simonhbishop · 9 months
"You'd do the same. In fact you've done the same moments again with that large basket." Simon point out, charming and also teasing smile at the corner of his lips. "How about you tell me what it is, and I'll see if you need to be paying for anything." Simon knows he can already argued that she'd brought that large basket without asking for payment.
The land his business and house are built upon is large enough to hide his personal workshop and house behind countless of trees. So when they get close, he uses the path that goes to the back of the house—he usually enters this way anyway. "Here it is. My oasis."
"Well that's nice of you." It doesn't surprise her that he's the type to make things for people just because he can. She wasn't sure there were many good and decent people inside Covaire, but she believed Simon to be one. She considers the question, trying to think of something challenging she could throw at him. "I don't know that it would be too challenging, but I do have something I'd like made if you're feeling up to the work? Of course I'd pay."
She follows after him as he guides her to his house. Already the city has done a lot of work to rebuild and clean up. It was a relief, the sight of the destruction and bodies in the streets had been too much for her to bear. She hid inside the shop more often than not working to avoid it all. "Well now I'm curious to see. Your own personal oasis?"
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simonhbishop · 9 months
"I'd be the greatest one for sure. I'm a master carpenter, so not only can I repair and build things, I can also cook and I'm apparently memorable in bed. You'd be pampered all day long." Simon suddenly laughs at being told he cannot be handsome and intelligent at the same time. "Well, I have a long time to change your mind about those low standards of yours, right?" The wolf replies with a wink, as he grins.
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"You are indeed very easy to please. Don't hang out too much with me, or I'll turn you into a spoiled brat."
"Absolutely. You look like you'd be a good hubby." Felix replied with amusement. When Simon started talking about Shakespeare being mostly lame copies of greek literature he snorted and said, "Wait, hold up. I don't know if I can marry a nerd that talks about Greek literature. I've got very shallow standards you know. You can either be good looking or smart. Don't know if I can handle both." But he laughs and nods his head, "I can see that."
Felix smiled when Simon talked about how far he'd gotten with men. "I mean you had me a drunk hand job. Even if I have to wait nine hundred years."
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simonhbishop · 9 months
Simon keeps most of his attention on the prosthetic arm. It's not curiosity, but a genuine interest in understanding how it works, and also how the older wolf fixes it. Maybe it's because he's a carpenter and cabinet maker, but he cannot look away.
That is, until he's asked for something. His gaze falls to the small set of tools, and he picks the screw driver. Woodwork can actually be very dangerous when not careful or if you don't follow security guidelines. In fact, he's seen many fellow worker with missing limbs before. "There you go." He says as he hands over the tool.
Cass could always appreciate people that were just like him. They were a little rare to find though. As far as he knew, there weren't many in the city. So he was grateful to meet someone he could get along with, even if they were stuck in a hole together.
He began working on his arm, first making sure it didn't get ruined when they fell. There were some scratches and dents, but nothing too terrible. "Could you hand me the screw driver?"
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simonhbishop · 10 months
With things cleared out between them, Simon doesn’t feel bad at all to make her blush constantly—he finds it quite charming anyway when she does. He doesn’t think she’s innocent or inexperience, or anything of the sort… no, he figures she hasn’t been in this kind of situation since losing the people she loved, and he understands that boundary.
“It’s a fun activity, but this one I’m just doing for fun. It’ll most likely end up as a gift to some.” He loves building things, but doesn’t always have a use for them. “I don’t. Do you have a suggestion to make?” He asks back, quite open to whatever she can come up with. Worst case scenario, he’ll try and fail, then try again until he succeeds. Simon doesn’t catch the brief change in her demeanor, and thus, starts to walk toward his house. “I’ll show you the back before going inside. It’s one of my favourite spot.”
Sena shakes her head as he points at his cheeks. She doesn't have to see her own face to know she's blushing, like a stupid school girl with a crush. She has never responded well to flattery or flirting. But there's something about Simon, he constantly leaves her flustered and off keel.
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"Do you like to canoe then?" She nods. She can understand the enjoyment in challenging oneself when it comes to work. She was always trying new things, some had been miserable failures while others had turned out to be successes. "Do you have something in mind for your challenge?" She's caught off guard as he asks about seeing his house, but she's quick to control her features. Instead she smiles and nods. "I'd love to. That's quite impressive, building your own house. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."
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simonhbishop · 10 months
Simon snorts, before it turns into a bright joyful grin. “Lucky me then.” He pauses a moment, before he adds. “We’re the same then—not just the chit chat, but the rest too.” Because Simon doesn’t want people to deal with his down moments. One because that’s not their responsibility, but also, because he cannot fully explains why he’s so depressed at times. But he’s always forward about wanting to be alone or not. Same for talking or not.
“Alright, I can do that.” He nods, before gazing down at the tools. “Yeah, should be good. Just let me know what you need.” He responds with a warm smile.
"My preference tends to shift depending on the situation" Cass said. If he did get annoyed, he was say it. He didn't believe in hiding things like that from people. "But you're in luck, 'cause so far I like the chit chat".
"I just need help with being handed things". It was hard to work one handed, no pun intended, and Cass would certainly take up the offer of having an extra pair to help him out. "I imagine you know what tool is what?"
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simonhbishop · 10 months
"You'll be my wifey?" Simon rolls with it, because it amuses him terribly. Now, if they can meet again around a beer or two, they'll have a fabulous evening. But he's aware that the detective will have to go back to work eventually. "Seems like it, nothing impressive really, especially when most of his work can be said to be lame copies of greek literature." He snorts back. "I can be quite the crowd pleaser when I want to."
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"If I get really... well, extremely drunk, I miss kiss you. I've kissed and jerked off my fair share of men while drunk or gotten my cock sucked. So who knows, you might get lucky one day. And they call deeply in love with me." Simon teases as he winks at the vampire. "But until then... nine hundred years to go!"
Felix let out a deep roar of laughter but then nodded his head, "It is. I'll be the wife if you want, so don't every worry about that." The vampire was deeply entertained. He shook his head though when Simon mentioned the play and both of the characters dying. "This is why I don't trust Shakespeare. Everyone fucking dies." But he was still deeply entertained. He paused then smirked, "Options are always appreciated." Felix laughed again and shook his head, "Christ, such a loss that you aren't into guys. Because you are a ridiculous flirt." He let out a playfully wistful sigh. "Just going have to hold out for another nine-hundred years."
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simonhbishop · 10 months
"Sounds like a good real." He chuckles, before pointing at his own cheeks to silently say he sees the blush on hers. She is so adorable when she does. He quite enjoys making her react this way. It makes him want to kiss the heated skin, but he doesn't, knowing she much prefer to be in control, which he respects.
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"I was working on a canoe for some time, but I do owe a bed frame to a doctor as a housewarming gift. Other than that, I might challenge me to do something I've never done before just for fun." He answers her, as he looks at his currently unused tools. Simon does enjoy doing small sculptures from time to time, but those usually end up in his employees' homes most of the time. "Would you like to see my house? Not my business, but I did built it."
"Then perhaps we can both just agree that for whatever reason we enjoy each other's company and leave it at that?" She wasn't sure she couldn't get through explaining to Simon why she liked his company without ending up a flustered mess. She shakes her head as he offers to make her a list, blushing as she catches the wink. "I really don't think that's necessary."
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She relaxes when he assures her that he has an hour to spare, not wanting to take up his time if he's busy. She follows after him, listening intently as he explains his place and what they're working on. She's overwhelmed by the thanks she gets from his employees, but glad to know that it all went to good use. She stopped in his personal workshop, looking around her before returning her attention to him. "This place is amazing. Are you currently working on anything special back here?"
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simonhbishop · 11 months
Simon snorts at the reply. "I mean, some people can sometimes prefer silence over chit-chat. It's why I'm giving you options." The young man offers, because being stuck in a whole with someone annoying must be hell. And he'd like to avoid being that annoying person.
"How can I be of service? I usually work with wood." He replies as he steps closer, obviously unaffected by the prosthetic arm. He has seen and done much worse than this.
In hindsight, being stuck in a hole with someone else was probably better than being stuck by himself. If Cass had been by himself, he probably would have gotten bored. "Either works for me, silence or chatter. It's not like I have anything else to do, right?"
Since he really didn't have anything to do, Cass rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and detached his prosthetic. He usually did maintenance on it in the privacy of his room, but now was a great time. "Wanna help?"
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simonhbishop · 11 months
Simon had gone to the official after party, but not the one after that, because that was where things got messy, where fucking paparazzi loved to hang out to catch you at your worst, and he loves working in the shadow. His Oscar will bring in more work, but he still has the pleasure of walking around like anyone else.
He's enjoying his pool, when he gets an alarm on his phone that some movement had been registered by the sensor on his property. He goes to check his phone and recognises the redhead. He wonders if her presence has anything to do with that now infamous declaration at the Oscars. He gets out of the pool and puts on a robe to walk across his house to open the door. "Hi?" She clearly doesn't look well, so he welcomes her in. Luckily for him, he lives in a neighbourhood where people mind their own business. "Are you alright?"
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Where: His Place Who: @simonhbishop
The fact she could get herself out of the party and into a cab, with a few bottles of wine, was a feat all on its own. Things did not go well with Eden and there was one that always seemed to calm her.
After the night they shared, they still stayed in touch, becoming friends. He was the one person who kept her grounded, despite the chaos she seemed to find herself into. Simon was someone she trusted and knew wouldn't abandon her.
After her talk with Eden at the after party, there was only one place she could go. A little tipsy, the redhead knocked on his door, a bottle of wine in each hand, her gaze flickering up when the door opened.
"Hi," she gives him a small smile.
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simonhbishop · 11 months
Simon snorts. "I could say the same about you with me Sena." Because the wolf doesn't have much to offer, or at least, he doesn't think he's the right person to be around; not after what he'd done. "If I make you a list, will that make you feel better then?" He teases as he winks at her. Although, a little voice at the back of his head, tells him that Sena might actually be distrustful of the list he'd make. "I try not too. But we sadly have no control over how others feel about our actions and words."
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"Problem solved then!" He exclaims happily. He's glad this is behind them now. "I started my break as you came in. So I'm all yours for at least one hour. So please, feel at ease." And with that, he gives her a tour of his business, and explains on what they're currently working. All his staff pays their gratitude once they know who she is, being all thankful for the small gift baskets and how they'd enjoyed it. It's clear that Simon's employees adore him and working here. Then, he shows her his personal woodshop further back. "And this is my personal space."
Sena smiled softly when he assured her that she hadn't offended him. "I suppose I just don't understand why you may want to spend time speaking to me when there are far more entertaining people around." It wasn't her thinking poorly of herself. Only recognizing that she could be a little boring, and not the best conversationalist. "And you don't strike me as the type to offend others."
"I like having you around too." She informed him, trying not to be too flustered by his comment. She looked at the building around them and nodded before turning her attention back to him. "I'd love a tour. But only if you're sure you have the time. I can only imagine how busy you must be. I don't want to take up too much of your time."
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simonhbishop · 11 months
Simon chuckles. "You can leave the cooking part to me. I can do wonders on that grill outside, but thank you for your help." He knows that some people feel more comfortable helping than just watching. "Of course, there's no rush. Just know that I'm willing to listen." If he'd known the source of her pain, he would've searched for her. But maybe that would happen later. Knowing though, he might have wondered if her reticence to talk was due to it being a matter of the heart.
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"Most of it yes. Thank you." He replies as they enters the house and he shows her around. Simon smiles at her, and nods. "Of course. I know how it feels to be stuck in filth all day. So it's my pleasure to help."
She nods her head at him. "I can do that. I'll make us a salad and maybe something roasted." The redhead would have to see what he had available before she could make a better decision.
Danielle was touched by his words and wasn't entirely sure how much she could open up to him, but she could at least speak about Ricky. He was an important person within the city. "Maybe after dinner I can tell you what is on my mind." The pup could at least give him a nice dinner.
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"Wait, you built this yourself?" She turns to face him, hands resting on her hips. "That is very impressive." The pup follows beside him, taking in everything that he had done and it made her long for her home, the one she had before she was ripped away and thrown into the Chateau. She takes the clothes from him, stepping inside the guest bedroom. Emerald hues glance down at jumper she is wearing. It could be nice going back with it cleaned. "Are you sure?" The last thing the redhead wanted to be was a burden.
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simonhbishop · 11 months
Simon brings a hand to his heart like he's being profoundly touched by the other's words. "Is this the moment when we make a secret pact, that when we both turn a thousand year old, if neither of us is married we will get together?" He jokes, grinning brightly.
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"Well technically, they both die in the play." Simon replies before roaring with laughter. "It's my pleasure. I'm a guy like that; option giver." He is having such a blast with the detective. It's impossible not to instantly like him. "Well, had me to the list, cause I'm sweet as can be." He wiggles his eyebrows, happy with the latest pickup line.
"On the top ten for sure." Felix replied. He was deeply entertained by the exchange with the other man. Not usually finding someone with such a love for puns and bad jokes as he did. "Better than being fined. Always nice to meet a kindred spirit."
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Felix laughed, "Okay I did fall asleep when we did Shakespeare in school so I'm going to hope that is a good thing." He nodded his head as they shook hands, "Alright Simon Henry or Simon or Henry. Thanks for giving me options." He laughed again, "My one true weakness. The more sugary and artificial the flavor the happier I am."
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simonhbishop · 11 months
“Who’s the director? I’m working overseas for my next couple projects.” He’s not necessarily a fan of working away from home for extended period of time. But it’s not like he’s got anything serious going on in his life right now.
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Simon listens carefully, because he is very interested in the new system. He understands the love for old school film making, but at the time, some things are just bad now, and mixing old and new is the best way to go. That’s why his set designs are in demands, because he can make wonderful things with very little. “You really should make a whole presentation for this Vincent. I’d be happy to build you something for a demonstration.”
"I have a few others I'd like to try. But I'll wait to expose more of them until the next project that comes through here. I hear the director for the next project is much more open to non-traditional ideas. Love to invent and experiment, but I also love my job security."
The young man flipped a few of the toggles to show Simon how the sample test operated. "This one controls color. This one is your directional control. That's for brightness control. And this one here... is for interfacing if we ever were allowed to use lighting programs versus the manual control boards, so it's not currently functional unless I use it on some practice sets in my workshop."
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simonhbishop · 11 months
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Ah! So this was who was responsible for the suddenly cooler light. Truth is, Simon doesn't bother with the brighter spotlights. But only because he makes sure the material used can take the heat. But these are quite nice for smaller scale lights. "I've been wondering why it was getting a little less tropical weather lately. We'll keep this between ourselves. Although, if you have something for the big spots, I doubt you'll receive much complains, unless they need more juice to work—which I doubt." Simon always values perfected work. This is an example of it. "Anything else like that up your sleeves? Cause really, if you invent a new light bulb for big spotlights, Broadway will make you a rich man."
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"Hey Si, check this out. Not that I think the director will want to use it for the spots, but thought you might appreciate this for your set pieces since we're doing a rainy scenes in the next month." The lighting engineer handed Simon a small light control remote.
"Been messing with some of the spotlights on set because the one's he's calling for are great, but you can practically cook an egg on them. Plus the they aren't exactly the kind to play nice with moisture. So when we aren't filming I've been swapping them out for these nifty waterproof leds with light filters. Figured, I'd set up a small test and see if it was something your crew might be interested in."
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simonhbishop · 11 months
He understands what she means about cameras. It’s why he’s happy to never be in front of it—most of the time anyway. But for that movie, they had been a second crew doing behind the scene stuff, and it’d felt like Big Brother in that place more often than not. So he’d been on his best behaviour—not that he would’ve been any different without the cameras around, but He had to keep his eyes to himself a lot more.
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Right now, though, he doesn’t need to hold himself back, and maybe he throws her on his bed after kissing her, and gets her clothes out of the way quickly. “Aren’t you gorgeous…” He whispers as he sucks in two of his fingers, before leaning down to kiss her again, while pushing said fingers into her. He might be as hard as a rock right now, but he still doesn’t want to just ram into her, when he knows his cock is on the thicker side.
It was her first time leaving the country and ending up in a place like Sweden felt surreal for the redhead. The whole experience left her in a daze. It didn't go unnoticed, the way he looked at her, and the times she found herself looking at him.
The filming process went by in a blink of an eye and it was time to wrap up before they would all fly back. Danielle fought that inner voice that wanted more with Simon. It was the invite to a motel room that surprised her, yet delighted her at the same time. She didn't think twice about going to meet him.
The second the door was closed when she stepped inside, the apple of her cheeks already flushed with anticipation. Her legs snake around his waist, fingers delving into his hair tangling. "Please, all I think about is you." She mumbles before deepening the kiss between them, letting all that desire she carried over the last couple months free, wanting to give in.
"I wasn't the only one." Lustful emerald hues open to look at his, teeth scraping across his lower lip. "There were times I wished the camera wasn't on us." The actress knew deep down they were crossing a line, but there was something about Simon that drew her in.
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simonhbishop · 11 months
—Five years ago
They'd met on the set of a indie movie they were both doing work for in Sweden. But Simon had always been very disciplined when it had come separating work from pleasure. So even though he could tell right from the start that they'd been some spark between them, he'd kept things professional with her; avoiding to be seen alone together, and even to look at her any type of ways. People in this business had the very bad habits of running their mouth, and last thing he wanted would've been to be in a scandal, when he loved working in the shadows.
But after two months, the movie had been ready to wrap up and knowing how Coviwood was, he knew he'd most certainly never cross path with her again, so he'd made a move on her, as the both only had a couple days left in the country. He rented a room in a hotel in a different city, and given her the address if she wanted to meet him this one time.
Simon isn't sure whether she'll show up or not, but when there's a knock at his room, he goes to open it, very happy to see the young woman. He lets her in, locking the door behind them with the sign to not disturbed on the door handle, before he lifts her up in his arms. "Fuck, I've wanted to do this for months. Come here and let me kiss you baby." He groans kissing her.
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simonhbishop · 11 months
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SIMON HENRY (40) — Set Designer
Since he could hold a plastic toy hammer, Simon Henry has always loved building things, but not just regular things. No, after seeing his first Broadway show at the mere age of ten, he knew he would build set; not for theatre, but for Coviwood. And with that in mind he had set his goals and life plan. Now, he’s highly on demand for is talent to make intricate built at an impressive speed, but with for a price. And while he’s well known behind the scene, he still get to enjoy his life as a nobody, when going outside.
Felix: Childhood best friend. They’re also working on the same film at the moment. They grew up together on the same cul-de-sac; Felix the loud kid, while Simon soft boy with a talent for building things, and both class clowns. They had to part ways when Felix left for the USA, but kept in touch as they reached their dream of Coviwood.
Danielle: Friend. One-night stand that turned into a friendship. They've been photographed quite often together while getting coffee to catch up, but their relationship has remained platonic since that one night.
P.S.: Happy to add more connections!
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