#c: silas
silaschamberlain · 9 months
Silas wandered down the dimly lit streets of Lunar Cove with a spring in his step. His sharp whistle cut through the air as he watched the witches and vampires around him embrace their true potential. It really was a spectacular sight to see as he whistled along to a Christmas tune. His own eyes just as jet black and swirling with mist as the inflicteds were given that he was the one who casted the dark magic and he would have continued to take in the festivities if it wasn't for the person who was making a beeline straight past him. "Whoa, hey, somebody seems to be in a hurry?"
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alessandramacnair · 5 months
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As a token of gratitude and an effort of getting them to spend even more time together, Alessandra had decided to sign herself and Silas up for a beginner's ballet class. She was more advanced than this class' level, especially after attending recent lessons, but this was the perfect pace for someone like Silas who had no prior experience. Not to mention it was incredibly sweet to see him among the little kids who were just starting out and she really appreciated that he'd come to this in the first place. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're regretting agreeing to this," Alessandra voiced her teasing comment with a soft laugh as the ballet teacher moved on from correcting him to go help one of the younger kids.
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void-botanist · 1 month
34 and 35 from the platonic dynamics game for any oc of your choice :3
It took me a minute to think of this but! Zalen:
34 - Have they ever been betrayed by a friend? What happened?
In an attempt to keep Zalen from completely burning himself out finishing his dissertation, Silas convinced him to come to his parents' house in the country. Zalen had been imagining somewhere like the place he grew up, an out-of-the-way holler full of good food, hospitality, and roots. What he got was a cluster of country estates, inhabited almost entirely by humans and orea-nawwenn, with manicured gardens and Designed interiors that kinda ruined the experience. How do you "just relax" in a place where you feel like someone's gonna yell at you for snacking out of the fridge? Add to that the fact that Silas had never mentioned nor implied that his parents were wealthy. For a while it just felt like he'd been ganged up on by Silas and Jaccson, who had previously been Silas's nanny, and honestly he kinda had.
35 - Have they ever betrayed one of their friends? Why?
Zalen has saved most of his betrayals for his sister but he did kinda betray Dez with getting him hired on the Melichacha crew. He wasn't lying when he said Dez would be a good fit for the open astrogeologist position. But he did not mention that he had his own ulterior motives for getting Dez on the crew until much later, and while Dez mostly didn't care and it ended up not being a big deal, it was also completely obvious to Zalen the whole time that he was specifically taking advantage of Dez being an android, both for the extra abilities he could bring to the crew and how easy it was to manipulate him into getting hired in the first place.
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carter-harris · 2 months
closed starter: @silascody
where: choose your own adventure bby!
Carter kept staring at the man in front of him because he knew he recognized him from somewhere but he couldn't place where. He wasn't subtle about it either, he just wouldn't stop. "Dude, do I know you from somewhere? You're not like, famous or whatever... are you?" He raised a brow. "What's your name?"
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moonless-if · 1 year
what were the ROs seeing this weekend: barbie or oppenheimer? (or both?) 💖
all of them could potentially be talked into seeing both, but if they pick for themselves...
Khalida will see Oppenheimer......and then Barbie after failing to talk herself out of it
Mal/Malik/Malika is SO EXCITED to see Barbie (will go all out dressing up for it too)
Silas will see both (first Oppenheimer and then Barbie)
Rainn will see Oppenheimer (and maybe secretly Barbie, just because they're a teeny bit curious)
TUO will see Barbie and then maybe Oppenheimer (he isn't fully decided on if he's interested or not)
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wintcrstcrfall · 3 months
for @surv1vor (@justsurv1vor) continuing from here
Helena's gaze remained on her husband, dutifully listening to the vague things he shared with her. The dark haired woman knew nothing of what he truly did with his days, if he was happy amongst everything that had happened - or, at least, if someone from his advisers had had the good sense to warn him if a real threat was nearing. But Silas' face gave nothing away and Helena was caught, once again, in between two paths that equally seemed impossible to walk on. "I'm not ignoring them, but... I can confirm, the weather is much nicer. Where I come from, there were no gardens as beautiful as the one here. And the weather wasn't always this soft. Maybe some day you'll have the time to fully walk me through them?" The words were accompanied by a very real smile. Helena hoped that it seemed both earnest and hopeful to the king's eyes. "I'm happy to learn that you've got everything under control." There was a hint of loneliness in the way she said that, because truly, what kind of a queen would be happy spending her time locked amongst walls, in a castle that wasn't hers, not truly? Not yet, anyways. But just as she was preparing to say something more, the king's words surprised her and for a second Helena failed to hide it. "I-... would love to help, of course." The brunette made a step towards him. "Actually, I was thinking of asking you at dinner but since you're here now...," with a hand trailing over the greenery, Helena looked over to her husband. A hint of hope as well as curiosity was hiding at the corners of her eyes. "With your permission, I want to go somewhere away from the castle tomorrow. Having a few of my personal guards should be enough for a little walk outside."
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misaligncdarchive · 7 months
@slvtpops liked for a starter from here
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"i figured you would take a hint," mumbled silas the moment he felt her eyes on him. his phone had been ringing non stop for the past half hour. that had been what prompted him to just shut the damn thing off. of course she had decided to seek him out and it was clear she knew where he liked to blow off some steam. he merely sighed as he looked from the pool table towards her," pretty sure you said everything that you wanted to say."
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will-york · 10 months
"You ever been a birthday person?" Will always felt a little weird about his birthday despite the amount of love he had around him. It was the yearly reminder that his biological parents had been with him on the very first day of his life. An entire year together and then his life had changed. He didn't take any of it for granted and he loved Simon and Percy more than anything. But that didn't change what had happened and though Will tried not to think of it much, he thought about it far too much on his birthday. Not that Silas needed to know any of that. "Mine's coming up on Friday and I have friends asking me what I'm gonna do and I've got nothing. I mean aside from a good meal and an ice cold beer," he admitted, setting two beers out for both of them as they sat on his porch. "And good cake. Of course. I always love to have a good cake. Preferably with a nice heap of ice cream. Is that childish? Whatever, it works." @silas-morrow
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frxemriss · 1 year
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gloom fade/y bee/z stained veilspun appreciation post
(part one) :3c
(lomks under readmore)
Serai, Silas, Sade, Sauda, Saviv, Shri, Thuu, Saii, and Adallindis
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years
@divergentpaths / corrin ❝ Please, stay here and rest. I cannot imagine how exhausted you must be. ❞
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"I'm fine, really," Silas tried to insist, but as he went to stand exhaustion gripped his limbs and he staggered backwards, catching himself only by his lance. "I won't leave your side. Not again."
He couldn't. Silas would drag himself across the battlefield if he needed to, but to leave Corrin's side? He had promised to never do so again.
Silas's brow furrowed but then his stance gave and he fell to his knees with a crackling thud followed by a grunt. "...I only...need a moment..."
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silaschamberlain · 10 months
@lunarcovestarters - CLOSED
Option A
"God, have you tried this? This is delicious," Silas practically moaned out as he took another bite of the meatball in front of him. The notorious criminal that everyone seemed to be talking about was lounging casually against the back of a booth at Pizza Joe's, ordering his weight in food with a care in the world. And why should he have one? It wasn't as if anyone in town knew what the infamous Silas Chamberlain looked like, at least not anyone outside of his kid, and he was more than happy to use that to his advantage. "Hey, Joe, my man, can I get another order of whatever the hell this is and, while we're at it, order another round for everyone. My treat."
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Option B
"Have you read this?" He asked the person on his right, gesturing back to the newspaper in hand. "Apparently, some coven leader broke out of prison or something? You'd think they'd have better security, but who would do such a thing, right? And it says here he killed, what? Twelve people, just cause? Now, that can't be right, can it?" Silas mused, scanning the paper over once more before he folded it once over. It wasn't right, for the record. He had killed far more people than that. But, he had to love good old fashioned reporters out here, keeping him modest. "Sorry. I just moved to town and I don't wifi in my apartment yet, so I've been doing a lot of reading. I'm Cypress by the way. And you are?"
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alessandramacnair · 9 months
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"Hey you," Alessandra said as she came up from behind the other. Her hands wrapped around his waist as she nuzzled her face into his back for a moment before she twisted to be in front of him. "Sorry about that, but I also didn't really get a say when I got whisked away like that," she mentioned with a soft laugh as she studied his features, still convinced that maybe if she tried hard enough she could finally read his mind. "Everything okay? Are you having a good night?"
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void-botanist · 1 year
The Melichacha Crew: A Powerpoint
I added some extra lore to this one since I know at least @writinglittlebeasts was hungering for it, lol. There's even more embedded lore that I didn't really get into so feel free to question me in the replies/tags/asks/dms if anything catches your fancy.
Tagging various other people who I believe will be interested: @vacantgodling @sam-glade @kingkendrick7 @outpost51 @writernopal @athenswrites
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trashfactory · 11 days
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how it started vs. how it's going, dark urge edition
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torturedbrxs · 2 years
❖ My muse accidentally falls asleep against yours. - Brooklyn (Aaron Tveit) to Casey (Thomas Doherty)
Silas could feel his mouth begin to water as he stared down at the exposed neck beside him. Brooklyn was laying on the couch and passed out during the movie. Not only that, but the man’s midriff was showing. Silas stared at his friend for a few minutes before finally leaning closer. A few kisses were placed on the man’s neck before he stopped himself. The warm blood was just underneath the skin. It was ready for Silas if he wanted to drink it. Silas grasped Brooklyn’s shirt and took a breath. He needed permission first. “Brook... wake up.” 
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moonless-if · 1 year
How would the Ros react to there's only one bed scenario? (Deep crush stage)
Khalida suggests one of them sleep on the floor/couch/other available spot, but will (reluctantly but also a bit happily) agree to share a bed if mc insists. will lie stiff as a stick in bed all night, no cuddling on her end, but she won't push mc away if they're a cuddly sleeper.
Mal/Malik/Malika is more than excited about it. will spend ALL night cuddling mc, provided mc is alright with this. otherwise... might be best to build a pillow wall, because they're a cuddly sleeper.
Rainn would do their best to pretend to be unaffected, because really, they should be. they spent most of their life growing up sharing a bed with mc, so this shouldn't be any different. it's the fact that it feels different that makes it so uncomfortable for Rainn, they don't know what to do with that, rather than the sharing bed part.
Silas gets flustered by just the thought of if, but agrees to share the bed. once in bed, they can't sleep and also don't want to sleep. for once they want to be the one to keep watch over mc while they sleep, but every time they glance over in mc's direction, they get flustered all over again.
The Unknown One doesn't really think twice about it. he's fine sleeping on the floor/elsewhere if mc doesn't want to share the bed, but would enjoy sharing the bed. he feels very comforted by having mc sleeping next to him.
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