(Ruminations on the latest Oxventure episode via word definitions. Potential spoilers below.)
Root = integral to life for trees; family, sense of home; the basic cause, source, or origin of something; establish deep and firmly.
Bound = walk or run in leaping strides; a territorial limit, a boundary; going or ready to go towards a specified place; past tense of bind; certain to be; obliged by duty to do something; restricted or confined to a specified place; prevented from operating normally by the specified conditions.
I feel as though each and every definition for both words plays together in a way that matches the episode rather well.
Integral to life for trees: need I say more? Family, sense of home: 60% of the party is away from home, while 40% is heading towards home. Origin of something: are we not searching for the origin of the Wyrdwood? Establish deep and firmly: magic was established deep and firmly within the world, until it all went wrong. Are we not searching for a way to return magic to its original place?
(Side note: I do not believe that magic can be restored. I think that this is The New Normal, and the people of the world are going to just have to learn to live with it, and learn to embrace it.)
Leaping strides: well, we could go for a funny interpretation, in that two days of travel by foot produces the opposite of leaping strides. However, at the heart of all of those who are looking for the cause of Everything, are they not metaphorically leaping towards an answer? Territorial limit: Johnny has been extremely clear about land boundaries being Very Important in this world. Only a fool would ignore a territorial limit. Boundary: However, a boundary could be taken in a more metaphorical sense; a boundary has been created between the way the world Was, and the way the world Is. Those who are unable to cross over, and remain stuck in the Was, will suffer more than those who learn to exist in the Is. Towards a specific place: do I need to elaborate? Bind: magic held the world in a bind, a way of thinking that seemed to be invulnerable. And yet, it has been broken- which begs the question, what other laws of the world might be ready to be bent? Certain to be: if one thing is certain, it is that there is no answer that will be quick to find. (Although, if one were to combine the trees element of root, with this definition of bound, should we not have all foreseen this ending?) Obliged by duty: the adventurers are duty bound to find a solution, or to at least attempt to find a solution. There is a covenant brought about by this duty, one that cannot be easily shaken or ignored. Restricted or confined to a specific place: well, without the ability to teleport, the people of this world are rather confined, are they not? And how do people who once had the freedom to teleport around the world react to no longer having that ability? Not well, I suspect. Prevented from operating normally: need I elaborate? 'Normal' belongs to Was; the Is has a new normal, one that has yet to be found.
TL,DR: Language is fun!
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Wyrdwood Character Initial Thoughts:
Lug: Fun to hang out with. Would help you out for anything you asked of him. Will one day hit something with his axe.
Happen: Why is that your name? So any mysteries wrapped up in a single human ranger. Swarms that mess with your arrows are going to be awesome narratively. The Cadence Die is going to Go Far.
Willowfine: Team Mum, but reluctant. Just through virtue of being the cleric. Having a full healer will be quite the change, but will be interesting if/when something Can't Be Healed.
Robin: Actually my fave character? I see so much potential contained in the single human commoner. It just screams fun, and I cannot wait to see what happens to him.
Cressida: Is going to try very hard to not get pulled into this team. Will attempt to be An Individual for as long as she can. Will fall back on her intelligence t try to stay out of things, but she will become part of the group.
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Wyrdwood is Good.
I already love the new characters.
The world that Johnny has created is the perfect blend of everything.
And I'm really looking forward to this Robin guy.
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I wonder what this could be.
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[A screenshot reading: 20053 words].
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Has there ever been a finale that so perfectly encapsulates each character?
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Sometimes, a family can be neutral and evil, and minus one wisdom, and able to hide inside of anything, and prone to putting large sums of valuables into lakes.
And we can miss them.
Oxventure really came for me today.
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Oxventure really came for me today.
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Hello!!! I don’t know if you’ve gotten this before, but I’m in awe of how much and how well you write. How do you write so much? Have you always been a writer? Thanks!
Hey, I will never get tired of hearing people respond to my writing! Thank you.
(Was this sent ages ago? I'm sorry- the site hit it from me, apparently.)
How do I write so much? Well, if I ever find the answer to that question, I'll let you know. It truly started as a tumblr fic that I copied into a doc, bumped it to a thousand words, then wrote more the next day, and the next, and the next... nine hundred and nineteen days now. Something has just clicked for this fic, in a way that nothing else has.
Have I always been a writer? In one form or another, yeah. I have the notebooks to prove it. lol.
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Countdown to 730.
I have been counting down the days to the two year anniversary of the daily updates of my fic "Meet Tired". I have been sharing fun facts each day.
While the aim at the start was to hit at least 1K words per day, this has blown out to the point where chapters 601-700 averaged 2177 words per day.
WWX has the most bonus chapters of any character, with 17. The next closest is JC & JYL, with 14.
The longest completed date is the 10th Feb 2024, with 96,071 words. (22nd June WILL be longer- its currently at 100,449)
LQR has the highest average word count for chapters at 4647.5, followed by 4212 for WSZ, 4059.6 for YZY, and 4055 for ZL. LQR&WSZ have both had a significant chapter, boosting their WCs, while YZY&ZL are both OCs. (Essentially, anyway.)
WN is the only character outside of the Yunmeng Jiang Trio to have a double digit amount of bonus chapters- he's had 10.
6 OC's have had a point of view chapter. (Counting the Lan parents as OCs here.)
These 6 OCs have had 11 chapters between them. MRZR has the most at 4.
The early OCs that were introduced were made in conjunction with a friend for a different fic.
LXC has not had a chapter since 440- that's the 13th of December.
102 bonus chapters have been from a male POV. 32 have been from a female POV. (Note: this data doesn't make sense, and I cannot figure out why the numbers aren't adding up. Trust me, I've tried.)
The juniors have had 19 bonus chapters dedicated to them. WSZ: 7 LJY: 6 JL: 2 OYZZ: 1 The quartet as a whole: 3.
Fact 12: The character with the lowest average word count is JC, with 1635.57. (which is, of course, lower than the regular word count these days.)
I have a drawn out family tree for all of the characters.
There are definitely more Juniors that have not been introduced yet.
Some of the OCs that I have introduced are more connected than anyone has realised.
I collate data for each group of ten chapters- 1-9, 10-19, etc. Chapters 360-369 are the longest group of 10 of the entire fic- 23,190.
The highest 10 chapter set that didn't include a milestone chapter was 570-579, with 21,539 words.
In this fic, YZY has four younger sisters.
JZX currently has four half siblings in the universe. I say currently, as this is not the final count by any means. (JZX only knows about three of them.)
LWJ & LXC have cousins in this AU.
Originally, LWJ's therapist was going to be one of NHS's friends.
I have yet to introduce a non queer OC.
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It is day 700.
For the past 700 days, I have written at least 1000 words and posted it onto the AO3.
Before posting chapter 700, the word count is 1,134,716.
I could never have reached that without the support of everyone. It has been an absolute honour to build this world with you all.
I am holding my customary milestone AMA over here this time around, given that the other website is what it is.
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It me!
Yes, we are OVER one million words, two weeks away from 700 days, and 34 days from TWO YEARS.
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Follower Recs
Time and universe travel in this one! The drama teen!wangxian travel to the post-canon novel world meeting their older selves. Yin Iron must be destroyed but the adults will handle it! And also maybe bully their younger selves a bit. @ladyunderthemolehill [I second this rec, an amazing story! ~Mod Kay.]
The Young, the Horny, the Jaded and the Jade: Partners in Time
by Admiranda
M, WIP, 49k, Wangxian
Part of the WWX November Mayhem
Summary: While leaving Lan Yi's cave, the Yin Iron makes a bid for freedom and drags a young Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji across time. Landing in a world not their own, they are met by their older selves. After all, if they can cross time and space, what's to stop someone else who decides to do that? The only solution? The adults will deal with the problems and remove the malevolent metal from the equation before it has a chance to disturb their own well earned peace. The quest to destroy the Yin Iron has begun.
Hello! I'd like to submit a WIP fic rec as a follower. This story had me in tears with its blunt grief and very quiet, human moments amidst a dramatic scene. Plus, a really nuanced and interesting take on Lan Qiren and Wei Wuxian's relationship @alittlefellowinawideworld
Consumes itself to light the way
by NotBrigid
T, WIP, Series, 3k, WWX & LQR
Summary: In the end, the death of the Yilling Patriarch was a simple thing. There was no valiant siege to capture him. Nor a cloud of darkness to herald his arrival. Just a man in threadbare robes who walked almost unnoticed up the steep stairs of Koi Tower to kneel in the center of the crowded Glamour Hall. "I am here to turn myself in…. For the murder of Jin Zixuan."
for wip week, I recommend this story :) On the surface, it seems like lwj is a "prize" who will be claimed by emperor wwx after gusu Lan is destroyed, though it's actually a long slow fake/pretend relationship to lovers between emperorxian and lwj, who were in a relationship in the past. But, since wwx always wears a mask, lwj doesn't know that his "dead" old flame and the emperor are the same person.
travelers through the empty gate
by stiltonbasket
M, WIP, 86k, Wangxian & Nielan
Summary: Ten years after eliminating the Jiang and Nie clans, Emperor Wen Ruohan is dethroned by a young demonic cultivator from the outlands of Yiling, who surpasses him in both talent and cruelty. Where Wen Ruohan burned his enemies, Emperor Yiling raises his from the dead, and sends them through the imperial city to hunt down every last remnant of the Wen clan that tries to evade his clutches. The last thing Lan Wangji wants to do with the Yiling huangdi is marry him. Unfortunately, his family's fall from grace leaves him with no other choice.
Ok so for WIP week, this story has been going since September of 2021, has been updating near daily, and is currently clocked at 600+ chapters and well over a million words. It's the only other fic I know to reach that that isnt the Magical Marriage Ribbon series. I don't know how the author does it, but it's still a really damn good modern au story and I know some people who follow this fic religiously.
If you want a fic to hold you over for a good long while, please read this one.
by SimpleSoupsandAppleTarts
T, WIP, 1M, Wangxian
Summary: Lan Wangji had just moved into a new apartment block. He had gotten everything set up just the way he wanted, with minimal problems. Having moved for the first time in his life, he hadn’t acquired too many things, which had made the whole process a lot quicker than he had expected. In fact, he was able to begin preparing for bed at eight thirty, changing into his pyjamas and about to brush his teeth, when he began to hear the cries of a small infant outside his door. ~~ In which A Yuan sets up his dads through the power of being cute.
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories)
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I forgot to post this here! Wanted to draw this scene cus Taliesin's frame moving to the top row was hilarious but this mental image seared itself into my jiggy brain and refused to leave 🍻 so welp!
Do NOT Repost without credit! Reblogs are appreciated!
Er give me a Follow if you like my stuff? Ok XO
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what's sexier than wizards? wizards in love.
me: i should just draw caleb and essek sitting together
my brain: what if you drew a huge backdrop of aeor instead
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the mighty nein couples go on a quadruple date to an escape room
in room 1, the brenattos and shadowgast solve the puzzle in three minutes flat and get banned because no one on the staff believes they didn’t cheat
in room 2, fjorester and beauyasha are also getting banned, but this time it’s because they keep messing with things that aren’t part of the puzzle and it’s causing property damage
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Your Honor, I wish for them to be happy.
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Wildemount wizards going ham
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Of all possibilities and branching fates.... we got canon Shadowgast y'all...
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