sinnaminteru · 6 months
So you liked Danganronpa for 7 years? Thats a long actually. And liking Teruhina?
I want to know how you got into it.
Yup, I got fully into dr mostly dr2 when I like was fifteen to sixteen, when a friend brought the game up and how I would like a certain character in that game. Funny enough I knew about dr1 when I was thirteen to fourteen but didn’t get fully into it because it didn’t interest me at the time. But yeah that grimlin Teruteru is the reason, I still draw fanart of him and dr2 cast to this day, although I feel once I finished that bloody longfic of Teruteru/Hajime fanfic I’m taking a long break from it and focus on others thing like original projects.
How I get into Teruhina, well that interesting to be honest at first I ship them as a one sided attraction joke on Teruteru part but how I dived deeper into it was by a user named marisexmas they are not in fandom anymore but their Teruhina posts were really great they even made the fanfic of Teruhina they coin the ship practically. Other Teruhina shippers thoughout the years also helped my deep appreciation for the ship. It strange how I kinda became one of main artist for the ship, I wouldn’t be surprised if got a know for it but I don’t know because I probably not well known especially in the fandom so probably not ha ha.
Okay, the reason I ship it is because I love their dynamic as a couple there both people who hide who actually are to people Hajime comes off as sassy and level headed but deep down is very axinious about himself and his abilities. Teruteru is ashamed of his roots being from south japan on small island from the country side his accent his whole up-bringing, so he lies about himself and creates this greaser ladies man persona. He thinks will make him more likeable and get the attention of the ladies, but he still supports Hajime telling him he like Hajime for Hajime. Which is surprising given his need to cover his own real self behind a mask perhaps he see a kinship in Hajime or at least get Hajime in a way others can’t. (Although Chiaki and Komeada also kinda do it. It’s not fully the same thing or context :>)
(Also for love all things please don’t being that scene here, I know about it’s not great. But I heard so many times over the years so please no, honestly it pisses me off how one scene wreak a character so hard. Also I won’t let slap to the face/electric shock to my soul, stop me from enjoying it. Because I refuse outright to let a bad taste joke ruin a character and a ship for me.)
But yeah, it’s been my comfort ship for long time ha ha, like literally I still writing that long fic on them which chapter 5 is almost finished in of clean up finally because I finally decided to download use goggle docs to edited my work on. It not the same as using word but it will do.
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sinnaminteru · 1 year
Is it just me or your comment about Teruteru thinking it might be a joke if someone really wanted to date him?
Do you think he may take relationships as a joke too, or maybe doesn't take it seriously because he thinks people won't accept for who he is?
I'm interested to see your opinion. I was kind of confuse about it.
And I agree. I don't prefer Beta Teruteru. It looks too similar to Mondo.
Sorry for the confusion, I’m not the best at explaining my thoughts or expressing them but I’ll try. Hmm, I feel he put on persona of city boy thinking that actually personality and country roots might not be attractive or as appealing as being cool city boy who gets all the ladies with his charm and worries that he might not be taken seriously, given how the other react to just his accent in the trial there might some truth to it.
I do believe Teruteru takes relationship very seriously and has fantasies on being home a wife to meet his Mama and get married. But due his low opinion of roots he hides away along with parts of his personality because he believes pretending to be a city boy and lying about himself will make him more likeable and appealing.
when he flirting with other I believe he not being as serious with them mostly, because he sees as messing about and cracking jokes but they backfire on him and his persona doesn’t help with him coming off as a narcissistic jerk and perverted creep. Does Teruteru take some relationship as joke kinda he does want loving relationships but has a hard time expressing himself without that cityboy persona.
But in his freetime with Hajime and his trial we see parts of the real him. With Hajime freetime and his guide to the heart with see how much he treasure there friendship even though he has developed a crush on Hajime he too shy and probably low self esteem to tell him how he feels normally and it also sweet how he cares about Hajime well being more then his own.
I feel Teruteru is just someone who keep a lot of his deep feelings to himself especially romantic ones, given he not good at expressing them without coming off a bit lewd in nature and also he fears no one will accept him for him. (Although Hajime getting know him his family and mama is probably why Teruteru is most attach to him because he feels like Hajime truly gets him, ops get bit shippy at the end ha ha 😅)
The dating part I mostly thinking given how unpopular Teruteru is someone would treat dating Teruteru as a dare, prank or joke because who would date Teruteru hanamura, so if Teruteru had to deal with pranks like say as child growing up, or hope peaks he probably be very sceptical when comes how genuine the relationship is, so he doesn’t take seriously or get attach.
yeah beta Teruteru looks way to similar to Mondo that probably why they went a different direction with his design although it funny that his design comes Nekomaru old beta designs. (Although I like using beta Teruteru as inspiration for Teruteru half siblings because I like the idea of them being the opposite to Teruteru.
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sinnaminteru · 1 year
Hello I don't have Ao3 account, but I wanted to ask a question about Chapter 4 of your fanfiction.
Is Teruteru and his family native speaker of French? I'm wondering if he is mix French and Japanese if that makes sense. Or if there is a unique background or story of Teruterus family in your story that makes them that way. (You don't have to tell if it is a spoiler)
Also I'm happy you released your recent Chapter ! I'm looking forward to it, and take your time
Thank you, glad you been enjoying the story far and to answer your question it kinda my way of doing Teruteru accent since it labeled Cajun in the English translation on every source I find it label his accent as Cajun, Cajun is a southern American accent that has french mix into it. (Although, the dr2 games it sound like just a heavy southern American accent but I digress.)
You see in the Japanese version Teruteru accent is kansei ban accent/dialect maybe Tosa-ben accent/dialect depending on where he lives kochi prefecture in which is almost impossible to translate into English since there no counter back to it so closest way of betraying it in spirt, is by happening a think southern accent or by having an accent that has a mixture of another another language as well. (It kinda suppose to hard other people to understand them at first due the think accent and heavy use of different vowels that best way I can describe it.
Now don’t quote me on that I’m no expert when it comes to localisation of language but I thought it was strange to not have Teruteru know french or even use french words in his way of talking when his accent is used, since he has a Cajun accent which has french mix into the southern American accent. So I made him mix in french words in his way of speaking when around his mother, younger half siblings and hometown he lived in hope that makes sense. Just think of it as my way of localising his way of speaking, I hope that make sense. ^^’ sorry if a little confusing ha ha…
Also about his background it the mostly the same as the games but with of my imagination sprinkled into it but I can’t tell you because spoilers. Don’t worry I will be taking my time with future chapters quality first and foremost and I’m happy your looking forward to future chapters. :)
ps feel free to comment of chapter as an anon if you like, I don’t mind and I love people thoughts on story so far.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Apparently you sent me Teruteru and Slurpuff fanart in my inbox, how long ago was that? Also I Teruteru can work as a ship as long as he's been completely toned down or just be a flirty instead of a pervy character.
Oh I see I think that send that in February so a couple months ha ha. I hope you like the art. :)
hmm depends on what you mean by tone down because I think it gets a bit complicated because I believe Teruteru need to be a bit an ass to grow as character and  I don’t think removing his love of sex is helpful and I think it take away from his character and the real problem is his lack of awareness or respect for others personal space and talking about sex when other don’t want to and he ignores that.  Also you have to keep in mind his backstory implies some pretty f up might have happened to him but if your referring to the harassment to the unfunny gag being toned down or outright remove then I agree to a degree.
It’s complicated to explain but I think it okay for him to be unlikeable and have serious flaws because I do feel the reveal in his trial that he has a heart and does care about people it can work but I feel it poorly executed mostly they relied to heavily on jokes which left little room for the rest of his character traits to shine. I honestly do think a boy who pretends to be city playboy who gets swept in that fantasy of what thinks a cool city boy would be like who needs a harsh reality check , has a troubled childhood and care deeply about his sickly Mama and want nothing but for her, his family and their restaurant.
Sounds good on paper, sadly though since he a comic relief character/ joke character he rarely get to anything but comic relief which is a real shame really. Which why I’m doing my fanfic on him and it been challenging I honestly think Teruteru is one of harder characters to write for because he so complicated yet simple, to be honest writing this fanfic made me appreciate him even more and I think I’m getting a better understanding on where to take him, hopefully I’ll do him justice. 
As for Shipping I think Teruteru needs a mature partner or someone who on his level or can at least understand him in a way but that’s just me. Also I think calling him just pervy character kinda neglect the other parts of his character and kinda does a bit of disservice to him by saying he just a one dimensional perv but hey that’s just my opinion and your entitled to your own. 
Ps sorry for doing a an mini essay (I hope no one ask to an in depth essay on him because i’m not doing it maybe…probably not) anyway thank you for the ask and I hope you like the artwork of him with slurpuff and swirlix. :) 
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Teruteru fell silence as held her, he can’t say he would relate to chasing down criminals or throwing himself at life threatening situations but he noticed how much she brings up her father, she must really care for him just like how he cares for his Mama. 
“Well I can’t say, it’t wasn’t stupid or dangerous to go af’ter two grow’n adult’s by yourself but I can understand, that you were only tryin to help, you just didn’t think’k it through”.  
Teruteru let out calm sigh “I also think’k you were tryin to hard to play adult, and not even asking for a lick of help because of your own pride, not that I’m much better in that’t field either ha ha”. 
Teruteru let go of Kyoko and stood up “You must really lov your father dearly, given that your puttin his feelins and well being first, over your own” he then gave her a warm smile “Why don’t sit on the couch, Kyoko and I’l make ya some tea”.
He gives her a gentle pat on the head and walks over to his dorm small kitchen, while also remembering to pick up his phone, dialling Mikan number as he turns the kettle on.  
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
“Oof, alright sourpuss”  Teruteru huffs putting his hands on his hips as he look up at taller student with an annoyed but playful look. 
love letter correspondence cont. // ❥ @sinnaminteru​
Tumblr media
❥ {- ❝In fact, until now, I did not. Why? Are you famous or something?❞
Apparently not famous enough that just anyone would know, it seems.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
"Hello. It seems like we're classmates this year. My name is Ai Kisume, the Ultimate Love Guru," the young man greets, maroon eyes meeting his. He absolutely towers over Hanamura with his tall stature, though tries to keep some distance out of respect.
Teruteru brown eyes stared up at the taller student, while a mischievous grin crawled up to his chubby face. “Well it nice meet you Ai, my is Teruteru Hanamura but you probably already knew that since, I am quite well known around here” chuckles Teruteru as he combs his hair in a prideful manner.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Teruteru hummed “I’m back” as he opens the door his dorm walking over to Kyoko to give her the damp cloth to put on her bruised arm.
As he assisted her, he noticed tear stains on her cheeks and somewhat redded eyes “Oh cher” he said softly as wraps an arm her pushing Kyoko into his chest.
Proceeding to rub her head gently “now tell’l me what’t wrong?” feelings guilty for leaving her by herself in such a vulnerable state.
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Teruteru nodded as he stood up and pick up the cloth from the floor opening his dorm door and headed straight to the bathroom door, which was quite far down the hallway. “It’s so annoy’in  hav’in to walk so far down’n to get to the zut guy’s batroom, well it doe’s have some benefit’s he he” he sniggers to himself, thinking dirty minded thoughts as he opened the door and walk over to the bathroom sink,  turning on the tap and begin to damped the cloth in the cold water. 
After 30 seconds, he turned off the tap, as he gave the cloth a slight squeeze removing the extra water from it “right’t that’s seems good” he said and started to head back to his room.
 “I hope Kyoko, okay but I should’t worry I’ve only left her for about five minute’s” he thought to himself as he walk down the hallway. 
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
“Non problem” Teruteru replied softly cradling her in the hug, while also continuing to rub her back slowly 
Teruteru comforted her for over half an hour in pure silence of the night, where only his gentle humming can be heard.  After a few more minutes of pure silence Teruteru stopped his humming and begin speak to Kyoko, noticing she had calmed down a bit and her breathing had steadied. 
“How’l about’t I wet a towel for ya to put on you’re arm, it will help’p ease the pain a bit and give Mikan’s a call?”
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Teruteru was shocked and horrified hearing her scream in pain. As she pulled away from him, he felt powerless as he watch her breathing get heavy as she stared intensely at the ground shaking in fear.
“It seems that it might be a slight break in the arm upper part but now not to time think about that ” Teruteru thought to himself in a panic as he worries on how to help Kyoko.
“What would mama do” Teruteru whispered to himself closing his eyes as he remembers how in his younger years, he cut his hand by accident in the kitchen, mama came and comfort me wrapping her arms around me and rub my back and hummed to me gently.
He slowly crawled over to the shivering Kyoko wrapping his arms around her pulling her into an embrace.
“Ther’re ther’re I’ve got’t you, it’s gonna be alright” he hums softly to Kyoko rubbing her back slowly, up and down. 
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Teruteru nodded as he feels up Kyoko right arm giving a slight squeeze around the bone area of her bruised arm. 
“Now, tell me if it hurts or if you feel any cracking Kyoko” said Teruteru as he gave her a gentle smiled, as he softly squeeze the her arm slightly tighter around the upper part of the arm, where most of swelling was located at.
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Teruteru gasped in horror as he watched her clutched her arm in pain, now noticing how bruised and purple it was, he slowly crawled over to her side of her right arm.
“I’m starting to think, I’m the male ultimate nurse at this point” joked Teruteru trying to lighten the mood for himself as he cares for the fiery ultimate detective.   
“Can I check your right arm, to make sure they’re no broken bones” Teruteru asks thinking it was better to ask her permission, rather then risk getting another wallop to the face.
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
“Wouldn’t dream of it” said Teruteru nervously, rubbing his bruised nose feelings the pink blood leak out from it. 
“Besides, I can’t afford being expelled” Teruteru thought quietly to himself as he warped the bandages on Kyoko leg ever so silently “I can’t fail my Mama now, not when I’m so close to success” 
Teruteru shifted himself aside away from Kyoko a bit “there your leg, is all patched up now” he looked at Kyoko as he spoke ever so quietly to her “is anything else you need?”
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
Teruteru smirk vanished as he saw how much pain she was in “maybe playing the flirting game on her was a bad move on my part” he thought to himself as he tried to bandage up her leg much to her residence.  “Look you in a lot of pain, you need help” plead Teruteru as he struggles to kept her leg still, while he avoids her kicks getting small bits of blood on his red pyjamas pants  
“I will stop the doll thing and any sex jokes, if you just let help you! Cried Teruteru as he gets hits in the face by her shoe.
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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sinnaminteru · 2 years
“Oh it seems are sleeping beauty has awaken from her beauty sleep, your names Kyoko isn’t it doll?” Cooed Teruteru in a cheekily manner as he walks up to Kyoko with first kit in hand.
He sat around her blood covered leg and opens his first aid kit taking out some bandages, cotton buds, a clean cloth and some sterile gauze wipes.
“Now, let’s patch you up doll” smirked Teruteru lifting up her wounded leg placing it on his lap and begins to clean the leg with sterile gauze wipes to removed any dirt, dried blood or type of other bacteria that might be on her leg.
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
42 notes · View notes
sinnaminteru · 2 years
It was quite late at night by the time Kyoko Kirigiri had returned to Hope’s Peak. The stubborn, serious detective had decided to sneak out without her father noticing her to catch a few criminals who escaped from jail. She knew it was going to be a dangerous mission, but if it meant that Towa City would be safe for another night, then she could rest easy.
“Ha! Did the cops really send some puny little girl after us?! We supposed ta be scared of you, hon?”
Kyoko shivered at the words playing in her head as she opened the back door and stumbled down the hallway. While she did manage to successfully turn the criminals in to the police (making Takaaki Ishimaru promise he wouldn’t tell her father), she sustained a badly bruised arm and a bleeding leg from the encounter. She was expecting them to fight back, but she didn’t except to be injured so badly. As she continued to stumble down the hallway in an attempt to make it to the nurse’s office, the sheer pain in her leg stung so badly that she wobbled and collapsed to the ground, letting out a loud grunt. She did her best to get back up, but found the pain too much to fight against. So, she continued to crawl down the hallway, feeling slightly dizzy from her injuries.
“Keep… going, Kyoko. You’re almost there…”
The sound of a door being creaked open could be heard. Dear god, she wasn’t intending to wake anyone up.
Teruteru jolted up from his bed gasping as he heard a load thud outside his room, he groans as he rubs his eyes slipping out of his bed.
“Who could that be at this hour” he thought to himself grabbing a flashlight and quickly adjusted his red pyjamas, before he tip toe to the door.
His heart raced as he shakily cracked open the door as Teruteru mind begin to play tricks “I hope it‘s not burglar or something even worse maybe it just a mouse yeah” he tells himself.
He took a peak outside as he flashes his flashlight across the halls to spot an unconscious Kyoko with a blooded leg oozing out on the floor, he rushes over to her.
“Oh my gosh, a maiden in need” whispered Teruteru as he lifts her up by her shoulders slightly to drag her toward his room.
he lays her on the soft carpet, while he began digging under his bed looking for the first aid kit under the many, many, many porno magazines and a few some shojo mangas in the mix.
“Aha, I found it” yelled Teruteru quitely but it was loud enough to awaken his unconscious guest.
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