shriyansjain · 3 years
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shriyansjain · 3 years
Are you worried about choosing the best sexologist in Delhi? Visit this website to get information about how to choose a sexologist.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
Visit our website to know the reason for not getting pregnant when everything is normal? Consult a sexologist if you want to have infertility treatment in delhi ncr.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
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shriyansjain · 3 years
Visit our website to know about the symptoms of a sexual problem. If you notice any of the symptoms, you can visit a sexologist in India and know how to control sexual desire.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
How Can You Treat Low Sperm Count Naturally
You must have heard very often about the low sperm count in males and many times they had tried various medicines, but nothing worked! It is essential to target the cause of the problem. To know the causes of the sexual problem and treat it with ayurvedic medicines, you should consult an Ayurvedic Sexologist in Noida.
The low sperm count can pose different issues for males and females. Some of the males are not even aware that they are facing these issues due to their habits. But, these can be mapped to by taking ayurvedic medicine to increase sperm count. 
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Usually, a male ejaculated 40M spermatozoa during one ejaculation. If the sperm count is less than this, then there could be fertility issues for that individual. Although various other facts cause the pow sperm count, it's as well. Also, infertility in males is an important part of the concern that affects the person's future family expectations. 
The infertility of men is set high and needs to be properly addressed. If the sperm count is low or the quality of the sperm is very bad, they directly put negative impacts on the chances of getting pregnant in women. For ordinary sperm life span, it takes a bit 42 to 72 days during which they can get fully matured.
If the couple is planning to conceive, it is supposed to be done with proper care and precautions. Mostly, In such cases, male partners must start to boost the sperm health 2-3 months before they plan for conceiving. 
Putting some light on the causes of the low sperm count are:
Due to Abnormal Sperms
These can be due to the testicles that haven't descended into the scrotal sac, or another reason could be a genetic infection or repetitive infections, which may lead to the low sperm count in males. In both cases, the intake of ayurvedic medicines can work the best. 
Transportation of Sperm is Hindered
Some issues like painful intercourse or retrograde ejaculation, or premature ejaculation can be the other cause of the low sperm count.
Lifestyle Issues
It is the rapidly growing reason in the last few years, leading to the low-speed count in males. Diseases like hypertension, diabetes are some of the lifestyle diseases which lead to the low production of sperm.
Ayurvedic Treatments for Low Sperm Count
Ayurvedic treatments are based on natural herbs and target the problem with a good diet and better lifestyle. It causes-
Good quality sperm and semen
Better ejaculation
Better fertilizing capacity of sperm
All this begins with cleansing, and after cleansing, there are given some nourishing formulas that nourish the user's endocrine system. Also, the user, when having nourished endocrine they can have good hormonal balance, including testosterone. 
The completely natural formula helps to have better circulation in the body with quality detoxification to maintain a healthy body. Even in primitive times, natural herbs are used to formulate and function onto the reproductive issues of males. These formulas were very impactful to engage the stamina and conception with that better quality of sperm and semen. 
The ayurvedic sexologist in Noida still provides such treatments; you can get modern medication or Ayurvedic medicine to increase sperm count. Even today, that historical formulation is very functional, and the advanced medicinal involvement very successfully treats the low-speed count in men.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
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We are here to cure you the best way with a complete ayurvedic treatment by the best ayurvedic sexologist in Delhi for all sex-related issues. Dr Shriyans is available in Delhi anytime for patients in need.
Visit - https://www.drshriyansjain.com/best-ayurvedic-sexologist-in-delhi.php
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shriyansjain · 3 years
Experience counts for everything, and this is the way Dr. Shriyans have stood above all, securing the position of top sexologist in Delhi. His experience of 35 years and a complete ayurvedic treatment makes him aloof of others; any sex-related problems are cured by him, with customer satisfaction being the priority.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
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Get the effective and natural treatment of sexual problems from the best std clinic in Delhi, where you can get affordable and risk-free treatment.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
Ways To Help Yourself To A Better Sex Life
Most men and women start seeing various changes in their bodies after a certain age. These changes influence sexuality and lead to multiple neurological and circulatory functionality differences, including erectile dysfunction and vaginal pain. 
Treating various sexual problems has become more accessible these days with the different revolutionary medicines and the Best Sexologist Doctors in Delhi. They help resolve all issues irrespective of how minor or significant they are to help lead a healthy and happy sex life. 
Various Ways To Help Get A Better Sex Life
Educate yourself by browsing the internet or the local bookstores to pick out various resources to help you and your partner get better information regarding the issue. 
Give yourself some time; as with age, the sexual responses slow down. But with Healthy Sex Habits, you and your partner can increase thethe chances of comfortable and passionate sex. To have the best experience, it is essential to understand the various physical changes occurring in your body and give yourself some time to find new kinds of sexual experience that can help you and your partner reach orgasm comfortably. 
Using lubrication can also help to have painless sex. The vaginal dryness that begins in perimenopause often leads to painful sex that can often lead to lowering of libido rate that can lead to relationship tensions. So it's best to use the correct lubricating gels and liquids to offer the necessary lubrication to encounter a wonderful experience. 
Maintaining physical affection also helps to create a physical bond that increases the sex rate. Small actions like kissing and cuddling can help to reduce tiredness and promote the mental health necessary for a better experience. 
Touching is a sensate focus technique that therapists use to re-establish physical intimacy in couples that helps to bond between the partners. The therapists also offer advice regarding the pressure you should use from gentle to firm to attract your partner's undivided attention. 
Trying out different positions helps add the required interest and fire to lovemaking; it helps overcome various problems and increase sexual desire. 
Conclusively these are a few techniques that can help you have a better sex life.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi
Ayurveda can cure any sex issues without any side effects and if you are suffering from PME, consult with Dr. Shriyans Jain as he is providing effective and natural premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi. He is offering affordable treatment for all, so make an appointment with him and cure your problem from the root. 
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shriyansjain · 3 years
Essential Benefits of Sex in Life
Every person deserves to have the best and healthy sex life; having good sex helps a person feeling relaxed suffering from mental and emotional health issues. You will get surprised when you know that sex is something that gives endless benefits to a person. A person can get multiples benefits of sex which eventually improve their physical and mental health. 
Here are some of the benefits which a person get after having sex:
Make immune system strong
A study suggests that people who do sex have higher levels of defenders in the bodies, which keep germs and bacteria away from direct contact of the body. Having sex can improve the person's immune system and keep them safe from viruses, bacteria, and various diseases. Other things by which you can improve your immune system other than sex eat healthy, stay active, exercise, etc. 
Boost libido
Having sex is very beneficial for women; it increases vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity. Having better sex helps you crave more of it. Due to an increase in the blood flow, a person can see the glow in their face by having sex once or twice a week.
Provide better sleep
After having sex, the body releases oxytocin, also known as intimacy and love hormone, and endorphins during an orgasm; combining these two substances can act as sedation. People feel more relaxed and free after having sex, which improves the quality of their sleep. 
Keep you away from various issues:
Sex releases happiness and love hormones in the human body. Frequently having sex will keep a person away from various diseases and health-related problems such as headaches and joint pains. People who suffer from headache issues will get relief from it after having sex. Sex improves the person's mental health and keeps these minor issues away from the person's life. 
Sex is the most beautiful thing in relationships; it makes your bonding stronger with your partner. To get a better and healthy sex life, the person needs to enjoy them rather than concentrating on performance. These are some benefits of sex which are consulted by the famous sexologist in Delhi.
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shriyansjain · 3 years
A sexually transmitted disease is an infection that transfers from one person to another through physical contact. STD is an extreme condition that requires treatment as soon as possible. You can visit Dr SK Jain clinic to get the best treatment of STD from Dr Shriyans Jain, and he is the std specialist in Delhi.
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shriyansjain · 4 years
A sexually transmitted disease is a condition that transfers from one person to another person while having any kind of unprotected sex. It can also be transmitted through sharing a needle with a person who has STD; you can visit the STD clinic in Delhi for the best treatment of this issue.
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shriyansjain · 4 years
3 ways to help yourself to a better sex life
Sexual health is as important as other health like physical health, mental health, and others. However, with age or time, your body undergoes several changes, and some might affect your sexual health. A hood sex life will result in improvements in a person's sex life. Consequently, everyone needs to know about sex or sex education to stay protected from sexual diseases and be aware of their consequences.
Better sexual health will improve your personal and professional life as it makes you relax from the mind. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a healthy sex life for a better living. Here we listed the top 3 tips that will improve your sex life. 
Tip 1- If you are suffering from any sexual problem, then educate yourself about sex and feel free to talk with your partner. Because good communication will lead to a healthy relationship and a better sex life moreover, you can also consult the best sexologist in south Delhi. 
Tip 2- Make a healthy relationship with your partner and be comfortable during intercourse because as the growing age, your sexual responses slow down. It can affect your relationship, so understand the physical changes of your and your partner. 
Tip 3- What's holding you back? Find what may be stopping you from having the good sex you want. Masturbation is modern sex therapy. It helps you understand what you like about sex. Try foreplay with your partner if you get bored with regular sex. It will help you get excited to do something and make you more confident and improve your sexual performance.
There are several ways to improve your sex life. But if you have any sex-related problems, then it is crucial to consult with the best sexologist in south Delhi so that you maintain a good relationship with your partner.
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shriyansjain · 4 years
Are you tired of looking for a natural cure for sexual problems or are you facing premature ejaculation? Yes, consult with Dr Shriyans Jain who gives pme treatment in homoeopathy with natural process that will not cause any side effects and gives you a healthy and blissful sex drive. Don't worry more and quickly place an appointment to get a better and faster result from natural therapy.
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