shylarps · 4 months
"far away," was his short and sharp response. dalbit wanted to focus on going far away from the kingdom and keep the princess safe, as it was the king's wish, after all. while there were a few close villages they could stop by, who knew if the enemy had already taken control of them beforehand? so he settled for one destination in particular: a small village near the forest that was far away from the kingdom to keep them undetectable.
when they were out of the city and spent some minutes on the road, dalbit relaxed a little bit. at least, enough to converse with her. he knew she probably needed something to focus on, so she didn't think about her parents and the state of her kingdom. "princess, our journey will take about a week's time to our destination. we will only take breaks when necessary, but alert me whenever you wish for us to stop."
Miyeon gave one last endearing hug to both her mother and her father, holding back tears as she let go. “We will be reunited soon…surely” she tried to remain hopeful as she was loaded up into a separate horse and carriage while her parents rode off, she had no idea where she was going to be headed and if she was going to have more than Dalbit with her. She wanted her personal guard with her, not the one who seems to only be around her when the king needed her under a watchful eye, but that guard was no where in sight…was he fighting, or did he have something to do with this?…
“Do you have any details on where I’m to be taken?” This was Miyeon’s attempt at breaking the silence between the two but also to try and calm herself, the unknown was always one of the most terrifying things to her. She didn’t know much about him, but now here he is, being tasked with protecting her life “Thank you…I know this is your duty but I want you to know it doesn’t go unappreciated…” she covered her head again as they exited the city, not sure of who was friend or foe so she opted to avoid eye contact with anyone as they fled.
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shylarps · 4 months
jinyoung watched and listened carefully. if he thought he had his work cut out for him before, sana's words made it apparent how troublesome she was going to be. not only that, she was also openly talking about her father, and he knew that his days as a tutor was going to be long and tiresome.
"not here, miss. we can talk in the boss's office," he told her quietly as he made his final peace to the boss. jinyoung accompanied her away from the casket and gestured for her to follow him to said office. as they walked, he was already thinking about what to tell her right away. dumping too much information while she was in mourning wasn't a wise decision; he had to tell her enough to appease her curiosity and convince her to step up to the plate. he opened the door to the office and gestured her inside. "after you."
Her name? She just heard her name? But no one here is supposed to know who she is-. Sana’s gave turned to look at Jinyoung and gently take the offered handkerchief, “thank you..” she was quiet, her eyes slightly red like she was holding back tears since she wasn’t the type to cry in public and tried her best to keep her composure. “May I ask though, how did you know?” A brown raised as she asked, she was clearly caught off guard by the fact that he knew and now she was curious of the man, did he work with her father at whatever unnamed company he kept going away to each day?
“Did my father actually talk about me at whatever office he was running?” This was a hint to Jinyoung that Sana had no idea what exactly her father did, making his work cut out for him. As they talked, it was her turn to approach the casket to say her final peace to him, looking over his seemingly slumbering figure. “He wasn’t around much you know, but he always made sure I had anything I needed, and a family trip twice a year-“
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shylarps · 4 months
jiyeong thanked him and looked at his number. she expected to have a sense of familiarity with it, but it just felt foreign and new to her. it wasn't a number she'd seen before, whether she remembered or not. "is it okay if i... walk around tomorrow?"
Minhyuk shrugs, "I mean I don't see why not. Probably should just take it slowly though so that you don't further your injuries or anything. Or overload your senses when your brain is already trying to process and remember so much." Minhyuk says before checking that you have everything you should need for now, "I'll go look for your purse and be right back, okay?"
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shylarps · 5 months
jiyeong had a feeling he'd say that. she was still injured, so if she went back there with him, she might only get in his way. "then, please be careful! can i... i don't know, talk to you when you get there? like a telephone or a spare cellphone maybe?"
"Yeah, let me go find one." Minhyuk agreed, going off to look for one, putting his number in as he comes back with it, "Here, the number that's saved in there is mine. You can add others if you remember them, okay?"
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shylarps · 6 months
"thank you again, minhyuk," jiyeong said with a smile. she had no reason not to trust him right now. in fact, her intuition was to trust him. she didn't know anything, and he seemed willing to help. "can i... come with you to look for it? i might remember something if i do."
"True, but I'm not sure if it's safe there yet." Minhyuk says and that's actually entirely truthful, both groups had fled and run off so who knew who could be snooping around right now.
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shylarps · 6 months
what does he mean work is a little intense? jiyeong thought before she answered, "i don't know. let me check." she searched her pockets for a key or any other items. "if i don't have anything in my pockets, i usually keep a small purse on me. did you happen to see one when you found me?"
Minhyuk shakes his head, "No I don't think so... There was a lot going on though so I could have missed it. I'll reach out and see if I can find it." This actually might be good for him, he might be able to find more information in your apartment if you're not remembering things, you just have to trust him enough to let him in for now.
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shylarps · 6 months
"thank you, minhyuk," jiyeong says with a smile. croissant dipped in coffeee... it was an odd choice, but there must be a reason for it. maybe it has something to do with work? she doesn't even remember where her work or even her apartment is. she sighs. it feels like a big part of her life is missing. "do you... know where i work at? or where i live?"
"Well work is a little intense for you at the moment, why don't we ease into that one? I know the building you live in, but not the apartment number....do you have the key? That might help." Minhyuk gives you some sort of vauge answer in response.
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shylarps · 6 months
"minhyuk," she repeats, but it causes a jolt in her mind. his name is familiar, and there's some strong emotions tied to it. she just... can't figure out which emotions. jiyeong shakes her head. "i can remember quite a bit about myself and my life. like, i like spicy foods, but my favorite food is a simple croissant dipped in coffee."
Minhyuk hums, giving a nod, "Well how about we have the croissant and coffee until the morning. We can get something spicy and a little bit more filling so that those meds don't make you sick at all." He says, pulling out his phone to put in an order. "If they do start to make you feel off though, let me know."
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shylarps · 6 months
dalbit felt for the princess. she had only known peace and safety in the palace, but he was used to this. he had fought for the king's cause and wars before. the other soldiers with him kept watch by the door, in case the enemy had managed to breach the gates.
"just say the word, and i'll act on your orders, your majesty," he addressed the king. if he was told to stay and fight, he would lay down his life to ensure they managed to escape safely. but the king had other ideas. he ordered some of his trusted knights to escort himself and the queen to a different town, and he assigned dalbit to go with the princess. he wouldn't dare go against the king's orders, but he had hoped he was done with babysitting the princess now.
a palace guard came running to them to inform them the gates had been breached, so they had to move fast. they only had time to gather a few things, namely coins and a coat. dalbit drapped the coat over miyeon to hide her appearance, before he led the group of guards and the royal family through secret passages that led outside the palace gates.
after that, he and a few knights snuck back in to secure a few horses. the king and queen had a whole entourage, since they were the current monarchs, but princess miyeon only had him. so dalbit would do his utmost to protect her under the king's orders.
"princess," he called as time was short. "we need to leave soon. say your farewells, then we can head off."
•—> Dalbit x Miyeon thread
To say Miyeon was terrified would be an understatement, her peaceful life seemed to be in uproar in a matter of hours. She remembers waking up and the day starting as her normal routine of getting ready and going iver her schedule, that is, until she heard the screams of the townsfolk and the war waging outside which made her instinctively run to her parents room and seek shelter juts before Dalbit barges in.
“Where are we even supposed to go? Surely they’d see us leaving-“ the panic was clear in Miyeon’s eyes as the king started to list off other properties “We would probably have to be in separate locations to ensure the safety of the family line, wouldn’t be of much help if they found us all in one location” it was a known fact that the King treasured his namesake more than anything, if it wasn’t for his pride and ending an arranged marriage for his daughter then maybe this chaos wouldn’t even be happening…
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shylarps · 6 months
jinyoung, being the right hand man and trusted member of the late mafia head, had been the one to arrange for everything. that also meant he had been the one to invite both members of the mafia and the late boss's blood relations, which wasn't all too difficult. some of his blood relations were well-aware of the late boss's "business," but one of the more troublesome ones to track had been the late boss's daughter. and now, the apparent heiress set to lead the mafia family.
so when the funeral was full of whispers about the "mystery girl," it didn't take jinyoung much to put the pieces together. he had kept an eye on her throughout, but he had business to attend. because even though boss minatozaki had appointed his daughter as the next-in-line, she had no idea about the mafia empire she was about to inherit. so jinyoung was the head proxy... for the time being.
which sucked, really. he had been by the boss's side all this time, knowing all the ins-and-outs, so why wasn't he the appointed heir? instead, he was given a final task from the boss to shape her to be the next mafia head. a glorified babysitter and tutor, really, more than a trusted underling. grumbling to himself, he was still loyal to the boss. and if the boss wanted this little girl to be the next mafia head, then jinyoung had his business cut out for him.
he approached her slowly, so she wouldn't be alarmed. he offered her his handkerchief, in case she needed something to wipe her tears away.
"miss minatozaki?"
•—> Thread with @shylarps
The funeral hall filled with people that Sana hadn’t seen either since she was a baby, or at all, so it was rather interesting to listen in on the conversations being passed around about her father. She was a sheltered child, seeing her father as this important business man who didn’t have a lot of time for the family, but she never questioned it much until she was in this full room…
“His circle mich have been big…” she was starting to make eye contact with people and the murmurs about the ‘mystery girl’ in attendance started to buzz around the groups since Me. Minatozaki never told any of them he had a child…
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shylarps · 6 months
"thank you," she says as she takes the pills and drinks from the bottled water, once she's sitting up. she takes a deep breath, wincing a little, before looking at him again. "yeah, i'm kind of a little hungry. thank you, um... i don't... remember what your name is..."
"My name is Minhyuk." He smiles a little bit as he tells you, "Are you just not remembering things about everything else? Or are you having trouble remembering things about yourself too? We could see with something simple, like what food do you like?"
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shylarps · 6 months
when he leaves, jiyeong grips the sheets and takes all that information in. a bad situation... he explains it all so vaguely, probably to not scare her. but she only barely remembers the sounds of gunshots around her and the feeling of blood on her hands. is that her blood? what exactly happened? what was she doing? she still can't remember much. to pass the time as she waits for him, she traces the bandages on herself.
"Here you go." Minhyuk hands you a few pills and then uncaps the bottle of water to hand to you as well, "Take it slow just incase there's anything I missed when patching you up okay?" He suggests helping you sit up enough to safely take the medicine. "I can get you some food too if you would like."
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shylarps · 6 months
the kingdom is under siege! everything is in chaos, as the flames light up the village and the night sky. although he knows he has a duty to fulfill, dalbit's first priority is making sure the royal family was safe, specially the king.
"your majesty!" dalbit calls out, bursting through the doors of the royal chambers with several other knights. if it's under any other circumstances, it would be rude, but not when the royal family's lives are at stake. he finds the king, the queen, and even the princess inside. "we have to get out of the kingdom! the enemies are already at the castle gates!" / @ms-miyeon
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shylarps · 6 months
— ( han eunji/mia, 24, ciswoman, she/her ) is that CHOI JIYEONG/KARINA talking to PARK JIWON/E:U? i heard they're FORMER FRIENDS AND COWORKERS! do you think they're here to ASK JIWON TO GO ON ANOTHER MISSION WITH HER BECAUSE IT INVOLVES A MUTUAL ENEMY THAT CAUSED THEM TO SPLIT? ...maybe. but just wait until gossip girl hears about HOW JIYEONG USED TO SELL INFORMATION TO THEIR MUTUAL ENEMY BEFORE THEY TURNED ON HER! she will have a field day with this new development! ( shyla, 25+, she/her, [abuse, incest, noncon, self-harm, suicide] ) —
accepted !! feel free to send in your starter whenever you want.
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shylarps · 6 months
jiyeong listens to him carefully, then nods. he's right; getting all that information all at once while injured might only cause her more harm. it's better to focus on getting better. "okay, i'll trust you," she says as she lets go of his shoulders. "my head keeps throbbing and my limbs ache a little. what happened to me?"
"You got caught in a bad situation and honestly it could have been a lot worse. Thankfully it's not. You passed out in the middle of it after getting hit and so that kind of shielded you from a lot of the potential dangers. There was a lot though and it was very intense, I don't want to scare you." Minhyuk tells you before humming, "Hold on a minute. I'll get you some pain medicine." He says before going and doing just that, getting you water as well.
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shylarps · 7 months
"i don't remember," jiyeong answers as she shakes her head. she grips at his shoulders tightly. "but i know you, right? i feel like i do know who you are, even if i can't remember." there's a pang in her mind as she tries to recall, but she only gets a headache. she feels some kind of emotion towards him, but she's not sure what it is. "who are you? how do i know you? are we friends? are we dating?"
"You do know me. You've known me for many years. No our relationship is unique, but I promise you that doesn't mean you need to be worried. Just focus on getting better for now? Worry about all the missing pieces later on yeah? After all it would be a lot to try and get everything better at once." Minhyuk assures you, "Speaking of, I don't think I asked... how are you feeling?"
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shylarps · 7 months
her head is swimming, as he helps her back up on the bed. all she can think about running away from here, no matter where she ends up at. but it all stops when she hears him talk. it's his voice that she remembers. jiyeong looks up at him and studies his face. somewhere in her mind, she feels like he's familiar. "who are you? did you save me?"
Minhyuk is confused at your questions, wondering if this is all some kind of rouse. However it's in such stark contrast with how you're usually so fiery against him he can't help but be convinced, mostly anyways. "I don't know that I would consider it saved considering how injured you were by then, but I did bring you here and patch you up once I got to you yes." He paused for a moment taking in your features and reaction, "You really don't remember me do you?"
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