silencedarts-a · 6 years
What Pokemon Type Are You?
Stole it from @galacticluminary and @remnantworlds
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... Am I really like that?
Kind of, yeah.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
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... I guess I’ll be joining the ‘fuck Monokuma’ squad. Not that I thought it wouldn’t be obvious to begin with. Who would even side with a murderous teddy bear?
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
The anons lasted almost 2 weeks without saying something bad. It's a new record
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He wishes that they would have lasted longer.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
Jaden was too much for him. Kurochi whined in between kisses, cheeks burning. He buried his face in Jaden’s chest, arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Before Jaden could say anything else to him, he’d have to coax Kurochi out of hiding.
Kurochi was just a little busy feeling as if he’d spontaneously combust from his boyfriend’s comments.
“You’re trying to kill me!” he accused, muffled into Jaden’s shirt. “You can’t be with me if you make my heart explode or something, geez!”
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Kurochi’s reaction made him silently chuckle, and he wrapped his arms around Kurochi to hold him tight in an embrace. Jaden started to rub Kurochi’s back, gently and comforting as he processed and dealt with his embarrassment. Without Kurochi being able to see him signing, Jaden couldn’t say anything to him, but he didn’t mind.
He could stand there with Kurochi in his arms all day, if Kurochi so desired.
So Jaden continued to rub his back, and even gave him a couple of kisses to his forehead.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
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He’s under the opinion that some anons should keep their mouths shut. And maybe learn how to not be a horrible, terrible person, as near-impossible for them as it might be.
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He’s just... gonna maybe hug Kurochi for a while. Maybe even hide his face if he could. Even if it had been quite some time since that ever happened... Well, trauma is trauma for a reason.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
Hey I'm just pointing out the obvious don't blame me.
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You don’t... have to make me remember such a thing.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
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... Oh good god. 
This update is awful. He hates it so much. It’s such a bad design. Why? Why do they feel the need to do this?
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
“I dunno, there’s a lot of stuff about me I don’t li-”
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Miu stopped herself, momentarily caught off-guard by the candid nature of his comment.
“Aaa…aah-damn it, your s-sweet talk is-screwin’ with me, Four-Eyes-”
Her chest felt tight when he smiled at her.
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Hmm? Sweet talk? Jaden tilted his head slightly. I was just being honest with you. Perhaps you want me to elaborate more on what I mean?
Oddly enough, Jaden wasn’t smiling, not anymore. This wasn’t about teasing Miu, not when he heard those words slip out before she stopped herself.
Maybe she needed someone to tell her just how beautiful she actually was.
Well, for one thing, your hair reminds me of sunlight. Pale, but warm and bright. It has a wonderful shimmer when the light hits it just right. Slowly and gently, Jaden brought his hand to Miu’s face, and very lightly traced his fingers along her cheek. Your skin is smooth and soft. I don’t see or feel any make up, either, so either you’re very talented with make up, or you are just naturally glowing beautifully. And... Jaden stared, right into her eyes, and finally--he started smiling again.
Your eyes reflect the sky, an endless space of wonder and creativity, filled with new ideas and an intelligence not many people seem to recognize. You’re filled with endless wonder, glowing bright and warm. He looked her over again, and nodded. So, there is nothing that needs to be changed. You’re more than perfect as you are. 
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
Continued w/ @silencedarts {x}
“Oh geez, you. You’re the worst!” he said, all while giggling as Jaden pressed soft persistent kisses all over his face. He couldn’t help the pounding of his heart that brought a heated flush to his cheeks, or the storm of butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
He grabbed Jaden’s face, cupping his cheeks between his hands to stop him from peppering kisses to Kurochi’s face. A smile that wouldn’t be wiped away sat on his lips, Kurochi himself a little breathless from his mirth over the little kisses he’d been given.
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“The worst, I tell you,” he repeated, and pulled Jaden’s face towards his so that he could kiss him properly again, nearly whining at just how good it felt to be able to kiss him like this, with Jaden’s arms wrapped so securely around him.
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Yes, yes. The absolute worst, Jaden signed, though his shoulders were shaking from his silent snickering. Kyrochi pulled him into a kiss, and Jaden had pulled Kurochi in closerto deepen it.
With a sigh, he pulled away, still smiling. But if being with you means being the worst, then I think that’s very well worth it. People can tell me I’ve lost my way all they want, but the only thing I’m lost in are your beautiful eyes.
It seemed like Jaden was in quite the flirty mood, or at least an extremely affectionate one, with how he signed and stole a few more kisses from Kurochi.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
Low Moods Sentence Starters (randomized for @silencedarts)
“Do you regret knowing me?”
The question caught him off guard, surprising him so much that at first he didn’t know if he understood Jaden correctly. It lasted only a few brief seconds before his disbelief tumbled straight into worry. Kurochi laid a hand against his own chest, feeling his heart ache for whatever pushed Jaden into asking him that.
He never wanted to make Jaden feel insecure about himself.
“No, no of course I don’t,” he said, hoping that Jaden could see in his eyes that he spoke from the heart. “You’re great and talented and we’ve known each other for so long, you’ve been a best friend to me. I feel like I’m super lucky that I know you–and you’re so kind and incredibly patient with me…”
More kind and patient than Kurochi felt that he deserved.
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... Fair enough.
He wasn’t coping so well.
The 49th Killing Game had ended a few months ago, and yet Jaden still felt trapped. He couldn’t produce the fine arts he used to--only frustrated scribbles. His online presence had almost complete faded. He felt stunted, unable to release his creativity in a fluid motion.
All he could muster up were black scribbles. Scribbles, scribbles, and more and more scribbles. Every time he tried to draw, his mind went blank. All he could think about was...
... He didn’t want to think about it.
Sorry for asking. Jaden’s signing was slow, almost like he was dazed and not all there. I suppose I haven’t been pleasant to be around lately.
With how he would always be dazed and lost in his own mind, it was hard to imagine anyone would find his company enjoyable.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
Kurochi stretched out his wings, giving them a couple flaps before he folded them neatly back down against his back. They itched with the need to move and adjust, Kurochi himself restless with nerves. Which didn’t make sense, really, because he was only with Jaden. There was no reason to be anxious around him.
Just as he folded them, however, he stretched one out again, combing his fingers through the feathers on the underside of it. His eyes dart away shyly, a sheepish smile on his lips.
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“You can touch them. If you want to…” he said, too embarrassed to tell him that he wanted Jaden to touch them. “I don’t mind.”
It’d feel nice if it was Jaden touching him–touching his wings, that was.
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Are you sure? Jaden signed, though there was a hint of a smile creeping up onto his face. He felt honored that Kurochi was even giving him permission, since he always seems so against others touching them before.
Jaden’s own wings, bright and colorful as always, perked up ever so slightly. Jaden didn’t miss the hint--after all, Kurochi had just said it out of nowhere. It seemed like he wanted Jaden to touch them.
So gently, Jaden started to, very gently, comb his fingers through Kurochi’s feathers. Though after a few seconds, he pulled away.
Your wings are very soft, he signed. It almost feels like silk.
Might as well compliment Kurochi before he went back to running his fingers through his feather.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
  Well then that answer is ironic considering his...
“That’s rude and horrible to say!!”
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Jaden seems to have shut down. He’s not even signing. He’s just holding his head...
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
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Kurochi didn’t cook very often, and it seemed like the world agreed with that state of being. Not only could he not taste–a huge disadvantage while adding spices–but he didn’t handle a knife with the greatest skill. He’d been chopping things up, closely following the recipe pulled up on his phone, when he slipped. The edge nicked his hand and he hissed in pain.
The knife clattered onto the counter as he dropped it, pulling his hand away. He hoped it might’ve been a superficial cut, one which didn’t even draw blood, but unfortunately he wasn’t so lucky. He rinsed it and grabbed the closest thing–a towel. He wrapped it around his hand, holding it tightly to the tiny wound he’d made.
Yikes, well, so much for trying to make a surprising dinner. Maybe this was fate telling him that cooking would never be a skill of his.
Jaden had been doodling on his tablet when he heard Kurochi cry out from the kitchen. He immediately sprung into action, not caring about the supposed surprise Kurochi had planned for him.
It didn’t take Jaden long at all to find Kurochi cradling a wound on his hand, and Jaden immediately moved towards Kurochi with a worried expression.
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Are you okay? he signed, hands moving quickly and with urgency. Here, sit down at the kitchen table. I’ll go get the first aid.
Jaden quickly rushed out of the kitchen to the bathroom, snatching up the first aid kit as soon as he saw it and bringing it back to the kitchen table.
What is with you and your brother and nicking your hands all of the time? Jaden signed, frowning. Whether it be Kokichi’s recklessness with playing the Knife game or Kurochi cooking... well, the were identical twins, after all. Let me see it.
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
Well then that answer is ironic considering his execution
Another Anonymous user said:
He feels like he’s drowning? That’s pretty ironic lol
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... He seems disturbed. Did you really have to go there?
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
What Shape Does Your Pain Take?
The Sea
You're drowning. A sea of emotions, responsibilities, people, things, everything. You just can't handle it all, you need to escape, but you can't. Even talking to someone and being told it's okay, compliments, nice things people say, it all adds up to drown you further. Guilt, for feeling this way when everyone's being nice and you're not enough. Will you sink or swim?
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Jaden wasn’t one to feel pain often, but when he did... yes, it certainly felt like he was drowning. Further and further, down and down, into the depths of the sea and unable to breathe...
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
"Look into my eyes" (pick a V3 muse, any muse)
Send “Look into my eyes” & My Muse will BOLD What They See!
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I see:
Absolute Conviction  |  Aggression  |  Ambition  |  Anger  |  Anxiety  |  Apathy  |  Arrogance  |  Bloodthirst  |  Bravery  |  Compassion  |  Confidence  |  Conflict  | Courage  |  Darkness  |  Defeat |  Denial  |  Desire  |  Despair  |  Determination  |  Devotion  |  Disappointment  |  Distrust  |  Dominance  |  Emptiness  |  an Enemy  |  Enlightenment  |  Envy  |  Excitement  |  Exhaustion  |  Elitism  |  Experience  |  Fear  |  a Friend  |  a Future  |  Gentleness  |  Greed  |  Grief  |  Guilt  |  Honesty  |  Honor  |  Hope  |  Hostility  |  Ignorance  |  an Illness  |  Insecurity  |  Integrity  |  Intoxication  |  Kindness  |  Lies  |  Loneliness  |  Longing  |  Loss  |  a Lover  |  Loyalty  |  Malicious Intent  |  Mania  |  Melancholy  |  Misery  |  Negativity  |  Overcompensation  |  Pain  |  Paranoia  |  Passion  |  Perseverance  |  Pettiness  |  Pity  |  Positivity  |  Pressure  |  Pride  |  a Purpose  |  Racism  |  Regret  |  Resentment  |  Resignation  |  Resolve  |  Sadness  |  Self-Hatred  |  Sexism  |  Shattered Remains  |  a Shining Light  |  Something Familiar  |  Spite  |  Stress  |  Stupidity  |  Submission  |  Tranquility  |  Trauma  |  Trust  |  Vengeance  |  Warmth  |  Wisdom  |  Wrath  |  a Cry for Help  |  Something Eating Your Mind  |  the Years have Changed You
Animalistic  |  Approachable  |  Broken  |  Closed-Off  |  Cold  |  Crafty  |  Crazy  |  Defensive  |  Devious  |  Difficult  |  Disheartened  |  Emotionally Detached  |  Frightened  |  Frightening  |  Genuine  |  Guarded  |  Headstrong  |  Heartless  |  Human  |  Immature  |  Impatient  |  Inhuman  |  Insane  |  Intuitive  |  Lost  |  Mature  |  Noble  |  Patient  |  Pitiful  |  Primitive  |  Pure  |  Reliable  |  Remorseless  |  Reserved  |  Resourceful  |  Short-Tempered  |  Simplistic  |  Sly  |  Soft-Hearted  |  Struggling  |  a Threat  |  Trapped  |  a Troublemaker  |  Trusting  |  Understanding  |  Unique |   Unpredictable  |  Unwavering  |  a Victim  |  Wicked  |  Feeling Vindictive  |  Guilty of Something  |  Hiding Something  |  Lost in Thought  |  Planning Something  |  Scared of Me  |  Scaring Me  |  Someone I can Trust  |  Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore  |  Someone to Fear  |  Someone Worthy of Respect  |  Weak to Manipulation  |  Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself  |  Belittle Yourself  |  Don’t Want to Hurt Me  |  Don’t Want to Leave Me  |  Drown Yourself in Something  |  Feel Alone  |  Feel Empowered  |  Have a Plan that Involves Me  |  Have No One Else to Turn to  |  Have Nowhere Else to Go  |  Have Seen Some Things  |  Haven’t Been Sleeping  |  Lie to Yourself  |  Lost Faith/Trust in Me  |  Lost Something/Someone Important  |  Need Me/my Help  |  No Longer Believe Me  |  See Me as a Thing  |  See Me as Someone Else  |  Seek to Hurt/Harm  |  Seek to Manipulate  |  Think Highly of Yourself  |  Think I’m Hiding Something  |  Think Little of Yourself  |  Think You Know Best  |  Want to Hurt Me  |  Want to Protect Me  |  Want to Sleep with Me  |  Want to Use Me
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silencedarts-a · 6 years
Send “Look into my eyes” & My Muse will BOLD What They See!
Revised/Cleaned/Added to the meme from here. Credits are to the original creator, not me.
I see:
Absolute Conviction  |  Aggression  |  Ambition  |  Anger  |  Anxiety  |  Apathy  |  Arrogance  |  Bloodthirst  |  Bravery  |  Compassion  |  Confidence  |  Conflict  | Courage  |  Darkness  |  Defeat |  Denial  |  Desire  |  Despair  |  Determination  |  Devotion  |  Disappointment  |  Distrust  |  Dominance  |  Emptiness  |  an Enemy  |  Enlightenment  |  Envy  |  Excitement  |  Exhaustion  |  Elitism  |  Experience  |  Fear  |  a Friend  |  a Future  |  Gentleness  |  Greed  |  Grief  |  Guilt  |  Honesty  |  Honor  |  Hope  |  Hostility  |  Ignorance  |  an Illness  |  Insecurity  |  Integrity  |  Intoxication  |  Kindness  |  Lies  |  Loneliness  |  Longing  |  Loss  |  a Lover  |  Loyalty  |  Malicious Intent  |  Mania  |  Melancholy  |  Misery  |  Negativity  |  Overcompensation  |  Pain  |  Paranoia  |  Passion  |  Perseverance  |  Pettiness  |  Pity  |  Positivity  |  Pressure  |  Pride  |  a Purpose  |  Racism  |  Regret  |  Resentment  |  Resignation  |  Resolve  |  Sadness  |  Self-Hatred  |  Sexism  |  Shattered Remains  |  a Shining Light  |  Something Familiar  |  Spite  |  Stress  |  Stupidity  |  Submission  |  Tranquility  |  Trauma  |  Trust  |  Vengeance  |  Warmth  |  Wisdom  |  Wrath  |  a Cry for Help  |  Something Eating Your Mind  |  the Years have Changed You
Animalistic  |  Approachable  |  Broken  |  Closed-Off  |  Cold  |  Crafty  |  Crazy  |  Defensive  |  Devious  |  Difficult  |  Disheartened  |  Emotionally Detached  |  Frightened  |  Frightening  |  Genuine  |  Guarded  |  Headstrong  |  Heartless  |  Human  |  Immature  |  Impatient  |  Inhuman  |  Insane  |  Intuitive  |  Lost  |  Mature  |  Noble  |  Patient  |  Pitiful  |  Primitive  |  Pure  |  Reliable  |  Remorseless  |  Reserved  |  Resourceful  |  Short-Tempered  |  Simplistic  |  Sly  |  Soft-Hearted  |  Struggling  |  a Threat  |  Trapped  |  a Troublemaker  |  Trusting  |  Understanding  |  Unique |   Unpredictable  |  Unwavering  |  a Victim  |  Wicked  |  Feeling Vindictive  |  Guilty of Something  |  Hiding Something  |  Lost in Thought  |  Planning Something  |  Scared of Me  |  Scaring Me  |  Someone I can Trust  |  Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore  |  Someone to Fear  |  Someone Worthy of Respect  |  Weak to Manipulation  |  Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself  |  Belittle Yourself  |  Don’t Want to Hurt Me  |  Don’t Want to Leave Me  |  Drown Yourself in Something  |  Feel Alone  |  Feel Empowered  |  Have a Plan that Involves Me  |  Have No One Else to Turn to  |  Have Nowhere Else to Go  |  Have Seen Some Things  |  Haven’t Been Sleeping  |  Lie to Yourself  |  Lost Faith/Trust in Me  |  Lost Something/Someone Important  |  Need Me/my Help  |  No Longer Believe Me  |  See Me as a Thing  |  See Me as Someone Else  |  Seek to Hurt/Harm  |  Seek to Manipulate  |  Think Highly of Yourself  |  Think I’m Hiding Something  |  Think Little of Yourself  |  Think You Know Best  |  Want to Hurt Me  |  Want to Protect Me  |  Want to Sleep with Me  |  Want to Use Me
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