sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
I told you i wasnt ok
I told you to leave me be
You changed me cant you see
Ive turned cold and heartless
Im weak and bitter
I dont have friends. I don't have family
And not many people do i trust
You have changed me
Are you happy?
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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You dont know me. Therefpr you vould never love me
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
I am here
All because im here...i fed you i clothed you and i watered you. I gave you a home...a place to live and grow. But no. Just no. You are Alive because I AM HERE. LOOK AT ME! Cant you see im in pain all for you?! Cant you see...you are living because im here...why did you take advantage?
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
IM BACK! Ok like anyone cared but ayyyeee mamas home hugs and kisses to all (this happy behavior will last two hours only so dont worry)
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
Run and hide
Well hello turns into goodbye happens so often i might just cry can nnot look them in the eye scared to take a chance i hide in my mind just to return to remember im not fine run little girl run! Run from all the hate and lies. Run little girl run! Ooh run and hide. Ya ruined her innocent little mind i cant seem to find the courage to save her run little girl run! Run from all the hate and lies. Run little girl run ! Ooh little girl run and hide
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
WHY (Narrator): id always walk around the halls and see her....whenever i see "her" i get flustered and i blush i just cant speak...but...she never notices me...she refers to me as a "friend" but at the same time not a "friend"...and every night id ask myself "why?"...why doesnt she notice me....she never notices me...why? Why why why?! Why am i the one who has to roam the halls alone...why am i the one who has to debate on if i should or should not kill myself? Why am i not good enough...why does she like him and not me? What is wrong with me? Maybe i just need to change....why?....and so on this not....exactly midnight.....i look up at the moon....i stand at the open window and i leap...i hit the ground....and i end the endless list of "why". (For my short film "why")
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
Just tried http://theimvugenerator.com/ - I got free IMVU credits here! Get yous too in less than two minutes!! It rocks!!(7wnD0YJcPV)
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
“Breathe…..the word comes up a lot….when we’re born and then when we die… they tell your mum when youre being born "just breathe” and then when youre dying family tells you “breathe just fucking breathe” even though its hard to breathe when your lungs are rotten…..its hard to breathe when you dont have enough food in your body for energy to speak….its hard to breathe when everyone tells you that you shouldnt breathe" -unknown
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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sinandquiet-blog · 7 years
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