Doncaster Air Museum                                               Saturday 22nd April 2023
In the Hanger 19 area, there were reports of K2 meters lighting up to Red on a number of occasions, the team checked everyone’s phones including their own and all were on flight mode or switched off, therefore there was no reason why this should be happening, it was also noted that there were two K2 meters next to each other and only one was lighting up. There were footsteps heard in this area as if someone was walking around watching the guests as they investigated. There were also taps and whistles heard and shadows seen all around the room, in one particular area, there was a light which seemed to black out as if a person was walking past it. A number of guests and Team reported their hair being touched and pulled/lifted up, which made them feel rather uncomfortable. In this area there is a plane that you can access, although no one was in the plane, footsteps were heard which sounded like someone was walking up the stairs to access the cockpit. One guest expressed that her hand felt absolutely freezing, a Team Leader used a Temperature Gun to measure this and noted a 1 degree difference between her hands. The team then took part in a table activity where they asked the spirit to push the table to acknowledge their presence, to this request, the table began to move backwards and forwards. At one point the table lifted up and as the guests decided to rub their hands together to produce some energy for the spirits, the table actually moved of its own accord without anyone touching it. There was also a sound as if someone was breathing a sigh heard. The guests then decided they wanted to try and use the table to answer Yes and No questions, a Team Leader asked the spirit to push the table to one particular female guest for Yes and a particular male guest for No. Through this method they were able to identify that the spirit was a male, was attached to a plane within the museum as he had died in it, he had passed away between 1970 and 1980, he had been young when he passed and had a son under the age of 10. This spirit also indicated that there was a number of spirits present in this location. Another team who later investigated this area also reported of tapping, footsteps, K2s lighting up, shadows and ruffling sounds heard.
In the back room area of Hanger 21 a Cat Ball kept going off near one of our male guests, there were cold drafts felt by all and when using the Necrophonics App the names Ed, Peter, Dan, Rob, Peter, Mark and Jim were heard. A Team Leader went to look around the room at the posters on the wall and these names could be found on them. There were also a few swear words heard which made the guests laugh. A Team Leader took a guest to look at another room in this area where a old “paper” Aeroplane is situated, the guest felt very uncomfortable in this area and on returning to the rest of the team, it was explained that whilst they were gone, the name of the guest was being called through the Necrophonics. The team then decided to ask the spirit if Mark had reminded them of someone, it replied ‘Yes.’ There were lots of different voiced heard through this device, which included those of children.
In the Main Hanger, a few names came through one the Necrophonics App, swear words were also heard. At one point half of the team had to leave the Hanger as they said they felt a repressive feeling that made them feel uncomfortable. A Black shadow was seen walking passed a lit doorway which was seen by a few guests and Team Leaders, there was however no explanation for this. There was also a Black shadow seen by a guest and a Team Leader near a Helicopter. A guest reported hearing whispering in her ear that made her feel extremely uneasy. Another team reported that 4-5 of them had all seen a shadow figure near a door, they experienced growl sounds and the table moved slightly. There was a group that had 2 non-believers in that felt their heads being touched and witnessed the K2 lighting up in acknowledgement of spirit contact.
In the Welcome Room in Hanger 21, there were reports of shadow figures seemingly watching from the corner of the room as the team called out for contact with spirits. There were tapping and footsteps heard as though someone was walking around the room. The table began to move slightly when guests were calling out encouraging the spirit to do so. Another team reported that in this area a growl was heard from 4 of them, a whistle was heard from inside the room, however no one had whistled. A white mist was also observed by the guests and a Team Leader said it was present throughout the vigil and she watched continues to monitor it, at one point this Team Leader jumped as something spooked her. There was equipment going off all around the room and tapping sounds heard coming from the table, at one point the sound of a chair being dragged was heard near to the team, when looking into what this could be, a guest had stood up and the chair had been moved by unseen forces from where she had left it. Another team who later investigated this area saw the shadow of what appeared to be a child moving around there room, the table moved of request and there were taps and bangs heard from all around them. Floor boards were also said to have been creaking although no one was moving and a flashlight dimmed even though there had been new batteries put in them.
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Knottingly Town Hall  
Saturday 18th March 2023
We headed back to Knottingly Town Hall for an investigation and what an event it was. Before the event, the team decided to go into the basement to take part in a vigil before the guests arrived. In this area there was a table belonging to the venue already there so the team gathered around it and began calling out for spirits to interact with them. There were taps and bangs heard after team had politely asked for the spirit to acknowledge their presence. A Cat ball lit up and a Rempod alarmed out, making the whole team jump, it then continued to alarm out and light up on request. A member to the team heard what sounded like a woman’s voice talking near her ear, there were also reports of whistles heard as well shadows seen in the doorway. Another team member said she saw someone who looked like a monk and she could see sandals where the feet should be. Other team members felt touches on their legs and there were repeated taps heard from behind one of them. We then decided to head up to the Main Hall to welcome the nights guests.
In the Main Hall the Cat Ball lit up on the stage area repeatedly, the Rempod alarmed out a few times and the Magnavox lit up Red, it was as though the spirit was walking around the room setting off the equipment systematically. There was movement heard from around the table where the guests were sitting and taps and bangs were heard from around the room. A grumbling sound was heard from a member of the team and the Magnovex continued to light up continuously on demand. There was a significant temperature drop felt from the guests and when asking the spirit to drop the temperature more, it began to drop again by another degree. They then heard what sounded like a ball rolling along the stage, but on inspection there wasn’t anything that was out of place or could have made the noise. There was an equipment box on a table near the guests where a sudden sound was heard as if someone was rummaging through it, again there was nothing that could be identified as causing this sound. A Team Leader sensed that there was a little boy spirit with them who had been touching the Magnovex. A sighing sound was also heard and a beep as if some electrical equipment was about to go off. A big ball of light was also seen moving from one wall to another, the team looked to see if it had been light coming through the window from passing cars, however this was quickly ruled out. A Cat Ball then started going off again which seemed to respond to a Team Leader with a London accent. Whistling sounds were heard and guests said they could see something moving around on stage like a dark figure that seemed to go across and black out the plug sockets. There was also a dark figure seen moving under the main door to the room.
In the Cellars, the Cat Ball went off a few times, there were also what sounded like footsteps walking around the room and in the corridor. Black shadow figures were seen in the corridor, when team went to investigate, the sensor seemed to be going off when there was no one near it, then all of a sudden a black shadow was witnessed going across it. As we were telling the guests what we had seen, the Cat Ball began flashing. A torch seemed to dim on and off of demand, and a tapping sound was heard coming from the room where the elevator is. In one of the back rooms there was 3 lights seen by a guest and team which seemed to disappear. Then when investigating where these lights could have come from there was a high pitched sound and then what sounded like footsteps running towards them. There was also singing heard, taps as if a table was being tapped and what sounded like a stone being thrown. A growl was also heard and whistles seemingly coming from in the distance. Through the sound enhancers, a guest heard a growl, tapping and what sounded as though someone was walking around in the back corner of the room. There was also a black shadow seen moving amongst guests and team. A light was seen moving down the hallway, and the light in the lift looked as though a shadow was moving about in it. When asking if the lift was coming, someone heard the word “no” through the sound enhancers.
In the Ground Floor “Tuck Shop” area, there were reports of taps and bangs, the Cat Ball went off and a white mist was seen behind guests. The Magnavex lit up Red a few times and then began to light up continuously. When asked, it seemed to respond to being a female spirit, alongside this, a woman’s voice was heard as if moaning followed by a long breathing out sound. The Magnovex continued to light up so a Team Leader decided to reset it just in case there was a fault on it, a Rempod was placed near it to see if the spirit would interact with this too. There was tapping sounds heard in this area too. A Cat Ball began to flash and tapping sounds were heard as if something was tapping the ball. There was also tapping sounds reported as coming from the ceiling. Historically it is known that a boy had passed away on the staircase in the building, with this knowledge, the guests called out to the boy, in response the Ball began to flash. There were taps heard coming from the chairs around the room and when asking again if this was the boy, the Cat Ball began to flash again.
In the Courtroom, there were a few taps and bangs heard which sounded as though they were coming from the corridor outside, on closer inspection, there was no one in the corridor that could have made this sound. There were shadows seen in this area as if something or someone was moving around the back of the area watching the team as they investigated. The Cat Ball also began to flash a few times within this area.
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Bit of Magnovex footage from Annison Funeral Parlour in Hull, this wonderful piece of equipment alarmed out in the stable area.
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Annison Funeral Parlour, Hull Saturday 11th March 2023
We started off our March investigations with another visit to the infamous Annison Funeral Parlour in the city of Hull. Before the event even started, the team decided to take part in our own vigil in the Top Right area where the coffin is situated. The team sat around a table and a team leader called out for any spirits to tap on request to their taps on the table. Taps were then heard in response to these initial taps, these seemed to come from beneath the table. As the team were sat there, there were footsteps heard from around the room, whistles and scratching noises were also heard. At one point a team member thought they saw a small shadow figure as if looking at them from around the corner of the bar area. As she was about to tell the team what she had seen another team member said she had seen a shadow peering out from the corner of the bar area. By the end of this vigil 3 team members claimed to have seen this figure. After this we went back to start with the nights event with our wonderful guests.
In the Top Floor (1st room area), there were reports of the Rempod alarming out on a number of occasions and the Magnovex lit up red for no apparent reason. The guests sat around the table that was in the room, which belonged to the parlour and when calling out, there were tapping sounds heard coming from the table. There were lots of individual taps heard when the guests asked for any spirits present to tap to let them know they were with them. There were also reports of whistling sounds, as if a shoe was scraping along the floor and cold drafts were felt by different guests which was strange as everyone had been feeling quite warm moments before. A number of guests also reported being tapped on their shoulders. There was a massive bang heard from the room below the area to which a team member and guest went to investigate, when they returned, they reported that there wasn’t anything there that had fell or to suggest that something could have made that sound. There was also shadows witnessed lingering in the doorway which one guest said, it felt as though someone was looking into the room and watching what they were doing. There was reports of a continuous scraping sound coming from an area where a sofa was situated, on closer inspection, there wasn’t anything that could have made this sound.
In the Stables, there were reports of tapping and banging sounds heard in the end stall, this area has been described previously by guests as feeling very atmospheric and daunting. The Magnovex alarmed out constantly at one point for no apparent reason, so much so that the team decided to reset it in case there was a fault with it, however after a few moments it began alarming out constantly again, lighting up red. This was all caught on camera so look out for this footage on our social media pages. There was also what sounded like hoof stamping sounds coming from the end stall too, one of the guests decided to go and investigate this area, however he didn’t stay in there for long as he said it made him feel uneasy.
In the Welcome Room, again the Magnovex began to alarm out and at the same time, a cat ball started lighting up for no apparent reason. There were taps heard coming from the adjacent room but when investigated there was no reason for these taps. A cat ball situated in another place within the room began to light up and the main door into the room seemed to open and close. One guest went to investigate looking for a breeze or another reason for this anomaly, however there was no draft or anything that could explain this phenomena. There was also banging noises heard from one of the doors. The Magnovex began to alarm out again so the guests decided to see if the spirits wanted to use this to communicate. We established that the spirit was setting this device off when answering yes, using this technique we could work out that there was a female spirit present who seemingly knew one of the guests called Aidan and she was an adult spirit. A Rempod later went off as a team leader walked past it however she wasn’t close enough for it to have been touched and therefore should not have alarmed out. She then walked past it again in the exact same manner as before and it did not alarm out.
In the area where the coffin is situated, there was a lot of activity all around the guests, a few of them reported seeing a shadow figure around the size of a small child looking around from the bar area. This resonated from what team had seen earlier on in the evening and this had not been mentioned to the guests at all. A Rempod began lighting up in one area of the room which a team member had said that they felt there was something within the area and this then was confirmed by the spirit interacting with the device. A Magnovex was placed on the table where the guests were sat and it began to light up blue, the guests decided to ask questions to try and determine some things, through this they were able to establish that the spirit was called Elizabeth. Throughout this there were footsteps sounds heard as if the spirit was moving around the team. Another guest expressed that they had been touched on their arm after asking the spirit to touch someone. A team member also heard clicking in her ear. What was also extremely interesting is that all night the red side of the Magnovex went off however in this area it was blue. Again please check out our social media for this footage.
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These images were captured from Ripon Workhouse on Saturday 25th February 2023. The photographs were taken consecutively after a guest had described feeling as though his coat was being tugged. As you can see in the second photograph there appears to be a grey blob in front of him.
Is this a manifestation of a spirit?
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Ripon Workhouse              Saturday 25th February 2023
We made our first visit to Ripon Workhouse for 2023 and what a jam packed evening it was, we had a full house of amazing guests and it seemed the spirits of Ripon Workhouse were happy to have us back this year.
In the Boardroom, situated in the Vagrants Block, the first vigil started off a little bit quiet but after our guests warmed up and began to gel as a group, the activity began to flow. The K2 meter on the long table, in the middle of the room, kept going off and lighting up to a solid Orange, this continued all through the vigil, the team checked the guests and other team members phones, checked for electronic interferences under the table and from above and even swapped K2 meters over and still they had the same result. This could not be explained but was fascinating. A Mel Meter alarmed out near a team members arm, we looked for any reason for this to happen, no jewellery or anything was identified that could have set this off so was another unusual phenomena. The MagnaVex lit up red on a number of occasions. Guests reported feeling as though their hair was being pulled, touches were also reported and taps and bangs heard from different areas of the room. During the last 30 minutes of the vigil, everyone reported hearing what sounded like footsteps walking around the room and in certain areas, as if someone was stood watching us as we investigated. There were also reports of whistling sounds heard and at one point the floor seemed to feel as though it was shaking. A growl type sound was heard very close to a team members ear which made her feel very uneasy. A few moments later this same sound was heard from the rest of the group coming from the middle of the table where the guests were sitting, this made everyone feel uncomfortable. When calling out names that could possibly identify who the spirit was, it seemed to respond when the name Fredrick was called out. Another team stated that they heard loads of tapping and the table began moving on request and lifted up on one occasion.
In the Nurses Station/Cells, also situated in the Vagrants Block, there were banging noises heard coming from the table, a guest reported what they believed looked like a grey blob moving across the floor just outside the nurses room. A shadow was also seen in this area, the guest had also mentioned that she felt as though someone was crawling along the floor. The Cat Ball went off on a number of occasions in this area signifying that something or someone was interacting with it. The guests decided that they would have a go with the Necrophonics App, on this one of the team members name was heard by the guests and the name “Owen” was also heard. When asked who was touching the Ball, a voice came through the App saying “Me” and then the ball continued to flash. There were also reports that it sounded like someone was walking around the table and down the cells. Around the Bed in the nurses station, there was scratching sounds heard, however on closer inspection, there wasn’t anything to cause this. Another team reported that they had the table moving backwards and forwards, and also moving towards each guest by name as they asked. While they were sat at the table, they all heard clear footsteps walking down the cell corridor – to which everybody turned round at the same time to look. Some of the guests headed into the mortuary and managed to get the small wooden chair moving by using their energy and putting fingertips onto it. In another team a guest said he saw a figure dressed in white move across doorway in nurses room, the Cat ball began lighting up on the bed and in the bath area, the Electronics ball, K2, Rook and Mel Meter all went off in sequence.
In the Main Block, the team investigated the corridor at the back of the building, in this area the table moved when the guests were taking part in a table tapping activity. One of the guests seemed to be struck with a bad bout of cramp in his leg for no apparent reason. Two of the guests decided to go up one of the staircases which they felt a presence was residing, however one of them struggles as he wanted to go up but he felt as though his body was telling him not to, he eventually went up and stood there with another guest. They described feeling uneasy and then one said he felt as though his coat was being tugged. A team leader took photographs and caught what could be considered a orb like image. This photograph can be seen on our tumblr and twitter account. When taking part in an Ouija board, the battery operated light on the table looked as though a spark had flicked off of it and hit the side of the glass. We all saw it and couldn’t explain it as there is no way a battery powered candle can spark. There was footstep sounds heard coming from all around the area too. The Ouija moved around the table to letters, however no one was able to make any sense of it. Later on a Team Member went to the toilet and as she came out and was talking to another Team Member, she saw a dark shadow figure behind them which sent them both into a panic as it had shocked them. What was even more interesting is that the Team Member said she had waited for the other one as she felt like there was a spirit around and didn’t want to leave them down in the area alone. In this area another team were investigating and reported having the Cat balls and Rempods going off on the stairs, and one of the guests sat at the top of the stairs on her own and was convinced she could hear footsteps walking up the stairs towards her.
In the Living Room Area, there were a lot of taps and bangs heard. There was also an unexplained bright Blue light witnessed by everyone present that looked as though a lightening bolt had flashed across the ceiling. No one could replicate it or could work out where it had come from. Another team reported that everyone who sat in one particular armchair felt uneasy, icy cold (much more so than everyone else in room). A few guest also reported in this area a feeling as if heavy hands were pressing down on their shoulders and one guest said she felt as though a child was holding her hand, also a group was convinced they could hear footsteps coming from the top floor above the living room, however there was no other teams or living people up in that area. One guest decided to go off into a lone vigil at the bottom of the staircase, here he said he had heard a whistle however there were no other groups close by.
In the Small parlour room, there were reports of a childlike cry being heard. One guest was convinced she was having her clothes tugged constantly and another guest had to leave the area as she felt what she described as something demonic breathing on her face.
In the classrooms, half of a group were given a pendulum each to us as a means to make contact with spirit, when they started asking questions, they were all getting 100% the same answers. The information they received claimed at first they had Harriet who was looking after the children, then a Mr Donaldson came through who claimed he was not a nice person and had treated the children quite badly (in more ways than one) It was quite interesting as all pendulums were changing direction at same time in response to questions. There was also reports of the Rempod, Cat balls and Flux going off in this area as well as temperature deviation fluctuations and a couple of taps on the table.
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Ghost Captured!
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Above is a photograph captured by a guest, on her phone at our recent investigation at Tapton Masonic Hall in Sheffield on Saturday 4th February 2023. There was a photograph in the adjacent room of Emily Kingford Wilson who is historically connected to the Hall. The spirit appears to resemble her silhouette, what are your thoughts?
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Tapton Hall Sheffield Saturday 4th February 2023
Well, 2023 here we are and our first event of the year was underway at Tapton Hall in Sheffield, a location which is steeped in history and is currently an active Masonic Hall. During our investigations the guests had the opportunity to explore 3 of the halls temples.  
We started off this investigation with our usual welcome meeting where we explained to the guests what to expect from the evening, we also use this opportunity to go through equipment that they can use throughout the night and other information they may need. Once we split our guests into teams the night was underway.
In the Welcome Room, there was a lot of activity reported from the get go, immediately as guests started investigating, the Rempod began to alarm out letting us know that someone or something was interacting with our equipment. Cold spots and breezes were noted, what was interesting however, is the room we were in had no windows at all and we were sat far away from the closed door, so a breeze that strong and cold couldn’t be explained. Guests reported having goosebumps as a result of these cold spots which had previously been a hot room. The K2 went off repeatedly, and whistles were heard. The Cat Balls were positioned in different areas of the room, however the one near the guests kept going off. The spirit at first seemed to only set the equipment off when we were talking amongst ourselves, however after a while, it seemed to build the confidence up to communicate with us. The spirit seemed to want to communicate more by using the K2 and Cat Ball, through this we were able to identify that the spirit seemed to be that of a young boy. A guest placed a grid up on the back wall and it was noted that the lights appeared to flash and look as though they were shooting off. Another guest witnessed what he described as flickering lights around the room and shadows of figures were also seen along the walls. Another team described their vigil in this area as rather quiet, they heard a loud bang on the cupboard doors however they were not sure whether it may have been caused by doors opening elsewhere in the building. Another team explained that they partook in some glass work on the table and it was moving to different letters. However it was not making much sense and when a guest asked 'are you just taking the piss?' the glass moved quickly to yes. The guests continued to ask questions but it wasn’t making any sense. They then decided to have a go at table tipping... and it raised up so high, the glass fell off the table.
The Top Temple Area, seemed a little on the quiet side this event, the guests had some activity with reports of a flashing ball, people claimed they could see each other blacking out as if being covered by a shadow. There were also reports of a few taps and bangs.
In the Board Room, there were loud sighs heard on two occasions and a Cat Ball flashed. The guests decided that they wanted to try table tipping, as soon as they put their hands on it, off it went without any encouragement, moving around. Another team reported that the Cat Balls began flashing in this area, they heard tapping sounds coming from around the room, possibly the table or glass cabinet and voices were heard as if there were people stood around them talking away to themselves. A chair also began creak as if an unseen person was sitting on it.
In the bottom floor Temples, this area again seemed to be quieter then on previous events, however one of the groups asked if they could wear some sound enhancers and proceeded to call out, suddenly this group of four were all in hysterics as they reported they had heard a strange noise, the girl with sound enhancers heard it a lot louder so was quite freaked out. Another group reported that the Red Temple gave them a weird vibe and whilst using the Necrophonics, a few words that related to them came through. It seemed to say 'come towards me' and the guests heard a team leaders name said twice. There was also reports in this area of tapping, growling and as if people were talking when there was no one present.
The Bedroom/Bar Area, proved to be our most active area of the whole investigation, one team  sat in a circle calling out, and reported having equipment going off all around them. There was a moment of mass hysteria, but no one could understand why, they were all screaming because one had of them had become spooked. They placed a Cat Ball in the centre of the circle and it was going off on request. Another team went into the bedroom and heard tapping coming from one corner of the room, when asked if it were the spirit of George (who is historically linked to the building), the tapping continued. The guests asked George to tap twice for yes and once for no, to which he did this. At one point there was loud bangs heard, which sounded as though the windows were shaking, this happened a number of times and they were unable to debunk what this could have been. They also had the K2 Meter constantly spiking up to red, there was no electrical disturbances anywhere and it only seemed to happen where George was communicating from. Another team went into the room which had a war game displayed and explained that they set up a Rempod, K2, Cat Balls and a Laser beam. They asked questions but were getting no response. They then asked if there was a nurse with them and the K2 Meter lights went up. They continued asking questions and it seemed to be responding to them. From these questions they identified that she was a nurse, helped during the war, people had died and her husband had died too. The guests heard the group next door packing up and as they came into the room, they said straight away there was a smell of female perfume (like older lady perfume). One of the group said that the location was used as a hospital and Florence Nightingale worked there. Could the team have been communicating with her? In the Bar Area, a Team Leader asked if the spirit they were communicating with was Emily (Daughter of George), and if so could she please come forward to the table and as soon as she said this, the Cat Ball went off by the door. Another team reported that in the Bar they did a table tipping experiment and it went mad. It started moving slightly then began moving back and forth towards guests. It then started to spin and they were all going round in circles, then abruptly it just stopped. One of the guests took a photograph of the guests on the table and captured a photograph which appears to show a spirit watching the guests. There was also a photograph of Emily on the wall in the Bedroom Area and when compared with the photograph taken by the guest, there is an uncanny resemblance to Emily. Check out our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr pages for this photograph.
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A guest sent these photographs to us which they captured at Annison Funeral Parlour Hull on Saturday 3rd December 2022. Could this be an orb? Or could it be dust or a bug? Let us know your thoughts.
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Annison Funeral Parlour Hull Saturday 3rd December 2022
For our last event of 2022 we headed to one of our most favourite locations the infamous Annison Funeral Parlour located in the city of Hull.
In the Top Floor First Room, as soon as we started investigating the area, the Rempod alarmed out on the stairs as if someone was either walking up and down the stairs or stood on them watching what we were all doing. There were various Cat Balls placed around the room which all went off in turn, one in particular seemed to be a firm favourite with the spirits as they seemed to keep setting that one off throughout the vigils. A K2 Doll was placed on a chair at the back of the room and this also began to go off constantly, the Team Leaders turned it on and off to see if there was a reason as to why this was happening, it had stopped however after a few moments it went off in a constant manner again. There were shadows seen by guests and one screamed when she said she saw an old mans face in front of her own. When asking the spirit to interact with the Cat Ball, the spirit seemed to answer when we suggested it was a child spirit. During table tapping experiment, taps were heard in response to what the guests tapped out for the spirits, and footsteps were heard as if someone was walking around the room. Using the Necrophonics, the guests names were heard being repeated back to the guests and it sounded as though a lot of people/spirits were trying to talk through the device at the same time.
In the Stables, once placed the Cat Balls kept flashing as if something was touching it. A grid was lit up against a room in the stables which dimmed and then stopped working. Dark shadows were reportedly seen by guests behind the Team Leaders and at one end of the Stables guests said they felt hot however when the temperature in the area was taken, it measured cold. There was the overwhelming feeling that everyone was being watched and a brand new torch felt like it was over heating. One guest went for a walk into one particular stable where he said he felt as though the presence was situated, as he was calling out, taps were heard and a Cat Ball went off.
In the Welcome Room, this area proved to be very quiet this evening, there was the odd taps and bangs heard and the cat ball went off a number of times however there wasn’t much more activity recorded.
In the Top Right Area, this proved to be an active area, there were many reports of taps, bangs and shadows seen moving around the rooms and around the doorways. During a table tipping activity the table moved right across the room with the guests struggling to keep up with it. Orbs were also reportedly seen floating about near Team Leaders. The Cat Balls and Rempods went off in this area suggesting something was interacting with them. Well this wraps up 2022 and we hope to see you all next year.
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Knottingly Town Hall Saturday 19th November 2022
We returned back to Knottingly Town Hall for one of our last events of the year. We have had such amazing experiences at this location, that we couldn’t wait to investigate.
In the Ground Floor Staircase Rooms, the first group started off the investigation by explaining that this area wasn’t as active as the other areas so they needed the guests to get their energy levels up to help the spirits communicate. Within minute the equipment started going off as if the spirits were proving the Team Leaders wrong. This made everyone laugh as from this point on there was nothing but activity. This started with the Rempod going off, followed by the Magnavex lighting up both its Red and Blue lights and a Cat Ball flashed at the same time. There was a loud bang heard as if someone was stamping on the ground within the room, it reportedly felt like the floor was dropping below everyone’s feet. The Cat Ball went off more times within the room, a tapping sound was heard coming from around the table and guests reported that as their fingertips were touching the table, it felt as though their fingers were tingling. The guests asked the spirit to tap three times and three taps were heard in response. Using the Necrophonics, the guests asked the spirit to repeat some of their names, a few of the guests heard their names in response coming through the device. Other words that were heard through this device were “Ian, help, go, no, John, Dave, hey, ey up, hi, thirty six, stay, mate, f*** you, come with me, get down, tickle, yea, thank you, Tom, Six,” giggling was also heard coming through. After this the Cat Ball flashed three more times, and a big banging noise was heard coming from the corner of the room.
In the Courtroom, a strange light was seen passing behind two women and then one of these women felt very cold around her neck. The Cat Ball began flashing near the door and on the windowsill separately and then both at the same time. A tapping sound was heard as if something was running across the back of the room. A guest and a Team Leader both reported that the chairs they were sitting on felt like they were moving. One of the group of guests felt anxious and scared in this area describing how it felt like someone or something was stood watching.
In the Welcome Room, a Rempod and Magnavex was placed on the stage which in turn went off as the investigation was started. A Cat Ball went off on a number of occasions not far from the stage. Three taps were heard which seemed to be in response to when guests asked for taps to be repeated. There was also taps heard coming from all around the room, whistling sounds were also heard. Guests bags, which had been placed in the room made rustling sounds as if someone was rummaging through them and then at the same time a Rempod that was in the same area alarmed out. Taps came back in response to those tapped out on the table by guests and the table seemed to move by itself. There were stamping sounds on the stage as if children were running around on it when there was no one there. Guests also reported what sounded like a long suck in of air and a drop in temperature was felt around the head and neck of guests whilst another reported a coldness around their legs. Black shadowy figures were seen out of the corner of the eye moving around the room as if observing the nights activities.
In the Cellar Area, there were reports of shadowy figures seen moving around the rooms and corridors. There were reports of what appeared to be a head popping round the corner of doors as if peeping in to look at what the guests and team were doing. There were taps and banging sounds heard coming from many of the rooms in the cellar. A few guests expressed that they felt very uneasy in this area and wanted to leave. The Rempod alarmed out in this area and the Cat Ball flashed in response to questions being asked if there was a spirit present. All in all an active evening and we can not wait to be exploring this location again soon.
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This EVP was recorded at our Belper Location, this phone was set to record EVP and was left on the side of a chair arm whilst guests were investigating. Afterwards it was listened back to and it sounds like something is tapping the phone. We can categorically state that no one was anywhere near it while it was recording. What do you think?
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Belper VIP Event  Friday 4th November 2022
We returned to Belper again for our VIP Event which is a yearly event with regular guests for a 4 day weekend special investigation. The following is a summary of an extremely active weekend.
In the Downstairs Area, the Flux 2 alarmed out in doorway near what we call ‘the haunted room,’ on  multiple occasions, the Magnavex went off in the main room however only lighting up on the red side. When taking part in a table tipping experiment, the guests reported that the table was vibrating. There was also a 4 degree difference in temperature felt by guests around the table. A shadow was seen which seemed to shoot across the light in haunted bedroom. Scratching sounds were heard on the table. Touches to legs were felt, the K2 lit up to the second green light. Touches to one of the guest neck was felt which caused her to become very uneasy. Tapping caught in response to guests requests on one of the teams phone as if something was tapping the actual phone. A woman’s sigh was heard as well as a man's whisper. One guest felt a sudden feeling of dread that upset her enough that she had to move out of the area. A strange darkness was seen on a guests hand, and he said he felt pins and needles in it, it looked as though something was holding his hand down. Lights were seen flying past team by the guests and a young boy, Robert/Bob seemed to come through on the Ouija Board. A face was seen in the window of the haunted room. A white shadow was seen moving along the wall like white silk threads. A fusty smell mixed with apple was smelt in the Octagon (living) room. The Magnavex kept going off on the table as if trying to answer our questions, the curtain moved in the haunted room, on closer inspection there didn’t appear to be any drafts or anything that could explain this movement. The K2 lit up to Orange in another vigil and stick men were caught on the SLS Green light. On one occasion the guests and team were playing a game and the Magnavex began lighting up as if the spirit wanted to get involved, we asked the spirit to light up the device which it wanted to get involved to which it did this a number of times.
In the Upstairs Area, lights were seen flickering, shadows were seen over the lights and seen moving as if someone was walking in top floor kitchen area. Taps and bangs were  also heard coming from on the stairs. Whistles were heard and a Rempod went off in doorway near the main door and the Flux 2 went off on the pulpit area when no one was there. One of the team felt her chair being kicked and another saw a figure move across the room as if getting up off a chair and walking into another area. The Magnavex went off on a number of occasions and taps were heard coming from the top balcony where the bedrooms are situated. Shadows were seen moving along the balcony and the sofa felt as though it was vibrating. A flash of light on kitchen balcony was seen and a K2 went up to a static red. A Shadow of a male was seen in the doorway of the Sauna which then seemed to completely black out any light and footsteps were also heard. Another Shadow was seen walking past the sauna area and a strong Tobacco smell was smelt by many of the team and guests. Another shadow was seen standing behind Rosey. The Magnavex was placed in the doorway of the Sauna and it alarmed out showing a Red light. During a table tapping experiment, footsteps were heard coming from around the table. A chair began to creak as if someone was sitting on it. A figure was seen and everyone felt it was a negative energy and all wanted to leave the room. A Human pendulum was performed identifying a negative energy, this energy expressed that in life, he was a priest who had committed suicide and he didn’t want anyone staying there. A hissing sound was heard and an orb seen with the naked eye floating near a guest. The names William and Elizabeth came through and the Magnavex went blue in the sauna when it had previously lit up red. Creaking sounds were heard coming from around the sauna and a flash was seen behind one of our team and she got a sharp pain in the back of her neck at the same time. One of our guests heard someone say "come" in his ear as if someone wanted him to go in the sauna, this made him uncomfortable and everyone exited the area very quickly as the feeling was that the spirit didn’t want anyone in that area. A male voice was heard and the name ‘William Downs’ came through on the spirit box. One of our team members became angry and extremely emotional, which was completely out of character for her, she had to leave the building completely to calm down. What was even more strange was after she had calmed down, she had no recollection of how she had been behaving. A ball began flashing in sauna, taps and a big bang heard coming from behind guests. A Grid was placed on the stairs which seemed to pulsate and dim however the lights seemed to be twinkling at the bottom of the grid. Guests and team felt like there was a tightness around their necks and 4 guests on separate occasions mentioned the feeling that someone was hanged in the location. When team went to bed one of our team heard tapping on request, knocking on the stairs and scratching. What was very strange was that during one particular evening all the team members personalities seemed to switch to its complete opposite, our more logical team members became more paranoid and illogical and our calm team became angry and irrational. We have been to this location for years and this was the first time that we had experienced anything like this. Needless to say we are extremely excited to see what this location has to offer us next year.
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Doncaster Air Museum Saturday 29th October 2022
For our last Halloween weekend event, we returned to our Tech Mans favourite location, and as always it did not disappoint.
In Hanger 19, immediately as we started investigating, taps and bangs were heard. Shadows were seen in the main entrance moving across the green light making many guests become jumpy. A grid was lit across one of the aeroplanes to enable us to see if any spirits would show themselves to which it fully drained its battery and we had to change them. One of the Male guests thought his friend had blown in his ear and turned around telling his friend to stop messing about, his friend was adamant that he hadn’t been messing about, the next minute he felt something stroke his face which freaked him out even more as he knew no one was anywhere near him. There was what sounded like chains rattling heard coming from behind the guests and shadows seen near a plane that one guest was sitting in. The guest reported feeling a little uncomfortable in the plane and a ball that was positioned nearby lit up. In another vigil the guests was sat around the table and had started their own investigation, the team set out lots of equipment which was going off around them. The table began very high lifting and seemed to rock from side to side so they all went home on a high note.
In the Main Hanger, there were lots of taps and bangs heard coming from all around the room. There were a few flashes of light reported and footsteps heard as if someone was walking around the guests as they performed some table work. Another group reported that their vigil was the  best vigil of the night, they were sat around the table and the guest were all feeling anxious before they had even started, the guests began calling out and said they heard something drop behind them, they asked the spirits to do it again and straight away they heard something get thrown towards them. The team thought the guests must be doing that but they were (the whole group at this point) huddled together stood up behind the table, facing the plane which was where these stones seemed to be coming from. They all stood in full view of each other witnessing stone after stone coming towards the,. Eventually it did stop but when they checked, half of these stones were actually tablets of some kind. The group said it’s the best vigil they have ever witnessed even those who had done it many times.
In Hanger 21, A Cat Ball went off constantly. There were taps and bangs heard coming from all over the building. A K2 meter lit up to Red when the guests asked the spirits to do so. Guests also reported seeing dark shadows appearing in front of their faces as well as shadows all around the room and seen peeping around the door from the corridor. Through the Franks Box (Spirit Box) the name, “Maureen, Clive and Nigel” were heard. During a table tipping experiment, the table rocked from side to side and tipped over. Another group stated that their vigil started off a little bit slow at first, however once they began to relax and call out, they reported hearing lots of noises. The Magnavex went off and one guest asked the spirit to affect the ball directly behind him and it did. They also said they heard a couple of unexplained childlike voices in this area.
In the back area of Hanger 21 there was a lot of K2 activity with the spirits responding by lighting it up to a constant Red. One of our leam leaders felt extremely uncomfortable in this area whereas another felt very calm and peaceful. However the guests all expressed an uneasy feeling in this area. A Cat Ball lit up in the corridor, and when asked if the spirit could show itself, a dark shadow was seen crossing the doorway. Using the Necrophonics, the guests names were heard being repeated, the spirit seemed to say these names in an accent as if making fun of the guests. Three of the guests had the same name and was an unusual name, the spirit said this name very clearly to them and said that one of them smelled. This made all the guests laugh and dispersed any anxiety that they felt. At the end of the night, the guests were saying Bye to the spirits and through the Necrophonics, the word “Bye” was heard clearly. Another group reported that they started off sitting scattered around one of the rooms with various equipment scattered about. Two of the guests kept insisting stuff was happening to them so they suggested they would take part in a human pendulum in the opposite room. Straight away a different guest became the pendulum and they got a lot of information through but nothing that they were able to corroborate.
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Ripon Workhouse Friday 28th October 2022
Before the guests had arrived, the team decided to take part in their own investigation. One team member tapped in a musical manner and asked the spirits to respond in the same fashion. To our surprise, taps were heard in the exact same musical style as requested. The team decided to use the Ouija tables to see if we could get some more contact from the spirit, some more taps were heard coming from the table, we were able to determine that the spirit was that of a man who was there when it was a residential home, he was not happy and he wasn’t from Ripon but had died there. We were able to work this out by asking the gentleman spirit to wiggle the table for yes and stop for no.
In the Nurses Station, the K2 Meter spiked up to Red constantly during vigils, the team tried everything they could to debunk this phenomena to no avail. There were shadow figures seen and guests reported what they described as a head shape as if someone was looking round the corner watching what they were doing. One guest reported feeling as though someone was coming into the room however there was no visible being in the corridor. Cold spots were felt by guests around the table, a temperature gun was used to determine the deviation, it was noted that there were a couple of degrees deviation from one guests hand to another. There were also taps heard coming from around the room and what sounded like footsteps, as if someone was walking around the table inspecting what they were doing. One guest wore sound enhances and reported hearing the word “took” being spoken when no one was talking.
In what we call the Old Welcome Room a Magnavex was placed in one corner, Flux 2 in another, Rempod Doll in another and REM pod in last one. Upon request the spirits were practically going to each device on request and setting them off. The group stated they were shocked how precise it was all happening (as were the team). They also heard a childlike sigh in this room.
In the Boardroom, the K2 kept lighting up to amber and flashed seemingly in response to questions that we were asking. The guests were laughing as during the questions, the spirit seemed to indicate that it was making fun of two of the Simply Ghost Nights team leaders. There were a number of moans and groans heard and the Cat Ball went off a number of times in one particular area where a shadowy figure of a man has been previously seen. Using the Necrophonics, the guests names were repeated in response to being asked to and when the guests were leaving the area the words “Don’t look at it…..Bye” were heard.
In the Classrooms, again through the Necrophonics, the guests names were repeated when asked to. In the Kitchen area, the Magna Vex alarmed out and showed a red light a number of times, indicating that spirit had interacted with it. The guests decided to take part in an Ouija Board session and whilst doing this, they were able to determine that there was a spirit in the area of a young teenage female girl who likes to play with the gadgets that we had put out for her to interact with. There was also communication suggesting that the Workhouses resident Ghost Stan was keeping a boy there and Stan scares him. Whilst in this area a Team Leader was sat on a chair when the cabinet behind her jolted forward and hit the back of the chair pushing her and it forward. A number of guests and another team leader had witnessed this and when trying to work out how this could have happened, there was no explanation as the unit was up against the wall and there was no way that it could have been pushed forward. A Cat Ball was also seen flashing in this area and one of the guests heard what sounded like someone hissing at her, after which she felt as though someone had touched her arm which caused her to scream in shock. After this the table started to rock backwards and forwards and then moved across the room as if something had shoved it out of the guests hands.
In the Living Rooms, there were lights seen twinkling near the fireplace that all the guests were mesmerised with. One of the guests has medium skills and identified that there was a polish man present who had had his legs “blown off,” he asked the man to show himself as he believes it was him that was causing all the twinkly lights. With this being said, a Cat Ball nearby began to flash twice. A grid was positioned in the adjacent room and this seemed to drain in particular areas for no apparent reason. There was also a shadow seen in the room and the Magnovex went off and showed a red light as if spirit was making contact with it. Another group reported that they had music box go off twice in the opposite room to the one they were sitting in, they called out to whomever it was to come closer and affect something else within the room, suddenly the Magnovex which was right in doorway to their room went off. They asked them to come closer still and the flux 2 which was over near a piano went off.
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Leeds Marshall Mill          Thursday 27th October 2022
This event is different to our normal events, once a year Marshall Mill hold a free ticketed event for children and adults to take part in a ghost hunt with a tour and investigation in its most notoriously haunted areas.
Outside where a boiler explosion happened killing two people, a Rempod alarmed out in response when asked if there was a spirit of Mr Newton or Miss Harris. A Gauze meter also alarmed out and a K2 flickered between the two green lights when talking about both individuals who were known to have died in the explosion. A white strip of light was also seen that all the guests witnessed but were unable to explain, at the same time the K2 meter flickered to Orange signalling an electrical fluctuation in this area. The Magna Vex also showed a Blue light as if another spirit was trying to get our attention. Could these be the spirits of Mr Newton and Miss Harris?
On the 2nd Floor, there were whistles heard coming from all around us. In this area there is an old elevator shaft that has since been sealed, one of our team leaders decided to look through a gap in the wooden door to see if she could see into the shaft. Whilst this was going on, the guests were using the Necrophonics, to which the words “peep po” were heard, and then repeated another 2 times. As the guests turned round, they saw the team leader peering into the shaft and were stunned as they all believed the spirit was communicating through the app to tell us what the team leader was doing. Legend has it that a young lady fell to her untimely death down this elevator shaft and is why it is currently sealed. Also on the Necrophonics the guests names were all repeated in turn when asked. A Rempod alarmed out just as a shadow figure was seen in one of the end rooms. The K2 meter flashed as if in response to the questions were was asking and flashed up to Orange when children were around. The Magna Vex also alarmed out in this area.
On the 4th Floor, a Rempod went off at both ends of the corridor that we were investigating which frightened the guests a little bit at first. A Cat Ball flashed and K2 lit up to the second Green light, there was also a knock on the door in this area in response to our knocks. History tells us that in this building a 9 year old boy was stripped and bound to an iron pillar, he was beaten with straps until he fainted, and this is the area we have noticed that we seem to get communication from a boy.
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Hull Annison Funeral Parlour Saturday 22nd October 2022
Before the guests arrived some of the team went for a little walk around the location, on returning one of them noticed that their phone had turned completely off, when she tried to turn it back on, she couldn’t, even after charging it for a while, it still did not come back on. This was strange as her phone is around 2 years old and had a full battery. As the guests were arriving, a prank was pulled on one of the team, keep an eye out on our Youtube channel, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter to see the video, please be aware that viewer discretion is advised as some language used is inappropriate for younger audiences.
In the Welcome Room, one group investigated this area and there was a bit of tapping on the table, everything seemed quiet then out of nowhere they all heard a loud moan/groaning sound from within the room that freaked everyone out.
When another team entered this area two different Rempods went off without anyone touching it. There were some taps and bangs heard and when using a Franks Box, a personal message seemed to come through for one of our guests. We will not divulge the details as a mark of respect to our guests but what we will say is, the guests received a lot of clarification to support this connection and it was a very emotional experience for all present. We would just like to add getting a personal message is extremely rare but has happened a few times in the past.
In the Coffin Area, there were a lot of taps and bangs heard from the table and bar area in response to being asked to. A number of guests reported seeing a shadow which they described as the Ready Break Man with a Red outline seemingly peeping from around the corner where the coffin is situated. There were more shadows then seen in the room around them, the spirits seemed intrigued with what the team were doing.
In the Stables, a team went to the smaller stable first and reported bangs being repeated on request but unfortunately the spirit didn’t seem to have enough energy to communicate with us. In the bigger stable area a cat ball was placed at the end of the stables and another at the other end. Both balls went off at some point in the investigation. One in particular kept going on and off on request.
In the Top Floor Room, there was a spirit that wanted to communicate through using the table, the spirit was able to not only tap on the table but also move it on request. Another team reported seeing shadows lingering in the doorway and moving around behind the guests, this appeared to be of quite a small person. One guest said that she could feel her earring being moved in her ear a few times, and others felt themselves being touched too. There were also strange flashes of light seen on a number of occasions that looked as though someone was walking across the walls. A cat ball flashed a number of times and whilst doing table work, it began rocking from side to side, at one point moving repeatedly towards one guest in particular. Whistles were also heard and what sounded like someone walking around the guests watching us as we investigated.
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