silver-feather · 22 hours
I'm watching a C-drama and the main couple just traded bank cards????? As a romantic gesture???
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silver-feather · 23 hours
Bees don’t fly in the dark!
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silver-feather · 1 day
We need to bring back the athletics body type post
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silver-feather · 1 day
“i asked chatgpt-” ohhh ok so nothing you are about to say matters at all
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silver-feather · 3 days
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silver-feather · 3 days
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computer i don't know how much more i can explain to you that i would rather let a blue ringed octopus handle my appendectomy then ever touch the horrific unending nightmare that Microsoft "Shit Idiot" Copilot ai would surely be
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silver-feather · 3 days
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Latios & Latias 🌅
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silver-feather · 4 days
My ex and I just had K-drama-level ships-in-the-night shenanigans happen to us and as soon as we figured out what happened I went from deeply hurt to thinking it was the funniest thing in the world.
We broke up last month on really good terms (it's a long story) and we decided to do exactly a month of no-contact at which point I would text her and we could catch up as friends. So regular breakup stuff aside, the month passed and I texted her first thing in the morning, saying "Hi :) How are you? Wanna catch up?" and I waited...
and waited...
and waited...
Finally 11 hours later (obviously not the longest I've waited for a reply before, but it felt like eternity after a month of not talking, especially since she was supposed to expect a text from me that day), she replied and it just said "Hi, how are you? Looks like it's September 17th."
So of course I saw that message and how long it took for her to send it and I assumed she had grown to hate me and was dreading the day that my text would finally come in, as though the second sentence had been preceded by a huge sigh. Trying not to give into those thoughts, but feeling pretty disheartened, I kept up a happy tone and we setup a time to call and catch up.
We finally talked today and had a good time chatting, then towards the end I mentioned that I was a little bit hurt by her initial reply. She then told me that she wanted to try being as neutral as possible so she could gauge how I was feeling and I said "but I put a smiley face in my first message! You could already see how I was feeling!!" and with a bit of back and forth, we realize that she had never received my first message...
The one that I felt was an immensely cold response after an agonizing day of waiting was actually her trying to break the ice without making any assumptions about how I felt. She had even forgotten that I said I would be the one to text first, so she had no idea that anything was amiss.
With my perspective, she was pretty mortified at how it looked, saying that she "would have disintegrated" if she had been in my shoes and gotten that reply lol
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silver-feather · 4 days
When I was younger everyone cared about Talk Like a Pirate Day. Every September 19th it'd be yars and shivers me timber all the way down, and people took delight in it. Now nobody ever talks like a pirate, on that day or any other. So few of us cling to the old ways. This is where our society went wrong. People not talking about pirates once a year, everything else about society is fine, probably
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silver-feather · 4 days
Wrong: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because she was Lord Byron's daughter.
Right: Ada Lovelace invented computer science and immediately tried to use it to cheat at gambling because that was the closest you could get in 1850 to being a Super Mario 64 speedrunner.
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silver-feather · 4 days
Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa, has been tormented by a Brazilian man named Osvaldo for the last several years.
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silver-feather · 4 days
Mayors should be required by law to wear a top hat and a sash that says “mayor” at all times
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silver-feather · 4 days
do you guys wanna see my favorite video on the internet yes you do
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silver-feather · 4 days
His little hands
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silver-feather · 5 days
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silver-feather · 5 days
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silver-feather · 6 days
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I wasn’t crazy about this piece so I wasn’t intending on publicly posting it again, but it keeps getting stolen every five minutes so I figured I’d put it here so people at least know who to attribute the original thing to lmao
[Digital illustration, Procreate App, 2020]
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