sievtrr · 6 months
okay, I wrote the basis for this
and this is very banal, but…english isn’t my first language kkkkkkk
Let’s imagine, that the events begin with the death of Mary. Nathaniel knew from childhood that he was a hereditary psychic, which included the abilities of a medium, a tarot reader and clairvoyance. The strength was passed on to him from his late grandmother on his father's side. Even as a child, he began to notice that something prevented him from dying after Nathan's torture. He often saw his grandmother in dreams and then in reality, who told him that he was unusual and, if he began to understand this, he would discover incredible power in himself. Therefore, after another torture by Nathan and his assistants, he listened to the words of the late grandmother and began to study this topic in secret from everyone, as much as possible, with the help of the dead grandmother, with whom they met several times in dreams. But time was short and after a couple of months he and his mother ran away. It was easier to get books, daggers, candles, tarot and many other helpful things on the run than at his parents' house, so Nathaniel continued to delve into the topic of his abilities. He stole books from the library, hid in dark corners to catch at least a moment, but his mother eventually found out. Mary also noticed that something strange was happening to the boy. Even as a child he often talked to someone she did not see, was quickly recovering from his father’s abuse, as if something was preventing him from dying. But she never really attach any importance to it, much less something supernatural, that’s why she was horrified and very frightened, as a result of which she severely beat her son. She had a hard time believing that her son could actually see and do things that other people couldn't. She tried to knock his sick fantasy out of him, but Nathaniel proves his abilities to his mother by summoning her late grandmother. Then Mary comes up with a way to make money out of it. Already at the age of 14, more and more people are starting to turn to Neil, asking for his help. From failure in love to searching for missing people or talking to a dead relative. When Nathaniel masters his powers, his mother dies. Nathaniel is tired of being on the run and living in constant fear, so he calls his uncle. A few days later, he is already sitting on a plane to London and leaving the USA behind. In London, he meets his mother's entire family and their ignorance of Nathaniel's abilities. And also, it is there that he dreams of the date of his death for the first time.
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sievtrr · 6 months
i’m watching the battle of psychics.
This makes me think of a sketch about Andreil…
Neil as a psychic👀
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sievtrr · 8 months
now it’s a sketch, but maybe i will write it like a mini/midi fic and share it in parts here🫶
I recently remembered Paris. This led me to a new story about Andreil.
So let's imagine Andrew, who along with his brother Aaron is adopted by Betsy when they are 7 years old. They grow in love and care. When the twins graduate, Aaron goes to medical college, and Andrew can't decide what he wants to do in life. Betsy offers him to travel the world and find his inspiration and purpose in life. Andrew takes the accumulated money and leaves with one backpack. During his journey, he sometimes stops for a short time in countries to work and earn more money.
After one year of traveling around the world, he decides to stop for a while in France and rest. This is how Andrew ends up in Paris. It is there that Andrew meets Neil. An exchange student who came to Paris for three years.
Maybe this is the meeting that will make two hearts linger in the city of love for a little while longer?
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sievtrr · 8 months
I recently remembered Paris. This led me to a new story about Andreil.
So let's imagine Andrew, who along with his brother Aaron is adopted by Betsy when they are 7 years old. They grow in love and care. When the twins graduate, Aaron goes to medical college, and Andrew can't decide what he wants to do in life. Betsy offers him to travel the world and find his inspiration and purpose in life. Andrew takes the accumulated money and leaves with one backpack. During his journey, he sometimes stops for a short time in countries to work and earn more money.
After one year of traveling around the world, he decides to stop for a while in France and rest. This is how Andrew ends up in Paris. It is there that Andrew meets Neil. An exchange student who came to Paris for three years.
Maybe this is the meeting that will make two hearts linger in the city of love for a little while longer?
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sievtrr · 10 months
a year ago i wrote sns fanfiction on ao3, today i decided to translate it and actually make a «real»correspondence.
so, au let's imagine what would happen if they just quietly studied at the university. The usual drinking, quarrels, intrigues and a lot of humor.
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i think i'll post the first chapter tonight
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sievtrr · 10 months
i only recognize katelyn mackezie as a redhead.
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sievtrr · 10 months
«мальчики, не верьте, что в раю нет деревьев и шишек. не верьте, что там одни облака. верьте мне, ведь я старая птица , и молочные зубы сменила давно, так давно, что уже и не помню их запах.
мысленно с вами всегда. ваш папа стервятник.»
«Дом, в котором»,
Мариам Петросян
«boys, don’t believe the talk about there being no trees or pinecones in heaven. don’t believe it’s only clouds up there. believe what i tell you. for i am an ancient bird, and my baby teeth fell out so long ago i can no longer remember their taste.
always with you in my thoughts. your daddy vulture»
«The Gray House»
Mariam Petrosyan
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sievtrr · 10 months
witch/reincarnation au
en verse
«i don’t wanna be dead…» — choking whispered neil.
«there is no such thing as death, lover.» — andrew smilled softly and nodded. his eyes filled with tears. he cupped neil’s cheek with his palm and pulled him closer, carefully leaned against his forehead. — «only transformation. we will be reunited against. i promise.»
in this life they were together very little. and now, holding his dying love in his arms, andrew promised himself and him to do everything so that at least in the next life they lived happily ever after. if only neil would wait for him…
they knew, it was the end of one story, but the beginning of two others.
ua verse
— я не хочу бути мертвим, — задихаючись, прошепотів ніл.
— але ж смерті не існує, коханий. — ендрю мʼяко посміхнувся і покачав головою. очі наповнилися сльозами. він торкнувся долонею щоки ніла і притягнув його ближче, обережно зʼєднав їх лоби. — тільки перетворення. ми скоро воззʼєднаємось знов. я обіцяю.
в цьому житті вони прожили разом дуже мало. і зараз, тримаючи на руках своє помираюче кохання, ендрю пообіцяв і собі, і йому зробити все, щоб хоча б в наступному житті вони прожили довго і щасливо. тільки б ніл дочекався його…
вони знали, це був кінець однієї історії, але це також був початок двох нових.
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sievtrr · 10 months
write something about my lovely andreil
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sievtrr · 10 months
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оце ми купляєм
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sievtrr · 10 months
як я зрозуміла, тут люди творчість свою викладають.
так от, колись я теж була творчою людиною, але життя взʼєбало мене і тепер я познаю сірість життя норміса(який жах).
якщо мені зайде ця пріложуха, я тут буду писати свої нотатки, бо памʼять вже не молода, жарти і крінжу. мені глибоко поїбати чи хтось буде цю залупєнь читати, я це роблю па пріколу.
я розмовляю суржиком з 4 мов, бо кожен день я буквально використовую ці мови з різними людьми(ох уж еті екстраверти) і в мене в голові каша.
пс.любіть себе та будьте щасливі
eng vers
as i understood, here creative and talented people.
so, once i was also a creative person, but life fucked me up and now i have to live a boring, gray and adult life like a normal person(what a horror💀).
if i like this social i will write my notes(because my memory is not young anymore), jokes, cringe about my life, little sketches and fanfics about different fandoms. i don’t really care if anyone will read this. i’m doing it for myself and fun.
i speak a mixture of 4 languages(Ukrainian, Polish, English, russian and understand Belorussian), because every day i literally use these languages with different people(oh, those extroverts) and my head is a mess. i’m from Ukraine, studying in Poland at the faculty of national security. i have many friends from different countries and i speak a different language with each of them.
p.s love yourself and be happy💗
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sievtrr · 10 months
ееее я не умьєм користуватись цією пріложухою. це тіпа твітер, бат ноу токсік?
і да я написала цей спіч 4 мовами мнє пох
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sievtrr · 10 months
WIP! Andrew Minyard (music band au)
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HE SO>>>>>>
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