sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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In detail, we see that for some countries suicide rate is highly correlated with gdp.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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However, when we look country by country correlation can be founded by gdp. But, this is not necessary.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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On the other hand, it seems there is not correlation between gdp and suicide rate by the scatter diagram of all countries.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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Also, these graphs shows the scatter of catholics and islam with suicide rate. It seems there is not enough correlation of suicide rate with these religions.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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Also, this graph shows the scatter diagram for atheism and suicide rate. You can see that thera are more countries with high atheism pct. and suicide rate
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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This matrix shows the correlation between religion and suicide rate. Eventhough, it is not too high, we can see that athesim is correlated enough with suicide rate.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
Also, this shows the rankings in suicide rate year by year.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
By the way, this shows the counties’ suicide rate that is prepared in gapminder.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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Eventhough, suicides rate decreases; rate of decrease changed year by year. This research hypothesis that gdp and religion is correlated with suicide rate and tries to figure our correlation by graphs that will be shown later.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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This graph gives more detailed outlook for the generations.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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Among the generations people born between 1944 and 1964 suicide most.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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Among the suiciders male 35-54 aged people suicide most.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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Close to 800 000 people die by suicide every year. Furthermore, for each suicide, there are more than 20 suicide attempts.
Suicides and suicide attempts have a ripple effect that impacts on families, friends, colleagues, communities and societies.
Suicides are preventable. Much can be done to prevent suicide at individual, community and national levels.
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
İBB Açık Veri Portali’nden elde edilen ilçe bazlı doğalgaz kullanım verisi ile nüfus verisini birleştirdiğimizde karşımıza böyle bir hikaye çıkmakta. Yuvarlakların büyüklükleri çocuk ve yaşlı nüfusun/toplam nüfusa oranını göstermekte. Veri seti 2015-2018 arası ancak gapminderdaki ilk çalışma olması nedeniyle mazur görün ;)
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sinanturkmenst-blog · 4 years
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Bu örnek wtf.wiz adresi altındaki görselleştirme hatalarından/saçmalıklarında bir tanesini anlatıyor. Grafik temelde bir hizmetin nasıl iş buldurduğunu anlatmak ve buldurduğu işlerin şirketlerinin çalışan sayılarını göstermeye çalışıyor. Amaaaa tabi ki toplam firma yüzdesi %98 ve rakamsal olarak en büyük dilim olan %56, resimsel olarak daha küçük dilim olarak gösteriliyor:)
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