sickandsicker · 1 year
holy fuck I haven’t slept long for the past few weeks or months or year maybe but damn is this fucking post nut clarity
i just had a whole week of 4hrs or less sleep each night and today I slept at 12am woke up at 2am. Study for few hours, played and watched yt in between and shit, then I genuinely slept for 30mins until 5:55am
then I fucking beat off for 10minutes. and cum multiple times. haven’t been able to do that for so fucking long since I have to study but fuck I feel so awake now I’ve been enlightened
no amount of gym or food or anything could have made me feel the same holy fucking shit
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i woke up due to my stomach growling so loudly TT but now that i am awake i will do some work
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sickandsicker · 1 year
fuck i feel sick at this point i don’t think i can work out well.. just a bit then :( im still too full im getting nauseous
ok time to act my age again 😂 but i am tired but still have things to do..
i got a lot of food forced onto me
fuck i had to eat so much im way too full its uncomfortable, when i got alone i swear to fuck i burped until i got out of breath fuck it was gross
it was mostly vegetables but also so fucking much chicken. recently its just always chicken that noone likes so im here to be a garbage disposal (: joking, i appreciate all food i am presented with haha prolly why i end up in these type of situation
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sickandsicker · 1 year
looking back on other days of nausea, today is not so bad :) i should buckle down and get some work done
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i often do dishes and other chores after eating so its not so uncomfortable but today i was told to rest and not move
its interesting and i need to do somethings on my laptop anyways but its unusual not having to do anything..
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sickandsicker · 1 year
round 2 again today :| again its uncomfortable and this time i cant burp.. its uncomfortable and i find burping to be very rude and disrespectful and disgusting even if mine are completely quiet
i got trained to think that so i act respectful towards anyone even my family around these matters, though they dont do the same for me but thats okay
i got a lot of vegetables forced on me today so its not bad :)
i slacked a bit on working out due to works that i need to do.. there is things i need to do today too :( then i may work out at night :)
i got a lot of food forced onto me
fuck i had to eat so much im way too full its uncomfortable, when i got alone i swear to fuck i burped until i got out of breath fuck it was gross
it was mostly vegetables but also so fucking much chicken. recently its just always chicken that noone likes so im here to be a garbage disposal (: joking, i appreciate all food i am presented with haha prolly why i end up in these type of situation
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i feel tired but i can’t sleep yet.. my stomach feels warm and over full
i can’t say if that’s good or bad but it looks bad
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i got a lot of food forced onto me
fuck i had to eat so much im way too full its uncomfortable, when i got alone i swear to fuck i burped until i got out of breath fuck it was gross
it was mostly vegetables but also so fucking much chicken. recently its just always chicken that noone likes so im here to be a garbage disposal (: joking, i appreciate all food i am presented with haha prolly why i end up in these type of situation
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sickandsicker · 1 year
my stomach is churning so badly holy shit
doesnt hurt but its uncomfortable
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i had to go out to eat tonight haha
anyways i didnt eat much but i got so full so fast (probably from the courtesy stuff, serving others first type stuff)
right now its 3.5 hrs? after the dinner finished and i dont know if im full or not.. but also the food was really fucking spicy, so i probably got upset stomach from that... i think my stomach isnt weak, but it just likes to fuck me over sometimes
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sickandsicker · 1 year
feeling better now that ive pissed my guts out.. it’s work time now :)
i just tried to stuff myself for the first time.. it hurts.. but it doesn't feel so bad
i just ate a bit of noodles, boiled vegetables, then drank three bottles of water.. i'm so full..
but after i ate and drank it feels like i didn't eat a lot.. so i cut up an apple and only able to eat a quarter of it.. really way too full.. even though i thought i can eat a lot more i really don't think i can anymore
my stomach is packed it won't move and when i pat it it doesn't sound hollow at all.. i probably burped more than i ever have in my whole life in a day.. there's no more room in my stomach.. it hurts
i couldn't stop burping since i often swallow a lot of air when i eat or drink, all very hollow deep burps.. but it didn't free up a lot of space in my stomach
my stomach is normally pretty flat, and have some muscle definition but it got round and bloated.. and it's gurgling so much that im concerned.. i don't really have any way to burp myself so im just thinking of continuing some work i haven't finish.. even if im tired its not an excuse..
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i just tried to stuff myself for the first time.. it hurts.. but it doesn't feel so bad
i just ate a bit of noodles, boiled vegetables, then drank three bottles of water.. i'm so full..
but after i ate and drank it feels like i didn't eat a lot.. so i cut up an apple and only able to eat a quarter of it.. really way too full.. even though i thought i can eat a lot more i really don't think i can anymore
my stomach is packed it won't move and when i pat it it doesn't sound hollow at all.. i probably burped more than i ever have in my whole life in a day.. there's no more room in my stomach.. it hurts
i couldn't stop burping since i often swallow a lot of air when i eat or drink, all very hollow deep burps.. but it didn't free up a lot of space in my stomach
my stomach is normally pretty flat, and have some muscle definition but it got round and bloated.. and it's gurgling so much that im concerned.. i don't really have any way to burp myself so im just thinking of continuing some work i haven't finish.. even if im tired its not an excuse..
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i like sweets but cant eat a lot of it
(its just a storytime underneath haha)
the reason is: its unhealthy, gives me sore throat and make me feel sick... also some family said that it's for girls or it's too girly
i think i can eat. half a cake before starting to feel sick. like a medium size cake? i wont eat more than 1 slice of cake because it makes me feel bad... i want to share cake with friends and not eat it alone
once there was a cake and everyone took a slice and said it wasnt good... i think i have bad taste because i chose it but noone knew i chose it... so i offered to finish it and got sick later (i think i pass out after walking home, but at least i walked a little so i can digest)
it was a really heavy cake (i think its called mousse? cake), and chocolate, which i cant handle well... so ofcourse i got sick later. i ate maybe one third of the cake. it didnt sit well in my stomach, i was so glad that it was late at night when i walked home because my stomach was gurgling so loudly.. and again im not able to burp myself, but i stifled some very thick ones while walking even though there's noone there to watch.. it's a habit for a long time, it's just ‘manners going too far’ is what my parents said but I think it's ok
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sickandsicker · 1 year
so theoretically how do i burp myself..?
i wanted to see some definition of the muscle ive been building so i’m losing some weight but. i can see some abs on a good day but more like a good hour.. anything i eat just makes me bloat i think it’s because i swallow a lot of air while eating.. is there better method
doesn’t help that i often pop a piece of gum in my mouth and forget to spit it out i end up just chewing it and swallowing air for a whole day..
even right now my stomach hurts like hell.. i'm bloated and also hungry at the same time how does this work
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sickandsicker · 1 year
my stomach is lurching haha.. im too full.. with air and water it’s painful
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sickandsicker · 1 year
i think i really broke my bladder shit
i thought i was training it by holding it but i think i made it worse.. i cant hold my bladder for more than 10 min after drinking something.. what am i supposed to do i already refuse to drink water outside so just keep doing that i guess TT
whats this weird dilemma..
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sickandsicker · 1 year
hoooly shit i just had a weird episode
i was studying and got tired (from lack of sleep the night before i guess), so i just put on an asmr video and dozed off, laying my head on my desk top using my arm as a really shitty pillow
maybe bc i wasnt sitting up anymore or whatever, but i started burping a lot like small quiet airy ones that i wouldnt be able to get up otherwise.. they just rolled out and i didnt have the energy to sit up anymore.. so i fell asleep like that
the moment i woke up (15 mins later?) i burped and realised that they had never stopped for the whole time i had been sleeping.. i sat up, drank some water and kept burping.. normally i close my mouth and make it silent as possible but i was still half asleep and didnt have the energy to stifle all of them... but they were all airy and quiet anyways, but also really long and deep.. but i feel much better now. my stomach normally hurt a lot but its not so bad this time.
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