silverxialovesbooks · 2 months
i absolutely forgot how to make things work here but if anyone stans stray kids or zerobaseone pls say hi
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silverxialovesbooks · 5 months
girls r like "but he's my comfort character" and then it's literally the most emotionally traumatized man you have ever seen ever
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
There’s a lot of talk about writers who can churn out hundreds of thousands of words for one single story and how powerful they supposedly are, but nobody ever talks about the readers who read said stories and then go, “I binged this in two days.” What do you mean, you read this in two days?! This is five hundred thousand words! It took me years to write and you just sit down and go, “I’m gonna read that in a weekend”? What else do y’all read for fun over a single weekend, the entire Lord of the Rings???
Writers who can write hundreds of thousands of words are powerful, maybe. But even we pale in fear before speed-readers.
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
I’ve been reading about Chinese ghosts and spirits today and it is honestly a miracle that Wei Wuxian did not end up as a vengeful spirit. Like, there are so many different ways that someone could become a vengeful ghost in his particular setting: improper burial? check. Absorption of too much of one kind of energy over another? check. Rage against moral injustice? check. Violent death? check.
Like, no wonder people are still talking about him thirteen years later. No wonder people still sell talismans to ward off his ghost. No wonder he’s a bogeyman story. Because he should have been. He absolutely should have been causing malicious havoc somewhere. And then I think about Lan Wangji during that time, and I just…. that’s what he expected, isn’t it? He expected to find Wei Wuxian among the restless, angry dead, and he expected to be the one to try to pacify him. But it’s never Wei Wuxian. For thirteen years he investigates rumors of chaos and destruction and it’s never Wei Wuxian.
And then it turns out Wei Wuxian wasn’t a vengeful spirit at all. He’s not even possessing Mo Xuanyu. He was invited, and his spirit is whole, and not corrupted, so long as he can fulfill this binding wish of destroying an enemy he can’t readily identify.
How much relief must he have felt, at that chance? At knowing that this fear he’s carried with him for over a decade is something he can set down, and maybe even something he never needed to worry about at all? How much of his faith in Wei Wuxian’s spirit and intentions must have been restored.
Idk, I just can’t stop thinking about this. About how close they were to not just “Wei Wuxian is dead” but to “Lan Wangji meets Wei Wuxian on a night hunt” under the absolute worst of circumstances.
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
I got drifted off the Untamed due to exams and stuff and it stopped taking 90% of my brain space and I thought maybe I am one of the few people who could actually move on but then my phone rang today and my ringtone is WUJI flute version. My phone is always on silence except today it was not and I heard the tune and it made me realize that I never actually got over them.
I could remember small details about the show and how the tune in itself just reminded me of one of the greatest love stories I have ever read and watched and how I want exactly what wangxian had. I crave for it.
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So in conclusion, you can never fully get over this great and timeless love story.
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
I just said Someone NO.
Believe it or not, it was so hard. Countless negative thoughts about hurting someone or just making them sad but I did it because in the last 4-5 years this is the first time I had the courage to refuse Someone. It was something really trival along the lines of not including their idea in my story even though they were insisting. It took every ounce of courage in me to not give up and do what they say and instead stand up for myself.
I feel victorious, I feel good :)
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
Never thought like this-
jin zixuan had to die bc mxtx knew with his newly acquired Dad Energy he had the power to fix absolutely everything. given the opportunity dude woulda resolved the yunmeng bros fight, gotten the wen remnants and wwx a nice farm to live out their days and educated lwj on the benefits of proper communication all while mitigating jgy’s seething bloodlust thru Baby Playtime and fatherly sincerity. my mans was too powerful rip
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
A reader of my fiction commented this and I lost it honestly 😭✊
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
TGCF donghua was such a wild experience. Every episode I felt like a Victorian men seeing a women's ankle for the first time on the verge of fainting but instead it was me seeing Hualian just looking at each other tenderly or barely touching.
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
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cqlers know
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
Do you ever think about how Jiang cheng might have cried himself to sleep for days and months if not years after Wei Wu Xian died? He lost both his sister and brother so quick, he was alone and he didn't even knew if he was allowed to mourn wwx. We talk about lwj a lot but remember when they were kids in CQL and JC had kicked wwx out but cried his eyes out because he thought wwx might not come back? And when he was so desperate to save wwx out of the xuanwu cave and when he sneaked out search for wwx in the dancing peri arc? Also when he still came with yanli to show wwx yanli's wedding dress and how he suggested that wwx keeps the name of their nephew? JC cared.
And I think about it a lot.
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
Wei Wu Xian IS relatable to an extent where I could understand him even before the author actually wrote his point of view. I love him.
There are characters you like but then there are characters you end up thinking about in the middle of the night with a cosmic ache in your chest because they resonate with you so much
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
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Hualian Parallels - Catching you when you fall   ↳ Episode 01 • Episode 09
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
Jin ling who already saw his face 2457 times : :o *stabs*
jin guangyao: yiling patriarch, isn't it time to take off the mask?
wei wuxian: *takes off the mask*
jin guangyao who already knew it was wei wuxian: :o
jiang cheng who already knew it was wei wuxian: :o
lan xichen who already knew it was wei wuxian: :o
nie huaisang who already knew it was wei wuxian: :o
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silverxialovesbooks · 3 years
I've seen six episodes of The Untamed and so far it really is like
Wei Wuxian:
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