shsl-mothy · 7 years
☆ sorry for cheating your nightwatch organisation that one week
snap snap!Yuka is like... unbearably neutral about Tadashi fucking Matsuo. Like. She doesn't hate him? But she doesn't like him either. He's an asshole but an asshole Yuka could tolerate because she too, is an asshole. Unfortunately! Since her opinion is so middle grounded, and the add in the fact that they didn't interact outside of trials, Yuka doesn't have much else to say! And lets be fair. A neutral opinion is basically sainthood with how much Yuka hates people.Final thoughts??? Yuka voice: eh your girlfriends way cooler than you
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
☆ im just gonna hang out ur podium thx
so id like to personally apologise to masashi for calling him masahi for the entire first half of the god damn game?
In all seriousness, while Yuka and Masashi never spoke, Yuka was just REALLY rubbed the wrong way with him? She found him really unpleasant to listen too in trials, and the way he acted that she witnessed was just really ringing her hatred bells. Which is unfortunate, because I liked Masashi, but Yuka just. COULD NOT HANDLE.
I wish we could have roleplayed! Yuka would have had some Words To Say.
Final thoughts? yuka voice: no thank you
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
storm front incoming
Yuka has COMPLICATED feelings about Haruna. Yuka definitely doesn’t like Haruna, BUT! This is a huge but by the way. Yuka can see that Haruna puts in effort, and really, that’s all Yuka asked for out of her class. She wanted her classmates to TRY, and so while Haruna did weird things and pissed Yuka off a fuckton, Yuka at the very least can respect Haruna for her hard work.
Yuka doesn’t have much of an opinion passed that! Yuka’s pretty curt and straightforward with her thought processes. But the few thoughts Yuka DOES have on Haruna, will forever stew in Yuka’s mind as overall being ‘complicated’.
Final thoughts??? Yuka thought Haruna was much too dramatic, but hey. She tried.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
Aye aye, Cap’n!
Hoo boy! Yuka has such a strange opinion of Kaito. It’s like a mixture of genuine approval, but mostly like. Worker’s Respect? Yuka at her core thinks of Kaito as somebody to respect more than anything- she’s still sort of scared of him and his sheer bluntness and headstrongness. But! She also sees him in sort of a sentimental light! They were the Original Nightwatch Crew, after all! After spending nights awake in the lobby together, Yuka’s bound to consider him at least a friend. And if not a friend, a friendly work acquaintance.
Yuka on the inside, if you let her be “sentimental” is very thankful for Kaito. She thinks he’s the type that doesn’t like to outwardly show his positive feelings to people, aka, admit that he has friends. She... literally thinks he’s a tsundere after all this time, and really he’s one of the people she trusts most here. Weird I know, but she views him as unbearably honest, so there’s no reason not to trust in him. He actually tries and puts effort into things, and Yuka can really respect that. Lastly, he has even Cared for her sometimes, or at least that’s how she has perceived his kindness towards her. Yuka feels like he’s softer than he lets on, so really in the end? Big friend guy.
Final thoughts? That one time Adachi called Yuka his second in command because she said she was going to be the new Captain and he found that Incorrect and Funny. Always gets me lmao, and honestly Adachi has left a lasting impression on Yuka. 
Extra thought? Yuka never thought she would get sentimental over a crab fisherman.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
Visual novel boi!
Yuka didn’t get to see much of Andrew, but boy howdy did he ever leave an impression on Yuka. It wasn’t a good one, but it sure as hell was a deeply memorable open. She’s never gonna get over the commotion he stirred up during trial, nor is she going to forget out he was pushed so far to the edge that he produced a nail gun out of nowhere. Really, Yuka doesn’t have an angry opinion of him anymore. It’s more an opinion of shock!
Final thoughts??? Andrew shocked Yuka!
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
Final OOC Thoughts.
Hey yall! It’s Arin~.
I just really wanted to say... thank you! Thank you so, so much for all the months of fun, and angst, and fluff, and generally just the roleplay itself.
I remember getting into all this extremely excited. I wasn’t used to playing angry and mean oc’s, I worked really hard on my app, and I really wanted to roleplay with my friends. At prologue, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but throughout the months and all the hard work we all put in to push this game forward, even through all the hiccups... dfjsdifjsdf, I don’t know how to word it! I’m just feeling very melancholy, very emo, very like SAD about this. I feel immense relief over the game finally being over, but you all have been in my life for almost a full YEAR. That’s a large part of my life, and it’s you all that have made it so, so enjoyable. I’m going to miss the DA6 chat buzzing all the time and distracting me during work and school, I’m going to miss discussing our oc’s and au’s and roleplay, and I’m going to miss the group environment that I grew to genuinely love.
I’m very attached to you all and this roleplay haha. Forgive me for getting mushy, but even those who I didn’t even get to roleplay with much- I’m going to miss you. I very much hope that you all can pop into my DM’s or let me sneak into yours so we can continue to roleplay, DA6 related or not. I also hope we can all meet in future games together! I don’t want it to be over, but I’m also so glad it’s done.
Thank you all, so, so much for all the laughs and tears and edge and fun. Thank you all SOOO MUCH like seriously. You all really mean so much to me, so I hope we can continue to have more fun in the future~.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
☆ jam
Spooky ghost boy!
Okay in all honesty! Yuka didn’t hate him! She doesn’t like him, but like. He managed to get through this game with Yuka having a decent opinion of him! Yuka finds he is still much of a mystery to Yuka, they didn’t speak much, nor did they have much of a personal relationship. However, their few interactions did make Yuka have a generally neutral opinion of him.
Final thoughts? Yuka thinks she could handle talking to him again!
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
ai ai ai
Yuka doesn’t view Ai as a friend, but she sort of views Ai like. ‘Same hatred for people? Same hatred for people.’ Yuka thinks Ai is fiery and passionate, and a little too real for her tastes. Yuka is actually sort of afraid of Ai- she’s much too like the types of people that used to bully Yuka, so she’s got an overall ‘keep at arms length’ opinion of Ai.
Final thoughts??? Yuka thinks Ai is way too similar to her for her taste, so she’s unsure what to think of Ai.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
Yuka felt sort of bad for taking the dogs from Kazuko, but Yuka also doesn’t in the slightest. Yuka in short, just finds Kazuko strange? Not the best opinion, but not the worst either. In the end, Yuka doesn’t really have a good taste for murderers, but after her own case, Yuka’s been forgiving a lot. In the beginning, she thought Kazuko was cool! Generally just a person she didn’t hate.
Overall, Yuka in the end was feeling pretty neutral about Kazuko!
Final thoughts??? Yuka thinks Kazuko is ok.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
did i send one. i forget. i'm sending it again ☆
Here comes her favourite boy! Here comes her favourite boy!
Ok in all seriousness, Genta has left SUCH an impression on Yuka. She’s learned a lot from him and his oddness. She finds Genta incredibly intelligent, and he’s really helped her change into at least a bit of a nicer person. He was the first one she really trusted (”trusted”, well, as much as you can trust somebody in a killing game) here. He treated her well but see the thing that Yuka could really respect was that he didn’t let her get away with everything. He got mad at her where it counted, and Yuka felt like it was a true friendship?
Yuka thinks he’s silly and sassy, and doesn’t give himself enough credit. She thinks he’s too self sacrificing, and she really really hopes that Ryouji can actually make him happier where she can’t, since she also thinks she sort of drags Genta down. A sort of ‘I don’t deserve to be his friend’ sort of thing.Final thoughts??? First person Yuka adored in the game, and she’ll continue to like him for the rest of her days.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
☆ the fukin gf
Yuka has super duper complicated feelings about Ailani! Yuka has a massive crush on her, and finds Ailani to be a good and strong and smart counterpart! Yuka still has such massive trust issues though, so basically like??? In the outside world, Ailani has 100% a CHANCE to win Yuka’s heart fully. Yuka is a complicated girl ok!!
But. To put it simply. While Yuka isn’t quite sure about ‘love’, the feelings she felt for Ailani in the moments of the game were extremely real. She really hopes she and Ailani can find each other again in the future, and perhaps pursue something a little more real? Something that isn’t like bombarding them all the time with stress. No more killing game stuff! Yuka hopes they can become Real Gf’s.
Final thoughts? Ailani is one of the highest ranking people in Yuka’s friend-squad.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
have mercy on my fuckin soul yall my app is KDADOKASKO get ready for EDGY YUKA
heres her app just take it
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
Send me a ☆ for my muse’s opinion of yours.
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
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Saved my favorite piece for last :’D From my video game themed art book, “Press Start”, still available in my online shop! There are only a few copies left!
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
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shsl-mothy · 7 years
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♡ Bunny Long Sleeve Hoodie (2 Colours) - Buy Here ♡
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