shusaku-blog · 7 years
I’ll be back soon
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
Send a word.
[cloud] - What does your character see in the clouds?
[poetry] - Does your character like poetry?
[vehicle] - Would your character rather have a boat, a plane, or a car?
[dance] - What song gets your character up and dancing?
[food] - What food does your character usually have for breakfast?
[dream] - “What is a common dream they have?
[animal]  - What animal are they most like?
[friend] - Who is your character’s best friend?
[letter] - Three favorite things that start with [choose a letter].
[sugar] - What’s their favorite way to be sweet?
[fear] - Three things they are fearful of.
[shopping] - What is their shopping list like right now?
[drink] - Coffee or tea?
[tears] - What is a movie that makes them cry?
[alarm] - Does your character have an alarm set? Why?
[song] - Five songs your character is listening to right now.
[phone] - Last text your character received and sent.
[recipe] - What is something they can cook well?
[hero] - Who is someone they look up to?
[wardrobe] - What is your character wearing right now?
[promise] - What was the last promise they made?
[color] - What color scheme does your character relate to?
[cliche] - Three cliches that describe your character.
[complain] - Three complaints your character has.
[gratitude] - What are they thankful for?
[cartoon] - If they watch cartoons, what is their favorite?
[time travel] - Where would they go if they could time travel?
[schedule] - What is their daily schedule like?
[lies] - Two lies and one truth about your character.
[network]  - Use a generator to make a mock social network page.
[wish] - Three wishes they would make.
[interview] - What would your character be like on a job interview?
[unsent]  - Write an unsent letter to someone your character knows.
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
Hospital Starters
[ Requested by Anon about a week ago. Warnings for blood, suicidal thoughts, and medical stuff. Thanks! :]
"Hey, you're awake!"
"Where am I?"
"You hit your head. There was so much blood that I got scared."
"Don't try to get up. You're safe here."
"I hate this place..."
"How could you do this to yourself?"
"The world didn't give me a choice, and now, I'm suffering even more!"
"You really came..."
"I told you I would be here when you woke up."
"How many tests did they do on you?"
"If I wasn't drugged up, I could tell you the names of every test they do in this place."
"When are they going to let you leave?"
"They said that I'll be here for a few days. Maybe a week."
"What happened to you? You have so many things sticking out of you."
"That's what happens when you're dying."
"It's probably time to change those bandages..."
"You aren't in pain, are you?"
"You were in an accident. You almost didn't make it."
"That would explain why I feel terrible."
"I thought you were dead..."
"I'm not dead, am I?"
"I didn't know it was this bad..."
"I may not live much longer..."
"I'm dying..."
"You can't die! There has to be something they can do!"
"I'm too far gone for any surgery to fix me."
"I want you to know that I'll miss you most."
"Don't say that! I don't like it when you talk like this..."
"I just want it to happen so I don't have to think about it all the time."
"I wanted to say goodbye to you one more time."
"If you don't get some sleep, I'm going to hit this button and tell a nurse you're bothering me."
"Don't abuse that call button!"
"You know that button only works every five seconds, right?"
"Maybe if I push it hard enough, more will come out."
"I get to come home today."
"Did you fill out the release forms yet?"
"They hooked me up with a bunch of prescriptions. I'm gonna be high as a kite."
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
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                       »   Playtime is over, kids.
    Even if you’re as useless as rusty spoons,
            our squad will make this a
                                                 s u c c e s s .       «
» Makoto Narumi «  (Sideblog //  Indie / RP / Ask / NSFW //  Multiverse / Multiship / AU friendly)                                      - written by Vero
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
Hello! Yes, I am here! 
It’s been too long, sorry for the absence! Hit that like button if you want me to write you up a starter~ I’ll try to make them a bit longer but no promises? 
Starter Call
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
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ok guys sorry i haven’t been doing much, stuff has been busy with fencing starting up again and the next IEA competition growing ever closer..So yeah, I’ll try to be on tomorrow and at least get stuff queued up because if i don’t you won’t see much of me until Wednesday : /
also yeah if anyone wants to plot anything you’re welcome to hmu up anytime just saying
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
Oops! First Interactions
Send me a symbol for our Muses to meet when the following accident occurs…
♔ - one Muse hits the other while opening a door too fast/forcefully ♕ - one Muse gestures wildly and smacks another passing by ♖ - one Muse shoots the other (non-lethal…probably) ♗ - one Muse trips the other ♘- one Muse drops a bucket of ice water on the other, mistaking them for someone else ♟- one Muse spills something on the other ♙ - one Muse gets thrown into the other during a fight and injures them ♚ - one Muse saves the other from a dangerous situation, only to end up in danger themselves ♛ - one Muse runs into the other with their bike / skateboard / golf cart / etc. ♜ - one Muse attempts to assassinate the other after mistaking them for their target ♝- one Muse accidentally casts a spell on the other
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
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please like or reblog this if you’d be interested in interacting with an indie. Shūsaku Iwasaki from Owari no Seraph!
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
Candy Asks
Send my muse a candy and they'll answer:
Smarties: Who is the sweetest person you know?
Kit Kat: When was the last time you sat back and had a moment to yourself?
Reese's: Is there something you feel on the inside that you can't tell anyone?
M&Ms: What color would you say is the color of your soul?
Skittles: If you were a fruit, what kind of tree would you grow on and where would it grow?
Snickers: In what situation do you get ugly? (Excessively violent, angry, upset.)
3 Musketeers: Is there something in particular that helps you to relieve stress?
Hershey's: What kind of legacy do you feel you have to uphold either willingly or unwillingly?
Nerds: How would you rate your intelligence?
Crunch: What was the worst thing you did to hurt somebody?
Butterfinger: Do you have a prized possession you'd hate for anyone to get their hands on?
Dum Dums: Is there a food that you like but most people don't?
Twix: Was there a time when you should have thought before you said something?
Warheads: Do you have a bad experience that broke off a relationship?
Baby Ruth: Have you ever encountered someone that was a bit odd but you liked them anyway?
Grab Bag: Any question of the mun's choice!
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
First-Meeting Sentence Starters
Several different scenarios that can be combined or modified for your pleasure:
"Uh, hi there."
"I was here first. Go to the back of the line!"
"Excuse me, is there any way you could let me go before you? I'm in a hurry."
"Service here is TERRIBLE today!"
"Is this seat taken?"
"Do you have a moment to talk?"
"Hi, listen, there's someone following me, and I'm paranoid so can you talk to me for a few minutes to make it look like I'm not alone?"
"Here, take this and run with me. I'll explain later!"
"Do you have some cash? This vending machine just ate the last of mine..."
"Hey, were you going to use this machine next? It gave me a free bag of chips, and I don't need to eat that many!"
"Do you work here?"
"Look, I'm not an employee, but the ____ are right over there."
"Hey, is this yours? It was by your feet."
"Are you from ____ or ____?"
"Hello, ____."
"I swear I've seen you on TV."
"Yes, I'm ____, and I can take a picture with you if you want."
"Oh my gosh, can I pet your dog?!"
"Sorry, there was a hair hanging off of your sleeve, and it was bothering me."
"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you!"
"Wait a minute! I think they mixed up our orders."
"Ugh, this isn't my food. Did anyone here order a ____?"
"You look so cold. Do you want to borrow my jacket?"
"H-Hey, I'm freezing. Is there any way I can s-stand close to you and maybe get warmer?"
"You poor thing, you look like you're cooking! Here, take a bottle of water."
"It's so hot I think I might pass out. Can you help me?"
"Are you okay?"
"Oh, good, you're awake. What happened to you?"
"Where am I?"
"Get in! You're in danger!"
"Please, let me ride with you. There's someone after me!"
"Grab the spare helmet and jump on."
"Are you playing ____?"
"Hey, do you want to trade friend codes?"
"Hi, my date just stood me up, so now I have a free ticket."
"I'd love to take that free spot as long as you don't mind sitting next to me."
"Have you seen a lost child around here?"
"I found this child, and by the look on your face, I think they're yours."
"That coat isn't real fur, is it?"
"If you can't tell the difference between real animal pelt and fake, you shouldn't be harassing people on the street."
"Are we locked in here?"
"Can I use your phone?"
"Here, take my phone. No questions asked."
"What's cookin' good lookin'?"
"If you're trying to flirt with me, you may want to try again."
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
starter for @lapxus
Chest heaving for breath, the blue eyed soldier leant back against the side of the building. 
His squad had been attacked, split up. It had been an ambush, there had ben at least ten vampires and a noble.They’d come out of nowhere, Shusaku had no idea where his friends were. He had to get back to the rendezvous point, he could only hope the rest would make it back as well.
He tried to push of the wall, only to feel a stab of pain in his side. Looking down, he could see the dark stain of blood seeping through his uniform. Placing his hand over it, he tried to assess the damage: shallow, the bleeding wasn’t too heavy, but he was starting to feel the blood-loss take effect... He must have gotten it when that first vampire had taken a wild swing at him. He thought he’d cleared it but... obviously not. Removing his hand, he stared at it. The once pristine white was now stained a dark, sickening red.
Well damn.
Now every vampire within a ten-mile radius would know exactly where he was.  A soft movement sounded to his left and he closed his eyes in exasperation, letting his head drop back against the wall. 
Maybe it was a nice vampire. Maybe this vampire didn’t want any blood. He almost snorted, instead placing a hand on Akahebi and rolling his head to the side, blue eyes opening to stare in resolute silence at what was most likely the last face he’d see. 
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
starter for @thedarkmattergod
He watched in vague amusement as Rika did ungodly things to Narumi’s hair, whilst Yayoi and Kagiyama held the poor man down. With a shake of his head, Shusaku brushed off Makoto’s pleas for help with an amused smirk and even turned away, pretending he didn’t notice at all.
He and his squad and just finished clearing out a small group of vampires that had been sighted wandering around the area. It hadn’t been difficult, there was only four and they weren’t Progenitors. Though, it did bother him that they were lurking so near the base.
“I’m going to have a look around.”
He wasn’t sure if they heard him, but he saw Kagiyama give him a thumbs up. Well, at least someone knew. That was enough. Walking away from the ruckus, Shusaku stuck his hands in his pockets and meandered down the street.
So quiet. He remembered when these streets were bustling and full of life, but now... It was depressing really. The whole thing was depressing. He sighed, looking up at the sky. 
At least one thing remained the same.
As he lowered his eyes, taking in his surroundings, a movement up ahead caught his eye. Shusaku frowned; it looked like a person... Was it a vampire? Placing a hand not he hilt of his sword, the soldier quickened his pace, but remained wary. For all he knew, it could be a trap.
As he drew closer, he began to doubt his first assumption. They were dressed wrong, to be a vampire. But that would mean they were human... The young male’s frown deepened, but he moved out into the open, where they would see him approaching.
As the distance closed Shusaku raised his voice, hoping it carried over the distance that was still between them. He just hoped he was right, and that this wasn’t a vampire.
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“Hey, you there! What are you doing wandering around out here?”
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
starter for @forgottenprogenitor
Though the sun was fast sinking below the horizon, Shusaku still lingered at the perimeters of the JIDA base. He loved his squad dearly, but sometimes he craved the silence of solitude and he’d finally managed to slip away.
Just as he was considering that it was, perhaps, time to return, the soldier noticed a movement in the deepening shadows beyond the fence. He stiffened, looking around for the guard, but saw no one. They must have been switching shifts, as sometimes there was an inconvenient gap of a few minutes. 
Shusaku frowned, blue eyes narrowed at the now still spot. It could’ve just been his head... or it could’ve been a vampire. But there it was again, a movement... It seemed to have drawn closer as well. Something was definitely there. He stepped forward, eyes straining against the growing blackness.
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“...Show yourself.”
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
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I have a few more starters to do, they should be up sometime today! I was going to do them all yesterday but i got distracted by making icons whoops
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
a hundred random starters 
below are starters based on/inspired by various sources. change the genders as you see fit ;)
❝ why do you keep lying to me? ❞
❝ have you ever considered the idea that maybe, this world doesn’t revolve around you & your problems? ❞
❝ love is love is love is love. ❞
❝ marriage is an absurd arrangement. one is sold as a fifteen-year-old child and makes a vow one does not understand and then regrets for thirty years or more, and which one can never undo again. ❞
❝ why are you crying this time? ❞
❝ you will never escape. ❞
❝ this isn’t what I wanted! ❞
❝ everything has its consequences. ❞
❝ this face bears the mission of heaven. ❞
❝ no, you shall dismantle the house of lies, but build the temple of the divine. ❞
❝ one copper coin for a bowl of noodles! ❞
❝ that one has the heart of a lion. ❞
❝ I needed to be summoned. ❞
❝ there’s no reason for this hostility! I come in peace. ❞
❝ they died screaming. ❞
❝ why fight anymore? what’s the point of fighting against destiny? ❞
❝ how long have you known? ❞
❝ I can only speak for myself. ❞
❝ the law can be changed. ❞
❝ are you sure you’re not pregnant? ❞
❝ your child is adorable! ❞
❝ you gave him a riddle for his birthday? ❞
❝ you have no fucking right to treat me this way. ❞
❝ your ambition blinds you. ❞
❝ he adores you. ❞
❝ I feel like I should be shocked that you two had sex there, but I’m not anymore. ❞
❝ she’s going to kill you. ❞
❝ have you ever tried the cakes? they’re actually quite delicious. ❞
❝ you’ll need to be punished. ❞
❝ you should learn to lie better. ❞
❝ sometimes I wonder if you’re real. ❞
❝ I will take back what is mine & kill anyone who stands in my way. ❞
❝ then kill me. ❞
❝ there’s no such thing as love. there is only lust. ❞
❝ you’re selfish. you never think about anyone but yourself. ❞
❝ i’m sorry, but they’re gone. ❞
❝ death is just another adventure. ❞
❝ stop! ❞
❝ let them watch. ❞
❝ you have no shame, do you? ❞
❝ I can’t believe we’re talking about this right now. ❞
❝ I need advice. sex advice. ❞
❝ alright, tell me the truth, is he good in bed? ❞
❝ she is the best thing in my life. ❞
❝ you love him? ❞
❝ do you love me at all? ❞
❝ do you believe in soul mates? ❞
❝ please, you have to believe me. I didn’t kill anyone! ❞
❝ history is written by the victorious. ❞
❝ at least she has a heart! you have none. ❞
❝ isn’t it more important that they told you? ❞
❝ the king is displeased. ❞
❝ long live your majesty! ❞
❝ can you stop talking for just one moment & listen to me? ❞
❝ no matter how hard I try, they just won’t stay dead. ❞
❝ he’s a gold digger. he’ll screw anyone & marry them as long as they have money. ❞
❝ o! how sweet love must be! ❞
❝ do you really think that? ❞
❝ quick, you need to hide before they see you! ❞
❝ you taught me to never trust anyone. ❞
❝ this is extreme, even for you. ❞
❝ you guys were pretty loud last night. I guess it was good? ❞
❝ that wasn’t an apology & you know it. ❞
❝ are you a virgin? ❞
❝ I’m married. ❞
❝ best thing I ever did was marrying you. ❞
❝ red roses won’t erase the fact that you broke my heart. ❞
❝ stop taking all the ice cream! ❞
❝ has anyone told you that you’re sort of a little bitch? ❞
❝ it’s deep dish pizza. ❞
❝ do you want to fight for your land back or not? ❞
❝ I never realized how much of a coward you are. ❞
❝ there’s nothing worse than someone who isn’t willing to try new things. ❞
❝ haven’t you ever wanted to escape? to leave this place & explore the world? ❞
❝ i think you’ve had enough to drink. ❞
❝ your ancestors would be ashamed if they saw you. ❞
❝ one of the dolls is missing! ❞
❝ are we going to die here? ❞
❝ well looks like we’ve found ourselves in a bit of a dilemma. ❞
❝ I am no longer a child! ❞
❝ the baby won’t stop crying! i don’t know what to do anymore! ❞
❝ what if something happens to them? ❞
❝ once upon a time, I gave a damn about what people thought about me. ❞
❝ if he can get away with this, then so can i! ❞
❝ the dark shall come & take everything you love from you. ❞
❝ it’s the same story over & over again. you’d think people would know better by now. ❞
❝ there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. ❞
❝ you are what is wrong with this world. ❞
❝ shattered dreams can drive anyone mad. ❞
❝ I am a phoenix. burn me & I shall return, rising from the ashes. ❞
❝ this is my home. ❞
❝ home is where the heart is, where you feel safe & warm & loved. ❞
❝ running away has never solved a damn thing! ❞
❝ fuck me. ❞
❝ oh the things I’d do to you if we were alone. ❞
❝ stop, he’s not here, remember? he’s gone & he can’t hurt you anymore. ❞
❝ your husband/wife – is he/she good to you? ❞
❝ stop & think a moment, you have to stay & rest. there’s a child who needs you now, you can’t just run & be a fucking idiot. ❞
❝ once, I drank a whole bottle by myself. ❞
❝ what do I want? I want to kiss you a thousand times before undressing you & kissing every bit of your flesh a thousand more times. ❞
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shusaku-blog · 7 years
starter for @shin-nyaa
Shusaku stiffened slightly, quite confused and just a tad apprehensive at the sight of the blue-eyed Hiiragi walking towards him. 
He’d never officially met the general before, and why would he? He was, after all, only a low-ranking soldier. So why was he being approached? He did the only thing he could; lifting his chin, standing straight in acknowledgement of his senior, and pretending he wasn’t nervous.
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“General Hiiragi, how can I help you?”
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