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where are you and i’m so sorry i cannot sleep, i cannot dream tonight i need somebody and always
i miss you - blink 182
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Hipster Dinosaurs [via]
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So lately I've been having some really weird dreams, which doesn't exactly help because they're making me restless and hesitant to sleep and my job has had me getting up really early lately so I'm only getting about 5 hours of sleep a night. I know dreams are supposed to help you deal with your problems while you sleep, but I never actually really remember my dreams, unless its a really bad nightmare. The past few weeks tho, they seem to be about this kid I know and school, only school is out for the semester and we don't even go to school together, in fact, he's not even in school anymore. We seem to be in a relationship in the dreams, but he's not always the one in the dream, and everyone keeps telling me that I'm probably trying to tell myself that I probably actually have feelings for this guy, which is something strange for me; it's hard for me to find someone who can keep up with me and still tolerate me, but I know that's not right. There are too many variables involved and I don't feel even have that feeling towards him aside from occasionally wanting to shove my tongue down his throat. Key word: occasionally. I don't even want to do it that often. I decided I wanted to stop the whole thing and that's when the dreams started, but it stopped making sense more so than it did before, so why should I have it continue. I can't give him everything he wants and I don't want a relationship, not even considering what he thinks and feels, because lets be honest, I'm a ridiculous handful and I have no free time, I'm far from what anyone would call a "catch". But I do want some peaceful sleep, I just don't know what I'm trying to tell myself.
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Look at all these old men, literally angry that they may not be able to force women they’ve never met to have babies they don’t want.
A+ comment on the filibuster’s livestream (via batflan)
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Reddi-wip sure knows how I like to party.
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Made Rebloggable By Request
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Moffat says: “These have been the maddest few years of my writing career – so many ridiculous adventures, so many things I thought I’d never do – and I could not have shared them a with a kinder, more considerate, more entirely supportive friend than the man I completely refuse to call Smithers. “We’ve been to so many insane press launches, we’ve looned about New York, we’ve dropped in on a specialist Doctor Who bar to watch the show with some (fairly surprised) fans, travelled the country in a special Doctor Who bus (well he did, I just dropped in occasionally!) and shown the new Director General of the BBC how to fly the TARDIS. And we’ve spent a fair amount of time looking at each other, and wondering how the hell any of this happened, and how we ended up here. Moffat goes on to state that he believes he will work with his departing friend again one day: “Out there in the future, Matt’s finale is to be written and made and a new Doctor is to be summoned. Soon I’ll be lying on my sofa, in an agony of indecision again. Beyond that, some day I’m sure I’ll work with Matt again, and we’ll laugh about old times. But I don’t want to think about that right now. I want to think about the best of days. About the impossibility of replacing Russell T Davies and David Tennant in the two most brilliant jobs in television and the fact we didn’t entirely screw it up. About all those episodes, all those monsters, and those stories we’re never going to tell you. “I will never forget a moment of it – me and my mate Matt, making Doctor Who.”
In the new issue of Doctor Who Magazine (#462) Steven Moffat pays tribute to Matt Smith and his time as the Doctor. [x] (via moffia)
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