shslelectricslide · 8 years
I had a dream where Kyo, Tetsuo, Annie and Gingie were alive for the final trial and instead of Sumiko appearing, Smoke filled the room, electricity just sorta sparked around as Akihito came out of the ground on some panel thing. His eyes were red and he wouldn't stop laughing at them, saying how pathetic they all look. His execution involved him basically trying to find a light in a dark room, then later being electrocuted while crying and laughing.
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“Huhuhu~ What’s th’ matter? Ya feel betrayed or somethin’? Ya guy’s must feel pretty stupid now, makin’ friends with th’ guy who put ya here, what a bunch of idiots! It’s hilarious!! So fuckin’ hilarious!! Do ya regret it? Do ya regret bein’ friends with me now? I tried t’ warned ya, but ya can’t teach a dumb dog new tricks~ Looks like I laid on th’ stupid an’ innocent act a lil’ too thick! What was it, did ya’ll feel sorry fer me? Did ya pity me? Don’t tell me ya actually liked me! Huhuhu~ I can only imagine th’ amount of despair yer feelin’ right now.. Tell me all about it, yer best friend is listenin’….”
End this child immediately.
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
What's Ozu's preference? What's his sexuality?
Ozu is bi as hell. Mainly he forms strong attachments to people due to the lack of closeness he had with anyone before the start of RRR. It’s harder for Ozu to get in relationships with girls though, because he’s really nervous about relationships at all, and you know, if you ever see a guy and a girl hanging out you’re gonna assume they’re dating and his nervousness ramps up. Falling for guys is easier, since he can just be all “no homo bro” then go cry in a corner. He likes both sexes equally in the end.
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
Does Ozu think of Tetsuo as more of a brother figure or a father figure?
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“Y’know, that’s a good question! I dunno if I want a bro t’ be as much of a waifu hoarder as him, an’ he’s a lil’ young t’ be my dad, but he’d be a rad dad! I guess I think of him more as a boss! Chief Boss~ As deputy, ya think it’d be a lil weird t’ think of yer boss as yer family, but then again, my family life was always a lil screwy, so Boss Chief it is~”
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
Hey, How do you think Ozu would react to seeing Harper without his TV Helmet for the first time? Would he say anything?
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“He’s got glasses just like me~!!! Glasses buddies!! He should keep th’ Tv off his head more often! Gives me time t’ tinker around with it! Next time he takes it off, I’m installin’ basic cable~”
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
[anon is now on]
i’m an idiot and never knew my anon was TURNED OFF THIS WHOLE TIME
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
Ozu: "I am the hope Guardian! Guardian of the hope!" Mike: "DESPAIR QUIVERS BEFORE HIM!" Ozu: *Points at Sumiko Ihara* FUCK OFF!
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
Man RRR was so great I'm glad Tetsuo, Annie, Kyo and Gingie were all playing a prank on Akihito and they all laughed about it and got Pizza and nobody died and Akihito got a cute TV Boyfriend and Akihito got the ENDING HE DESERVED
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“Y-ya guys’re jerks! M-my heart’s a fragile thing, y’know?? N-no pranks allowed anymore, b-bunch of assholes!.. ‘Cept Annie, I-I think it’s illegal t’ call her an’ asshole, but th’ rest of ya guys suck!!…”
I’m sure Akihito would appreciate it all being a joke.
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
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so the 3ds can go suck my ass but quick pic of Ezri’s oc Miya at @shslnakoudo !!!
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
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shslelectricslide · 8 years
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Thank you!
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shslelectricslide · 9 years
[Task☆Eight] The Only Thing I Have Left To Guide Me | Open
To think that this awkwardness had probably been mutual for a while… who could guess a simple apology was all that had been required all this time? Just a tiny bit of understanding and some sincerity. Still, hearing Akihito say that takes weight off his mind and heart. He hadn’t realized how nervous he was until some of the ensuing silence gave him the opportunity to hear his own heart beating like crazy. In fact, as soon as Akihito said the words ‘apology accepted’ almost without him realizing, Kiyoyuki heaved a huge sigh of relief. And it really was. A relief. Thank god.
“You were wrong but I can’t say I was blameless. I probably… I mean, we probably just rubbed each other the wrong way and brought out the worst stuff. It’s. Water under the bridge. But I… really have to say… I’m, um… I’m so glad.. I’m so glad we can talk like this and be friends… really so glad.”
His eyes sting a little and he turns them to the floor. God, he’s not going to cry over this, is he? Why does this mean so much? Maybe it’s proof. Proof of something better, proof he’s something better. It makes his mind wander sometimes, too. To Tetsuo. It often goes to Tetsuo. He never really lets the dead escape his mind. Tetsuo had been kind of close to both him and Akihito. Had he ever wished they’d gotten along? Had he known about the drama at all? Would he be happy now? Maybe he would. He hoped so. All you could do was hope these days. But maybe that was enough.
“P-play… games? Really? I’d… I’d love to! Geez that’d… that’d sure be surreal, you’re right!”
Imagining it is a weird thing. But he blinks as Akihito’s voice seems to change a little. Oh. This was serious. If it was serious then the seiyuu would respect that and treat it seriously too. It was about… Kyo? To be honest, Kiyoyuki was still a little confused over that. It’d happened so quickly, it seemed so surreal, so out of this world and yet… it was hard to deny it as the truth. Hopefully he was just somewhere happier. Better.
“… You mean Otonomiya-san, right? … Are you sure? I mean… yeah. I know his voice and I can do it but…”
Will that make Akihito more upset? After they’d come this far and they’d finally made amends would things crumble again if he heard his friend’s voice? … No. That wasn’t the case. This Akihito was different right? He was stronger. And Kiyoyuki was stronger too. Even if things backfired things could always be repaired. If he believed in that to the very end… then whatever Monobear did couldn’t harm him. Not anymore. Because it was different now. He was different now.
“No. I mean… I can do it. I will. Don’t worry. Give me a second.”
Kiyoyuki tries on a smile and takes a deep breath.
“【’Be well, my friend. These are tenebrous times. Such solemn despondency does not become you. Take heart in the better days. You are not as alone as you think, Akihito.’】”
Akihito was.. incredibly relieved. This was an odd feeling in a place like this. He was making real friends.. he wasn’t scared anymore. Now that it was just down to these for kids, people who we was really becoming friends with.. he didn’t feel like he had anymore reasons to be afraid. He’s never felt this safe, even before getting locked in this place.
But tears fell from his eyes as he got to hear one last message from Otonomiya... hopefully the last of them.
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“......Y-yer really good at that, y’know? Ya even use big silly words, like he used t’...” the smallest of chuckles escaped him as he said that. That eloquent way he spoke.. sometimes Akihito had to sweet clue what that guy was even saying, but in the end he always understood. He felt like he could just fall apart, but something else held him together..
Kyo Otonomiya... his first friend. They had their ups and downs, and hell, Akihito could have been a way better friend to him.. The last time they talked before his death, Kyo had to slap him in the face after losing it. If only he could have made things better.. less stressful for Kyo instead of harder. He always made things harder.. but now, instead of dwelling.. he wanted to change that.
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“Thanks, man.. Yer way better at doin’ voices than I thought, that was spot on.” He sniffed, wiping his eyes. “I-I needed that.. I really wanna try an’ not be th’ guy people have t’ keep consoling. I’m gonna try an’ be more like Bro and Chief... I wanna stop worryin’ everyone an’ upsettin’ people. Y’know.. like what I did t’ you. Shame it only took ‘til we had four people left fer me t’ come t’ this decision, huh?” He wiped his eyes, trying to calm down and regain his composure.
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“No more Mr. Crybaby fer me~ Now let’s go play games! I still got th’ one ya signed fer me when we first got here! That things gonna stay in mint condition! While we’re at it, ya were close with th’ Chief, right? I can tell ya all about th’ gaggle o’ girls he keeps locked up in his room. Huhuhu~” He shoves his hands in his pockets, strolling toward the dorms.
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shslelectricslide · 9 years
TASK 8 ♥ fake!fake! [OPEN]
Oh, well hadn’t he cheered up? Well, that face he was making wasn’t exactly cheerful, but that was her fault. His concern was a little touching, and the last thing she wanted was to bring everyone else down just because she was feeling a little moody.
“Yeah, you’re right~ I shouldn’t be a such a downer.” she nodded in approval, putting on what she hoped was a reassuring sort of smile. At the last minute, she embellished it with a thumbs up. “And I’m glad that you’re feeling better too! Let’s keep it up~”
Her heart tightened a little at the mention of romance – that was how she’d gotten into this mess, wasn’t it? But no, this wasn’t about her. Besides, she already had some inkling about what he was referring to, unless she had somehow missed some other blooming love. Even if she knew the who, she did want to know the how…
“Bouncy, huh? Are you sure you’re in high school~? You sound like a kid, heheh. Let’s go~” she giggled, deciding to keep her mind off of her own shortcomings for just a little while longer. This was fine. “I can’t refuse juicy romance gossip! Tell me all about it once we get there. I want all the details, kay~?”
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“EH!? A kid!? I’m way cooler than’ a lil’ kid, I’m rad as fuck, an’ totally mature fer my age! Ask anybody!” Couldn’t be further from the truth. He starts walking toward the break room, expecting Miya to follow along behind him. As soon as they arrived, he let her enter first.. while he instinctively peeked back down the hall to make sure there were no eavesdroppers. Not that it mattered, there was only one other person out of the loop, and Kiyoyuki wouldn’t make fun of him for anything, most likely. Once he deemed the coast clear, he slipped back into the room, mouth running at a million words a minute.
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“I-it’s Mike!! H-he totally like.. confessed t’ me!! I think that’s what it was, right?? He said he wanted t’ be, like, more than friends!! Now, if I’m gettin’ this straight, he means boyfriends an’ not friends part 2, right?? He cooked fer me, an’ it was really good an’ fun, an’ ya have no idea how hard it is not to freak th’ fuck out, my nerves are all outta whack!! S-so he likes me, right? Like likes me?? I have no fuckin’ clue, I think so?? A-an’ I know I like ‘im back, he’s a fuckin’ TV dude, that’s hot as fuck!! But I still can’t wrap my head around someone likin’ me that way, I mean, e-everyone called me gross an’ a loser, and shoved me around, who would love someone like that-- AAAH, I SAID LOVE!! I-I can’t take it, how do people normally react t’ people confessin’? Did I unplay my excitement? Is he gonna change his mind?? Should I cook fer him back? I can make really good omelettes, does he like eggs? Do eggs fit inside TVs?? H-help me, Iwa-taaaaan!! I-I’m hopeless here!!”
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shslelectricslide · 9 years
[Task☆Eight] The Only Thing I Have Left To Guide Me | Open
Akihito Ozu…
it was so strange looking at him now. Were they so different? Had they ever been so different? Maybe not. Perhaps it was just impossible to see in the beginning. Back then… everyone looked like an enemy to him. Everything was a threat. Being actively confronted by Akihito in the beginning had spooked him so badly it’d just… well, stuck with him, even in the face of evidence that the kid wasn’t so bad. I mean, if his secret was anything to go by… he had some rash tendencies, maybe he got a bit bad-tempered… but he was lonely. And probably afraid. He’d never really wanted to dislike Akihito it had just happened. Maybe after all of this though that could finally be rectified. First things first, he owed the electrician something.
“Oh! Uh! Sorry! I didn’t mean to– like I wasn’t going to– no bad intentions… sorry about the heart stuff…”
That came out as very awkward… and it wasn’t what he wanted to say. No, actually before anything else there was something that needed to be said. Without much warning, Kiyoyuki’s head swings down in a bow, his fingers balling into fists.
“Ozu-san I– I owe you a big apology. You’ve apologized to me before but I don’t think I ever returned the gesture… so, I’m sorry, for everything.”
Now that that’s out of the way he can talk to Akihito normally. At the very least he had to get that out there before anything else. But to his surprise, Akihito just seemed… okay. He was so hopeless in the trial, panicking but now he seemed… like… maybe just maybe he was gonna be okay. That made him smile and slowly Kiyoyuki raised his head again.
“It’s okay– really, like… none of us have really shown off our best sides here… no one’s perfect. Torn up over it… well, in a sense I am you know? It sucks– no it’s not that, it’s horrible, what’s happened, what keeps happening but. I remember them sometimes, you know? Everyone… and I know I have to keep on trying. If I let it be over, if I let myself succumb to some victim complex I can’t help feeling like I’ll be letting them down too.”
Kiyoyuki sighs and then shakes his head.
“B-but I didn’t wanna talk about such morbid things, ahh… umm… I mean, you look better and that’s good I’m glad– the thing is– I kinda wanted to ask you if you… wanted to try… being friends? I know this is so stupid and not the time and everything but… I don’t want to regret anything if I can and … I do want to try being your friend, Ozu-kun.”
He was.. a little surprised to hear an apology from him, considering he just brushed him off last time. But.. it gave him a little closure. He’d been waiting for this.
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“Apology accepted, dude.. an’ I’m sorry fer everythin’, too. I know I already apologized, but I’d been shitty since then and I figured apologizin’ once more for everythin’ all at once was best! I’m glad ya don’t hate me.. we’re kinda gettin’ a lil’ too low on numbers t’ be hatin’ on each other, right? So.... f-fuck yeah, I wanna be friends. Ya do that cool voice shit an’ yer in my video games! ‘Course I wanna be friends! I wanted t’ be friends from th’ start, but then I.. well.. y’know th’ rest.” He rubbed the back of his neck. He was pretty nervous. Would he ever get used to making friends?
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“Oi, speakin’ of video games! Wanna play somethin’? It’ll be cool, y’know? Gettin’ t’ hear ya next t’ me an’ also in front of me? Ya’d be talkin’ t’ yerself, it’ll be so weird!” He laughed... but then remembered one thing he wanted to ask.
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“...B-before we do though, can I ask ya t’ do one thing fer me..? Yer great at voices an’ stuff... how good are ya at doin’ Bro’s voice..? I mean... I didn’t vene get t’ say bye t’ him, he just kinda... did his own thing and got... k-killed fer it an’..... I-I just wanna hear him, one more time... Can ya do that..?”
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shslelectricslide · 9 years
At the feeling of being tapped on his shoulder, Akihito tensed up, jumping a little. He hadn’t expecting someone to be rushing up behind him. He’d just been standing around, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened with Harper, cheeks turned rosey. When he turned around, it was Kiyoyuki. This guy... he always wondered what Kiyoyuki even thought of him.. was he a friend? Was he still scared? Did he resent him..? It was hard to tell, honestly. But he made the effort to approach him.. Akihito could make an effort to go along with it.
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“Whoa! Watch it when yer popping outta nowhere like that, ya nearly gave me a heart attack!” He turned to properly face Kiyoyuki, rubbing that back of his neck meekly. 
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 “S-sure.. let’s hang out. Uh.. I promise I won’t run my mouth like I did in th’ trial. I just.. really wasn’t in my right mind. What about you? I know it’s kinda a big turn around t’ see an ol’ wet blanket like me feeling rather peppy, but yer not lookin’ too down yerself either! I thought ya’d be more tore up about all this?” The same could be said for Akihito. It’s like he forgot he had to be sad as well, but it’s just too excited about his new personal turn of events. Also, perhaps asking why someone wasn’t more sad was not the best question to ask at this time.
[Task☆Eight] The Only Thing I Have Left To Guide Me | Open
He wondered briefly what it would’ve been like to live a holy life. Not for any spiritual reason but to contemplate whether it actually helped you make sense of it. And if you ever got that kind of glazed zen-like peace with it. He doubted he’d ever gain that. Too emotional. That’d… that hadn’t changed. One of the things that hadn’t from the start, he supposed. He’d just learned to accept it a bit more. And not to allow himself to play the victim – not when he could do something to change things. He stares at the creases in his gloves – how long had he been clenching his hands for? It’s been a while now. He hadn’t even realized… heck, how much time had even passed…
Not much time at all, right? Most everyone had exited the elevator. He must’ve zoned out as it happened. With a sigh, he falls back on one of the walls and just stares up. Jiang-li… Just… for how long had she been feeling all this? Was it since Annie made an attempt on her life… or even before that? Had anything he’d said to her even made a difference? They’d… talked in the kitchen. Made some food. She hadn’t been so good at that; he could’ve chuckled over it. That was… he was sure he’d told her it was alright then and not to feel guilty. Then they’d played– that’s what it’d honestly felt like. Playing. Like being a kid, like… forgetting the misery for a second. Drawing laughing, remembering… then she cried. Everyone had someone except her… damn it… wasn’t… wasn’t that her calling out for help? Had he missed his mark, messed up the timing? Could he, Kiyoyuki Irino, have saved Jiang-li de la Rosa’s life?
Not good. This thinking would kill him. He wasn’t a hero. Never was.
He hadn’t saved anyone; not Aiko, not Jiang-li. He wasn’t Tetsuo or Kyo, both who had perished. Perhaps both doing more than he ever could… or would. It was like no matter who he was around he could never be any good - any use. It really would’ve been better if Tetsuhiro had been the one to come here. Tetsu was smarter for sure. And braver. He was dedicated and cool. He was just– in the way. Damn it. Damn it all to hell. Why wasn’t character development instant?
Though he still had his doubts he tried to shrug them off. It’s all he could do. It’s not like he’d regressed again anyway. Akihito he– those things in the trial… he could never say something like that. In the end, Kiyoyuki stood by the things he’d said; they had to live, it was true. And though he regretted everything… regarding Jiang-li… and regarding the Gingerbread Man… he didn’t want to just give in. It was exactly as he said; even if he was a no good, he had to be a no good who’d stop Monobear. Someone had to. He could never be allowed to do this again. Right. That’s the spirit. He has to get his fighting spirit back. Snap out of it, Kiyoyuki! He’s not even the one who should be depressed here. Yeah, others need help more than he does. He needs to help them. Even if he’s no hero there’s no reason he can’t try some heroics.
He slaps his cheeks and then sighs before heading off in the direction of someone who’d headed off early. Catching up to them, he pats them on the shoulder and tries on some positivity for a change.
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“Hey– I thought… maybe some company would help? How about it?”
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shslelectricslide · 9 years
As Akihito made his way back from the cafeteria, he saw the saddened looking Miya in the dorm hall.. So she was.. also his friend? Even thought they hadn’t spoken much, Harper assured him she was a friend. And.. he trusted him, so...
Akihito walked over, approaching her from behind, but as she jumped and faced him, he couldn’t help be startled as well. The way she cut off her sentence worried him.. was she going to yell at him over his behavior earlier as well? Was she still made at him..? Instead, as she felt was sadness.. pity for herself.
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“O-oi, don’t talk like that.. yer startin’ t’ sound like me, an’ ya don’t want that, do ya..?” It was upsetting.. so this is was he looked like to everyone else..? No wonder Harper was so worried about him..
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“Yeah, we can hang out a bit!.. I’ll try not t’ sound like a psycho, how about that? Uh.. Hey, I got some uh.. juicy romance gossip, I guess! Does that do anythin’ fer ya? Oi, if a guy like me can cheer up after that, you can too, okay? We can go hang out in th’ break room if ya wanna, nice big couch, bouncy an’ shit!”
TASK 8 ♥ fake!fake! [OPEN]
Talking big despite her fears was something that Miya used to do naturally, with almost as much ease as breathing, but all of a sudden she couldn’t seem to muster up any confidence. She was actually starting to resent that poised visage; that her that she was trying to be felt less and less like a shield and more and more like a crushing failure. Just a few hours ago she would have thought she was making progress, but now…
She realized that after taking only about two steps into the hallway from the elevator that she had stopped dead, standing still in the middle of the corridor like a roadblock. And there was someone behind her.
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“Oh, sorry. I’m just–” she tried to play it off, but just what? She didn’t feel ‘just’ anything. Angry. Guilty. If only she had spoken to Jiang-li more, told her how much she liked hanging out with her… maybe if Miya hadn’t been so selfish, this wouldn’t have happened. If she had learned to open up just a little sooner…
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She sighed. “… just tired. Of all this junk. And of me, too.” A confession – a step in the right direction, if not a self-centered one. But hiding how she felt would only make her feel more like a hypocrite. “Wanna.. hang out for a bit?”
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shslelectricslide · 9 years
[TASK 8] Beep Boop [Akihito&Tetsuo]
Tetsuo, or the program that acted in his stead, had not had a visitor for sometime. He had continued to watch as more unfortunate souls joined the ranks of the dead. To think that the game was still being carried on now… In no time at all Sumiko, Kaitaro, Aiko, Terumi,  The Gingerbread Man, Kyo, and… Jiang-Li… They had all been welcomed into the digital world.
“Even now… I still couldn’t help them…”
The chief figured, with how things were going, he may never see one of his friend’s faces again before the game had finally concluded. Fortunately, however, he would be wrong.
“O-Ozu?! You put Naomi-chan down immediately! It is disrespectful for you handle her so poorly! Er… Wait! N-No! What are you doing here?!”
He found himself unable to control his inner otaku even in this state? He truly was an unfortunate being. Keep it cool, Chief. KEEP IT COOL.
“I’m happy to see you are alright, Ozu… You seem to be in higher spirits than I expected with all that has happened. Tell me, how are the others feeling? …A-And if you’re looking for an appropriate figure to deem worthy of a ‘w-waifu’ title, perhaps check the girls on my desk. Surely one of them will do.”
He put Naomi-chan down, snickering as he made his way over to the desk, investigating the gaggle of girls that were placed there. Ozu sat down in the big chair at the desk, brimming with childlike delight as it made him feel like a chief himself! He picked up another figurine with no delicacy.
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“’Course I’m okay! I’m always okay! I’d be dead now if I wasn’t!” ...in hindsight, saying that to someone that was already dead might be in poor taste, or even given their predicament, but Ozu never said he had a way with words.
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“Y-yeah, I’m feelin’ better. I think things might actually be lookin’ up, finally. An’ I also learned simosa’s fucking delicious!” He bashfully fidgeted with the figurine, accidentally separating her waist from her torso as he fervently attempted to put her back together before Chief noticed. “T-the other’s I are okay, I guess! Uh, what about you, Chief? What’s th’ digital world even like? It is like Tron, or The Matrix?”
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shslelectricslide · 9 years
[TASK 8] Beep Boop [Akihito&Tetsuo]
Akihito couldn’t believe he was in such high spirits now. It was... really new to him. It felt strange to been feeling this positive about anything. He was laying on his bed, feet hanging off the side and swinging. He stared up at the ceiling, a small blush stuck on his cheeks. Someone likes him.. like.. like likes him. And he liked them back, it was a miracle! He laid there, blushing like a shy school girl. How lame. Akihito was so lame. He sat up, he needed a change of scenery. Something to distract him before his fluttering heart carried him out the window. Except in this case going out the window meant getting sucked into endless dark and scary ocean.
He hopped out of his room and went into the hall, looking around.. who’s room could he visit.. Hey! He could visit Chief! Sure he was.. dead.. but the gizmo thing his ghost was trapped in made it fell like he wasn’t as dead! Ozu went into the Chief’s room with ease.
The first time he came in he didn’t really soak in the sights. He was too busy crying his eyes out. Looking around the room now though... Akihito couldn’t help but let out a light snicker. He walked over to the shelf of figurines, all sorts of anime girls, in gaggles of poses and outfits. Were some of these special edition even? Whoa!..
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“Oi, Chief!” he picks up a figure of a green haired anime babe in a school swim suit. “Is this one yer waifu?”
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