. It's stupid, I know, but I value you pretty highly." There was a surprising warmth in Cosmo's words, a promise of support. He knew that trust wasn't built overnight, but this felt like a good enough start. Weathering the storm together would be beneficial to both of them. "Just trust me on this one?"
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The problem with criminals is that they don't care whether or not they break the law to find you. They don't have rules in place to keep order. Cosmo knows this, he's seen some of the things those shitheads will do to people they want something from. Hell - he knows what he's done to people for as little as a thousand. Is it worth it? Maybe not. When he's on the receiving end it seems so.....scary. He walks around the car and watches silently, contemplating what it would mean to leave Gabriel here. It wouldn't be hard. Averting blame would be easy, and while it wouldn't let him off the hook completely, at least he would be able to pay back a debt instead of losing life or limb. "You're a real prick, y'know that? On top of the money and the hunting I'm gonna have to invite you home for the next few days. You know I can't let you stay in your car. You're gonna get-fucking-jumped or some shit." It's a bad excuse to invite the drifter into his home, and he knows that Gabriel likely knows this too, but he hopes he's not called out in the midst of all this other bullshit. He swipes the duffel bags from the trunk and throw them over his shoulder. They're heavy, but not intolerable. "Just-" A sigh interrupts his words. "get your shit together, you're coming with me. Leave your car here for now. We've got to figure out what to do and in the meantime, I'm not letting them kill you."
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
a starter for the lovely @etxrnaleclipse ! "Give me the gun." A shaking, bloody hand, pressed an equally bloody blade up against the small of the stranger's back. Shardik wasn't sure who the man in front of him was, but he was sure he wasn't a friend. The gun told him such; the circumstances hinted at the rest. Only someone with a duty or a death wish would walk into a place like this. It was dark and rancid, filled with nothing but garbage and a poorly-hidden shelter. He'd been hopping from place to place for months. Realistically, someone was bound to find him - whether they were law enforcement or someone from the corporation, it didn't matter. The trail of bodies he'd been leaving (some incidental causalities, other intentional) was impossible to cover up. He let out a sigh, tutting his tongue as he leaned in. His accent was thick and Russian, but thankfully, his speech was smooth enough to understand. For now. "I'm sure my word doesn't mean much to you, but I promise in good faith you won't be hurt." A grin stretched across his face and he snaps his teeth together. They look abnormally sharp. "Unless you do something stupid."
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
HEY BABES AND GHOULS like this fantastic post for a starter! if you don't ask for a specific muse i'll do random <3 or if you'd like me to respond to one of your starters instead, let me know and i can do that too~
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
open to: masc characters!
muse: jack chambers. dirty cop, kills people for fun. hard-core serial killer.
setting: any. @indiestarter
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"Is there a problem here, gentleman?" Cold, beady eyes stared daggers at the bloodied pair of men. He couldn't help but wonder who started it - was it the one with a broken nose, or the one with a fucked-up lip?
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
i need someone to roleplay with my werebear SO BAD i stfg i'm feral for him and he has a reference sheet now give me your most fucked up characters and i will love them dearly
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
The problem with criminals is that they don't care whether or not they break the law to find you. They don't have rules in place to keep order. Cosmo knows this, he's seen some of the things those shitheads will do to people they want something from. Hell - he knows what he's done to people for as little as a thousand. Is it worth it? Maybe not. When he's on the receiving end it seems so.....scary. He walks around the car and watches silently, contemplating what it would mean to leave Gabriel here. It wouldn't be hard. Averting blame would be easy, and while it wouldn't let him off the hook completely, at least he would be able to pay back a debt instead of losing life or limb. "You're a real prick, y'know that? On top of the money and the hunting I'm gonna have to invite you home for the next few days. You know I can't let you stay in your car. You're gonna get-fucking-jumped or some shit." It's a bad excuse to invite the drifter into his home, and he knows that Gabriel likely knows this too, but he hopes he's not called out in the midst of all this other bullshit. He swipes the duffel bags from the trunk and throw them over his shoulder. They're heavy, but not intolerable. "Just-" A sigh interrupts his words. "get your shit together, you're coming with me. Leave your car here for now. We've got to figure out what to do and in the meantime, I'm not letting them kill you."
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@theweredrifter, continued from here <3 Cosmo draws in a deep breath. He's not sure what he expected, but it certainly wasn't this. "You've got a week from now before they start tryna' find us." His hand reaches forward so he can poke a sharp, pointed nail against Gabriel's chest. "And I don't appreciate you testing my patience. I put my ass on the line because I like you. However misguided those feelings might be is up to you, and so far, you're not doing a great job at proving me right. I mean- for fucks sake, I thought you were some pickpocket aficionado. Where's that money?"
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shrimpella21 · 5 months
I like to ask my followers who have multi muse blogs, out of all your muses new and old, which one or ones (top three) are you most musing? Have the most inspiration for?
ooo, that's tough! I think the one I've got the most musings for now is shardik, he's my absolutley baby dearest. I've got a reference sheet for him in progress that I am SOSOSO excited to share when it's finished. I'm totally hoarding art for him rn and I really haven't had much chance to use him at all.
second would probably be cosmo, and third would be edgar! dilfs are the jammmm.
I'm sure it's easy to tell 😭 but I'm a huge fan of were-creatures and beasties in general. if it's a monster, I'm in love. they're also so fun to play!!!
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