The Top 3 Causes of Memory Loss
Most of us will eventually experience memory loss as we become older. All of us have experienced forgetting someone's name or losing our keys. The first step in identifying whether forgetfulness can signal a more serious issue is to understand common memory loss.
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 The three biggest influences on memory are sleep, diet, and medicine. Understanding how they affect memory can keep your memory sharp and vivid.
 Lack of Sleep: It is difficult to build memories and have accurate recall without adequate sleep. Long-term memory storage is made easier by sleep because it increases the connections between brain cells. For the brain to be able to rejuvenate, a good night's sleep is essential.
 Nutritional Deficiency: Consuming a diet rich in high-quality proteins and lipids is essential for maintaining sound brain function. Lack of vitamin Bs directly interferes with the health of our brains and will impair memory. Fish high in omega 3 fatty acids are an essential component of the brain's ability to remember memories and improve mood. Omegas also guard against cognitive deterioration as we age.
 Medication: Memories are interfered with by sedatives and sleep aids. When it comes to medications that may cause memory loss, keep an eye out for less obvious ones like blood pressure medications, antihistamines, and antidepressants. Any memory loss concerns should be discussed with your doctor in case a prescription adjustment is required.
 Regular exercise helps lower the risk of dementia, memory loss, and brain ageing. Altering your diet and exercise routine can also help you sleep better. Your sleep and memory may be impacted by what you eat, including whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood, nuts, olive oil, and other healthy fats.
 Getting the right diagnosis is crucial if you experience memory loss or trouble sleeping. Make an appointment with the best neurologist in New Gurgaon at Silver Steak Multispecialty Hospital for a thorough assessment of your memory and sleep issues.
 Dr. V K Gupta along with the neurology department at Silver Steak Multispecialty Hospital is dedicated to assisting patients and their families in preserving and enhancing their health. To get assistance, dial +91-124-432-4444.
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Why should weddings be all about the brides?
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 The time when brides were the centre of attention and the hapless husband would be left in the background has long since passed. It's time to put the grooms who share the spotlight with the bride front and centre.
 At Silver Steak Multispecialty Hospital, we offer the best skin hair treatments for grooms in New Gurgaon that are tailored to address specific issues and achieve specific results. For the grooms to have beautiful skin and hair for the wedding day, our dermatologist in New Gurgaon has provided the following advice:
 1. Wholesome Food
To have smooth and healthy skin, stay away from greasy and junk food and convert to a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and enough water. A sufficient intake of liquids, such as water, aids in optimal hydration and gives the skin a healthy glow.
 2. Sound Sleep
Sleeping well for 6 to 8 hours per night is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Lack of sleep results in dull skin, swollen eyes, and dark circles around the eyes.
 3. Using the Right Products
Males typically don't care about their skin and use whatever products are offered. Their skin, however, also needs to be treated with respect and care. According to your skin type, you must use a good face wash, sunscreen, and moisturiser. To stop hair fall and give your hair a healthy sheen, a decent shampoo and conditioner are also essential. For advice on the best product for your skin and hair, please consult a skin specialist in New Gurgaon.
 4. The Best Hair and Skin Care for Grooms
 The future grooms have a variety of therapies at their disposal. Medifacials can be performed to give the face a smooth appearance. Microdermabrasion can help give the skin an even tone by removing the top layer of dead skin cells. For the removal of undesirable pigmentation, there are chemical peeling and laser treatments available. To obtain a perfect shape for their beard, men might undergo beard shaping and laser hair removal procedures. For healthy hair that will increase confidence, mesotherapy and platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) are recommended. Consult a dermatologist in sector 87 Gurgaon for the best course of action based on your concerns if you want to have beautiful skin on your wedding day.
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Do Your Children Have Asthma?
Asthma is a common and chronic condition that can make it difficult for your child to engage in activities they enjoy and can damage their ability to breathe easily. It's crucial that you take your child in for a diagnosis and treatment as soon as you notice any of the typical signs of asthma. Children with asthma may experience many symptoms, which Dr. Jaideep Singh Rajawat of Silver Streak Multi Speciality Hospital in New Gurgaon, can describe and prescribe treatments for.
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How to Handle Your Child's Asthma
It may be difficult for your child to participate in sports or other activities if they have asthma. Child Specialist in New Gurgaon can assist you in keeping an eye out for any signs that might indicate that your child is suffering from asthma. Child asthma is a frequent ailment. Anyone can get asthma, and each person's development of the condition is unique. It's possible for symptoms to occur suddenly or to gradually develop over time.
 Asthma symptoms include, among others:
·         Wheezing
·         Breathing difficulty
·         Chest constriction
·         Decreased capacity for exercise
 Each child's symptoms manifest differently, and the severity of your child's symptoms will determine how your child's asthma is handled. Depending on how bad their asthma is, medication may need to be taken every day or as needed.
 You should first identify any potential triggers for your child's asthma before treating it. It's crucial to stay away from these triggers and give your child's medicine exactly as directed by their doctor.
 Speak to your pediatrician in New Gurgaon right now!
If you see indicators of asthma in your child, act without delay. To discover more about childhood asthma and to determine whether your kid may be affected, get in touch with Dr. Jaideep Singh Rajawat of Silver Streak Multi Speciality Hospital in New Gurgaon. Call 99105 20522 right away to learn more and to make an appointment!
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Common Symptoms of Women's Infertility
Patients find it challenging to discuss infertility, and those who are experiencing it may feel incredibly isolated.
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It's critical to be aware of gynecologic issues that can point to a higher chance of infertility. A reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist may recommend different pre-conception care or treatment for women with these problems (REI). Below are some of the disorders that can raise the chance of female infertility. The good news is that awareness of these problems can help.
 Periods That Are Unusually Heavy, Long, or Painful
Fibroids may be to blame for extremely heavy and protracted periods. Fibroids may also hurt during periods if they are quite large. Endometriosis, a condition in which tissue typically found in the uterus is present on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and occasionally even in the gut or bladder, can also cause painful periods. The best gynecologist in New Gurgaon can treat pain and excessive bleeding, however endometriosis and fibroids can also cause infertility.
 Pain During Periods or Sex
Dyspareunia, the term used in medicine to describe painful sex, is abnormal. Pelvic infection, endometriosis, and fibroids are common conditions that can cause pain during sex and may impact fertility.
 Irregular Cycles of Menstruation
It is possible for your menstrual cycle to vary in duration as a result of stress or illness. You can find it more challenging to get pregnant if you never know when to expect your period or if months go by between periods (and you are not pregnant). An irregular menstrual cycle is frequently caused by a number of conditions, including abrupt weight gain or loss, being underweight, thyroid disorders, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Even in the absence of these disorders, some women may not ovulate consistently and may require help to stimulate ovulation in order to become pregnant.
 Changing Hormones
When they are extremely low or extremely high, hormones generated by the thyroid, ovaries, and pituitary glands can cause infertility. Aside from variations in a woman's menstruation, abnormal hormone levels can result in a wide range of symptoms, such as:
 ·         Unexpected weight increase or loss
·         Severe outbreaks of acne
·         Poor blood flow (cold hands)
·         Loss of sex enthusiasm
·         Nipple discharge that is milky
·         Balding hair
Even if you are not trying to get pregnant, you should still visit the best lady doctor in New Gurgaon if you experience any of these symptoms since, if infertility is the cause, determining an abnormal hormone level can help with treatment.
 Obesity or Underweight
Both being overweight and being obese can make it more difficult to get pregnant since these diseases can cause women to ovulate less frequently and have irregular or no menstrual cycles. Meeting with our nutritionist may be beneficial for these patients to aid with weight loss or increase in addition to addressing other issues that could be causing infertility.
 Treatment for Infertility in New Gurgaon
We at Silver Streak Multi Speciality Hospital are aware of the devastating effects that infertility may have on patients who wish to become parents. Infertility can be treated by our gynaecologist – Dr Ritu. Call our hospital at 9910520522  or visit our website to make an appointment with the best gynaecologist in Manesar right away.
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Teething in Toddlers by Dentist in New Gurgaon
Learn all about teething in toddlers by Dr. Anukriti Gupta (Best Dentist in New Gurgaon).
Book Appointment Here: https://silverstreakhospital.com/dental-surgery.php
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How to Get Rid of Black Lips: Causes and Remedies
Nowadays, people often worry about their dark lips. Lips help our faces look more defined. Dark lips make the face look lifeless. There are a few things you may do to cure or brighten black lips if you are not satisfied with how they look. With the best dermatologist in New Gurgaon, let's look at the reasons why people have dark lips and remedies.
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 ·         Sun exposure is one of the key factors for black lips. The UV radiation of the sun can darken the lips in addition to the skin. Our lips are typically the most exposed to the sun since we don't cover them with sunscreen.
 ·         Another frequent contributor to black lips is smoking. Cigarette smoke contains substances such as nicotine that can discolour lips. Free radicals produced by smoking injure and inflame the skin. This little irritation causes the pigment to be released, colouring the lips. Dark lips result from passive smoking as well.
 ·         Certain dietary deficiencies can also cause the lips to darken. Baby pink, lush lips are a sign of excellent health. Any lip discolouration may also indicate a deficit.
 ·         Dark lips can also be an indication of metabolic diseases like Addison's disease.
 ·         Dark lips might also result from dehydration. Lips quickly lose moisture when the body is dehydrated, and the skin can become dry and wrinkled. This may occur as a result of inadequate hydration or exposure to wind and cold temperatures. Staying in an air-conditioned space can also cause lips to become dry since moisture and hydration are lost from lips more quickly.
 Dark lips can be treated in a variety of methods, both natural and medicinal. There are a few methods you may do to DIY or brighten brown lips at home.
 ·         Lip Hydration: Lips are incapable of creating moisture. When exposed to unhealthy or harsh weather conditions, they are the first to lose moisture. Add a lip balm with ceramides, shea butter, and glycerine. Ghee and milk cream can be used at home to moisturise lips. Please stay away from these home cures if you have any rash or irritation near your lips.
·         Avoid Lip Licking - Avoid licking or smacking your lips. Consider avoiding these routine skin-harming behaviours.
·         Foods that are high in antioxidants can help keep lips healthy. Polyphenols found in pomegranates and other yellow fruits and vegetables strengthen the lips' natural barrier.
·         Avoid lipsticks from less expensive brands since it's crucial to realise that preservatives might exacerbate lip darkening. Use more expensive lipsticks exclusively when you're going out.
·         Drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration and to enhance the lip collar.
·         Don't consume tea and coffee more than once each day. Although they can be consumed in moderation, they dry up the lips.
·         Do not rub your lips! You did read that correctly. Scrubbing could make your black lips worse. Avoid using a toothbrush to scrub or exfoliate your lips.
·         If you have a history of metal allergies, stay away from toothpaste that contains botanical components.
·         Avoiding smoking will keep your lips moisturised and baby pink.
·         Every day, even if you are inside, put sunscreen on your lips. Select a high-quality sunscreen without preservatives.
 To address dark lips, please visit dermatologist in sector 87 Gurgaon. With the help of competent dermatologist in Manesar, you may get baby pink lips.
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Ten Interesting Things About Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
When someone's breathing is interrupted while they are asleep, it results in a serious sleep condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Uncontrolled breathing is a symptom of sleep apnea and is potentially dangerous if not addressed promptly. When the brain and other bodily components do not receive adequate oxygen, this occurs. After having trouble breathing while sleeping, a person should first consult a pulmonologist in New Gurgaon.
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 The following are 10 unexpected facts concerning sleep apnea:
 1. This disorder affects men more often than women
Compared to women, middle-aged males are more likely than women to develop sleep apnea. Women are also susceptible to developing it, although this is only the case once they approach menopause.
 2. OSA Pose a Risk to Life
If untreated, sleep apnea can result in harmful problems. Uneven heartbeat, stroke, heart failure, blood pressure, diabetes, and heart attack are a few of these serious problems. In addition to impacting relationships at home and at work, sleep apnea can increase the likelihood that depression will manifest.
 3. Not All Symptoms Include Snoring
Although loud snoring is the most obvious symptom of sleep apnea, it is by no means the only one. Other typical signs include drowsiness throughout the afternoon, snoring that is accompanied by gasping and choking noises, mood changes, morning headaches, and difficulty concentrating.
 4. Weight Gain May Be Caused by OSA
Due to the fact that many individuals eat in order to remain awake, sleep apnea can cause weight gain. This causes weight gain and increases a person's risk of developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or a heart attack.
 5. A Common Misdiagnosis of OSA
Because most people think that going to bed and falling asleep right away is a sign of healthy sleep, sleep apnea is frequently underdiagnosed. People who may fall asleep anywhere, at any moment, may have sleep apnea, thus it is not a good thing.
 6. OSA Brings About Fatigue
The fact that sleep apnea has a wide range of symptoms is one of the reasons it is frequently disregarded. In addition to sleep interruptions, a person may begin to feel exhausted and depleted while awake. This turns into a regular occurrence and ends up being bad for their health. Even mishaps brought on by poor timing of dozing off might result from this.
 7. Children are Also Prone to OSA
One in ten kids often suffer from sleep apnea. Most often, the symptoms are minor, and the youngster gradually outgrows them. However, in certain instances, the youngster can begin to have behavioural challenges or serious medical problems as a result of it.
 8. A Sleep Lab Can Diagnose OSA
A sleep study test, which may be completed at home or in a sleep lab at a hospital, may be recommended by the doctor after doing a physical examination. The sleep study examines data related to breathing, chest movements, oximetry, heart rate, and other aspects of sleep.
Keeping a sleep diary for a few weeks to record when a person goes to sleep and wakes up is an additional method of monitoring sleep.
 9. There are Options for Treating This Disorder
The primary and most efficient form of therapy for those with moderate to severe sleep apnea is to wear a continuous positive airflow pressure (CPAP) mask while they are asleep. This device aids in maintaining the upper airway openings so that a person may breathe comfortably while they are sleeping.
 10. Lifestyle Modifications Can Help It
If a person has sleep apnea, changing their lifestyle to become healthier can improve the quality of their sleep. People who have sleep apnea should stop smoking, cut back on soft drinks, avoid using sleeping medicines, and stop drinking alcohol.
 Good sleep hygiene is absolutely essential for those who have sleep apnea. They should exclusively use their bedrooms for sleeping, maintain a suitable temperature, restrict their screen time before bed, and turn out all the lights before turning in.
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Radiology in New Gurgaon - Find the best radiology services in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Silverstreak is the best hospital for radiology in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Book your appointment Today!
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Physiotherapist in New Gurgaon - Find the best Physiotherapist in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Silverstreak is the best hospital for Physiotherapy in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Book your appointment Today!
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Pathology in New Gurgaon - Find the best Pathology in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Silverstreak is the best hospital for Pathology in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Book your appointment Today!
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Pulmonologist in New Gurgaon - Best hospital for Pulmonology in New gurgaon where you can find expert Pulmonologist in Sector 87,New Gurgaon and  Manesar. Book your appointment today
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Physiotherapist in New Gurgaon - Find the best Physiotherapist in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Silverstreak is the best hospital for Physiotherapy in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Book your appointment Today!
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Four Symptoms of a Brain Disorder and When to See a Neurosurgeon
Many neurological conditions begin with mild symptoms that individuals frequently ignore. However, if the diseases worsen, the symptoms may intensify and need a neurosurgeon's care. The following signs of a severe brain disease include:
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 You Experience Excruciating Fatigue:
Have you ever felt worn out or run down following an illness, a stressful time, or a hectic holiday season? A typical response to prolonged periods of stress on the body is fatigue, which may be treated with adequate rest and relaxation. You could be dealing with anything more serious if you reach a point when you simply feel too exhausted to carry on as normal. A neurological condition called chronic fatigue syndrome is characterised by prolonged, incapacitating exhaustion. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterised by persistent headaches, persistent flu-like symptoms, and memory loss; these are not signs of normal exhaustion. A neuro surgeon in New Gurgaon can identify your condition and provide a treatment plan for you if you exhibit these symptoms.
 You Are Struggling Maintaining Balance:
An abrupt loss of balance can be a sign of many different neurological conditions. You could have Parkinson's disease if it is accompanied by delayed voluntary movement, muscular tremors, and difficulty walking. Parkinson's disease patients also experience difficulty swallowing, sluggish verbal answers, and muscular stiffness in addition to these symptoms. There is currently no known cure, however the doctor may prescribe medicine to help reduce some of the symptoms. Many medical professionals are eager to sign up their patients for medical studies that, in some situations, have been beneficial. If you believe that learning about medical trials may help your case, be sure to inquire.
 You Start Experiencing Sudden Seizures:
Everyone finds seizures to be highly frightening, especially if they occur suddenly. You could develop epilepsy if they start to occur on a regular basis. The brain waves that govern different sections of the body are affected by the disorder known as epilepsy. Additionally, there are uncontrollable jerks, blank stares, bladder control loss, unexpected collapsing, and even loss of consciousness. Medication that helps the patient have fewer seizures is necessary for this sickness.
 You're Forgetting Things More and More:
Being forgetful is not at all unusual. However, if you start forgetting even the most basic information, such as the names of your relatives or your address, there can be a more serious issue. Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative brain disorder that gradually robs people of their ability to think clearly. It will make it impossible to talk or move your body. A neuro surgeon in Sector 87 Gurgaon can conduct a scan of your brain to see whether you have this condition if you suspect that you are forgetting more than you should be.
 It's crucial to pay attention to any unusual symptoms you experience that affect your balance, memory, or ability to walk properly. Any of these symptoms can suggest that you should consult Dr. V.K. Gupta – the best neuro surgeon in Manesar to rule out any underlying issues.
 Residents of New Gurgaon and Manesar can visit to Silver Streak Hospital when seeking for a trustworthy neurosurgeon.
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Neurologist in New Gurgaon - Find the best Neuro Surgeon, Neurologist or Neuro Specialist in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Silverstreak is the best neurosurgery hospital in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Book your appointment Today!
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How To Choose the Best Hospital for Your Treatment
Your ability to reach the closest hospital in an emergency is crucial to your survival. However, choosing the best hospital for your treatment might make all the difference when you have the ability to prepare ahead. It not only helps you feel secure in the knowledge that you are in capable hands, but it also makes your hospital stay worthwhile. The greatest of everything is available in the top hospitals. They employ the top medical professionals, the greatest infrastructure and equipment, and the best support personnel. Here are some suggestions for choosing the best hospital in New Gurgaon if you are choosing one for your medical care:
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 Look up Hospital Ratings
An excellent place to start your study is with ratings. Even though there aren't many hospitals in your region to compare, ratings can still offer you a good sense of the kind of care you can anticipate. Typically, the following criteria are used to rate hospitals:
Experiences with the doctor, the support staff, and other hospital personnel are important for patients. Hospital evaluations also depend on how well-kept and sanitary the facility is in the eyes of the patients.
Patient outcomes are a key consideration when evaluating hospitals. Hospital ratings vary depending on factors like how frequently a patient has to be readmitted for the same condition, etc.
Hospital procedures and safety rankings have a significant impact on how well-regarded a hospital is.
Ratings may thus be quite helpful when choosing a hospital in Manesar for your treatment because they are more than simply a collection of random statistics.
 Consult with Former Patients
It is a good idea to ask patients for their opinions about the hospital. They will be able to provide you with factual information on the condition of the rooms, the friendliness or lack thereof of the nurses, and the skill with which the doctor carried out the procedure. You'll have a better notion of which hospital to choose if you speak to someone who has gone through it first-hand.
 View the Profiles of the Doctors
Check this out before you do anything else, in fact. Prior to choosing a hospital, it's crucial to research the physicians that will be working there. Look into the surgeons employed by that institution, either on a permanent basis or on a visit-by-visit basis. Get to know the medical professionals that are taking care of you.
 Specialty Hospitals
Decide if you want to choose a multispecialty hospital or a specialty hospital. Specialty hospitals, like "Neuro Hospital," offer services just for that particular sort of medical care. Multispecialty hospitals are equipped to handle a wide range of illnesses.
 Finally, be careful to visit the hospitals you have shortlisted in your neighbourhood. Examine the rooms and speak with the staff. To learn more, you may also visit their websites or social media accounts. Also significant are the patient testimonies that have been written. Examine them before making a choice! Consider all the factors before deciding on the best hospital in sector 87 Gurgaon for your care.
 The best hospital in New Gurgaon is Silver Streak Multi Speciality Hospital, which has a full-time specialised system that guarantees availability and access to the best medical care. Additionally, our expert provides detailed instructions or pointers on how to treat every ailment, including through home remedies, prescription drugs, surgery, and alternative therapies.
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Pathology in New Gurgaon - Find the best Pathology in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Silverstreak is the best hospital for Pathology in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Book your appointment Today!
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Orthopaedic doctor in New Gurgaon - Find the best orthopaedic surgeon in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Silverstreak is the best hospital for orthopaedics in Sector 87, New Gurgaon and Manesar. Book your appointment Today!
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