simstrudel-blog · 7 years
I should probably mention something on this blog...
Since this is a side blog of my old account @morgibritt, it is also on hold, on indefinite hiatus. I’m keeping it around in case I want to continue with the Halcyons at some point or for people who want to read.
Please follow my new blog @pirouettingplumbobs
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Well Magnolia had excellent timing in breaking the computer since she just finished her latest romance novel, which satisfied and completed her lifetime wish (Best Selling Author)!
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Calla Lily: "Thanks for understanding, Moms."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Bee: "Well then, if you're certain about keeping the baby, Mags I suppose it's time we start being excited about being grandmothers!"
Magnolia: "I can't believe I'm having a grandbaby! I do miss having cute little diaper butts around here."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Bee: "Okay Magnolia, there's no sense in fixating on what could have been done. What's done is done."
Magnolia: “I know but still… and Calla Lily, are you sure you want to keep the baby?"
Bee: "Your Mom or I could take you to the clinic--"
Calla Lily: "No, I'm sure. Jas and I both want to have a big family someday. We're just starting that off sooner than expected."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Magnolia: "I don't understand Calla Lily… if you knew you wanted to have sex with your boyfriend and be sexually active, why didn't you ask us to take you to the doctor. We could have gotten you on birth control."
Calla Lily: "I don't know, Mom. I guess I was just afraid that you'd say that I was too young and brush me off."
Magnolia: "Well I do know that you're too young to be having a baby. And birth control could have prevented that."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Jas: "Well I should probably get going and let you talk alone with your mothers."
Calla Lily: "Thank you so much for being here with me, Jas."
Jas: "Of course, I would do anything for you Callie. … Goodbye Mrs. Halcyons."
Bee: "Goodbye Jas."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Magnolia: "I don't understand. How did this happen?"
Calla Lily: "Mom, you don't seriously need to have a talk about the birds and the bees, do you?"
Magnolia: "No! I mean, didn't we teach you that you need to use protection?"
Calla Lily: "Momma we did-"
Jas: "Mrs. Halcyon, I swear to you, I wore a condom. I didn't notice it break or anything like that."
Calla Lily: "We really did try to be safe. But now that I'm pregnant, it will be alright. We are going to have a baby together."
Jas: "Yes and I swear I will be here every step of the way for your daughter, Mrs. Halcyons."
Bee: "I just don't know what to say."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Calla Lily: "I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby."
Bee: "You're joking right? Please tell me this is some joke. Did you get your days mixed up? Did you think today was April 1st?"
Calla Lily: "No Momma, this isn't a joke, I'm afraid. We are really having a baby."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Calla Lily: "Momma, Mom there's something I-we, we need to tell you."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
Hi! WCIF Canary's everyday outfit?
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Hello :) Canary’s outfit actually came with the 70′s 80′s and 90′s stuff pack! It’s a great pack with some really cute/cool outfits. I definitely recommend it! :)
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Calla Lily: "Ughh, I just realized. I need to tell my moms tonight."
Jas: "How do you think they'll handle it?"
Calla Lily: "I have no idea."
Jas: "I can be there if you like. If you want me there for, you know, support. Or a target for your moms' anger."
Calla Lily: "You'd really do that for me?"
Jas: "Of course! I'd do anything for you. I'd take a bullet for you…. Although we might want to make sure no guns are around we when break the news to your moms."
Calla Lily: "That's probably a good idea. Or books. I could see Mom throwing a few of those at you."
Jas: "I'll gladly take a few books to the head for you."
Calla Lily: "Aww my knight in shining armor!"
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Jas: "And I promise to be there every step of the way. I'll be there for you and I'll be there for our little one."
Calla Lily: "You really mean it?"
Jas: "Of course. How could I not? I thought you knew me better than this… too think I'd ever abandon you, especially when you're pregnant with my child."
Calla Lily: "I love you, Jas."
Jas: "And I love you, and you." Jas said, kissing Callie’s stomach.
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Jas: "Oh no! That's wonderful! No, I'm sorry, come here Callie!"
Calla Lily: "Wait I'm confused…"
Jas: "I'm sorry. I-I, well it's just a bit of a shock. But then I had this fear in the pit of my stomach. I was afraid you would want to end it."
Calla Lily: "No, I couldn't. It's a part of you and me. And I-I love you."
Jas: "I love you too, Callie. With all my heart."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Jas: "But? We used protection. We didn't just like randomly do it, like  stereotypical teenagers…"
Calla Lily: "Yeah I know that. But I mean condoms are just like 98% effective. It happens."
Jas: "I-I don't really know what to say."
Calla Lily: "I understand if you don't want to see me anymore. I-I can raise it on my own… I know my moms would help out."
Jas: "So, you've decided to keep it then?"
Calla Lily: "Oh, uhm. Yeah. I've always like the idea of having a big family. I guess I'm just starting a little sooner than I'd imagined. I-is that okay?"
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Calla Lily: "Well uhm, you remember the other night…"
Jas: "Which other night?"
Calla Lily: "Love Day…"
Jas: "Yes, of course. How could I ever forget that night. It was like the best night of my life."
Calla Lily: "Well mine too… but uhm, well, uhm it turns out that I'm pregnant."
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simstrudel-blog · 7 years
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Jas: "So uh… what was it you're wanting to tell me?"
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