shukei-jiwa · 1 month
Are you okay? You haven’t posted anyhint in more than a month, so just checking in <3 miss you
Yes yes i am clearly very very fine. Oh my God, i'm really sorry for abandoning you. It' just that i don't have a motivation to write, something wrong happens to me. Really.... i just.. somehow don't know how to write something... Yea.. Thank you for missing me.
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shukei-jiwa · 3 months
The right FREE tools to write a book
hello hello, it's me!
today I was thinking of how much you loved my masterlist featuring some free tools for writers, and I thought I would do something like that again but, this time, featuring just one or two tools per step while getting the best of "the writer's workbook" (which is also free).
before going any further, for those who don't know, "the writer's workbook" is, as the name says, a workbook for writers, with over 90 pages. it has lots of sheets divided into categories, to help you build the skeleton of your novel. (know more about it here).
however, we can get the most out of it using other complementary tools to ease this process.
Reedsy generator - it's one of my favorites, and it can be quite useful when you're stuck and want to get an idea. you're free to make changes to it so that it is as unique as possible.
Lucidspark - although it has a premium version, I find it so helpful when it comes to making a mindmap. I've used it multiple times before, including for college assignments, and it's one of the best I've found so far.
Mindmup - I'm sharing this one here as an alternative to lucidspark, since this one doesn't require to create an account, and you have access to unlimited maps. however, in my opinion, it is not as good or intuitive as lucidspark is.
Come up with names
Behind the name - it's a classic, but one of my favorites. you can search every name you could ever imagine, and get its meaning, history, variations, etc. it still has some tools you can use such as a name generator, anagrams, and much more.
Make a profile
Fake person generator - although it was not created for authors, you might find it useful since it gives lots of details and you can be interested in some fields.
Character generator - this one was made for writers, and is simple and easy to use.
Family tree
Family echo - it's so simple yet so helpful.
Inkarnate - it has a paid version, but you can use it for free and create a great map.
Filteries - this is sooo complete and accurate!
hope this was helpful! have a nice day <3
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shukei-jiwa · 3 months
Oh my GOD, i haven't answer all of your tags! HUAAAA
I'm so sorry
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shukei-jiwa · 3 months
how to go from daydream to draft:
begin by daydreaming as you normally do, or just after you've finished doing so. write down every thought you have. one after another. do not reread. do not stop for spelling mistakes. just dump out every thought. this is called stream of consciousness writing. you can do this for every scene you need a first draft for.
struggling to draft the scene? try to daydream about it. start thinking about how it would look, feel, what the characters would say, act it out in your head and then write out the stream of your thoughts as they arrive.
by now you have a few scene dumps. you may be tempted to go back and edit. do not do this expect for obvious spelling mistakes. do not read closely and start thinking "i need to rework this sentence." that is for later. now you're in the zone. draft more scenes. or work out what the next scene needs to be, scaffold it with a few comments. this will be the inspiration for your next deliberate thought stream that you will write out. repeat this process until you have the whole draft.
now that you have a draft or part of a draft you get to do this very fun thing called revise until you're happy. sweep through your draft with specific goals each time. one sweep to fix spelling/grammar. another for character voice. another for plot. repeat until you're happy with it.
leave it alone. just leave it for a bit. at least a few hours or days or even weeks. forget it exists. this will allow you come back with fresh eyes. then you can do your revisions with an eagle eye. now you may realize you need to add/remove scenes. you know how to get the first version down. close your eyes and daydream at your desk if that's what takes!
remember that fiction writing is persuasive writing. you are trying to persuade the reader to care about what happens next, the character's, the world, the feelings. as you're revising, consider whether you are persuaded. is the feeling/thoughts you wanted to provoke being felt by you when you read it? when working with beta readers, be sure to communicate what you're trying to convey so they can tell you if you've been successful or not.
this got a bit beyond getting the first draft done. hope you found it helpful.
bonus tip: check the spellings of names and places and other nouns that are not typically used, like the name of a magic tool!
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shukei-jiwa · 3 months
Never forgotten but...never finished.
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shukei-jiwa · 3 months
Writing Description Notes:
Updated 3rd June 2024 More writing tips, review tips & writing description notes
Facial Expressions
Masking Emotions
Eye Contact/Eye Movements
Body Language/Idle Movement
Speechless/Tongue Tied
Mental Pain
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shukei-jiwa · 3 months
Hai Guys!
Remember me? Miss me already? Hehehe
Get ready! The new chapter of The Stranger In My Dream will be release on 10 AM (GMT+7)
To be honest, i'm really busy at school lately. Yesterday was my theater assignment show. Then in the future i'll be working on JC extracurricular demo and i haven't finish making poster.
But put that aside; i want to thank all of you guys, for always tagging me on your tag game. I'll answer it one by one if i have time. I also want to say sorry because today's chapter will be shorter than usual.
Love youu
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shukei-jiwa · 3 months
How do you know when a story is worth telling?
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
☀️ 2. Kinara! I see.
Her name is Kinara Nuvola.
Nuvola came from clouds, and yes, she loves to stare at the clouds. Kinara is a smart student but she has a lack of respondsible to her chores.
And so, her mother always scold her; unlike her father who's a calm person.
One day, Kinara went on a vacation with her parents. She met her grandma, and told her that she's sick being at home.
Then Kinara chose to stay at her grandma's for practicing to increase her productivity. There, she'll meet a guy, named Rantzen.
For the visual... i'm sorry but i don't have her design yet (i forgot where i put it)
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
😶‍🌫️1 for the oc ask list
😶‍🌫️ 1. Go Gum I
Alright let's do this.
Go Gum I, a 25 years old woman who is very obedient to the traditional rules. From the time she was born, she never experience dating, plus, she's not interested in dating. But sometimes, it breaks her heart when she saw other people having a romantic times.
She always had this dream of meeting someone, Gum believes that the person in her dream are her soulmate. So she need to find him, in order to go back home. (Because she doesn't want to get married with someone who is not her soulmate)
She has a short brown bob hair that--pretty much--looks like Kokeshi doll, yellowish skin, and she's petite (158 cm).
She likes someone in her office, (you could guess). She also has a lil brother named Go Min U. You can see her visual from the book cover, hehehe.
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
Misery by Maroon 5.
Bro what on earth--
the title of the last song you listened to is the epitaph on your tombstone
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
Wow, guess i'm the only one who picked 'Weird, too complex'
I'm giving this ideas, for free.
So I played The Elder Scrolls : Castle, did somethings, and now i have an idea for a story but i think it's too complex and too hard for me. Plus, i don't know what morals should i put.
Because it's too complex, i'm gonna show it using bullet points.
Queen Isabel (Q.I) married King A. However, King A had an affair with Alassi.
After King A's death (due to being murdered), Q.I married Cassius the Elder (C.E).
Q.I and C.E had three children: Asari Jofarr, Milady Meilora, and Tobin.
- Asari Jofarr married Alassi and had three children.
- Milady Meilora married Rolion and had four children.
- Tobin remained unmarried.
As C.E grew old, Q.I had an affair with Aranak and bore a child, named Useewa.
Aranak, it turned out, was also involved with Alassi and had a child. He later married Shura, who previously had a child with Rezei (but they were not yet married).
Rolion had a friend named Raelys. Raelys took care of Useewa since childhood as the kingdom began to crumble.
The main character of the story is Useewa.
At the end, Tobin will be the next king and Useewa become his right-hand. BUT!! I have this note where the daughter of Raelys, get married with Rolion's son.
Please forgive me for the weird names.
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
Free resource for artists and designers!!
I made a website where artists and designers can get color palette inspo from fire hydrants I've 3D scanned all over the US
Some of my favorites:
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There are about 100 hydrants so far and I'm continuing to add more all the time
Public infrastructure is sexy, baby!!!!!! Pass it on!!
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
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I've had this little idea in my head for a while now, so I decided to sit down and plot it out.
Disclaimer: This isn't meant to be some sort of One-Worksheet-Fits-All situation. This is meant to be a visual representation of some type of story planning you could be doing in order to develop a plot!
Lay down groundwork! (Backstory integral to the beginning of your story.) Build hinges. (Events that hinge on other events and fall down like dominoes) Suspend structures. (Withhold just enough information to make the reader curious, and keep them guessing.)
And hey, is this helps... maybe sit down and write a story! :)
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
Two Truths & A Lie (tag game)
Thanks, @winglesswriter for the tag.
Rule : make a 24 hour poll containing two truths and a lie about an OC
taggs @shockingly-green-chicken @leahnardo-da-veggie @ramitola @cowboybrunch @rynswritingames @wylloblr @leahpardo-pa-potato @leyllethecreator @rivenantiqnerd and you!
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
OC Ask List
Thank you @ramwritblr for always tagging me!
Rules :
Use the emoji and pick a number to get a general synopsis and see some visuals (i usually use Pastel Friends, but if i have some doodles, i'll send it) of your choice character!
Only send one character per ask.
(This post will change to adapt to finished asks and any story/character additions)
🍃 Whispers of Yesterdays
1. Nicholas
2. Eliona
☀️ Summer Journeys
1. Rantzen
2. Kinara
😶‍🌫️ Stranger In My Dream
1. Go Gum I
2. Go Min U
3. Uyusol Miru
4. Yoon Ji
📖 Your Tale (i'm not ready to post more about them, sorry hehe)
1. Ara
2. Lucy
tagging @shockingly-green-chicken @leahnardo-da-veggie @winglesswriter @cowboybrunch @rynswritingames @wylloblr @lexywrite @leyllethecreator @rivenantiqnerd @tamiveldura and you!
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shukei-jiwa · 4 months
Hello, it's me, Shukei Jiwa!
Maybe it's too early to say.
But I want to apologize, the novel Stranger In My Dream will be taking a hiatus for several weeks.
Because there will be a test on June 10th, I want to start studying 2 weeks beforehand.
But don't worry, I've put a note on when I'll be back! See you later, Next chapter pops out on 21 June!
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