#best gynaecologist in Manesar
Common Symptoms of Women's Infertility
Patients find it challenging to discuss infertility, and those who are experiencing it may feel incredibly isolated.
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It's critical to be aware of gynecologic issues that can point to a higher chance of infertility. A reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist may recommend different pre-conception care or treatment for women with these problems (REI). Below are some of the disorders that can raise the chance of female infertility. The good news is that awareness of these problems can help.
 Periods That Are Unusually Heavy, Long, or Painful
Fibroids may be to blame for extremely heavy and protracted periods. Fibroids may also hurt during periods if they are quite large. Endometriosis, a condition in which tissue typically found in the uterus is present on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and occasionally even in the gut or bladder, can also cause painful periods. The best gynecologist in New Gurgaon can treat pain and excessive bleeding, however endometriosis and fibroids can also cause infertility.
 Pain During Periods or Sex
Dyspareunia, the term used in medicine to describe painful sex, is abnormal. Pelvic infection, endometriosis, and fibroids are common conditions that can cause pain during sex and may impact fertility.
 Irregular Cycles of Menstruation
It is possible for your menstrual cycle to vary in duration as a result of stress or illness. You can find it more challenging to get pregnant if you never know when to expect your period or if months go by between periods (and you are not pregnant). An irregular menstrual cycle is frequently caused by a number of conditions, including abrupt weight gain or loss, being underweight, thyroid disorders, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Even in the absence of these disorders, some women may not ovulate consistently and may require help to stimulate ovulation in order to become pregnant.
 Changing Hormones
When they are extremely low or extremely high, hormones generated by the thyroid, ovaries, and pituitary glands can cause infertility. Aside from variations in a woman's menstruation, abnormal hormone levels can result in a wide range of symptoms, such as:
 ·         Unexpected weight increase or loss
·         Severe outbreaks of acne
·         Poor blood flow (cold hands)
·         Loss of sex enthusiasm
·         Nipple discharge that is milky
·         Balding hair
Even if you are not trying to get pregnant, you should still visit the best lady doctor in New Gurgaon if you experience any of these symptoms since, if infertility is the cause, determining an abnormal hormone level can help with treatment.
 Obesity or Underweight
Both being overweight and being obese can make it more difficult to get pregnant since these diseases can cause women to ovulate less frequently and have irregular or no menstrual cycles. Meeting with our nutritionist may be beneficial for these patients to aid with weight loss or increase in addition to addressing other issues that could be causing infertility.
 Treatment for Infertility in New Gurgaon
We at Silver Streak Multi Speciality Hospital are aware of the devastating effects that infertility may have on patients who wish to become parents. Infertility can be treated by our gynaecologist – Dr Ritu. Call our hospital at 9910520522  or visit our website to make an appointment with the best gynaecologist in Manesar right away.
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