(((This blog will be closed for the forseeable future. Thank you to everyone who threaded with me, I had a wonderful time in Citta!)))
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(((What better way to celebrate my OT6′s return to the screen than by revving up my muse, eh? Like for a starter, capping at 6, but TokuMates are exempt from the cap!)))
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(((Oh dear, it has been a while... Sorry about that, everyone- IRL got a bit rough for a moment there. or two weeks but who’s counting Uhm... For sanity’s sake, I think I’ll go ahead and drop my current threads. Didn’t have too many of those that weren’t event related anywho, and the people involved in the event threads were already talked to.  Apologies for the inconvenience!)))
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Gai was a little more forth-coming, now that Naki and he were technically friends. He cheerfully boarded the bus behind Naki, hand raised once they were inside the vehicle like a child called upon at class.
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“I was put in Six!” He chimed in, “The Green sector! It’s actually really nice. What’s sector two like? I haven’t been there yet!” He’d passed them on the train, sure, but he hadn’t really paid much attention. Too many interesting people on the train itself, y’know?
What a swell guy, guy was. That must have been the source of his name, Naki thought none the wiser. He wore a pleasant and simple smile. “Oh, yeah true. I didn’t think of that.”
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Now that the bus had arrived, Naki’s attention changed once again. Now he was bringing a stranger to his apartment, that was pretty neat. He had been asked where he meant to go, and Naki thought again, counting it out on his fingers. 
“Oh, it’s two! Sector two, sadly there’s no good suit shops there so I usually have to go out of sector.” There were other reasons too, like his job, but even Naki was not completely indiscriminate with the information he shared with others. 
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Muse skillset symbol meme
Send an emoji to learn how good/bad my muse is at that particular skill!
💋 — kissing
💄 — makeup
👾 — video games
🎵 — singing
💃 — dancing
🎹 — playing an instrument
🌷 — taking care of living things
🌲 — surviving in the wilderness
👊 — fighting
😇 — following rules
🍳 — cooking
🍼 — taking care of children
🎁 — giving presents to others
🎉 — hosting parties
💌 — romance/flirting
🎨 — art
🍀 — luck
⚽️  — sports
🏊 — swimming
🚗 — driving
🔮 — magic
🔎 — investigating
🔫 — long range weapons
💣 — explosives
🔪 — melee weapons
🔬 — scientific pursuits
🚿 — hygiene
💰 — finance
🌍 — knowledge of the world
👻 — communing with the paranormal
📚 — reading
🔧 — engineering/mechanics
⌛️ — time management
📥 — organization
🍺 — alcohol tolerance
🚴 — riding a bike
🎭 — performance art/acting
⚓️ — sailing
➗ — mathematics
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Gai nodded, still bent over and trying to breathe through the pain. It’d take a minute for him to regain his wind, but he’d manage. Finally, with a few coughs, he stood up and started to look around.
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“What is this place?” He muttered, mostly to himself. A huge, dirty library, hidden underground? “This city just keeps getting weirder.”
Hajime looked up again mid-fall. He felt a little bad for him, but that showed through little more than a furrowed brow. He closed his book. “You don’t have to thank me,” he said calmly, bending down to carefully place the book on the floor despite it being mostly illegible.
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“Most of this area is fragile. If you look out for it, you should be fine.” It felt like some of the books were ready to crumble in his hands. His gaze fell on the side staircase up to another landing, though—he was willing to risk it to keep looking around.
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(((what do you mean ‘drafts won’t write themselves’ why not?!)))
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(((I just have so many emotions about expensive japanese action figures, guys)))
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Of all the times for something like this to happen, it HAD to be when he was wearing a white suit. A borrowed suit, at that! It probably wouldn’t stain, Gai was known to work wonders with laundry. The more pressing issue was how to respond to the smaller, bluer cause of the problem.
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Aaaaand Gai was at a loss there. At least Lapis was in good company, the both of them being equally unsure of what to do. Something had to be done, though, and Gai chose to just say the first thing to come to mind.
“....The food’s free, y’know. You can come back for seconds.” Actually, in hindsight, that sounded a smidge rude... probably could have phrased that better, Ikari.
@silverxspotlight liked for a starter
Lazuli had just finished stuffing her face with food. Food that she didn’t need, not even a little, but she had left that restriction far behind. Grabbing more of the small, pink candies, she turned around in an attempt to hide her gluttony- only to run straight into someone. Dropping most of what she was holding, she quickly finished chewing and narrowed her eyes at the guy.
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“…” She didn’t say anything, but just stood there, upset over the spilled food and unsure how to respond considering she had ran into him.
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Gai blanched for a moment, completely understanding what Daimon was getting at. He was used to random monster attacks, being a Sentai member and all that but... Whatever you could call the recent battle was certainly... yeah. The ball was a stark contrast. Gai shook the thoughts from his head, willing himself to focus on the here and now.
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“It’s important that we take advantage of this, Tatsumi-san,” Gai said, suddenly deadly serious. “For warriors such as ourselves, we can’t pass up a chance to relax, lest we find ourselves called upon again to protect the wor-”
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“-Where did you get those chips?” Gai had just noticed what Daimon was eating. “I didn’t even see the food table!”
World’s End Dancehall w/silverxspotlight
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Holy hell was that boy loud and…he just shoved through the crowd to get to him; that was rude but he supposed that there was maybe no other way to get to him (unless he danced, but even then–).
Plus, with the frantic gesturing at all the lights and the beauty of it (Daimon had to admiit it, it was pretty sweet), he could see why someone like Gai would be excited about it.
Though, he wished that Gai would calm down a little (it was just a ball).
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“Yeah.” he nodded as he took another bite of the food he got,
“It’s pretty cool, though  I never expect something like this from the city….” considering the monster attacks, the NPC incident(s) among other things, he was surprised that something peaceful as this could come about. Then again…he did have some peaceful moments back at home.
He hoped that it was the same here.
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The weapon called out in an excited voice, announcing to the world it’s imminent special technique. The end of it’s barrel shone with a bright light as it gathered the energy needed for a final blast.
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“Follow me up with a SLASH!” Gai ordered, “You’ll supercharge the blast and we’ll put an end to these things!” Hopefully that made enough sense, cause the Drones had made their way through the diverting cloud. Two hands on the hilt of his Gun, now, as the building energy reached it’s breaking point.
“GOOOOKAIIII-!” He screamed, pulling the trigger, “- STARBURST!”
Rin couldn’t help but be a tad amazed by Gai’s weapon, where did you get something like that anyways? He’d have to ask him later but for now, he was curious as to what exactly it did. Knocking away more drones with a swing of his sword he threw a glance in Gai’s direction. “Tag team attack? Sure, what you want me to do?” He wondered how his sword would be able to help, well, it usually did anyways but this seemed different. What exactly was Gai planning?
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@nursedespair liked for a ball starter!
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Gai simply couldn’t contain himself! He’d only just gotten there, and already the ball was so. much. FUN. For the sake of the other party-goers, he was at least trying to keep his joy to a single location, choosing to bounce repeatedly on the balls of his feet instead of dashing all over and potentially knocking someone over.
He grinned and waved at random people as they passed, ignoring the dirty looks he got from some. He was just too happy to let anything get him down.
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“Isn’t this great?!” He asked, not actually aiming the question at anyone in particular.
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Gai yelled loudly as he pushed his way through the crowd, earning plenty of dirty looks from the more... civilized partygoers. He didn’t care, though, he was simply too excited to bother with manners right then. He finally managed to elbow out of the crowd and stumbled over to Daimon.
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“Tatsumi-san! Tatsumi-san! Isn’t it amazing?!” He panted, clearly overloading himself in his excitement. There wasn’t any time to be tired, though, as it was his duty to frantically gesture to the trees, the lights, the seating, the dancing- Everything about this fantastic event, as though Daimon hadn’t noticed it or something.
“I didn’t know they had these kinds of events here! Isn’t this cool?!”
World’s End Dancehall w/silverxspotlight
Try as he might, Daimon was…starting to feel antsy when he came to the ball; there was a reason why he–He wanted to decline, but maybe this was a chance to, he doesn’t know, meet new people?
He has already, but something in his mind that maybe his siblings and parents would’ve pushed him into anyway. Plus, he did have that suit he wore to a friend of Matsuri’s wedding so he couldn’t let that go to waste (he looked damn good in that suit if he says so himself). So here he was, mooching off the milk and food they have, and looking out into the crowd to see if they were comfortable to talk to strangers.
There wasn’t and he didn’t see too much familar faces (he wasn’t sure if Hajime-san was here or not), so…he wasn’t sure what to do. The only people he’s interacted with was at work and during times in distress and…only his family. Sure, there was the students, but he was open (Hajime’s words) but…he also kept to himself.
Well, until he saw a flash of white and a ‘Hey Tatsumi-sannnn!!’ coming straight at him while he was chowing down on some chips with a questioning look before he knew that it was Ikari Gai: the Sentai Fanboy who was also GokaiSilver.
Was he supposed to know that? He knew up to the Goesigers but..
No no, just try to talk to the kid; he seems like he’ll be good company and whatnot.
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“Oh, Ikari-kun!” he gave the other a small smile as he finished his chips,
“What’s up?” Didn’t see you earlier he wanted to say, but kept his mouth shut; knowing that the younger had much to say…or something. 
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Naki would probably continue to misunderstand Gai’s name until a situation arose where he needed to spell it, as Gai noticed nothing strange about the pronunciation. A running gag was born.
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“Yeah... Probably best you don’t just strip naked here.” Did Hive city have laws against public indecency? Gai wasn’t inclined to test it. Said bus arriving was enough to change the subject, and Gai was more than willing to follow Naki as they boarded.
“Sure thing! What sector do you live in?”
“Guy, huh? Alright Guy.”
Naki misunderstood again, but he was close enough to the point that it did not really matter. “Mr….” He repeated Gai’s trailing off, and tilted his head not quite getting it yet, oh. “Is there someone else behind me? Oh no wait, you were just talking about me. I’m Naki!” He said after he had inspected his head behind him. 
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Naki bashfully scratched the back of his own head, messing up his tightly pulled back hair somewhat. Had he been mad at this person a few minutes ago? He had already forgotten feeling that way. 
“You can just have this one- ah, but that would be a bad idea I’d have nothing to wear.” Naki through for a second more, squinting his dark eyes, “Oh, do you mind following me back to my place, the bus is just about to arrive anyway.”
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Switching his Spear to Gun Mode, Gai spun on his heel to launch a volley of blasts, aimed at keeping the oncoming drones back. Would a cloud of dirt slow them? Maybe. It would at least occupy them long enough for Gai to try something.
“Wanna try a tag team attack?” he asked, already pulling out his Ranger Key and plugging it into the slot atop his weapon. “You’ve got a sword, so it should work!”
♕ - “Gotcha man!” Rin threw back a thumbs up in return, watching as Gai retrieved the spear. He supposed he’d probably been worried about his flames but in reality, they wouldn’t have burnt Gai, he was able to control what they burnt which was fun.
Rin found himself nodding in agreement when Gai grumbled out the fact that these drones really could take a beating, after all, it was true.
“Sure thing! I don’t have a problem with that!” Rin responded as he swiped his sword at yet another drone before setting it alight.
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The drone on her left took this as an opening, using the distraction Gai offered to rush Putri. Gai was faster. With barely a thought, he pulled out his Gokai Spear in Gun Mode and fired a blast at the drone- narrowly missing Putri’s head with the shot but hitting the drone and causing the monstrosity to rear back.
Gai blinked a few times before smiling sheepishly.
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“As well as I can be. How about you? You look exhausted.”
[HP: un-fucking-readable as she is not transformed, headass]
Hacking and slashing the drones, Putri was already starting to feel a bit weary…only because she expended so much energy and whatever she ate, it never stayed to be burned.
God, she’s gonna have a feast when this was all over; no one stop her from eating and this was like Marching Band all over again, except without the whold band and 8 hour days
Oh God, she barely dodged that one, thankfully not being transformed right now or that’ll be some serious HP Damage that she really didn’t need (she had only 125 HP, she didn’t need to die of all things…yet).
She turned and saw the guy that was about to transform and hoooly shit that’d explain the laser. Oh, and it looks like the guy could use some help…though, maybe she should wait to go into Akai Kami. So, as expected of her as a Marauder: she rushed the fuck in, stabbed the drone that shot the laser and…laughed–or a much as a laugh as she can get, considering her exhaustion (she hadn’t felt this exhausted since Freshman year Marching Band or that time she nearly got killed…which was all the time back home).
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“H-Hey…you okay?!” She huffed as she turned and sliced another drone heading their way and another on her left. 
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