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Bwunny Queen ko-fi request for shanuraru!!! Gosh queen is somehow so hard to draw yet so fun
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(( it wont let me reply to u but i dont really use tumblr much anymore ! im aloeleef on twitter, i hope thats what u meant by url! ))
Holy shit ur back
(( OMG NOOO THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT !!! sorry im not back u_u i think silverfield will be abandoned probably forever sorry :( but hiii i remember u i hope u are well! ))
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Holy shit ur back
(( OMG NOOO THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT !!! sorry im not back u_u i think silverfield will be abandoned probably forever sorry :( but hiii i remember u i hope u are well! ))
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this blog is so so creative and i wish you all the best in your life :) <3
(( thank you love! that means a lot, i wish you the best as well and rays of happiness during this hard time 💕 ))
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(( thank you for the kind words! ily 💕💕))
(( hey so, i don't think i can continue this blog for the time being. my deepest apologies!! i really wanted to complete SFSN this (school) year, but, well... things aren't really working out. continuing this would just be too much for me right now. so SFSN will come back at some point when things are better for me, thank you for your patience and please stay safe everyone! ❤ ))
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(( hey so, i don't think i can continue this blog for the time being. my deepest apologies!! i really wanted to complete SFSN this (school) year, but, well... things aren't really working out. continuing this would just be too much for me right now. so SFSN will come back at some point when things are better for me, thank you for your patience and please stay safe everyone! ❤ ))
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(( hi everyone! first off, i want to thank you for all the support i've gotten over the past few months!! it seriously means a lot to me and i love every single one of you ❤❤❤
secondly, i will be going on a "summer break." i know that for those of you who are invested, you might lose interest or forget things during a long hiatus. but up until this point, SFSN has been a very rough, once a day writing project for me and i'm sure you can tell. so i figured the quality would greatly improve if i stopped being a lazy kid who forgets to write something to post haha. also, there's some secret stuff that would require extra work... so yeah! stick with me and i hope to give you the best story i can! ))
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Personal Note: i'm okay now! well, i think i no longer need to be updating you all during summer break, so this is goodbye for a bit. have a wonderful summer everyone, please stay safe! also please avoid the expanding desert, it's getting up to 140°F now.
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Personal Note: well, we don't have a Principle, that's for sure. i don't know what was in that room since i physically couldn't even look, but it wasn't a person. i got stabbed in my neck area, but i didn't sense any malicious intent so i mean that might've been a warning? i didn't even do anything that severe i just let the artificial form of the Theater god loose on accident... the wound sealed up almost immediately but now it itches. i'm home now, so i feel better already.
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Personal Note: the loudspeakers said for me to report to the Principle's Office? i didn't know we had a Principle, i'm a bit nervous to be honest.
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Personal Note: i've been waiting outisde the Office for 5 hours for Administration to appear, but no one seems to be here yet. i really want to go home...
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Hey friend I see the crows sitting on the outer most fences at the school sometimes, do you think if I gave them something your needed, a word search book perhaps, and gave it to them with some small trinkets, do you think they'll bring you the book?
oh that's alright! Administration lets me leave today, so i won't be needing anything. thank you though!
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Personal Note: i went to check out the Computer classroom again for something to do and i saw a PlayStation 3 and a copy of Minecraft. they weren't there the last time i went in there so i avoided them for quite some time. i finally broke a few minutes ago and put the disc in, but the PlayStation screamed and oozed out what looked like rancid ground beef. i just want to play Minecraft...
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I'm sorry, can we get the story behind the mosquito infestation from five years ago??? Please
in the beginning of that school year, which was in the summer months, someone left both locker rooms open one night. apparently a few very small mosquitoes decided to make their home in there, specifically in the showers which had standing water since they constantly leaked. long story short, they laid their eggs inside the shower pipes? so whenever you would turn them on, the water would flush mosquito larvae out and onto you.
it was either that or some student decided to pull a prank on us all and curse the showers. however, they are safely sealed with duct tape so there is no possible way for the mosquitoes to get out!
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Where have you been sleeping at the school, and are there showers you've been permitted to use?
i have been sleeping in the tall tree in the baseball field. the only showers here are the ones in the PE locker rooms and those haven't been working ever since the mosquito infestation 5 years ago, so i've been going in the pool and using a bathroom sink to keep clean... my options are limited.
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Personal Note: the phonebooths around school still seem dead, but bugs and other creatures are strictly avoiding their corpses. unrelated, the completely empty art classrooms are now smelling like freshly baked goods. so... nothing too exciting to report.
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Personal Note: well i finally read all the books i wanted to read and listened to the podcast i've been meaning to finish. one of the school crows actually flew over to me and we listened to the last half of it together. i definitely cried but i think the crow did too, i don't know how skeletons can cry but it looked weird. then it told all of its friends and now a whole bunch of crows are following me and saying "phone" over and over again. i wonder if they would like horror?
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