simonhbishop · 1 year
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For the night, Simon is wearing Alexander McQueen and a custom made mask he ordered only. Because it’s a masquerade, he made sure to put the focus on the mask and not his clothes, which is why he kept those simple. He feels out of place at the Gala, but has taken a table under Bishop Carpentry where he gets to sit with very familiar faces; his staff.
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loveydoveylex · 8 months
hey, i’m actually very curious abt ur interpretation of raymans sexuality, and was wondering if u could share the reasoning behind it (no pressure to answer, just itching 2 know lol)
of course! for starters - gay, gay, homosexual, gay. I think there's something to be said about the fact that there have been multiple attempts at giving rayman a girlfriend, and yet not a single one of them has worked out. x)
ly was shown with rayman in a romantic light in one single rayman 2 wallpaper and their relationship was never even hinted at anywhere else. simonhe was completely scrapped, along with the entire raving rabbids prototype - and, y'know, maybe that was for the better, considering how racist the whole "the only black character in the cast gets enslaved" thing would've been... yikes. raynette was only present in a mural that was exclusive to the ps vita version of rayman origins and never got referenced in any other version of the game, nor has it ever been mentioned again since (and honestly, you're a terrible partner anyways if you chase your boyfriend/husband off a cliff just because he got a haircut you didn't like... 😆)
rayman with a girlfriend... just doesn't really work. it doesn't stick! and a large part of it is because romance doesn't have much of a place in the rayman games. however, I choose the path of ✨self indulgence✨ because I Can.
and for the record, since this conclusion can also be drawn from everything I've mentioned - aroace rayman is also a headcanon I love and support! I'm aroace too, after all - fictosexuality/romanticism is on the aroace spectrum. outside of Videogame Men, I am as romance-repulsed as can be. so it makes me happy to see that represented in others' interpretations of his character. :) I just personally see him as a gay man! I think he's a lil fruity.
either way, rayman is QUEER in one way or another and that is something I stand by. 🫡
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asch2inspire · 2 years
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... So
I have this idea...
What if most Rays (if they are a canon species) What if most of them grow to Adult sizes (5-6 ft)? And Betilla didn’t realize this and made Rayman so he would stay the same size throughout his life?
So meeting Simonhe’s Family/tribe/village would come as a shock to him.
(Don’t worry in my Headcanon Ray is in his early teens/ late childhood in R2)
Also, I might scrap this, (I definitely would) but I just wanted to share.
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lonelimbless · 2 hours
Love your take on Simonhe, do you have any headcanons or ideas on how you’d write her?
Thanks! And I have a few, actually!
- One idea I had in mind was to have her being one of Rayman's friends or allies rather than girlfriend/fiance because to be real with you, I really found it weird that Rayman would have a love interest out of nowhere and I really don't want Simonhe's whole character to just be "Rayman's gf", even if we didn't get to know much about her before the prototype was canned. I was actually considering the idea that they did dated for some time before they thought that being friends worked more better.
- She's has an adventurous spirit; she's always thrilled with exploring new places and maybe even finding some neat things while doing so. She's the type of friend that will support and love you no matter what but will also keep you grounded and help you change for the better because she's very caring about others. She's also very creative, observant, and quite skillful.
- She still kept contact with Rayman, even after she decided to part ways with him to explore and such as she wanted to visit him from time to time. This was up until Rayman and his buddies went on that 1,000 year nap. Between Origins and Legends, she actually encountered Raymesis and after some time, she was willing to befriend him and just be there for him when he needs it, which does help Raymesis in a long run.
- For the Rabbids incident, she actually did escape on her own accord because she wasn't gonna wait on Rayman to save her. In fact, she was worried about his safety as much as he was to hers so it promoted her to find a way out. I would also remove the entire Jabbid situation for obvious reasons and make her more of a viable character.
That's much I can really say about her for the time being since I'm still brainstorming for her.
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simonhbishop · 1 year
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simonhbishop · 11 months
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SIMON HENRY (40) — Set Designer
Since he could hold a plastic toy hammer, Simon Henry has always loved building things, but not just regular things. No, after seeing his first Broadway show at the mere age of ten, he knew he would build set; not for theatre, but for Coviwood. And with that in mind he had set his goals and life plan. Now, he’s highly on demand for is talent to make intricate built at an impressive speed, but with for a price. And while he’s well known behind the scene, he still get to enjoy his life as a nobody, when going outside.
Felix: Childhood best friend. They’re also working on the same film at the moment. They grew up together on the same cul-de-sac; Felix the loud kid, while Simon soft boy with a talent for building things, and both class clowns. They had to part ways when Felix left for the USA, but kept in touch as they reached their dream of Coviwood.
Danielle: Friend. One-night stand that turned into a friendship. They've been photographed quite often together while getting coffee to catch up, but their relationship has remained platonic since that one night.
P.S.: Happy to add more connections!
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simonhbishop · 1 year
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simonhbishop · 1 year
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simonhbishop · 1 year
Titan's War
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I. He'd once been a Beta. One not only in charge of the younglings' training, but also his pack's defenses from enemies. It's not something many people knew other than the Dominion—Bishop Carpentry was builtto become a safe house if needed. There's even a food reserve and a large basement to welcome people. So while it's a shock to hear of the attack on the Medical Center, Simon is quick to react. After making sure his staff will be safe, and that they need to protect people coming in for protection, he leaves. It's a visceral need to help people.
II. Beyond sex, he's never lost control, never like that. Not only that, the hallucinations inflicting him are driving him even madder. There's no way for him to know how many people he's killed, but he's left none alive, cause none deserved to. He needs to stop him... his best friend, from selling any more pups. This isn't about survival, but control and that's not a man he can follow anymore. He meets a wolf named Vincent, and together, they find camaraderie in their shared insanity as they look for a lost wife and a sister. They get separated eventually.
III. He's luckily on his way back to his business when the third bomb hit, and too far away to be affected. So he goes to the park to see how he can help out. He stumbles upon a father and his two children. Both kids cannot talk nor hear, and the father is blind. Simon manages to calm them all, before he guides them and another half dozen people to Bishop Carpentry, making sure to remain unseen by the enemy. He hopes this won't last too long, because it pains him to see so many suffering this way. Children shouldn't suffer...
IV. He's close to the Dominion, when he hears of the fall of Crimson Library, and while he's aware of the danger, Simon cannot stop himself from trying all he can to help. Bishop Carpentry is almost full now, but if he needs to put people in his house, or hidden on his patch of land, he will. It breaks his heart to see the panic settling, but also mages losing themselves to their growing powers which they have no control over. Even more so, the depowered supernaturals. He hears of what the Alpha did, sees what remains...
V. When the fire happens, nothing prepares him for the sight awaiting him. It's abnormal. What would push people to such cruelty, especially against their own kind? Simon tries to help, also give comfort to those alone in their last moments. At this point, he's sobbing. There's so many small bodies around him, burned to the bones. He'd come to Covaire city to find some kind of peace,  but this feels more and more like penance. And while he knows he deserves it, he cannot bear to see so many children dying in such terrible ways. This is not fair...
VI. He shouldn't have gone out again. Should've stay there, help around, and calming people, but the battle hadn't been over. So there he is, moments before losing consciousness, wondering if the few he'd grown close to would survive. Always thinking about others before his own well-being. It's probably why he'll die here, buried underneath a large wall of bricks, that crushes his body. He'd been too exhausted to get out on time. But at least, they all got out alive. And maybe, just maybe, you where spared that day by your best friend, so you could die here today.
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simonhbishop · 1 year
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simonhbishop · 1 year
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simonhbishop · 1 year
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simonhbishop · 1 year
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If I keep on smiling every day, will the pain finally go away?
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simonhbishop · 2 years
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Ostara Festival 3 fashion.
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simonhbishop · 2 years
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Ostara Festival 3 fashion.
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simonhbishop · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Simon Henry Bishop AGE/DOB: 51. December 1st, 1971. HEIGHT: 1m92 / 6'3" WEIGHT: 187lbs / 85kg ETHNICITY: Caucasian / half British, half Canadian GENDER: cis-male HAIR: dark brown EYES: blue SCARS: couples left from hunter weaponry, or his childhood TATTOOS: two full sleeves tattoos (photos) PIERCINGS: none LANGUAGES: english, french, spanish. EDUCATION: college OCCUPATION: master carpenter, owner of Bishop Carpentry SEXUAL IDENTIFICATION: heteroflexible ROMANTIC IDENTIFICATION: heteroromantic, possibly polyamorous TEMPERAMENT:  THE IDEALIST. C-S-D (Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric) The Idealist is unique because the Choleric temperament has strong influence on their behavior. The combination of Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric urges this person to “push” their ideal standards to perfection. The Idealist is a systematic, precise thinker and will follow procedures in both their business and personal life. They are attentive to detail and push to have things done correctly, according to predetermined standards (usually their own). They are conscientious in work requiring accuracy and maintaining high, sometimes unrealistic, standards. They normally behave in a diplomatic manner except when it comes to deviating from standards they have accepted. They can then be very forceful in insisting the “right way” be followed. They are not socially active, preferring privacy. They tend to have difficulty in relationships because they are rigid and maintain high standards. They make decisions slowly because of collecting and analyzing information until they are sure of the best course of action. To be highly motivated they need a structured environment with clear rules and procedures, time to organize, collect information, think and the freedom to develop a plan. MYERS BRIGGS TYPE: INFJ-A (Advocate). Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists. MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good (84%). What is normally taken as pure good. You will uphold any righteous laws, but put morality and ethics above any human made code or law. You might serve a higher spirit, or be a knight. If you are working for an evil villain, chances are you either think they are good or are doing it due to blackmail or hostages.
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FAVORITE FOOD: meat pie, shepherd's pie, maple syrup, kobe steak. FAVORITE DRINK: port, amber rum FAVORITE BRAND: none FAVORITE PLACE: his home workshop FAVORITE HOBBY: cabinetmaking, sewing, drawing, hiking, writing. FAVORITE ARTIST: none. FAVORITE MUSICIAN: Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Guns n’ Roses, Aerosmith, Queen, Eurythmics, Tina Turner. FAVORITE TV SHOW: just about anything on HGTV, La casa de papel (currently watching). FAVORITE MOVIE: Excalibur, The last Unicorn, The Crow, Young Guns, Akira. FAVORITE BOOK: none. FAVORITE SCENT: wood shaving, petrichor (specifically in the forest) FAVORITE COLOUR: dark blue FAVORITE TEXTURE: wood, cashmere, wool. FAVORITE PERSON: none.
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LIST FIVE THINGS THEY LIKE: working with wood, sex, his house, cooking, hiking. LIST FIVE THINGS THEY DISLIKE: when people figure out that he used to be of higher rank, violence against children, being judged for his age, botched manual work, one-nightstand assuming they’re fuck buddies. PET PEEVE: people deliberately botching their work (laziness). PERSONALITY TYPES THEY PREFER: hard worker, rational, open-minded, independent, mature. PERSONALITY TYPES THEY AVOID: close-minded, arrogant, childish, demanding, attention seeking. ACHILLES HEEL: children in need of help. LIST THREE THINGS THEY LIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: his skills with wood, being a wolf, his attentive nature. LIST THREE THINGS THEY DISLIKE ABOUT THEMSELVES: always feeling lost since his exile, his internal war between wanting to grow closer to people vs wanting to keep people at arm length, his Achilles heel FASHION STYLE: casual when he’s working (or at home relaxing), or casual chic. LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY PREFER: g-whiz, face down doggy. LIST TWO SEX POSITIONS THEY AVOID: none really, he likes experimenting.
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