sighsaih · 4 years
Keep all of your shit to yourself, always. By sharing, you're only allowing the universe to create its own, altered versions of your truth. No one is going to seize your story as it is. Ergo, almost all things are better left unsaid.
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sighsaih · 4 years
"be glad, and your friends are many; be sad, and you lose them all. there are none to decline your nectared wine, but alone you must drink life's gall. feast, and your halls are crowded; fast, and the world goes by..." Solitude - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
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sighsaih · 4 years
There are times when sadness demands comfort but there are those times, too, when sadness does not demand anything but isolation. -sighsaih
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sighsaih · 4 years
He began the acoustics It was an evening in June Before the clock ticked six She was already singing the tune   Swinging later into the night Whispers of love and delight Perfectly dressed in white Lots of plans, there’s no end in sight   But the strings have been pulled One by one, light and quiet Realizing he was fooled By the woman dressed in white   Red now black, the passion’s gone Slowly his world turned dark As she disappeared into the sun Guilty and unapologetic behind her mask.     — sighsaih
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sighsaih · 5 years
ginny: i know you’re not used to this, but maybe you should just try to keep it chill and see what happens
hermione: great advice. impossible to follow, but great advice
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sighsaih · 5 years
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sighsaih · 7 years
And this is where it ends----
We had those long calls Long enough to let you see through me My thoughts and what ifs I've surrendered them all to you I hope you were listening Close enough to hear not just my stories But also the happiness I was telling you I was happy, yes, with you But I had to leave. I left first but my heart stayed with you. And years after, it was still with you Then you figured out and did nothing I was foolish to hope for an "us" again When I saw you holding hands With hands not mine I was happy, yes, with you I left first but you gave up on me first Now I am walking away, snatching my heart from the undeserving you. I am leaving and I am finally taking my heart with me.
— sighsaih
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sighsaih · 7 years
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this has got to be my favorite poem
(photo not mine)
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sighsaih · 7 years
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the best version is yet to come In Shaa Allah
(photo not mine)
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sighsaih · 7 years
I’m always hesitating to do things or to not do things. I was never decisive, even as a child. I’d always let my parents choose what shoes to buy, what clothes to wear, etc. I have always had this group of people who decide for me. And it was just the way it was. No complaints. But now that I am older and able, a freaking 22-year-old asking the universe to decide for her feels immensely wrong, at least in my opinion. // sighsaih
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sighsaih · 7 years
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sighsaih · 7 years
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sighsaih · 7 years
her favorite color is yellow, yet she is full of so much darkness and pain i suppose that color reminds her that the sun can still shine when it rains
kira malibu (via kiramalibu)
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sighsaih · 7 years
hey, hi. I'm not gonna ask you anything. just wanna tell you you're not alone. Someone somewhere still cares for you. keep your smile Saimah. you can do it!
Awwweee 😭 Yes, I can & I will In Shaa Allah! We can do this! Hihi thank you so much! I appreciate your message ☺️
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sighsaih · 7 years
Don’t let people overcome you, or allow things to consume you.
xcallmexprincess,  writing prompt #73: Write about the lessons you learned this year. (via wnq-writers)
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sighsaih · 7 years
dear me, boy have you fought a hard fight this year. and for that i apologise. i never meant to make it tough for you. you were never fighting against the enemy - you were fighting yourself. i convinced you it was right and that there was something worth fighting for. i apologise for turning your mind against you. i gave you no hope of survival this year apart from the words that you ink onto paper before locking away. apart from the escape of being in someone else’s shoes on stage for an hour or two and even then the joy that once came with such activities disappeared. i’m sorry i let you believe that you weren’t worth that love. you weren’t good enough for that crush you had, you weren’t special enough for familial love and you definitely weren’t normal enough for platonic affection. most of all you were never worth the love that flows from your heart in a never ending stream waiting for someone to push it back so you feel that heartbreak - letting it creep into every crevice, cementing the fact that you were unlovable. i was wrong. i was lost in the darkness that clouded my sight and turned my living days into the same nightmares i saw at night. that took away the joy and light of dreams and replaced them with a void of empty space as the violent thoughts corrupted my nights as well. i am sorry. i say it a lot to others, to the animals and even to the world we live in but i don’t say it to you. i have hurt you. more that anyone else possibly could have. i look back upon this year and i wonder when the hope lighting the way disappeared. the once ignited flame was lost in the shadows and there was no room for it in the self-pity i shrouded you with. dear me, the new year is almost upon and i want to be better for you, help me be better.
millennial-poe, writing prompt #69: Write a letter apologizing to your body for any hatred and ingratitude you may have expressed. (via wnq-writers)
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sighsaih · 7 years
I miss you, everyday. You told me to wait And I answered yes, I'll stay No matter what, I'll wait For you...
Everyday my heart cried Waiting for the tears to stop I stayed till someone wiped them Someone, not you.
The sky cleared up My thoughts did, too I finally untangled the line That tied us two.
With the clear sky, I saw something I haven't seen before.
You stopped being mine When I was still holding on. You treated me as a stranger When I was dreaming of our future.
...I should have said no When you told me to wait.
To save myself. To save my heart.
— sighsaih
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