shsl-patissier · 11 years
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I'm not dead yet! To prove that I have Cal and Louisa for you! *A*9
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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Reblog if youre bored and you want anons.
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"You're half German? Well, that sure is great news, having someone from the same area close to you is always very delightful!" Louisa folded her hands neatly before her and smiled in pleased manner. She didn't feel as lonely as she has felt before, since she was yet to make friends in the new school. "The pleasure is mine, really. I think my nickname is rather silly and childish, compared to yours. What a shame!" She just rolled her eyes with amused smile, before concentrating on Cal again. "Your classmate? That is weird, I haven't been talking to awfully lot of people yet. ..Maybe I stand out for some reason?" Fiddles with her fair coloured hair thoughtfully. "Oh no, for you I must give a proper friend -discount! You don't have to pay double! But please stop by sometime. I make world's best apple strudel, I guarantee you that!"
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  "I understand, no worries! I just couldn’t resist using that greeting once I got the chance," she giggled cheerfully and rubbed the back of her head. "Oh, thank you so much! I really don’t deserve the praise tho, as I’m half German and have spent most of my life in Germany." Cal shook her hand firmly in return and smiled wider. Not only was the new student gorgeous, she seemed very friendly too! "It’s a pleasure to meet you, Louisa! Or Lulu? What a cute nickname! I gotta admit that I already heard from a classmate what your talent is, and can’t say it surprised me when I heard that you were from Austria in addition. Please tell me if you ever have any traditional goods for sale! I’ll gladly pay the double price!"
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
"I’m Kouta! Kouta Iifun: Super High School Level Toy Collector!"
"I collect toys, appraise them, and then sell them to the highest bidders online so I can make a good profit!"
"And woooow, you have a pa…pa…bakery?! That’s amazing! I’d love to go there sometime!"
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"Ahaa, so you're a true businessman! And earning money with toys, how refreshing! I bet it's not boring like "normal" office work. Nice to meet you!" Louisa smiled and brushed some strands of hair behind her ear. "You're welcome to visit my shop anytime! And.. I kind of need someone to eat my pastries before they go bad, seems like people haven't yet found me and my bakery yet..." Looks away with slightly embarrassed smile.
shsl-patissier started following you
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"Hmm?" Louisa turned towards the friendly voice that spoke to her and blinked slowly while looking at the dark haired girl. "Guten tag. I'm sorry, I was a bit taken aback since you don't really get to hear your own language around these corners a lot!" She studied the one before her with curiosity. She seemed interesting. "May I praise you for your German, it is very good! Have you been studying it?" She took the other's hand into hers while smiling softly, curtseying shortly. "Nice to meet you, Cal the Postman. My name is Louisa Weiss, the SHSL Patissiere! Some of my friends like to call me Lulu, but feel free to call me as you wish!" 
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"Ah, guten tag, miss! I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I thought it would only be polite to introduce myself as I haven’t had the chance yet!" Cal held her hand out to the pâtissier and grinned wide. An Austrian attending Hope’s Peak, how exciting! They were known for making excellent desserts, she recalled with a chuckle. No wonder that a student with such a talent would come from Austria! "My name’s Calista Krantz, the SHSL Postman. You’re more than welcome to call me Cal!"
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"Sweet as a strawberry cake? I highly doubt that! I have met no one that sweet yet." Chuckles delightedly looks at the other with curiosity. "Hmm, since you like sweets, stop by my patisserie sometime! I'm sure you would find something to your liking! ...Before that, may I ask for you name?" 
shsl-patissier started following you
"You look super sweet! Like a strawberry cake or something!"
"I love cake! Actually I love all sorts of sweets!"
"Tell me, are you as sweet as a strawberry cake?"
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"Indeed, I think we are yet to get acquainted!" The fair haired girl smiled and nodded to the other as a greeting. "The name is Louisa Weiss. Sorry for the intrusion, I brought a cake with me to make up to it!" Hands over a white box, tied with red ribbon. "I really hope you will like it! May I ask for your name in exchange?" tilts her head and looks at the other with a friendly smile.
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"goodness me… i hadn’t expected so many visitors"
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"do come in, its quite lovely a lovely surprise having guests but… i dont believe we’ve met before have we? well, its really a delight to meet you, may i ask your name?
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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I just wanted to thank Tekå for helping me out a lot, and all those who will help me out in the future! *bows* (i'm just a hopeless person who needs a little help? <xD)
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"Oh, I wonder if I will ever get used to it! Things like these rarely happen to me..!" shakes her head with a smile, making her curls bounce from side to side. "Pardon me for not introducing myself properly, my name is Louisa Weiss, patisserie and an Austrian lady!" clasps her hands together and winks to the other blond. "And who you might be?"
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"To be honest you kinda get used to it after a while…"
Hayato shrugs, at least he had after a point. 
"So who’re you?"
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"Hmm, that is somewhat a difficult question... Baking is the best way for me to relax, but beating the crap out of jerks is a good way for me to vent as well!" Chuckles and places hand on her blushing cheek.
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"A-ah, this many people already!? Thank you so much! Very nice to meet you all!" Lifts the hem of her skirt and curtseys to everyone while smiling in rather overwhelmed manner.
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shsl-patissier · 11 years
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"Hallo, everyone! Want to make your schooldays a little sweeter? In that case you should reblog this, so we can get to know each other a little better! Maybe chat and have a cup of tea, accompanied with Sacher-Torte?"
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