hi! this blog is no longer active, because i have SHIT to do nd this was getting in the way. 
you can follow my cooper union blog @theghostofpetercooper , which may or may not become more active to fill this vacuum. 
you can also follow me on instagram at generic.scott or on snapchat at silenceisgreat if you’d like to keep up with my exploits. 
if you came here for cooper union content, you can scroll down a post or two and find the #cooper tag which should take you to everything strictly cooper-related -- i’ve answered questions, written a few things. but if you want a more rough-n-tumble, daily struggles type of thing, you can just scroll through this blog!! there’s a bunch of text posts i’ve made while attending cooper that. might give you insight into the life of a cooper student. 
i’ll check this blog periodically, so if you really really want to message this blog you can, but you’d be better off going with one of the routes above!
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OKAY i've decided i'm going to save all my cooper related posts but i'm going to delete everything else and unfollow everyone and sign out and delete the app and shit
if you see me on here again punch me in the face
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i think...... i’m gonna delete my tumblr soon
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this professor thinks that having an in person meeting will help us communicate better but what will really happen is i will start crying in the first minute and i’ll be mad at myself for crying and he’ll pity me and i’ll be mad at him for pitying and i’ll cry angry tears and nothing will get done
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professor..... my name is not jeanna....... and i live in fucking maryland or i would be taking the summer class........ of course i’m not fucking around...........
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i love the cooper union but it’s so hard to sometimes
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and everyone knows it too!!! every student is frustrated by it, most of the faculty and staff, and a lot of administration!!!! but everyone is just like “oh, cooper” instead of actually admitting that it’s not a cute quirk and that it’s a serious issue that affects every fucking student in this fucking school!!!!
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whenever people ask me what my least favorite thing about cooper is i never tell them the real answer, which is infrastructure, because they’ll think i’m a real big bureaucracy nerd but guess what !!! i am!!!!
this school is stuck in the fucking 90s in terms of grade management, registration, structure, the whole thing
and what it adds up to is a huge layer of stress on its students that doesnt even need to fucking be there !!!!
i didn’t know i was failing calc ii until i got my final grade back!!! two days after the deadline!!!
and i can’t even see the breakdown of that grade, which is sketch as fuck and pisses me off !!!!!
i couldn’t retake it in the summer bc i live in fucking maryland and it was too short notice for me to be able to move everything around in a week to move to new york again for a month!!!!
it’s fucking infuriating and so stressful that it’s fucking pointless.
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i’m so stressed about my grades
i literally had like three different stress dreams about them last night
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I.. love yew
i prefer a nice birch myselffor realsies tho i assume this is the anon from earlier so im glad i was helpful!!!i know applications are stressful and everything sux but tbh i always found the whole thing exciting and fresh and i love helping other people go through the process specifically at cooper !! (this goes for everyone btw) when your application cycle comes around and if you want to talk to anyone, i’d be super glad to have a conversation with you!! you can talk to me on here (although this may be.... a slightly less permanent option) or on instagram at generic.scott (that one will hopefully last longer than this tumblr) and im almost always down to answer any questions you have !!!
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may I ask what ur hs gpa/test scores were to get into CU? or like, in general. Im a hs sophomore looking to apply for engineering but I really slacked off in some of my classes I have a few C's here and there. I got a 36 on the act though and im trying to get an idea
i had i think a 3.9 gpa weighted, i got a couple c’s myselfas far as test scores cooper superscores, so i sent in a 31 and a 34 which would have superscored to a 35grades and test scores are important…. to an extent. they generally tell the admissions staff how well you can handle the workload you’re currently at, because i guarantee cooper is significantly harder. so like, you’re not a lost cause, but you’ll probably need to try and get mostly a’s and b’s from here on outand for reference i got into rpi, maryland, portland state, wentworth, and cooper; i was waitlisted at ucla; and rejected from mit, berkeley, and cornell, all for civil engineering i’ve written about this before and i say it on every tour but the absolute most important part of any application to cooper is the essays. there’s a reason there’s approximately 1 billion of them. cooper looks for a very specific category of student to create a very specific kind of community, and the essays are really the only way they can tell who you are! put yourself into these essays— don’t be afraid to get out of the box. one of mine was about staying up til 3 in the morning, reading a book and crying about it, because that is Who I Am and What I Do. anyways for now focus on grades and doing extracurriculars that you love and even if you don’t get into cooper, it’ll all still work out
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well folx i just did the maffs and unless one or more of my professors takes immense pity on me, i don’t think it’s possible for me to get above a 2.75 this semester
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ya girl is paranoid she’s about to fail this semester !!
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i finished a good sad book so i was already crying but then i found out i passed my pchem class so just even more tears
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man i just gotta bullshit another half a page and then i’m GOLDEN
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i am 1.125 pages away from finishing my final paper and the last thing i have to do before i can move out
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i literally have SO much stuff why would i do this
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