simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Connor: Whoa.. I’m drunk. Sophia: It’s your wedding, Honey! Connor: I know! It’s why I’m drunk. She challenged me to a drinking contest. Sophia: You two.. Florence: .. are perfect for each other. In a really weird way.
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Sofia: How are you? Ryan: I’m fine. Why are you asking? Sofia: You and Selena seem to be doing okay. Ryan: We’re good. Sofia: Hm.. Ryan: What is it? Sofia: Nothing. Ryan: Did Wolfgang say anything? Sofia: No but now I’m curious. Excuse me, I need to go find my husband.
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Jill: Wait! Selena: What? Jill: Are you mad at me? Selena: No, why would I be? Jill: Because Ryan is helping me at the house? Because of the twins? I don’t know.. you’re distant. Selena: No, he can help you. Jill: Or maybe it is because I haven’t really congratulated you on the pregnancy. I’m sorry. I am happy for you. You deserve to be happy. Selena: Jill.. Jill: No, really. Yeah, it’s hard to see him with someone else and honestly? I love him. I still do. I will always love him but I left and he found you. You’re amazing. You’re my friend and I am happy for you. Selena: .. Thank you? Jill: You’re not at all showing. Your body looks stunning. How do you do this? Selena: I don’t know but I need to use the bathroom, so.. Talk to you later? Jill: Sure. Take care of my little godchild. Selena: What? Jill: Fourth Grade. We made a plan. I will be the Godmother to your first Child. You’re Anyas Godmother. Sofia is the Godmother of Hope. Selena: I really need to go.
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Sophia: How are you? Ryan: I’m fine. Why is everyone asking me this? Sophia: Because you don’t look fine. Ryan: It’s just.. Sophia: Life is hard sometimes, Ryan. I know you. You’re a good person. You want to do the right thing for everyone around you but sometimes you need to do the right thing for yourself. Put yourself first for once. Ryan: Is it really the right thing if I hurt someone in the process? Sophia: People are already hurting. You are hurting. Ryan: Hm..
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Connor: You’re next,  Buddy. Ryan: With what? Connor: Marriage, Dude. You’re gonna be Mr. Selena. Ryan: Dude, you should stop drinking. Connor: Tell him, Mom. He needs to get married to the mother of his child. Sophia: Don’t listen to him. You don’t need to do anything. All you need to do is be happy. Ryan: Thank you, Mrs. King. Sophia: I think it is time for you to call me Sophia. Connor: Yeah, you’re family! You’re Jillie’s Baby Daddy! Woah wait.. maybe you should marry Jillie! You had kids with her before Selena. Sophia: Connor! Connor: I need to find my wife.
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Jill: Why don’t we go out at the weekend? All three of us? Selena: I don’t know.. Sofia: Nah, I can’t. Jill: What is going on with you two? You’re weird. Selena: Nothing. Sofia: I need a drink! Selena: See you later, Jill.
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time and especially after that blog purge
anyway, better late than never i guess
welcome to cement’s tumblr town, population: 0
help repopulate this dead town
If you have an active simblr–Alpha or MM, I don’t care–Reblog so I can follow the heckles outta you!!!!
My dash literally looks like 3 ppl screaming into the void among dog/cat tumblrs i follow on this acc so pls ty
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Jill: So what do you think? Ryan: It’s amazing. I have always loved this house. So yeah, you should buy it. Our daughters will love it here. I’m gonna help you fix it. Jill: Really? Ryan: I promised you, remember? Jill: Oh right.. you didn’t have a present with you for my 10th Birthday Party so you promised to build me a house one day. Ryan: You really remembered.. God, I was searching for the perfect present for you but nothing was as perfect as you were to me so I ended up buying nothing at all. Jill: I remember everything.
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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R E B L O G  I F  Y O U  A R E  A N   A C T I V E  S I M B L R My feed is dead since I went inactive for a tad so I need some more simblrs to follow! 
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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Jill: I’m making an offer. Florence: Are you sure? It’s kinda.. Jill: Amazing? Florence: I wanted to say crappy but okay.. Jill: I always loved this house. Florence: I know, but have you thought about Mom? She loves having you and the kids around. Jill: I know, but I’m an adult. Hope doesn’t even have her own room.
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simsherzl0s · 5 years
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April Jill: It’s on sale! Florence: What is? Jill: My house! Florence: What house? Our house? What did Mom do? Jill: No! The house Ryan and I always adored when we were kids. Florence: Stay there. I’m coming over.
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