silent-dark-entries · 8 months
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Something I’m in the middle of writing !!!
Word Count: 1175!!
Warnings: Still proofreading so maybe some mistakes! Also my first Wizarding world fic so its probably not accurate ._. This also will be a smut but I’m just plot building :))
Oh!!! And seizure warning!!
Birdie looks herself in the mirror for the fourth time. Was her dress too short, too tight? She can't breathe, so she loosens her ribbons...for the third time. Maybe a muggle designer wasn't the brightest idea, but it's too late. Birdie can feel her friends, Nerissa and Imogene, growing impatient waiting outside in the Slytherin common room. They never have troubles getting dressed for these types of things. They're the exact same body type, if it looks good on one of them it'll surely look good on the other.
Birdie looks one more time. A green plaid slip dress, and shiny Mary Jane platforms  Final decision.
Birdie takes a swig of the smuggled in firewhisky as her and her fellow Slytherins make their way to the Gryffindor common room. The burn is dreadful but nostalgic nonetheless.
Birdie listens to her friend's talk but doesn't give them a second thought. She feels guilty of course. She had ignored their letters all summer holiday scared they would've known what she was up to. Scared they knew what her Mother had done. She didn't even sit with them during the sorting ceremony. In fact, she hid in the toilets when the food had come out. But they found her and cornered her asking if they had done something wrong. She denied it and just blamed it on an upset tummy.
Someone in the front of the line of students does the secret knock making the fat lady creek open. The students move through the silenced, glowing green, stone tunnel into the common room full of students. Birdie takes another swig of the fire whiskey before it's swiped by Imogene.
"Pace yourself Birdie." Nerissa says as they find their designated corner to stand in. Imogene throws her sandy Blonde hair behind her tiny shoulders before taking a hefty sip. She screws her face as the burn leaves her throat.
"Fuck's sake Birdie! They weren't kidding when they named this shit." Imogene rasps out. The three girls laugh before taking more tiny sips each.
Birdie floats towards the dance crowd as muggle hip hop blares through the speakers, her friends following closely behind her. Birdie throws her arms up along with the firewhiskey as she yells along to the lyrics of Rump Shaker. Birdie shakes her ass to the beat and occasionally drops to the floor as she's sandwiched between the two girls.
The crowd cheers as the song ends. Birdie opens her eyes that she hadn't realized were shut tight. The room spins beneath her feet as she makes her way towards a group of people sitting on the floor in a circle.
"What is this? huh, some kind of prayer circle?" Birdie snorts out. Birdie hates being seen as a mean girl but it's what people expect from her.
"It's kiss or drink." A gravelly voice from below her says. Birdie looks down at the familiar voice that she usually has great talent in ignoring to see none other than Fred Weasley staring back at her. He smiles up at her before blowing out the smoke from the joint he held between his lips. "We'd ask you to join us, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to tarnish that niminy-piminy attitude you keep up."
Birdie's jaw dropped. Her first thought is to take her bottle she has clenched in her hand and smash it against his head. But instead she sits where she stood inbetween Fred and some nobody sixth year. She keeps her eyes straight ahead ignoring the stares coming from the rest of the group.
Hannah Abbot, a geeky blonde girl leans forward and spins the green translucent bottle that sits in the middle of the circle. The groups hoops and howls as it lands on Neville Longbottom. Hannah giggles as she crawls across the circle closer to Neville before feverishly locking lips with him. Birdie bites her tongue trying desperately not to gag at the sight of the spit string between them as they part. Neville spins the bottle awkwardly fast.
Birdie takes the last swig of her fire whiskey instantly regretting it for it finally sent her over the tipsy versus drunk threshold. She wipes the dribble from her mouth before putting the bottle down between her thighs. She looks at the bottle in the middle to see who it landed on and it's of course her. Birdie looks up to see Neville moving towards her slowly.
"Take the drink Longbottom." Birdie says through her teeth. Neville nods defeatedly before throwing a shot from the bottle back. Birdie rolls her eyes before clumsily leaning in to spin the bottle. She looks around the circle to see if there's anyone worthy enough to kiss but sees no one she actually cares to kiss. Which works out for her for the bottle lands on herself.
"Well I can't kiss myself." Birdie picks up her shot.
"It's on Freddie." George cheekily says. "You have to kiss Freddie!" Birdie looks back down at the bottle. Certainly it's slightly pointed to the left, straight at Fred.
"Just let her take the shot! I told you she's too priggish to kiss anyone here." Fred sneers. Birdie slams her shot glass down and gets on her knees. She throws her arm around Fred's neck and the other hand on his cheek. Pushing him closer to her face until their lips finally meet. Soft and innocent first until Fred dips deeper snaking his arm around her body pulling her closer and slipping his tongue against hers.
Birdie breaks first scooting back on her knees leaving Fred's body cold next to her. She takes the joint from his hand whilst standing and stumbling away to find her friends, leaving the the small circle speechless
"Well" George says breaking the silence. "I don't know how we could continue after that."
Birdie finds her friends in the corner with their arms crossed staring back at her. She takes a hit of the joint and offers it to her friends in which they partake.
"What the hell was that shit, Missulena?" Nerissa says blowing the smoke into the air.
"It was hot!" Imogene says. Birdie shrugs lazily.
"She's pissed. We should get back to the dorms before she gets sick." Nerissa says gesturing them towards the door.
Birdie follows behind her friends before feeling a sharp pain it the middle of her forehead. She shakes off the pain before searching for her friends in the crowd. Birdie stumbles forward but before she could catch her balance she feels her legs give out beneath her making her fall straight on her back. Her arms become stiff against the sides of her sides as her back arch towards the ceiling. Birdie's eyes rolls eerily to the back of her head as her gaped mouth lets out a ghostly howl.
Nerissa and Imogene push pass through the crowd surrounding as Birdie's body rattles violently against the old rug beneath her body. Birdie looks up at her friends through her tear filled eyes. Until her eyes finally closed.
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Something new I’ve been working on.
Also WONTED is not completed I just got this new idea and had to get it out.
Draco/ Fred smut
I had forgotten his name.
That didn't stop me from hiking up my skirt and wrapping my legs tightly around his waist. I had seen him staring up at me from the balcony my friends had rented out for us as a celebration for my new job fresh out of University.
"I can't stay long." I had said. Five shots later I found myself dancing on top of the leather couch to some Euro-Electronic music. Once I felt myself dizzy, I leaned over the balcony to find him, whatever his name might be,  staring up at me. My cheeks grew hot but still mustered up the courage to wave him up.
The Fever Club was packed for a Wednesday night, but the way his platinum hair glowed in the neon lights he was the first person I even noticed.
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After five long days of work, mum had finally finished. She ties the black bow and puffs up the sleeves before finally taking a step back to admire her work.
"It's perfect..." she says clasping her hands together. Mum smiles and walks over to the cupboard and pulls out a black shoe box. I watch as she traces her fingers across the dust and pushes it towards me as if almost being forced. I take the box in both hands carefully before lifting the top revealing the perfect pair of black strapped platform heals. Mum takes the shoes out the box and line them infront of me, so that I can step in.
"I saw them at the shop and thought they were perfect for the Malfoy's." She says smiling. " I'm still so surprised you were invited."
I look down at my new shoes as my face grows hot. I hate lying to my mum, but it's been so long it feels to late to explain Draco and I's relationship. "Yeah, Draco and I just became friends again from the tutoring, I guess." I say biting my lip.
"Is that why I ran into him on the steps this morning?" Mum says quietly. I look up, her eyes are nearly as wide as mine.
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I just wanted to say hello and thank you to anyone reading my Draco based fanfiction/ smut “WONTED”. I use to write a lot of fanfiction (one direction/5sos) in middle school and decided to just do it as a hobby, hence bad grammar and spelling. As I started writing Wonted I kinda felt like it was something I would read and maybe others would like so I started publishing it. I didn’t really expect anything though, but it’s about to hit 700 reads, which might not seem crazy, but to me it’s pretty cool. It’s also very much inspired by the book and tv series “Normal People”.
Please don’t be afraid to comment on some of the chapters. Id actually love to hear feedback. Also I’d like to make it clear that, though I am new to the HP fandom, I absolutely do not support JKR and the shit she says or does. But she ate when she wrote HP.
Thank you and much love Zolt (she/her) :)
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Another entry from my Wattpad story
TW: very smutty…probably the dirtiest/ in depth chapter I’ve written.
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"You're fast. I haven't even finished mine." Draco pours me another glass.
"Maybe you should speed up then." I say sticking my tongue out. Draco smiles and pours me, yet another glass. I can feel my eyes start to hang low and I know this glass is a mistake, but I feel happy and even relieved by just the fact that Draco is talking to me in front of everyone. Draco places his cold hand on my thigh almost completely upskirt. He leans in so close his lips touches my ear sending a shiver up my back.
"I want to fuck you." Draco whispers squeezing my thigh. "Right here, right now. In front of everyone in this room."
"What happened to keeping this a secret." I whisper.
"How about you meet me in the washroom. Two doors down to the right." Draco's eyes fills with lust as he moves his hand further up my skirt. I squeeze my thighs together as the heat between them rises. "Say yes. Say you'll meet me."
I nod. "Yes I'll meet you."
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It's been an hour into Neville's party and I'm ready to leave. You're probably thinking I'm a party pooper but trust me there are reasons. Firstly Cormac actually showed up!
Fred, George, Luna and I were tucked away in the corner when he walked in. Fred and George are wearing a huge blue polo between eachother both with one arm out either side, feeding eachother a blunt. We watched as he walked into the room, dressed as a prince coming to pick up his Damsel in distress. Hermione who had been stress drinking up to that point leapt into his arms in front of everyone.
Luna was the first to laugh.
Secondly, I'm way too drunk. Neville wasn't kidding about the damn Jungle Juice. It's a sweet, grey drink with jelly eyeballs floating around. I've had three full cups of it.
I'm sitting on the floor in front of The couch where Ron, Harry and the twins sit. I'm not sure what I'm really saying but it's making them laugh.
"You're fucked." The twins laugh out. I nod laughing along with them. Carefully I pick off a plate of food that Luna had fixed for me as Harry took over the conversation. I pile a couple a crisp in my mouth and look up to see Ron smiling down at me.
"Look." George says nodding his head behind me. Quickly I turn to look behind me. Just in time to see Cormac and Hermione exiting the party room. I can't help but to roll my eyes. This brings me to my last reason I want to leave. I miss Draco. Something about seeing Cormac with his arms around made my face turn hot. I'm not too proud to not admit my jealously. I wish Draco wasn't such an asshole and stayed how we were as kids. I wish people saw the Draco who calls me beautiful and holds me tight after sex.
Draco stayed with me, cuddled up on my twin sized mattress until it was time to get up. I had awakened to a dark room and Draco combing his hand through my hair. I listened to his thumping heart that had lulled me into a deep sleep.
"What time is it?" I groaned. Draco jumped to the sound of my voice almost like he didn't really expect me to ever wake up.
"Nine." Draco said as I sit up to look at him in the moonlight. I nod my head as I stretched my arms to the ceiling. "Do you want to go again?"
"I have to get ready I'm late for Neville's party." I said crossing my arms. "Plus I didn't really plan on having sex with you again until you apologize for what you said." Draco reaches over to the bedside table and flicks the lamp on to look at me.
"There's nothing wrong with keeping it a secret, Maisie." Draco snaps. "Telling people will involve people and hurt people-"
"Like Pansy?"
"Like Ron." Draco hisses. "Gods I am so sick of these names being thrown around. I don't know how else to convince you I don't like Pansy, and I never want to hear you use her name against me again." I look up at Draco for the first time since the argument started and nod.
"You're right." I say quietly. "I need to get ready." Draco leans in a kisses me sweetly on the lips. Too  quick for me to fully enjoy. I watch from the stoop as Draco pulls his car off at full speed down a residential.
I look around the room for the first time in half an hour. Neville sits in the middle of Dean, Ginny and Lavender passing a bowl between each other. Ginny is another Weasley who switched schools for a better sporting opportunity like Dean. Seamus and one of the Botanist Flowers are walking around the dining room table where the snacks are set up piling up their plates.
"I think I want to go home." I say to the group.
"I'll walk you home." George says perking up.
"No, you creep." Ron scoffs. "I'll walk you home Maisie. I'll grab our coats."
Walking home with Ron is awkward. We haven't said anything since leaving Neville's. The moon is so bright it reflects off of the cars hood's. When we get to my door I notice my mum's car is in its place.
"Thank you Ron. I really appreciate it." I says patting my jacket for my keys. Ron smile at me before reaching into his pocket and pulling my keys out. "Ah, yes. Forgot about the whole drunk thing." Ron laughs and hands me the keys.
"I had fun with you tonight. I haven't really seen much of you this week." Ron says. I lean against the Opposite wall, mostly to keep myself standing.
"Yeah it's almost time for school applications. Lots of studying." I huff. " I should go in though. Thanks a lot, again, Weasley"
"Weasley? When have you ever addressed me by my sir name?" Ron says.
"What's the big deal. It's still your name...no?" I snap.
"You're with Draco too much." Ron laughs.
"Yeah you're telling me." I mummer. I turn to twist the lock when I see in the corner of my eye Ron leaning into me before placing a firm kiss on my temple.
"Have a great night, Maisie." Ron whispers before walking down pavement onto the street.
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I left my panties at Malfoy manor.
When I woke up this morning, It was so hot that our skin felt fused together. With Draco being little spoon I was able to peel myself away from him without alarming him. I slowly made myself down the loft stairs to the bottom and search for my clothes in the darkness.
I decided to walk home before school so I can put on fresh clothes, so I got up before five. As I made myself down the driveway I notice that security had arrived. I prepare myself to make up an excuse but the gate opens without me saying anything.
Now, here I am on the side of the country road doing my very first walk of shame as the morning commuters swerve pass me. In my school girl outfit and my thirty kilo book bag. I'm starting to think I think of myself way higher than I should. This is a very humbling experience.
The sky is almost completely lit when I finally make it home. My mother has left but the mirrors are still fogged up in the bathroom so I'm assuming she has just left. She's always in a hurry to leave because she tries to get every second of sleep she can. I swipe my hand across the mirror clearing only enough to see myself for the first time since losing my virginity. I graze my hand over two purple marks Draco has left on my neck. They're faint, but still noticeable. I feel embarrassed. How am I suppose to explain this to my friends. I hop straight into the shower. Leaving my clothes and book bag by the hamper.
I get out only when the water starts to run cold. I head straight into my room trying not to look at my self in the mirror. After putting on a fresh uniform, I decide to put on some make up. Placing two red dots on the hickeys to make it look like a vampire bite and some dark eye make up.
I walk toward the science wing where the Botanist Club meets in the morning. I feel stupid with the amount of makeup I have on. Neville is the chairman and has been in it with Luna, his vice chairman, since first year.
I love walking in the science hall. It's covered in vines and colorful flowers. The floors also has the periodic table painted onto the floor by the art club from years ago.
When I look out the garden windows I see Neville leading the club back in from the green house. Luna sees me before I see her. They're both wearing their matching costumes. Neville has a pink flower on top of his head with a couple of white thorns made out of paper stuck to his school vest. Luna has a bunch of deep purple leaves stuck to her with a couple of whit flowers, along with the rest of the club that are dressed as flowers. Luna waves at me dreamily while walking towards me. After seeing Luna at Neville's party everything about her makes sense. Luna's not ditzy, she's a stoner. She's always high.
"Wow Maisie, you look fantastic!" Luna pulls me in for a hug. She smells like dirt, but not in a gross way, in the earthy way.
"So do you Luna! The whole plant squad looks adorable!" I say.
"Thank you! It was all Nev's idea of course!" Luna turns and waves at Neville and he waves back. The first bell rings and Luna and I head for class. "You're coming tonight, right? I hear Cormac was invited but Neville never got an answer."  I nod. Oh god. I forgot about the whole Hermione and Cormac secret. I completely judge Hermione for hooking up with her peer and I had done the same exact thing. 
"Hey, do you want to go to Blaise Zabini's Halloween party Saturday." I say as we turn down the History hall. It's not as decorated as the science wing but its covered in some historical documents and quotes. Nothing special.
"I was invited and it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Plus, they probably wouldn't mind you being there especially Theo." Luna rolls her eyes.
" I heard they do coke at those parties or at least, that's what Fred and George said. Pansy Parkinson did a line of space dust and stripped naked in Goyle's fountain...at a Christmas party." Luna recalls."So yes, I want to go. Who invited you anyway? Draco Malfoy?" Luna says softly as if saying his name will summon him.
"Yeah he did. The tutoring thing has brought us back as friends I guess." I say.
"Oh yes! I remember you two being close in like primary or something. How weird..." Luna says as the second bell rings. Luna and I split as we head to our separate classrooms.
My first class of the day is history with Professor Moody. He's a crazy guy but I'd easily say one of my favorites. He's a great teacher and the perfect teacher to wake me up early in the morning with his loud voice.
I sit close to Moody's desk in the front. We usually talk at the end of class or have small debates. I pull my books and pencils out as the rest of the class floods in, Including Moody.
"Almost didn't recognize you there Maisie!" Moody Laughs. "That Vampire bite almost looks real" I look down and my ears start to feel hot. Moody turns to the board and starts to scribble something on the board. I'm lucky to be a good listener because Moody's hand writing is exactly that, scribbles. I don't want to blame it on his eye patched eye but I always thought that was why.
More students fill the room, including Theo Nott who has his lacrosse stick hanging half way out of his bag. Theo scans the room before meeting at me. He walks towards me and sits down. It's not really unlike him to sit next to someone like me, so he can cheat off us. I won't allow it! If he'll just ask me for help I'll at least think about it...
"Here." Theo holds his hand out like there's something in it. I look up at him and he shakes his head. I hold my hand out and he drops a white origami bird in my hand with 'open me' written on it. I start to open the paper ripping it occasionally.
I look up at Theo and he shrugs. I stand up and walk up to Moody.
"I...uh...need to go talk to Head Mistress Afults." I say. The bell rings and the last late students walks in. Moody nods and I walk out the class to the forbidden hall way.
It's not as scary as you think it is. It's just an abandoned hall way with empty class rooms. We were told it was forbidden first year but mostly because no prefects are available to watch it. I go to this hallway all the time to tell the truth. When the art classes do their yearly paint of the tree in the courtyard I come in and sit in one of the classrooms for the week.
When I reach the corridor I see Draco at the very end. As I get closer Draco, his costume becomes more apparent as he turns to me. A vampire. His long cloak flows behind him as he paces across the hall, and as he turns to face me. I feel his eyes wander over me. Draco lifts his eyebrows and smile.
"Maisie Waters, skipping class... never saw that coming." Draco teases. Draco holds his hands out for me to grab. I look down at his long fingers stretched out towards me. They're decorated with silver snake rings with emerald eyes. I look up at Draco's gleaming eyes. He's smiling at me and I can't help but to smile back. I grab Draco's hand firmly and step closer to him. "You left so soon this morning."
" I tried not to disturb you." I say quietly.
"You didn't disturb me, that's the problem. I want to be able to walk you out next time." Draco says sternly. Next time? "And maybe next time I can help you find your panties." Draco reaches under his cape and pulls out my pink Monday knickers. I feel my face turn hot. I reach for them but Draco snatches them from my arms length. "Oh no Mai, they're mine now."
"Oh god, Dray." I mumble. Silence falls on Draco and I. "Draco why did you call me out of class..."
"Just wanted to make sure you're okay..." Draco trails off. "And to make sure we were on the same page about what this is...."
"This? You mean you want to keep it a secret." I hiss. Draco says nothing. I let go of his hand letting it swing to his side. "I wasn't going to tell anyone. You arsehole."
Draco crosses his arms in front of himself and looks at the ground. "I'm not trying to offend you Mai-"
"-Well you did." I say backing away from Draco. I throw my hands up and let them hit my sides as I walk away from Draco. What a dumbass, and I'm not even talking about Draco.
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This is probably one of my favorite chapters from my Draco Smut I’m writing. :))
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I love the sound of the crunchy leaves under my feet. It's too bad it's been raining all day and those crunchy leaves have quickly turned into mush for slugs to hide under. I don't mind though. I love rain on Sunday mornings.
I'm on my way into the village to meet Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville. Miss.Longbottom will be out of town this Halloween and of course Neville decided to throw another party. I'm meeting them to pick out costumes. I have my mind set on just getting vampire teeth and leaving it at that.
As I approach the seasonal store I see my friends laughing together. Harry is the first to wave at me. We've grown closer to each other as the days go on, being forced to only talk to each other in swim on the days that Neville was sick.
"Maisie, what’s your opinion on Neville being a cactus for Halloween." Harry says pushing me along into the group. Neville rolls his eyes at Harry and pouts.
"Luna is going to be a Oxalis triangularis. It's a matching costume." Neville states.
"Neville for the last time: you're the only one who knows with the hell that is." Ron says. Neville turns to the store door and swings it open letting the rest of the group inside.
"You'll get it on Friday when we win best costume at school and you're stuck in your bloody rat costume." Neville snaps.
"My mums making my costume." Ron mumbles. Everyone laughs as we pour into the shop going our separate ways. Hermione and I head to the women's costumes.
"What are you thinking ‘Mione?" I say rustling through a couple of costumes. Seeing all of the different costumes makes me want to reevaluate my vampire teeth plan. But I hate to spend money, especially with application season approaching. I've decided that Trinity is the school I want to go and that's going to take most of my savings for the next five years.
"Maybe I'll be Cormac's grades, that's scary enough." She huffs. " You know Neville asked him to come Friday."
I laugh at Hermione who's so flustered her face turns crimson.
"How's it going with Malfoy? You never really talk about it." Hermione adds. I bite the inside of my lips and try not the look her in the face. When it comes to tutoring Draco it's going great. His grades in English have improved drastically compared to last years. He doesn't have one missing assignment and his book is coming along, though it's as boring as can be. But in the other sense of what happened physically between Draco and me, we both agreed to start meeting in public spaces like the library after school. We didn't really discuss the whole make out session but surely chalked up as being high. I also blame the rain and the Bauhaus album in the background.
I shrug at Hermione. " He's smarter than one might think."
Hermione picks up and pointy hat from the top shelf and places it on her head. "Maybe I'll be a witch?" She says looking into the mirror.
"I'm starving" Ron grumbles. Ron and I waiting outside the sweets shop for rest of the group while Neville ordered jelly filled brains in bulk for Friday. I swears they're the best thing he's ever eaten.
"We're going to the pub right after this Ron." I say.
"Yeah, a shit pub." He adds.
"Why does it matter. You eat off the kids menus anyway..." I mutter. Ron laughs and looks up at me again. His smile fades into a serious stare.
"I think we should talk about the last Neville party..." Ron says. "You know, after our...uh, kiss. You ran off after and I just don't want to mess anything up. We were just starting to become friends and then I asked if you wanted to go in private....it was inappropriate. I'm just really sorry."
"Ron, I'm okay. It's okay." I say smiling. Suddenly from across the way theres a familiar loud high pitched laugh. It's Pansy Parkinson alone with Draco.
Though I try not to, I see Draco in a different way now. When I see him in the halls, I stare. Just hoping he'd do the same. Sometimes he does the same. I catch him at lunch staring at me and when I do he looks away almost immediately. When we have our tutoring sessions I'll look up from my books and see him staring and not just at my breast. Sometimes he stares at my thighs and at my neck, but mostly at my lips and eyes.
Pansy let's out another annoying squeal.
"You know, he's not that funny." I say to Ron as Pansy and Draco disappears into a bakery. "You know what... I'm in the mood for a lemon sponge." Before Ron can answer I'm pulling him across the street, into the small bakery. Draco and Pansy turns to look at us and I feel my face turns hot. What the hell was I thinking...what's my next move...think dammit.
"Look Draco its Fire Crotch and big-tits-magee" pansy squeals.
"Please Parkinson your laugh is far too annoying for this small space." Draco cringes. Pansy's face drops as she rolls her eyes. Draco searches my face before finding my eyes. He softens his face a little before looking at Ron and then back at me. His face nearly becomes stone. "Is it cold in here or are you just happy to see me Maisie?"
"Don't talk to her like that." Ron says. "Have some fucking respect Malfoy"
Draco looks over at me and smiles then back at Ron. "Who are you Weasley? Her fucking bodyguard? Oh, or are you her boyfriend?" Draco quips. Ron walks up trying to size up Draco but Ron's stature doesn't stand a chance to Draco's.
"You sound a little jealous Draco..." Ron jabbed.
"Oh, trust me, Weasley I have nothing to be jealous of." Spits Draco. Pansy grabs her treat off the counter and snakes her arm with Draco's. "See you Thursday night Maisie. How about we meet at my house this time." Draco smiles at Ron before pushing passed him and exiting the bakery.
"You don't have to take that Maisie.." Ron scoffs. "We can go straight to Snape and-"
"-Please Ron leave it!" I beg.
"What can I get for you?" The boy behind the counter ask.
I dig into my pocket to pull out my wallet. "Two lemon sponges please"
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This is a little entry from my Draco Fanfic from Wattpad I’m working on!! Enjoy maybe :)
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For the rest of the week I sat with Hermione and her friends at lunch. This is the first time in years that I've sat with anyone. I've always seen Hermione and her friends together. I always thought their dynamic interesting. I've always went to school with Hermione and Ron but Harry didn't come in until fifth year of primary.
I like Ron. I'm not sure if it's a crush yet. But every time I see him around school, I get butterflies and goose pimples. I always hope he sits across from me at lunch just so I can get a better view of him.
A lot of people like this group of friends. There's always someone new talking to them or sitting with us at lunch. Luna Lovegood, who was a very eccentric girl to say the least and Neville Longbottom sat with us today. I've always enjoyed being around Neville. He was in the group project that I was pantsed during and he helped me cover up.
"Gods, Maisie, I hope you're my tutor. English Literature is already hurting...and it's only the first Friday" Neville says.
"When do you guys get assigned?" Harry ask.
"Today, after lunch actually." Hermione says. She's still deep into a history book she's been reading all week. Hermione's history marks are phenomenal but she swears she knows nothing about it. She's been stressed all week. Begging Snape to give her another subject, but she knew it was pointless. Professor Snape was a stubborn man. "I'm at least hoping for Seamus. He can be a very patient person."
"Last year I got Theo Nott" Luna says twirling her fork in her hair. "He was very nice... until he tried to sleep with me." I watch the tables shocked expression rise as the silence grows.
"Well did you do it..?" Ron asks. Luna shakes her head no and a sigh of relief washes over the table.
After lunch Hermione and I head towards the library. We both walk like snails. I'm in no rush to see who I got the pass couple of years I was a tutor I got Lavender Brown and Romilda Vane both English Literature and both passed with flying colors. I was confident.
When Hermione and I reach the courtyard I see Draco gang hanging around the tree. Blaise and Theo seem to be in there own world together as Pansy is talking to Draco. More or less she's talking at him. Draco has his head in his hands as she talks.
As we get closer to the door I notice the list is on the bulletin next to it. Hermione takes a deep breath before tracing her finger down the list to find her name.
"Two." Hermione says softly. "Snape gave me two people to tutor... Connor Mcladden and Cedric Diggory." My jaw drops.
"Um hello... Connor and Cedric are hot... you should be thanking Snape." I say.
Hermione traces her finger down the list again. I watch as her face turns white as she slowly turns to me. "You know what.. maybe I will thank Snape" she says. " Maisie you got Draco Malfoy..."
I turn to look at Malfoy to see he's already looking up at me. This is some kind of sick joke. I turn my head back to the list aggressively pulling my finger down to my name.
Maisie Waters ......................... Draco Malfoy EngLit.
Oh... this is serious. It's not like Draco is dumb or anything but he doesn't try. He feels like he can just skate by and not worry about his future. Which is half true. He has generational wealth so he'll have money no matter what he does. But he still has to pass and students like me have no choice but to tutor students like him. Draco failing will completely ruin my chance of getting a tutoring scholarship from the school.
Ron sat across from me in the quad, Listening to me complain about Draco. It was free period. If things were different I would be in Afults office making sure she didn't have any stains on the news letter going home with students this weekend. Instead Ron and I sat on the grass. I can't complain, I like this alone time with Ron. We can really get to know each other more.
"What if I signed up for tutoring and request you." Ron says shoving chocolate in his mouth. "Then I'll pass, no question and then you can still get the scholarship." I shake my head no.
"Ron, you're so sweet. I think working on just Draco right now is probably the best bet for now." Ron's face turns red.
"Maisie Waters." A voice says above me. I turn my head upwards to look at the voice. It's Draco Malfoy staring down at me. This is the first time I've seen Draco in this kind of light. He looks, dare I say, handsome. "Go away Weasley... Maisie and I have to discuss." Ron rolls his eyes and looks at me. I nod my head yes and he gathers up his belongings.
"Just know Draco I'm leaving on my own terms." Ron says leaving the quad. Draco chuckles and sits it the grass across from me replacing Ron.
I watch in silence as Draco pulls grass from the ground one by one letting them blow in the wind. Something he's done since childhood. Draco still reminds me of when we were little. He's just taller he grew like a flower between second and third year. Draco's one of the taller boys in our class. He's slimmed out significantly it makes me worried on wether he's eating or not. When we were younger, he'd get sick a lot and only eat broth. I look at Draco's eyes. They're the same innocent ones he's always had. I haven't been able to look this close at them since we were twelve.
And they're staring straight at my chest. I fold my arm across my chest and Draco looks up at me again.
"Gods, Blaise wasn't kidding." He laughs.
"Do you mind, Malfoy? I guess our first lesson will be on the word misogyny..." I snap back.
" And your first lesson will be on how to find a brassiere that covers your nipples. I mean they're staring right at me." Draco mumbles. "And there's not even a slight breeze." I feel my face grow hot. Thankfully my face isn't light enough for blush to be visible because Draco wouldn't let it go.
"Did you have anything important to say or did you want to just gawk at my chest." I say bringing my attention back to my books.
"Yeah, both." Draco laughs again. "Come to the manor tomorrow around twelve with a plan." Draco gets up and smoothes out his pants. Walking away briskly disappearing into the corridor.
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