silaschamberlain · 4 months
Temporary Villain to Return at a Later Date...
Silas is out of town right now building a pack to surpass all werewolf packs and concocting a way to teach his children a lesson for thinking they can double cross him. He will be back shortly...
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
“Oh so now you want to chat? If you're going to take after your mother, you might want to learn how to be a little bit less transparent," He noted, only to roll his eyes over as she told him it wasn't what the kids were saying. "Do I look like I give a fuck?" He pointed out with a nonchalant shrug, fishing a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it with the tip of his finger as he asked her point blank, "Do you need your ears checked? I mean that I can get you your immortality back. It's really not rocket science here."
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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Whoa whoa wait.” Putting her hands up to stop him from leaving, she ran in front of him. “Also that’s not what the kids are saying—“ She rambled on before getting to the point. “What do you mean I can have my immortality back?”
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"You could say that, but it's not so bad, is it? It's kind of liberating, don't you think? Before this, you had no idea what you were truly capable of and now? You're a vampire who can do magic. How sweet is that?" He pointed out. A grin spreading from ear to ear as he took in the other man's disposition. "And I can show you too, if you'd like? Spells and the like. You can chalk it up to my gift to you."
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If Sébastien was in his right mind, he'd probably say say yes and mean it too. Even so, that small sense of familiarity was enough to reduce the edge of the night. He knew something was wrong when he felt this good but he just didn't care. Silas, though, he knew the man had some issues with the coven. He himself wasn't too familiar with the council's dealing - their troubles were their own. But Silas, he knew. Strong, even as a child. One of those people you'd look at and think "he's going places". Given his apparent track record, 'places' must have meant 'jail'.
"Sure I did. I take it you're the one responsible for this?," he asked, waving at his eyes.
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"Well, would you look at that," He tsked, despite the toothish grin that couldn't help but overtake his lips as he looked the little faerie over. "The great Fae Queen being a complete and utter hypocrite. Would you tell your fae to fight without their wings? A banshee without their voice? A pixie without their luck? No, that would be preposterous. But, for the witch to use intangibility, an ability that is as nature and inherent to them as breathing, they must be a coward, is it?" He pointed out with a roll of his eyes. "And I wouldn't exactly call this unprovoked. You may not have made the first move, but are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that if I told you who I was you'd simply have a nice chat and let me walk off? You were already on edge around me as 'Cypress Reed'. You and I both know you made up your mind about Silas Chamberlain the second you read the article about me. It doesn't matter if other people in this town have committed the same crimes and got off scot free. But, that's the problem with you lot, ain't it? You're all a bunch of hypocrites."
"Ah, see. There you go again putting your own moral compass onto others as if you know best. You may want to hand hold everyone in town and keep them safe at all costs and that's fine. You're more than entitled to do that. But, that reality only works in this small town with a population of a couple hundred. Outside of these walls, the supernaturals who can defend themselves live and the ones who can't, get taken out. Wouldn't you rather them learn that lesson from a few minor cuts and bruises they got from their neighbors than lose their life the moment they take one step outside? Or is your solution to have everyone in town stay hulled up in here until the hunters eventually find your location, which one day, they likely will. You can treat me like a monster all you'd like, but just so you know, there is a number of us out there who view you as one in return. A fae who calls herself a Queen and yet keeps her followers trapped in some town like some helpless damsels in need of saving. What kind of leader is that? Think on it, will you?" He told her as he faded into the shadows disappearing out of sight.
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"Unable to face me without intangibility." She replied sharply, "Attacking unprovoked." She went on, Aiyla rolled away and staggered to her feet. "I do so without risking the safety of the rest of the town...did you?" She asked feeling satisfied with the fact she did not trust this man when she first laid eyes on him. Beautiful and charming- she was on guard but not because she expected him to be the sort of witch to attack without reason. "Oh don't be so lazy as to put words in my mouth...Cypr-Silas?" She asked her gaze narrowing uncertain but the likelihood of the Reeds having two morally corrupt family members aired with their fathers recent escape from prison- he appeared so young, but a Supreme would, would they not? "I am defending myself what is your excuse for your attack on me?" She asked catching her breath. She was bent at the waist taking a deep breath and drew in a breath to scream only she was not firing as strongly as she normal could, she knew it the pain that radiated through her robbed her of her full range of ability.
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"Really?" Silas rolled his eyes over as he sent a wave of electricity Nico's way, electrocuting him on sight. But, before his body could even recoil, Silas flung his body threw the air once more straight through a nearby storefront window. "Well, let's see if you can take electricity better than she can," He reasoned, shocking Nico's body once more.
"You know, who you remind me of?" He decided as he made a move to slip a cigarette out of the pack from his pocket. Lighting it up with the tip of his finger as he eyed where he had last tossed the wolf's body. "A long time ago, our little Gem found this stray. Cute little thing left on the side of the road. It had this injured paw and I told her to leave it, but she looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and the next thing I knew she was bringing it home with us. Dirty little thing that could hardly move let alone fend for itself. But, Jazzy insisted that she'd take care of it and she did all on her own. Trained the mutt better than professionals likely could. Made sure that dog never got in the Coven's way and stayed out of sight so that it wouldn't be too much of an eye sore. You see, rather than simply being the pup's master, she fell in love with the raggedy little thing. She loved it more than nearly anything in the whole wide world which as you've probably seen, is a dangerous place for a witch to be in. God, what was that pup's name? I swear I've heard it so many times, but now I'm completely drawing a blank. Well, anyhow, I killed it and she was heartbroken for a little bit, of course. Cried for days. Locked herself away swearing that I was the worst father who ever lived and that she'd never speak to me again, but she got over it. I showed her how to use magic to bring little fluffy back from the dead and, in turn, she cost one of her friend's their pet. Anyways, the moral of this whole story, is that she'll likely get over you too or she'll bring you back and take one of her sibling's lives in your stead. Hopefully, it's one of those adopted siblings, but I guess we'll see won't we?"
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As Nico's feet left the ground, he knew this was it. He was flung through the air and dropped unceremoniously back to earth, thankfully landing mostly on his side, bruising but not breaking any ribs. All he could think of was the wreckage in Jasmine's apartment, the signs of this power being used against her, that she'd been to scared to even tell him about. Despite how controlled he'd managed to be up till now, he couldn’t hide the rage that was reflected in his body as he faced Silas in the street. He kept his frame low and braced where he’d fallen, but his lip drawn back in a snarl that exposed his canines. The deep rumble from his chest was a warning that transcended speech, red eyes locked on the black.
At least there was one fact about magic that he knew was pretty much immutable. No witch, no matter how skilled or experienced, possessed endless reserves of power. Nico knew it was likely he wasn’t going to walk away from this, but whatever didn’t kill him outright he could survive. And it had to weaken Silas, eventually. Every attack Nico could make, he would have to defend with magic, for as long as the attacks came. Nico, on the other hand, only had to get lucky once to do some very real damage. Even if he fell here, he could stall and force Silas to use as much of his power as possible, to give his people their best possible chance at catching him and ending this for good. For her—and for everyone else he'd hurt, and would hurt in the future.
That settled it, then. Nico began to close the distance between them with patient confidence, picking up speed swiftly before he launched himself at Silas and braced for the next hit to come.
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"You're asking if I'm speciesist when you just dehumanized your neighbors in the span of two hours. All I said, was that being human seems like it would be boring. Pretty sure that makes you the fucked up one out of the two of us. Ew. I mean look at your own eyes. You call them assholes, when you've clearly run around and attacked people yourself. So, they're capable of setting fire to things and destroying part of a town. You're capable of murder. Sounds like you fit right in," He reasoned, having caught the way her eyes had flashed a bright blue. "And so what if I don't want to be human? Other people can enjoy their mundane existences all they'd like or cause chaos if they want to. It's doesn't bother me like it seems to you."
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"You mean the assholes that are running around attacking people?" Kitty asked, her own eyes flashing bright blue. "Less than two hours and people are setting fire to things and biting people and destroying part of the town." If that's what people were capable of, then it sort of stung, didn't that. "You're inflicted to, right? With your eyes like that? Maybe there's some.... causation or whatever between the two." She frowned, her nose wrinkling up in disgusted. "Dude, are you, like, speciesist? Because that's really fucked up. Like, ew. Really fucked up."
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"You don't have to be part of a coven to have the opportunity to perform dark magic kept from you. It's still 'taboo' in this town whether you chose to link your magic or not. It's sad really, that a few people in charge fear the mere idea of power that they restrict everyone else from realizing their true potential."
"No catch. Like I said, it's a gift," He explained away with an eased shrug, slipping his hands into his pockets as he did. "What can I say? It's Christmas. I'm feeling generous. But, if you really must know, it's not entirely unselfish on my part. You see, this town and that coven you're against joining likes to paint me in a rather malicious light. They're mad that I'm not willing to blindly follow them and that I don't believe in hiding here within Lunar Cove when we should be more than equipped to defend ourselves against the hunters who are a group of humans with crossbows when we have magic at our finger tips. So, while your leaders may paint one story, I simply want to share another perspective. Do with it what you will, but maybe you'll walk away realizing that Silas Chamberlain isn't the devil the papers want to paint him out to be. But, ah," He snapped his fingers at the mention of hematomancy. "You know my daughter was curious about the same thing. What is with your age group and a fascination with the future? Or is it the vat of blood that peaks your fancy? Regardless, it's not too hard of a spell to perform. Dark magic is all about restoring the balance of nature. If you take, you must give back. It's fairly harmonious in that way, so to see the future, you must acquire the necessary ingredients. The sacrifice being a bowl's worth of blood, though you can collect it in whichever way you'd like. Borrow some blood bags from one of the fanged variety, you could perform an animal sacrifice if you so desire or offer it up yourself, though the last one gets a little dicey. It's a lot of blood and people tend to be prone to fainting, but if you have a medic on hand and something to eat like a box of donuts, you should be okay, for the most part anyway," he offered up with an unsettling amount of indifference given that he still technically had his empathy in tact.
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Amrita's expression remained stern as he spoke, brows raising at his confident remark. She scoffed, and crossed her arms tightly in front of her chest. Defensive, and weary. She felt beyond exhausted. The amount of times she had nearly fainted, the amount of nose bleeds she'd gotten. For someone who was often proud of her wits, she seemed completely unaware of the fact that the more shadow magic she used, the more tired she grew. "You casted the spell?" A gift? Many questions rose to her mind, but Amrita held back her tongue. If she voiced all her questions, she might lose this opportunity to learn. She didn't really feel thankful to him. The spell confused her more than it made her feel powerful. "I'm not part of any coven. I don't like the idea of sharing my magic with anyone. Or losing it because of the actions of others. I do, however, understand what you're trying to say." Her mother had been adamant about any kind of magic, but she had slipped a few times regarding black magic. To her mother everything was dangerous, even what was innate to their very core. Amrita had always frowned upon dark magic, but she never gave it a chance. Never tried it for herself. Now, she didn't see why it was so wrong.
"What's the catch?" The question came very quickly after his proposition. Amrita could never turn down this opportunity to learn, this opportunity to have things go her way. But she was paranoid, and she knew how things were in the world. The one thing she had understood since she was a young child, everything was transactional. "You'll teach me out of the goodness of your own heart? Or will I have to return the favor?" Granted, even under the spell, Amrita didn't feel she had much to offer. No knowledge, no practice. She barely knew incantations to the spells she had attempted. It was a miracle the Luck spell had gone as well as it did. "I've heard of a hematomancy spell." She said, not yet willing to take the bait without knowing the price to pay. That was what kept her from most spells, hexes, and curses. The price to pay often felt too greater. Too misaligned with her own moral compass. Blood, however, could be acquired without much violence.
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"Smart choice," A smirk graced his lips as he gave them an approving nod. "Whatever pain you feel, just know that they will feel the same and it will pass," He assured her, as he unraveled the scroll of paper he had prepared just for this circumstance. "I'm not all too sure to be honest? I've never broken a resurrected bond for a fae before. Though, I assume it would more similar to how sirens have to transform on a full moon?" He guessed. "If I were to break a witch's bond, they would need to supply themselves with magic from an external source. Given that the only external magic is dark magic, they'd likely have to perform dark magic regularly to maintain their life force, though theoretically, a witch within a coven may be able to bypass that given that coven witches all bind their magic together. Technically speaking, the witch may be able to use the other coven members' magic to sustain themselves without resorting to dark magic. While for a vampire, they could siphon magic from an external source. But, as for fae, I guess we'll find out won't we? You wouldn't have to drink blood or anything like that. But, you will have to absorb magic in some capacity regularly. Though how it manifests, I'm not all too sure. Though if you have questions later, you can always write or ask one of my daughters I suppose or Rae Elle. Jasmine and Rae Elle both have dabbled their fair share in dark magic and Poppy's bond I already broke, so you won't be alone," He offered up. "And oh see, blood oaths are actually written contracts. This document has already been spelled, so you just need to sign your name on the dotted line and I can perform the spell and thank you. Though, as nice as a suit may seem, if you want to pay me back properly, how's this? When the time comes, if I need a favor, I know who to reach out to. How does that sound?"
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Kui listened attentively to the details Silas laid before them, their nerves settling somewhat as he pulled back and gave them space. "I don't love the idea of being in pain, and it's poor compensation to inflict it on the person who did this to me, too. But it's the only compensation I'm likely to ever get, so I'll take it." There was no hesitation or shame as they admitted it. Kui had never been particularly violent or vengeful, but having their life controlled by another, and that after they'd been killed for nothing they'd done or earned, forced a helplessness on them that they would like to shake off, in any way possible. They cocked their head to the side. "What kind of source? Like, how a vampire needs blood? I don't know how witch's magic works, only my own, so I'd appreciate any details you might be able to give in advance." Especially if he wasn't going to be here afterwards, and he seemed to be the expert given that they thought if Poppy knew how to work this, she would've offered it before. "I consent though—one hundred percent, this is a verbal contract stating I give you permission to perform the severing spell. And I don't care much for public opinions when I can make my own just fine, but I won't forget," they promised solemnly. "I'll tell Briar you've helped me, but that isn't an equivalent kindness, that's for free. I try not to be indebted to anyone, but if this works, I intend to live a very long time. So one day I'll pay you back properly, Silas Chamberlain. Maybe with a bespoke suit or two."
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"Rae Elle, I'm really not in the mood," He growled out, the gears already turning in the back of his head. He had come to this town to extend an olive branch to his family, but they had spit in the face of his kindness. That stupid mutt had thought he was doing something clever didn't he, by biting him? And sure, having his magic drained from him hadn't exactly been a walk in the park. But, if the pup really thought this would stop him then he had no idea what Silas was truly capable of. "Empathy is a useless emotion anyhow. I tried to extend an ounce of kindness and see where it got us. But, you're right. Next time, I won't keep you in the dark. You're my eyes and ears here now, kiddo. And while I'm gone, I want you to find out every shred of a weakness you can on Nicolás Castillo and every member of his pack."
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Rae hadn't expected to feel it, the moment her magic snapped, the moment Silas' coven fell apart. Something that had been not-so-freely given became something that was taken away in an instant. She'd wondered if, perhaps, Jasmine had done it. Perhaps Silas was dead, now. With shaky hands, she pulled out a map and a small vial of blood and let a droplet fall as she muttered a tracking spell. The drop found something, at least, leading the way to somewhere, someone, so that was where Rae went.
She found him, eventually, looking a little worse for wear. "Silas Chamberlain," she mused. "At least tell a gal before you take away her empathy. Could've used a warning-- or two-- for everything this night held."
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silaschamberlain · 7 months
"That's okay, Sparky. You'll miss when I'm gone. Maybe it will soften the blow a little bit," He mused, his thumb brushing lightly across Ralph's jawline as he gave his chin a light nudge. "Don't worry, Mouse. I have plans for how to deal with them and plans to come back. But, patience is a virtue I'm afraid and it's not quite time yet," He explained. His grin growing as he watched the other man's intoxicated smile form across his face. "Done. It's a promise. I'll make sure you can have all the magic you could possible desire one day. And yeah, I can show you. So, what curse are we talking about here? What do you want to feel? Sorrow? Insecure? Afraid? In lust with you?" He rattled off curiously. "What's your poison?"
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"Hate to see ya go, but love to watch you walk away, good-looking. I'd almost miss ya, but I don't think I could fuckin' miss anyone right now. Ain't that something? I don't gotta care about no one but me." Ralph looked up into Silas's face with wide, dark eyes, though, allowing his cheeks to be cupped. He hung there listlessly in the other's grasp, like a puppet, drunken on magic, sinking into the hug. "That so? Why don't you just not let them? Who gives a shit, ya dig it? Aiyla tried to stop me from feedin' on this one pretty human. But I did it anyway." These words came matter-of-factly, a placid recounting of the events that left him to this moment. An intoxicated smile arrived at the nickname, though, and Ralph was just about putty in the witch's hands. "I ain't going back. Not ever. I wanna feel just like this 'til the stars turn cold," he murmured. "S'why I came here. To drink up this goddamn magic. It's golden. It's all I want. You promise me I can have it, I'll do whatever ya need me to do, capiche?" Despite his ill-advised crush on Silas, this spell had taken that sentimentality from Ralph too; he would have the other's back only so long as he got something out of it himself. The opportunity to hang onto his broad shoulders was an all right trade for right now. "I like the sun. That's stupid old-fashioned vampire bullshit, the darkness. And I don't think I wanna inflict pain." He didn't want to hurt others, even now, even if he was disconnected from how his own actions could do just that. "Can you show me how to curse? That's my problem. The magic only lasts an hour. Ain't that a bite? But how do I do somethin' that fuckin' lingers? Makes 'em remember Ralphie?"
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silaschamberlain · 8 months
Silas was on his way out. He had done what he had came for. He had seen to his kin, formally introduced himself and made sure they'd be okay. And as for his other business in town, the spell was coming to an end and his gifts had been given. He had undid the resurrected bonds, freeing a handful of Lunar Covians from the looming threat of the Catalyst, ooohhh, how scary. And he had helped a number of witches and vampires unlock their true potential. Witches and vampires who now knew that what had been kept from them all this time was hardly scary, but exhilarating and freeing. He had laid the ground work. It was time to leave for the time being and give his own kind time to wrap their heads over what he had shown them. Only then could he move on to phase two- potentially recruiting his kind to join his own ranks. But, as he made his way down the empty street, heading towards the town border, a sigh broke from his lips. Did the pup really think he was being subtle? With a flick of Silas' wrist he glanced over his shoulder just in time to watch the wolf be flung through the air using his telekinesis.
"Were you trying to sneak up on me?" Silas cocked his head to the side as he stared down the alpha who now laid on the ground a few feet in front of him. "Because if so, I really can't for the life of me understand what my daughter sees in you. You know I told her I wouldn't lay a hand on you if she upheld our end of the bargain, but now I'm thinking maybe it would be better for her sake, if I just put you out of your misery. Sure, she might be momentarily heart broken, but the little gem will get over it eventually, don't you think?"
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Nico's ears pricked forwards as Silas Chamberlain addressed someone fleeing past him in the street. They didn’t stop, only looked at him with wide eyes before increasing their speed. It's working. Keep it up, he sent to the pack. Word of Cypress’ true identity had spread in the early hours, delivered from the Alpha over the pack bond, along with instructions to pass on the information to as many people who weren’t inflicted as possible, and above all, to not confront the witch. Nico had yet to hear if Ben or Aiyla had been located, but what few citizens remained on the streets weren’t going to be caught unawares. With reports from shifted and half-changed wolves around town, it hadn't been long before he'd closed in on Silas' location. As he watched the man continue on his way, whistling and carefree, Nico padded silently nearby, concealed in the shadows of cars and buildings along the street. Dawn was beginning to shade color back into the world after the long and bloody night. Despite the anger that burned in his gut whenever he thought of Silas and what he’d done to Jas, he kept a firm rein on his temper. The days when the Dark Coven leader could walk openly through Lunar Cove were swiftly and unceremoniously coming to an end. And after word reached his allies, they could make a plan—a real plan, to capture him once and for all. Maybe even prove along the way that this Council could accomplish their goals where their predecessors had failed. Maybe he could even take a break, after—spend some time in a cottage surrounded by tall pines, warm and safe inside with the person he loved. If he kept his focus on that, he could restrain himself. So, that was the plan. Just... be patient, for once.
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silaschamberlain · 8 months
"Hey, I know the feeling, mate. People have a ton of choice words to say about me as well and Silas Chamberlain, the one and only," He explained, giving the other man a dramatic bow as a smirk toyed at the corner of his lips. "In that case, my friend, you should have no problem accepting my offer, now shouldn't you? And nothing too crazy, Crowley. I'm simply acting as a good Samaritan this evening. You see, I don't exactly agree with your Council on the idea that dark magic is evil. It's quite the ridiculous notion, don't you think? So, I've decided to give the witches and vampires in this town a taste of what they've been missing out on. On what has been deprived from them and then I'll leave the choice in your hands as to whether or not you'd like to continue practicing or go back to performing your light magic only. Though, if you do decide to continue to learn what else is out there, I'd be more than happy to continue to be someone you can reach out to. So, what do you say? What to learn your true potential or what?"
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Culver's face did not move an inch, his expression grizzled in its own placidity, as he regarded Silas. It seemed he was not going to be allowed to pass, and if this was where he finally had to lie down, well, he would do so talking. "Ain't the worst thing I've been called, friend," he replied shortly, obliquely neither answering nor refusing to answer the question. "Who's asking? I know a lot of zombies. I blame the cellphones." The witch sniffed a little, swallowing hard, licking his teeth. "But I'm mighty sorry to hear that. I do disagree, though, I reckon. I don't think it's unfortunate at all that Kyle Kane is dead, nah. I hear that he was taken down by an extension of the very blood he spilled. And ain't that just the most poetic justice? I get it, though. I do get it. The Good Lord visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. And I am, after all, my brother's keeper. And you're a good daddy." A terse smile followed, a low laugh. "You got me wrong there, though, friend. I ain't no hero. I'm just a demon of a different sort at this same crossroad as you. I talk like you talk. I also ask questions I already know the answer to." He looked down to the knife in his hand. "You know, it's awful funny. I always said that, if I weren't born what I am, and which of us can help what we're born as, I'd seek out the devil in the woods myself. And get mine. And now here he is, asking me to sign his book. I just gotta know: what's in it for Lucifer? I take your kind and generous and gentile offer, what do you get in return?"
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silaschamberlain · 8 months
"Right? Isn't it great? Isn't it fun getting a night off and getting to try out a new kind of magic? Isn't it so weird how the Coven tried to keep this from us? I mean dark magic hasn't brought you any harm, has it? It's been fun! And speaking of things the Council has tried to make us believe that aren't quite true, the real name is Silas Chamberlain," He introduced himself. A smirk pulling at the corner of his lips as he told the other, "And it's so nice to hear that you think I'm such a cool dude."
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"It ain't?" Mason looked at him puzzled, but eased back into a smile when the other did, "I like a story so I'm all ears, I bet you got a cool name, you're a cool dude." Asking on fun, Mason nodded, "Dude, like so much! It's like, and listen I've always been go-with-the-flow type, but tonight it's like extra don't care? Which is wild because I still care, but for like other things more than people... not gonna lie, kinda real fuckin' nice." He didn't know who to thank, or if it was someone's doing that caused this feeling in them, but yeah, he'd thank them. "Freedom sure is a gift! I feel alive tonight."
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silaschamberlain · 8 months
"It's no trouble at all," He countered, tilting a brow up at her curiously as he watched her take a step back. "Though how disappointing. I was being honest too. I would have actually helped you and then sent you on your way so that you could get home safely with that fish of a girlfriend of yours. You see, I try to look after my own kind, you included. But, you know what the problem with the likes of this town is, you included? You all are so quick to judge. You fear for no reason. Cast judgements on those who don't deserve it and then wonder why we turn on you, as if your reactions aren't reason enough alone. But, I'm in a good mood, despite you treating me like some anti-christ, I'll tell you what? I'll give you a five second head start to run away as fast as you can. Let's see how far you get before I electrocute you, shall we?"
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Bex didn't know this man, she had no reason to believe he'd hurt her, aside from the black in his eyes. She had no reason to not believe he'd help her. And yet, something in her stirred. Something about his voice, something about the way he was looking at her, something about the way everything was falling apart around them. If growing up on the street had truly taught her anything, it had taught her to always trust her gut. To recognize when something was bad and she needed to run. "I-- it's okay. I don't want to bother anyone, really, I just--" she backed away a little, nervous fingers fidgeting with her sleeves. "I really should just go. I wouldn't want to put you out." She wanted to get out of this building, is what she wanted to do. She wanted to go home, she wanted to curl up under her blanket. She wanted to be sitting safe between Rohan and Jonah, she wanted to be held in Billie's arms. She wanted to be anywhere but here, especially when she felt the magic all around her, wrapping up her every sense, and trying to convince her to just give in.
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silaschamberlain · 8 months
"You mean your own neighbors? It's been what?" He glanced down at his watch in amusement to check the time. "Less than two hours and you've already dehumanized your own community? And oh please. They can't do anything that they're morally against. They're still your friends and loved ones. If they try to hurt you, they were always capable of that to begin with. That's not the spell making them do it. That's them, likely because you did something to piss them off, given I haven't had a problems with the inflicted at all. And outside of being boring, I guess."
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"I don't know if you've seen one of the particularly blood crazy fuckers with fangs running around, dude, but that's kind of a threat," Kitty said, her eyes wide and glowing bright blue. But his eyes weren't normal either, were they, all pitch black like everyone else that had been losing it since the party ended. Kitty felt her back stiffen, the hairs on the back of her neck raised. She should take a step back. She should get away. "Potential to what? Hurt people?" she asked. No one ran screaming because she'd killed the only person with her, and Kitty still remembered the dream. She remembered that people had been screaming, then, and it had been the right thing to do. "I think running and screaming when someone's trying to hurt you's a perfectly normal reaction," she said, taking one step back, and then another. "There's nothing wrong with being human."
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silaschamberlain · 8 months
"Coward?" Silas scoffed as he sent another wave of pain the fae's way. "How is using the abilities I was given at birth cowardice exactly?" He pointed out with a curve of his lips. "It's not my fault you were born the inferior species and can't properly fight back. You still don't see it, do you? This isn't chaos. This is a gift. As the Fae Queen, if you knew one of your own was too afraid to use their wings or half of their abilities, would you not try to help them? Would you not try to show them how there is nothing to be afraid of? That's what I'm doing for my own kind and those like it. You and your Council have continued on with straight up propaganda that dark magic is evil. But, how could something as natural for witches as breathing be evil? It's no different than that scream of yours that is dying to come out. It doesn't feel so good when you're voice is stifled, does it?"
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The searing pain hit her so quickly that Aiyla could not defend herself. Her legs buckled crumbling her in a heap on the ground. She shook as a too human scream rumbled from her lips the ability to emit a sonic scream died in her chest with the burning pain that was coming from no where and could be felt everywhere. Hot tears blurred her vision as she turned her face upwards. Aiyla's chest rattled with frustration and anger as pain ached, "You're a coward." She spat through her suffering, "Chaos for what reason?" She stammered out gripping the dirt beneath her the cool soil was something else to focus on other than the withering pain. Her eyes scanned his face, the pieces sliding into place.
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silaschamberlain · 8 months
"And all I'm saying is that I never intended to keep him in it to begin with, but sure, sweetie. I will try my best to keep your boyfriend out of it. I promise I won't touch a single hair on his head, if you would like to me to. Though, favors don't come free, my little rose. So, if I make that promise, I may ask for one from you in return. Is that alright with you, princess? For the future? And how is that fair? The rest of you get punished, but when the supreme does dark magic and you lose your mother in the process, that's it? It's fine? The rule should stand for everyone or no one at all, wouldn't you agree? And why is dark magic a bad thing to begin with? It's not the magic that is at fault. It's the person behind it who wields it, just as light magic witch could do a number of horrible things using light magic alone," He reasoned. "And yet your mom used to be dark magic's biggest support when it was used in her own benefit. But, when it came down to her own kids' lives then what?" He tsked at the thought of it.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with the pressure of it all and if you don't want to ever be supreme position, then I'd be more than happy supporting you on whatever path you choose for yourself. Though, if the urge is still there, there will always be a place for you with me in my own coven," He promised her. "I guess where I'm coming from is what defines a good thing or a bad one?" He asked, tilting his head curiously as his gaze met her own. "If murder is bad, then sure. I've done some bad things. But, by that measure, so have you and so has your other sister who brought Poppy back from the dead. I've done what I've had to in order to survive, just as you have and your siblings. And yet, I see you all act uncertain around me while you have no problem opening your arms for those who've done far worse. I love you, Briar Rose. But, if you think I'm going to hurt you, whether its unintentional or not, say the word and I promise you'll never have to see me again."
"This is new to me too, little one. Your mother robbed me of a chance to be part of your life. A chance to raise you and I will never forgive her for that. But, this is new to me too. I have questions too and things I want to understand about you. I want to understand why you think I've done some morally awful things and what are these awful things exactly? Beside the few people I've killed when you yourself have killed too? I want to know why if you think I've done something morally bad, why don't you just ask instead of assume? Have I ever not answered one of your questions before? Do you not think I wanted to be here? Your mother kept you from me. Your mother sent out a witch hunt for me in order to keep us apart because she hated the mere thought of me being in your life. And if you want to know why, take one look at your sister Jasmine. That's why. Your mother would have rather pretended I died then admit that our marriage had failed and that you had a half sibling. And yet here I am still trying, even though it's my head on the line. And yes, it likely could with some guidance and teaching. But, you and your siblings would have to be open for that and frankly I'm not sure if you do or if Poppy will ever accept me into this town."
"Oh for the love of-" He scoffed, moving to a draw in the apartment where he fished out the blood oath they all had signed. Slapping it down on the table, he pointed to the print at the bottom of the contract that detailed out the terms of the blood oath and had made the spell come to life as if to prove it to her. "Whatever that was, was this, right here. And yes. Of course I checked up on you. I've been desperately trying to be a part of your lives. I don't know how many more times I have to say that," He let out an exasperated sigh. But, as she threw her arms around him his guard lowered just a bit as he wrapped his arms around her in return and gave her a strong squeeze back. "I love you more. And I want this to be easier too, Princess. But, I'm afraid we're still paying the price of your mother's revenge on me and for that I'm sorry. I never wanted to get you involved in the two of our marital disputes, but I had never expected her to turn my hometown against me. You know I'm from here originally? Shadow Lake to be exact. And yet, no one seems to remember that. They just view me as some big and scary coven leader who must be 'anti Lunar Cove' even though how can I be? One of my daughter's is the Coven Leader, my little Princess is here, Jazzy is here and then your brother with the attitude problem. But, that aside, this town is my home and you're my family. I don't want to leave it or you. But, I don't think I'll have a choice in the matter."
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She shook her head, no. No it wasn't. She wasn't the problem. That she was so sure of. The problem resided in people who abused this sort of power. She shot him a curious look as if to say and what of the people who don't know what to do or who would misuse this power. She didn't tho. Briar kept her lips shut feeling as if he'd have some reason for that too and she wasn't so sure she wanted to cloud her mind with whatever he was going to say. She believed him and right now that was enough. That was enough because she did not want to pick it all a part and be left holding the tatters of the start of her relationship with her father. Briar had loved her step father. He was a good man. A kind man. A strong leader. Far kinder than Alyssa. Even he made his excuses for her- Briar did as well. The two of them over hushed late night cookies in the refrigerator light would make all the same excuses for Alyssa's bitter behavior and soften it with the the flavor of chocolate chip cookies. She still found they tasted better late at night standing with the fridge open drinking the oat milk straight from the carton. She subtly shook her head chasing away the thoughts of her step dad. Why was she thinking of him now? He was dead. Silas- the man who she longed to find some piece of herself in was right here. He was alive and here. That had to count for something- that was everything. Briar reasoned. Drawing a measured breath she looked up hopefully at her father, "All I am asking is if you need to do something like this again could you make the effort to keep him out of it? Whether you see what I see or don't know I see a great deal in him and it would devastate me terribly if anything unfavorable happened to him." She explained, "For the future." She added, "Like a personal favor. Father to daughter." She laid out the string of hope pulled taught. "Well the dark arts have been punished in the past. But when we bring Poppy back from the dead and our mother dies- well then everyone moves on like it was no big deal." She rolled her eyes, "Hypocricy."She answered bitterly. "Mom was against it from the start. I do suspect she had her motivations but she was strongly against this." She formed sharp shadows that softened and spread across her feet. "Balance, but doesn't dark magic also demand balance? Even if the price is at times heavier."
Briar nodded, "It was supposed to be my life. I had come to expect it when I was so sure I'd take over as the next supreme. It didn't happen and I had come to expect different things for my life. The thought never went away." She was honest, what was the point in lying to her father? If she couldn't tell him her thoughts then what did they have besides a DNA connection? Panic distorted her features and she shook her head. "I think you've done bad things. I don't think you are evil. I don't think you want to harm me." It didn't mean his intentions couldn't cause harm- that was what she was unsure of- who was her father willing to hurt to achieve his goal? Was it something she could live with- was the end able to justify the means? She wasn't sure she could wait for the future to find out. "I don't think in black and white." She argued, "I only mean to say this is new to me. I have questions. I have things I want to understand. I want to understand you. I want to understand why you've done some of the more morally awful things. I just want to know." Briar insisted. "I've only known one things my entire life. You weren't here. I didn't have you and mom...I wanted you here. I know logically it wasn't that easy. I know life is not black and white and shades of grey in morality exist. I just-" She sighed heavily. "I'm trying, dad." She perked at the power to fight back against hunters, the hope to leave- to see the world. "I was never able to leave. Not even when I got in Harvard...Yale." She trailed a drawer full of her acceptance letters collected dust like the rest of her hopes and dreams. "And what of the Catalyst could this power protect us from them?" She added her priorities a tangled mess.
Hot angry tears pricked at the corner of her eyes- he was leaving her. Just like her siblings, like her mom, her step father...he was leaving and in her state that was all she could focus on. He was gone and the anger bubbled in the pit of her stomach so hot that she wanted to scream. She was heavy in the way she moved, her heart roaring in her ears. "Of course I trust you." She shot in, unsure if she believed it despite every atom of her wanting it to be true. "Asking questions is not doubt. Or lack of trust- I mean you could have told me about your experiment even instead of the fine print. Whatever that was." She frowned pinching the bridge of her nose in a mirror of frustration. "I want the chance to know. Okay. I have years of time and I don't want to lose more." She threw her head back with exasperation. "I didn't say a spy was a bad thing. I just- it's what was said. I-" she dropped her chin, "You checked up on me?" The child like hope seeped into her tone. Briar closed the gap and threw her arms around him, willing the background noise of moral and doubt into silence. "I love you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you- I want this to be easier."
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