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Dorks [x] & [x]
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it’s you.
it’s always been you.
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Save us fanfic writers?
*tentatively raises hand*
Would the fic writers maybe consider writing a season 16 fan series for Supernatural? Like 20 fics by 20 writers with a series arc, some MOTW, some case fics, taking the fandom forward whereever the season 15 finale leaves us?
*boldly tagging some of my faves*
@almaasi @museaway @highermagic @thebloggerbloggerfun @soupernabturel @saltnhalo @unforth
Please tag your favourite fanfic writers!
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Save us fanfic writers?
*tentatively raises hand*
Would the fic writers maybe consider writing a season 16 fan series for Supernatural? Like 20 fics by 20 writers with a series arc, some MOTW, some case fics, taking the fandom forward whereever the season 15 finale leaves us?
*boldly tagging some of my faves*
@almaasi @museaway @highermagic @thebloggerbloggerfun @soupernabturel @saltnhalo @unforth
Please tag your favourite fanfic writers!
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why the fuck is misha hyping the newsweek article that paints destiel shippers as delusional fetishists?
Considering the tone of this anon, I’m not going to waste my time with someone who probably doesn’t want to hear the answer, clarifying as it may be.  But by the time Misha found it, a lot of the bad wording had been stripped and the content had been expanded to cover the innocuous content also getting flagged rather than a random bash at Destiel, mostly because Newsweek had people climbing their ass for calling LGBT unconventional. By then the article went through a complete revamp and at best, there’s a completely opinion based thing. Misha stars in owning satire and dark commentary humor on things like that to take it back. If you don’t get the ‘why’ in fun beyond that, you’re probably not going to get it anyway. You do you.
If you can’t see why it’s hilarious that a middle aged clearly straight dudebro at NEWSWEEK thought it was worth targeting Destiel over the Tumblr fiasco, despite it technically being the #11 ship on tumblr and not #1, I can’t help you. If you can’t see why it’s hilarious that it’s the only writer modernly that isn’t in some fandom niche hub that talks on it negatively, I don’t know what to tell you.  If you can’t see Misha making blatant fun of the crack AT the phrasing, I also don’t know what to tell you. Find me another way Misha can yet again elevate an article talking about Destiel without just setting off queerbait shouting.  In fact, antis are now piloting that mention by NEWSWEEK across the internet abroad.
I’m going to point this out: even if this is written by an intimidated middle aged het dudebro that thinks queer is somehow “unconventional” and “impossible”, they’re literally fully enough aware of it that a middle aged fucking dudebro targeted Destiel for fucking Newsweek. Let’s rewind and let that saturate in everybody’s headspace. Notice they didn’t target Wincest or Weecest – which are actually unconventional (incest/underage) – probably because they either don’t know about it or don’t consider it of size worth blinking at. So let’s take that into consideration that the SPN fandom, once famous for pretty much ruling tumblr, got yoinked out and called on the tumblr meltdown, whether you like intimidatedmiddleagedphobichetdudebro’s phrasing or not. There’s plenty of other positive articles like Cosmo that are also large scale mags but fam, this is NEWSWEEK. And Newsweek didn’t just think of SPN fandom out of the gate, they immediately attached that to Destiel.
Again, the author removed most of his shitty wordy beyond his stubborn clingon opinion that piloted the shitty wording to begin with and expanded it to include innocuous, non smutty content being banned too, so again, by the time Misha (and now everybody else) finds it, the worst thing they’re going to read is the pearl clutch that the CW/WB would NEVER.
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And considering a lot of people watch the CW and they’re landing on queer content everywhere on the network gradually, well, people can spot a garbage opinion when it’s garbage, spare for insecure antis looking for validation against the increasing queer direction of it that will latch onto it and already had that opinion anyway. Welcome to trash editorialization on an article that needed a complete rehaul from go.
Let him clutch his unsecured straight boy pearls and let Misha laugh.
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I voted Misha Collins. Philanthropist of the Year. You can vote every day, so go and vote.
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It’s happening. Or, at least something leading up to IT is happening.
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Source: The Mary Sue (x)
So a few notes: This is BuckLeming.
This is for 14.12.
However, BuckLeming has been strangely solid for themselves this year. Short of some mechanical dialogue explaining everyone parting ways in 14.02, it was a solidly good episode, and we’ve heard that 14.07 will be some of their best writing to date.
I’ll just let everybody I know yell about this.
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Domestic Dean
Maybe because it’s Thanksgiving in the US, I’m thinking about domestic Dean now and why it matters and outright is not demeaning him. Dean has had a horrifically brutal life, starting when he was four years old. He was in Hell for forty years. He’s lost every single person who has meant the most to him–even if he got a few of them back, he still underwent that trauma and grief. He got trapped in Purgatory. He’s been possessed by an archangel. He’s been tortured, manipulated, brutalized, and been a pawn of both Heaven and Hell. He expects to die with a machete or a gun i n his hand, splattered with monster blood. He had drilled into him from a young age that his only value was to be the “blunt instrument”–to kill and kill and kill monsters. To be the warrior, to be always vigilant, and he was raised itinerant.
Don’t confuse “domestic Dean” with “caretaker Dean.” Caretaker Dean is a different specific facet and while it is one facet of Dean, and a valid facet, reducing him to only that is where the pitfalls lie. This doesn’t mean caretaker Dean is always a problem–he is innately nurturing after all, and him caring for others isn’t demeaning. Demeaning would be insisting that’s all he is or should or can or ever was or ever can be. 
It is likewise reductive and flattening and demeaning to discard this nurturing side altogether as if it by definition automatically is toxic or demeaning. It is also reductive to discard domestic Dean, which is a lot of different things and is a two-way street. It’s not just Dean caring for others, but others caring for him. It also often involves a familial context, with multiple characters, or Dean “nesting” his spaces in the bunker–his room, or the Dean cave, or cleaning the Impala. It’s a whole host of different things.
Given Dean’s incredibly harsh life, domestic Dean is a necessary counterpoint to the badassery and constant trauma. It’s texture and context and yet another layer on Dean.
Shaming domestic Dean, or insisting that domestic Dean somehow is a betrayal of badass Dean, carries a whiff of toxic masculinity in it, as if Dean’s softer, domestic, nurturing side can’t co-exist with his immense badassery, or is somehow a threat to it, or somehow steals from the badassery. Domestic Dean  is not boring, unworthy, not really Dean, or reducing him to just a ship blahblahblah.
My god, the man’s had a rough time of it, domestic Dean is so so important.
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Your insomniac thought about spn fandom wank for today:
While I won’t reblog it because what I just read is so poisonous and hateful, I am going for the 1,235th time call out the anti-destiel league of unreasonable antis and call on people outside the Destiel lane to wake up to the actual nature of the problem instead of playing “blame the Destiel shippers” and blaming shipping for fandom conflict instead of actually stepping up, doing the right thing, and saying something about how targeted bullying towards Destiel shippers is a hugely divisive wedge in the fandom, not fans shipping Destiel. And btw, I have called out hate from my own lane, but I’m not getting the same courtesy back from some people.
Behind the cut, portrait of an anti-shipping fandom’s behavior. I have been observing their bs for years, and have been targeted myself. Unfortunately there are still some who don’t seem to get what’s really going on and after one of these anti-bloggers came at one of my friends, I’m not in the mood just now to “ignore the hate.” 
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More than photo ops
The usual suspects (I won’t quote or post screenshots, it’s ugly, you don’t want that on your feed) on twitter are at it again, hating on Misha and on Jensen and Misha friendship and claiming that without paid photo ops at cons Jensen and Misha fans have nothing. I have no idea why people feel the need to act like this, year in, year out. Some sad lack in their own lives, or in themselves, they have to compensate? You’d think they wouldn’t need to lash out because J2 is a pretty awesome friendship. But cockles is too.
So I’m going to just point a few things out.  (note by “cockles fans” I mean fans of Jensen and Misha, not just cockles shippers specifically. Some like JenMish. It’s the same thing. This post has nothing to do with shipping.)
cockles needs no manips
2018 has no cockles panel and yet every time Jensen and Misha are in the same place we see their friendship on display
all the cockles stories
Ackles-Collins “family trips”
their kids play together
they spend time at each other’s homes
Jensen’s “many videos” of Misha…which he hasn’t posted
all the Jensen and Misha pics on their phones they haven’t posted
god only knows what Danneel has on her phone and hasn’t posted
Jensen and Misha friendship keeps getting stronger every year and we are lucky they share with fans. Cockles fans (unlike some) understand we aren’t entitled to it. They share b/c they want to, and what they want to. We only get a glimpse, a slice, of it, and it’s already so much, the sheer amount of Jensen and Misha adorableness is impossible to keep up with. IN A YEAR WITH NO COCKLES PANEL.
the stories about how Jensen and Misha behave in between ops, where they are absolutely ridiculous and adorable together. (I have witnessed it first-hand in person btw, and it is palpable. Whatever you’ve heard, multiple by 100x, that’s what it’s like to see them together in person.)
all the charity team-ups (including with Jared)
the cute Jensen and Misha stuff on gag reels
Photo ops are lovely. Jensen and Misha have also spontaneously, unasked, done extra adorable things together beyond the call of what they are obligated to do because the ops are paid. The “all you have is ops” accusation is extra ridiculous coming from certain kinds of J2 stans because J2 are likewise paid to do photo ops, and panels, and all the things reasonable J2 fans have to squee over, fans of each duo have a ton of material that arises from cons where they are paid to be present, yet both duos also clearly the friendship is far more than that. 
Even without paid con material we know all of J2M are great friends. Jensen and Misha are great friends. Inane blatherings from an “anti” corner of stan twitter who can’t seem to grasp reality can’t touch it. The friendship transcends the bond they have formed via the show and I think cockles fans are really fortunate in what we get.
So, this is my response whenever a certain tiny group of antis who think they’re 99% of the fandom but actually only represent a wee bitter corner detached from reality, common sense, and basic decency about how not to be really hateful, claims that “cockles has nothing”:
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Do you think Dean is bi (as in “written as a bisexual character”) or that his character has the potential to be interpreted as bisexual (as in “his sexuality has explicitly been written as interpretable”), or that fans just want him to be bi (as in “he was explicitly written as straight”)? And I know that only the writers “know” what their intent(s) are, but I want to hear your perspective, thanks for taking the time 😊
Whooo boy, talk about a loaded question. *cracks knuckles* Okay, this is gonna take a minute so get comfy, because it isn’t a simple “just because”. There are lots of interconnected reasons I and others believe he’s bisexual. The fact that people want to think this fundamentally changes his character is their problem because they’re treating LGBT people as something other than people.
     1) Dean is written based off Dean Moriarty in On the Road by Jack Kerouac, who is a bisexual, promiscuous man traveling on the road with a man that they have purely platonic relationship. (Sam is named after Sal Paradise– who is straight. Sal was originally going to be Sam’s name. Kripke was hardcore dedicated to his transformative fanfiction.). The book was originally written based-off real people and basically RPF, and Dean Moriarty is based on Neal Cassidy. (Original publication of the book in the US censored out Dean’s bisexuality, and it was only later publications that it was put back in).
Okay? So that’s the basis of his character.
     2) Even not knowing that, Dean has been read as bisexual since the pilot. People want to treat LGBT people like they fit in specific boxes or come with labels and neon signs. They don’t. They’re people. Some of it was written into the script other parts are acting choices on Jensen’s part or unconscious acting choices, but Dean has been read as bi by the audience since the pilot.
And as more episodes went on, it became clear he was still closeted and with good reason. John’s A+ parenting mixed with the toxic masculinity and hyper-masculine BS of the hunter community. The fact that in canon being gay is used as an insult and punchline of many of the jokes. Dean’s reactions to them being confused as being queer versus Sam’s reaction to being confused as queer.
There are fourteen seasons of narrative that Dean is a closeted bisexual and as interested in men as he is women, but only choosing female partners. Sexual history does not define sexuality.
     3) “But he’s straight, he’s said so”. Yes, because no queer person has ever lied or claimed to be straight, as well as the fact that Dean is 100% truthful and does not lie professionally or consider sublimation his thing.
Sublimation[suhb-luh-mey-shuh n]noun
   Psychology. The diversion of the energy of a sexual or other biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
     4) All of these things add up and reinforce each other, mind. It’s not, oh, this one thing. No, it’s people watch the story and pick up on these tells and then those readings are reinforced by finding out who his character is based on, lines and scenes from canon, like Dean basically confessing in a closet about people and feelings he wants to experience for the first time. You’ll often see people ask, “Please give me a heterosexual reason for this because I can’t come up with one”. People who may not have read him as bi from the pilot say they slowly came to believe he was over the course of the series.
Again, LGBT people are still just people like everyone else. That this possibility of bi!Dean is being treated like it would make him other and stand out just… I have no words.
     5) Writers and showrunners have also enforced this throughout the years. The scene with Aaron, Jensen’s acting choices, the ‘love in all places’ line. Robbie Thompson writing the “I love you”. Carver encouraging Misha to play Cas feeling like a jilted lover. Cas’ Heaven originally had photoshopped pics of Dean in it to further mock him until Singer had them removed– all the other blatantly gay imagery stayed, though, because he didn’t make the connection. Actors, once no longer on the show, confirming “Yes, it’s real and I ship it. I can say that now. What are they gonna do? Fire me?”– this said by Curtis Armstrong. Felicia Day said something similar, but I can’t find it.
Dean and Cas are actually canon in several other countries according to the translations, using terms of endearment only spouses use with each other, or distinction in the “I love you(singular). I love all of you(plural).” which wasn’t blatant enough despite being how the English language works, other translations used the purely romantic form of the word ‘love’ followed by the platonic/familial version.
Also, Dean/Crowley is canon. Demon!Dean wasn’t a different character, it was just an angry Dean not having to give a flip anymore what people thought of him and doing what he wanted, which included killing jealous husbands, getting in bar fights, hooking up with a waitress, and making horrible relationship choices, re: Crowley. There’s an entire arc of the most awkward post-breakup Dean doesn’t want to acknowledge or talk about. Just because he regrets it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
     6) Further, there’s no good reason he shouldn’t be bisexual.
“It makes Jensen uncomfortable.” No, it doesn’t. He’s very LGBT supportive and has played a bi character before. I believe he and Jared both said they’d be totally fine if the writers made either of their characters bi.
“Dean is straight.” He’s a fictional character, everything he does is written and a creation of a team of writers, directors, showrunners, and an actor.
“He said he’s straight.” I covered this earlier.
“You just want your ship canon.” I didn’t mention a ship as reason for his bisexuality and I don’t ship Wincest. Remember how I said he’s been read as bi since the pilot? He didn’t have to have a relationship to be read that way. That’s not how sexuality works. You aren’t defined by your current relationship status. You just ARE. Rain, snow, or shine.
“Supernatural isn’t about romance! It’s Sci-fi!” Did you see the pilot? How the whole show is built off a man’s obsession for revenge after the murder of his wife, then repeated and mirrored in his youngest son in order to get him out on the road hunting the monsters? Also, romance has always been part of the show and has always been in sci-fi. Continued inclusion of an element does not change the genre.
“Supernatural is about TWO BROTHERS.” Sort of. Started off with them as our guides through their world and their struggles, yeah. Sam avenging Jess. Dean avenging his mother and obeying his father. Holding on to each other as they keep losing everyone else around them. But if Sam and Dean are all you see, you aren’t looking, much less seeing. Not to mention actors, directors, showrunners, and Eric Kripke have all refuted that notion. Shows grow and change and evolve. Doesn’t mean they aren’t the foundation it’s all built on, but they aren’t the whole.
“If you want diversity and representation so much, then why not Sam?” Because Dean is the one more heavily identified as being bisexual. Dean coming out as bi has years worth of heavy-handed narrative to support it that folds it in naturally. Sam by a smaller margin is read as bi or even pansexual in fics, but it may not blend in as well or be accepted by the general audience as easily. Dean is the one with a much more elaborate set-up for him to come out as bi– and that they’ve tried to do in the past– and into a relationship with a familiar, long-running character without the need to introduce a new one that may or may not be accepted by fans.
“Supernatural has representation!!11!!” You mean all the one-off side characters and dead characters? That’s not representation. This is also a problem regarding POC representation on the show, but that’s for another post.
“But your ship!!!11!” I covered this earlier, Chaci. Make like Elsa.
     7) There’s far more reason for Dean to be canonically bisexual. Media still treats male LGBT characters as taboo, while normalizing LGBT female characters and wlw pairings (until possibly, Whoops! They dead. You mad?) because they are still catering to the cis-het male audience and basically fetishizing it. Hugo Ateo, who played Cesar Cuevas, stated he has a hard time getting gay roles– as a gay man, mind you– because he “doesn’t look gay”.
LGBT people aren’t a special edition Barbie, John. They’re like everyone else. They’re people. Treat them and their stories as worth being told.
Dean’s still the same badass, monster fighting, nesting, anime watching, cowboy obsessed, caregiving, porn-loving, world-saving Winchester we all know and love.
If someone views him differently or changed (God forbid, ruined) for being canonically bisexual, then the problem isn’t the character.
If you’re only okay with him as bisexual in accordance to a ship and keeping it hidden in fandom, then the problem isn’t the character.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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I’m taking a college course on body language and according to everything I’ve learned, Jensen and Misha are in love.
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“Wincest, in a platonic capacity is canon and is more canon than Destiel”
Wincest, in a platonic capacity
Wincest, in a platonic capacity
Wincest, in a platonic capacity
is more canon than Destiel
is more canon than Destiel
is more canon than Destiel
O where do we even begin with this super-common and deeply illogical and wrong-headed brosonly fandom trope that lots of anti-destiel wincest shippers have used for years.
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The Problem with DreamHunter...
Is that there is no problem with DreamHunter.
You’re probably like “wait, what?” So let me clarify: This is absolutely not a Dreamhunter!Critical post. In fact, I have a lot of accolades for DreamHunter. I’ll address a few complaints I’ve read from a surly, never-happy swath of stan twitter, but this post isn’t actually about that - it’s about a pervasive cultural issue involving coded phobia and how Bobo Fucking Berens showed his level of quantum literary and social brainfunction to do everything from canonize an LGBT ship to run a far deeper and more exposing social experiment on the fandom at large.
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The Stan Cycle: Bitterness Intensifies.
I think one of the most mysterious aspects of fandom is, honestly, standom. And I don’t mean general standom, wherein we casually say, almost jokingly, “I stan.” I mean standom that, whether the bearer of the label consciously recognizes it or not, reflects the origin-song name, “Stan.”
It happens in every branch of fandom, and probably every fandom. Here, we have Sam stans, Dean stans, Cas stans, recently Jack stans. Jared, Jensen, Misha stans. Any trio or duo set of them. Any romantic pairing of them. There’s an entire stan ecosystem.
But one thing I find is that stans – like Eminem’s song tribute stan stans – is their bitterness is self breeding. For example, they get an interpretation in their head of a character they don’t like – we’ll say Castiel since he gets some of the most vitriolic readings. So say, a Sam or Dean stan gets a reading on Castiel where they don’t like the character, ergo, will read their canon through a distorted lens henceforth.
Now, we’re going to hear the warcry, “it’s art, all interpretations are equal”, and that’s true to a point. But in the case of SPN, the story and artpiece is still being built. If you’re still reading active brush strokes and projecting the meaning before the piece is completed, if you are completely unawares of what the artist is trying to paint but become HELLBENT on a certain idea, odds are, if you haven’t really empathized with the artist’s intention, you’re going to be wrong.
And this is a painting 14 years in progress. (More behind the cut to really break out the source of the cycle of bitterness, as it emboldens itself now at our 14 year mark.)
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Destiel isn’t fake representation (or, Dot is done with your shutdown arguments)
Let me first point out a few things about openly confirmed canon bi Dean and/or canon Destiel, just to establish a baseline of where things are regarding canon.
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Hey!! I prefer your clear-headed, well-supported replies to most fandom screaming (this is nothing against literally anybody, I’m just trying to say I like your style), so I was curious what you thought of Hot Topic walking back the “Destiel” shirt and replacing it with super no-homo (almost to the point of sarcastic) just-bros-merch. IMO the insane interest & quick sellout still made a clear point (and I do believe the network is watching) that there’s a market/interest in Destiel. Thoughts?
Hey, thanks for enjoying my stuff. So, a few points, which I’ve said during this:
Marketing isn’t showrunning
But profit signaling (including the sudden ended purchase of) is a thing
Yes, a point was probably made, and will ironically be-so further now.
Now, as for reasons we can speculate at the change:
Antis yelling/emailing/complain forming and Hot Topic just deciding they didn’t want to deal with it.
Antis yelling at PR and PR not wanting to commit to anything yet.
Either are entirely possible. So a few more points with this, Mind that *all* of these are speculatory to the above situations.
As HT already clearly underestimated the Destiel market to begin with, they might not have been wholy aware of how much of the sales were actually because of that.
PR being PR once they got bitched at enough. Because desperate curtailing of the ship is all the antis have anymore to make it look like a minority. If PR doesn’t know if they can/will go all the way, regardless of who signed off in the kerfluffle, they can just decide it’s not worth potential negative PR on both sides.
I’m actually more prone to consider option 1 but also a touch of 2, but not necessarily in a bad light. Why? Because Hot Topic still sells this wallet with the angel boyfriend blurb, which just didn’t have a huge pants-wetting-fest from antis out of the gate because it was allowed to coast by quietly. Pretty sure if HT got a hard, true, “you can’t sell anything like that EVAR” notice from PR, they’d have pulled that from their inventory and double checked for it too. What, they gonna say they forgot, for a product they posted a month ago? Sure, Jan. No anti riots about it, it got left alone. So HT/PR decides to quell the fires, be it just to get rid of the nuisance and/or because they can’t fully commit to that kind of tire fire of expectation right now.
The simple fact of it is, that shirt 
hit the rapid sales notice for three days running
spontaneously stopped when the sales line changed
has been actually discussed and emailed to them as being returned since (by some, not all)
was, and will never be undoable, at least for some time official as it was
If that’s not a clear indicator of what people want and will put their money into, I really don’t know what is.
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