sinning-on-a-sunday · 8 months
Hi there! I absolutely love your Otherworldly fic and I’m actually making my own coraline!au fic in the works. Just a quick question but would it be alright if I borrowed some elements from your fic? Like I don’t mean like straight up copying the entire plot or characters word to word, I mean just using some traits/features for inspiration. Like for example, RM having the ability to transform from cat to human. I’m also gonna be casting the members into different roles (just to clarify). For my fic, it’s gonna be a Jk x reader, and I’m also casting Yoongi as the cat, and Tae and Jimin as Spink and Forcible. Just to name a few, haha. I’ll give you credit for inspiration of course if you’d like. Just thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask that’s all :)
hiiii i'm so glad you liked the story! and thank you so much for asking i really appreciate it!! it would be so cool if you could credit me thanks! and can i be tagged in the story once it comes out cause i would love to read it!!
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So worth the wait for the commission!! Goddamn!! This is what I’ve been waiting for!!!! Fuuuuuucccccck! Goddamn it now I’m horny, for fuck sake man! Now I want more!! What have you done to me!!!
i'm so glad you enjoyed it baby!! again, so so so sorry for the long wait (i'm assuming this is the person who commissioned the work) but i'm so so so glad you thought it was worth the wait!! sounds like we have very similar minds ha ha 😉 sorry for the "frustration" lol 😂 but what else is tumblr for?
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coming back to check up on you, how had your life been, sweetie?
And I'll never forgive you for otherwordly pt.3 🤧🤧
hello lovey!! life's been pretty good lately :) i have about a year left of college, things are good at work + i'm working a new side gig (cause being alive is fucking expensive) that is fun and fulfilling, and i'm very happy with my relationship!
annnnd sorry about part 3 babe 😂 it had to end that way i'm sorry!! thanks so much for sending this in and checking on me you're the sweetest!! 💖
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@kth1-main 🫣🫣
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bad liar
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→ pairing: yandere!jin x fem.reader, yandere!namjoon x fem.reader, yandere!jungkook x fem.reader
→ word count: 4.4k
→ summary: an arranged marriage with hidden desires. a faked orgasm with dire consequences. and a possessive need that turns physical.
→ WARNING!! contains nsfw content for 18+ readers only, contains yandere themes and behaviors, contains dubcon and dysfunctional BDSM practices (cause, ya know, they’re yandere), please be mindful of individual warnings below :)
→ a/n: …sooo felt real nasty writing this lol 😬 viewer discretion is advised Y’ALL BETTER BE 18+!! this is a commissioned work based on my (really old) dirty mouth drabbles. thank you so so so much to the person who commissioned this and i’m SO SO SO sorry for the long wait!! i included an extra 1.4k words than you paid for to try to make up for the wait THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE I LOVE YOU!!
Keep reading
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bad liar
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→ pairing: yandere!jin x fem.reader, yandere!namjoon x fem.reader, yandere!jungkook x fem.reader
→ word count: 4.4k
→ summary: an arranged marriage with hidden desires. a faked orgasm with dire consequences. and a possessive need that turns physical.
→ WARNING!! contains nsfw content for 18+ readers only, contains yandere themes and behaviors, contains dubcon and dysfunctional BDSM practices (cause, ya know, they’re yandere), please be mindful of individual warnings below :)
→ a/n: ...sooo felt real nasty writing this lol 😬 viewer discretion is advised Y’ALL BETTER BE 18+!! this is a commissioned work based on my (really old) dirty mouth drabbles. thank you so so so much to the person who commissioned this and i’m SO SO SO sorry for the long wait!! i included an extra 1.4k words than you paid for to try to make up for the wait THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE I LOVE YOU!!
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→ content warnings: mentions of orthodox lifestyles/gender roles, arranged marriage, manipulation, abusive/controlling behavior, restraints/gags, non-consensual bondage, lil bit of drooling, jin has a bondage fetish 😬
It wasn’t a forced marriage, far from it, but it was carefully orchestrated. You see, the country you lived in was very much concerned with prestigious names, not to mention “traditional values.”
And you did not come from a prestigious family. Your ancestors worked hard to build strong foundations and elevate the family name, making countless sacrifices to claw their way through class barriers.
Years later, they finally found themselves with enough resources to expand their business to a decently respected level. Nevertheless, there was always the lingering fear that it could all disappear in an instant, whether it be from a looming recession, natural disaster, or financial crash. It’s not like you had generations of wealth to rely on.
Of course, that fear was snuffed out soon after you met Kim Seokjin.
It was at a conference roughly three years ago. You were hoping to expand your connections and do a little networking, always eager to make your family proud.
Jin approached you during one of the refreshment breaks, armed with a charming smile and a fresh business card. The two of you got to chatting, strictly professional at first. Then he contacted you a few days later asking to meet for coffee. To discuss possible business prospects, he assured you.
You agreed, easily falling for his warm demeanor. Almost immediately, he offered to work with your family’s company. At that point, you didn’t realize that Kim Productions was a major conglomerate. Jin didn’t ever mention it, he simply said that his father’s company had a lot of subsections.
Your family was thrilled to hear that the Kims were willing to work with you, showering you with praise and congratulations.
And that was the beginning of it all. The next year was filled with meetings, contracts, and collaborations with the Kims.
Jin always insisted on meeting with you in person, whether it was for coffee, or lunch at a trendy bistro, even sometimes dinner at a fancy restaurant. The discussion would always turn to personal affairs, though. From what you did in your free time, where you liked to spend your free time, if you were dating or not.
You always tried to steer the conversation back towards business affairs, but as time went on, Jin grew more insistent.
After a while, you gave in to his persistent questions, allowing him insight into your life. The two of you became friends shortly after. Turns out you had a lot in common. Soon the lines between professional and personal meetings were blurry at best.
Often times, Jin would call you up requesting to meet that day. You’d agree after a little coaxing, (he always knew how to soften you up) only to find that the matter he wished to discuss could’ve been handled over email. Those meetings almost always ended in him convincing you to stay and chat, sometimes for hours.
After another year of coffee dates, to-go lunches brought to your office, increasingly expensive dinners out, he finally got you to reveal your feelings on marriage.
You told him how your parents were impatient for you to settle down with a well-off man and start producing grandchildren, hopeful for the possibility that they’d also be interested in the family business like you were, or at least inherit it.
You expressed how you didn’t have any interest in marrying or having kids, but...you did want to make your parents proud. Despite being loving and generous, they were fairly old-fashioned.
Then, as if he had been physically holding back, Jin burst out with the suggestion that the two of you should arrange some kind of marriage agreement.
At first, you were completely caught off guard. But Jin was an expert at careful persuasion.
He said how it would ultimately benefit both of your family’s if the two of you were to marry, since his parents also pestered him about the topic. He assured you that you would become co-inheritor of Kim Productions, and that your family’s business would receive indefinite benefits and support.
You’d never have to worry about money ever again, let alone about your business going under.
And the two of you were good friends, right? It would just be like living with a roommate with tax benefits. And if the either of you were to ever meet someone else, he promised a no-questions-asked divorce, with you still retaining your cut from Kim Productions.
This was a lie. But you didn’t realize this until after it was too late.
It took you a couple of months, but eventually you agreed. On paper, you were the one getting the better deal, since his family’s corporation was much bigger than yours.
Your parents were ecstatic. His parents were ecstatic. It was perfect.
Until it wasn’t. It was only a few weeks after the wedding and, according to Jin, you had been working too hard lately.
“Come oooon,” he says as you get ready to head out for the day.
“You spend so much time at the office.” He was full-on whining now, breaking out the pouting lip.
“Let’s just stay home today. Order some takeout, watch a movie,” he continues.
“Jin, I can’t today. I have a meeting at ten.”
You’re just about to grab your bag and head for the door when he interrupts.
“Wait!” Jin blurts. “Stay for five more minutes. I’ll make you breakfast. Please?”
The childlike hope in his eyes makes you hesitate, like a kid desperate for the attention of their absent mother. You check your watch.
“Alright, but just five minutes, okay? I’ll take it in a tupperware.”
Jin practically giggles, skipping over to the kitchen. He busies himself with the contents of the fridge while you plop down at the table.
After cracking a few eggs over a sizzling pan, he leaves to rummage around in his bedroom.
Just as you’re about to comment on the amount of smoke rising from the pan, you hear his footsteps approach until he’s standing right behind you.
His large hands start to massage your shoulders.
“You know, babe,” he begins. “You really do spend too much time away from home.”
His voice is more stern than before.
“Jin, stove,” you say as you scroll through your phone, disinterested. Still blissfully unaware of his motives. Even after all these years.
Unaware of the coil of rope hanging from his arm.
“I think it would do you good,” he continues in that strange voice, deeper and sharper than his usual tone. His fingers practically twitch over the rope’s soft material, itching with the desire to do what he’s wanted to do for so long now.
“If you listened to me more.”
You feel something brush against your arm. Looking back, you finally notice the way Jin is looking at you.
“What are you doing?” you ask, suspiciously eyeing the red bundle of rope. 
Gone is his usual charming smile. Instead his eyelids are slightly drooped, something dark and hot kindled in his eyes. He licks his lips, scanning your body up and down.
“Just sit still for me,” he says, inching closer to you with a length of rope gripped in both hands.
You laugh nervously, hopping off your seat, trying to put some distance between the two of you. You’re so focused on the strangely determined look in his eyes that you don’t realize that he’s corralling you further into a corner.
A slight gasp falls from your lips when your back hits the counter, now pressed into the hard surface by Jin’s tall frame.
You look up at his face in fear. You’ve never seen him like this, so serious and insistent.
He looks down at you with sharp, calculating eyes.
“Are you going to behave?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
Your gaze flicks back and forth between his eyes and the rope stretched in his hands, dumbly realizing that it’s meant for you, meant to subdue and restrain you.
Another anxious laugh falls from your lips.
“Is this a joke?” you say, trying to slowly inch away from him. No luck, your back just gets pressed further into the marble countertop.
“Is this your funny way of telling me that I need to work less? ‘Cause message received. I promise I’ll cut down on my hours, okay?”
Jin doesn’t seem convinced, refusing to move an inch, keeping you caged against his body.
Then the corner of his mouth quirks in a smile.
“Okay, darling,” he says, almost pacifying. “I was only looking out for you.”
He backs up an few inches, allowing you to sidestep out from under him.
You chuckle nervously, mind whirring with just what the fuck is going on here?
Jin’s eyes are still glued to you. Waiting, hungry.
You turn to walk away, and as soon as your back is turned, he lunges forward and pins you to the kitchen island. With your hips pressed almost painfully into the edge, he uses one hand to grab your wrists and the other to bend you over the counter top.
The surface is cold against your front, but the fear gripping your spine is colder.
“What are you doing?!” you shout.
Jin just chuckles, squeezing your wrists together and beginning to wind the rope around them.
“Sorry, babe, but you’re a bad liar.”
You’re so shocked that you can barely move, and in a matter of moments your hands are tied tightly behind your back.
Jin leans back and admires his handiwork, watching your fingers stretch and flex as you start to struggle in your bonds.
“Cute,” he says before he can help it.
Next he busies himself securing your ankles, expertly executing a flawless two-column tie.
“Jin! Stop! Stop it! What the hell is this?!”
He doesn’t bother answering. He has you subdued anyways.
Another two-column tie around your thighs, then one just above your elbows. You struggle pointlessly, already restrained past the point of possible escape. But that doesn’t stop Jin, wrapping coil after coil of rope around your limbs.
By the time he finally stops, you feel like an encased sausage.
He backs up a few steps, watching you squirm so deliciously. He huffs out a hot breath, feeling his growing cock strain against his pants.
He’s waited for years to see you like this, to do this to you. And now that he has you right where he wants you, he doesn’t want to ever let you go.
You manage to shuffle against the counter so you’re turned around, looking up at him with wide, terrified eyes.
“Oh come now,” Jin begins in a chastising tone. “Don’t look at me like that. I would never hurt you, love.”
Your expression doesn’t budge.
Jin lets out a sigh and saunters over to you in slow, agonizing steps, making you anticipate what he’s going to do to you next. He leans down to tilt your chin up with one finger, pinning down your frightened gaze with his stern one.
“I would never hurt you. You hear me? You’re my wife, after all,” he says with a smirk.
“All I wanted was for you to relax a bit. Have a little faith in your husband, hmm?” He pats your cheek, a little tauntingly, a disappears into the bedroom again.
Immediately, you struggle with renewed urgency. You’re still reeling with shock, with the realization that the man you’ve known for years, the man you’re married to, is not the person you thought they were.
Jin returns with another bundle of rope hanging from his arm and something else you can’t make out in his hand.
He catches the way you’re frantically writhing around, making a slight frown appear on his face.
“Hmm, looks like you still need to calm down a bit.”
Approaching where you’re leaning against the island, he bends down and hooks one arm under your knees and the other around your back, carrying you bridal style into the bedroom.
The same way he carried you out of the chapel on your wedding day.
Jin places you gently on the bed, then threads the rope through his hands.
“This should help you settle down,” he says, flipping you over so you’re laying on your stomach. He uses the length of rope to tether your ankles to your wrists, leaving you tightly hogtied.
He was right, it does make you settle down, because now you can barely move. All you can do is rock slightly back and forth, maybe roll over. Either way, you’re completely at his mercy.
“There we go,” Jin says from behind you, sounding satisfied. “Just one last thing.”
You feel him brush your hair aside, giving it a little tug to angle your head up.
The next second, something round is being shoved between your lips. For a moment, you jerk your head in futile resistance to avoid having your mouth plugged, but you only delay the inevitable.
The ballgag pushes past your teeth, lips wrapping around the rubber so you can barely get a word out.
You still try anyways, mumbling around the intrusion. All that comes out is muffled groans and a few barely suppressed sobs. You can already feel the drool pooling in your gagged mouth.
“Fuck,” Jin mutters, stroking his hard cock through his pants. “You...You’re everything,” is all he can manage.
He’s looking at you like you’re a sublime vision, like you’re the only thing he’s been waiting for.
That same spark, the one deep in his eyes, is the same something you saw in his eyes years ago. You realize now that he’s simply been suppressing it, hiding it.
It’s the burn of this obsessive love. Twisted, dark, but all you have.
He fawns over you for a while, running his hands over your bound limbs, tracing the outline of your gag, relishing in your helplessness.
It takes a while, but eventually you stop struggling, falling limp against the bed sheets. By then, your limbs ache from tensing against your bindings, drool leaking past the rubber between your lips.
“All tuckered out?” Jin says with an amused chuckle.
The only reply he gets is a weak, defeated moan from behind your gag.
Another laugh, then he’s running his fingers along the rope, untying the strand that tethers your ankles and wrists together.
Now that you’re not bent in half, Jin makes you comfy on the bed, sitting you up against a nest of pillows. He pulls you close, cuddling up to your restrained body in a way that he’s never dared to before.
Putting on your favorite comfort movie, he pets your hair and whispers quiet  reassurances in your ear.
I’ll always be here for you. I’ll always take care of you. Don’t worry love, I’ll be the best husband you could ever ask for.
You can do nothing to disagree.
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→ content warnings: slight insecurities during sex, explicit smut (dom!namjoon, sub!reader, dubcon, fake orgasm, dirty talk, cock gag, humiliation, bondage, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, light choking), this is basically just smut not super yandere to be honest
By now, you’re fairly certain that Namjoon has an internal bullshit meter. And when it gets set off, all hell breaks loose.
It happened while the two of you were tangled up in bed, sweat-damp and panting. You’d been fucking for a while now, and you were beginning to get anxious, insecurities worming their way into your mind.
The way his sultry eyes latch onto your every move, every hitched breath and arched limb. They way the corner of his mouth quirks when you let a whimper escape from your lips. Something about his powerful presence pressed up against your hesitant one, it always makes you doubt yourself.
Thoughts like...He came already, why is he still going? Am I doing a good job? He must be unsatisfied.
It occurs to you that he must be waiting for you to cum too, but your own self-deprecating thoughts have killed your mood. But the urge to please him is still strong, so you do the only thing you can think of: you fake it.
Namjoon freezes above you.
“What the fuck was that?” he asks, deadpan.
“What?” you instinctively respond, playing dumb.
His eyes narrow, feeling you tense under him. 
“You think I don’t know when you’re bullshitting me?”
You swallow hard, blinking rapidly as you try to think of an excuse. A few stuttered syllables make it out of your mouth.
Slowly, Namjoon leans down until your faces are inches apart. Cold fear latches onto your spine.
“What is it,” he begins, voice dangerously low. “That you think you’re doing?”
Your mind has gone blank. And Namjoon knows that you’re a bad liar.
“You just fucking faked it, didn’t you?” he growls.
The words seems to get caught in your throat. Your lips are moving, struggling, but nothing comes out.
He grabs your chin, pinching your cheeks together so you’re forced to stop your pathetic mumbling.
“You know,” he begins. “I think we can make a better use of your mouth, hmm?”
He doesn’t wait for a reply, using the hand that’s not gripping your face to rummage around in his bedside drawer.
What he pulls out is an item that you don’t enjoy seeing: a cock gag.
You manage a weak sound of protest, which Namjoon smirks at.
“What’s the matter, baby?” he asks, taunting. “You don’t like having your mouth stuffed?”
Just as you’re starting to shake your head, he lurches forward and shoves the silicone length past your lips. Tongue pressed down, resisting your own gag reflex, you groan around the intrusion.
But Namjoon doesn’t let up. He pulls the straps behind your head and clips them securely into place, tightening them for good measure so the fake cock nearly touches the back of your throat.
“Aww,” he coos sarcastically. “Baby doesn’t like having a mouthful of cock, huh?”
He fakes a pout, stroking the leather panel that seals your lips.
“Maybe you should of thought of that before you tried lying to me,” he snaps.
You barely have time to process what’s happening before he flips you around so you’re on your elbows and knees. After more rummaging around, he pulls two pairs of leather cuffs from the same drawer.
He clicks his tongue disapprovingly as he fastens one pair around your wrists, another around your ankles. Just like that, you’re restrained and silenced, at the mercy of his desires.
Namjoon grabs your hips and presses them back against his, swirling the tip of his cock around your clit.
“Do you know what happens now, babe?” he asks, rhetorically of course.
You still moan an incoherent answer, knowing he’ll give you a good slap to the ass if you don’t acknowledge him. It isn’t hard to guess what he’s implying, after all.
“That’s right, love. I’m not going to stop until you cum nice and hard, until I know for sure that you’re being nothing but honest with me.”
He punctuates his words by running his tip through your folds, using his other hand to squeeze and fondle his way down the slope of your body.
You know how Namjoon can get sometimes. It prompts you to mumble out a burning question.
“How many times?” he repeats, still in that fake sympathetic voice. “Hmm, I’m really not sure yet, baby. Enough times for you to learn your lesson, I suppose.”
That’s what you were afraid of.
And he keeps his word right down to the syllable.
He toys with your weak spots for what feels like hours, petting the soft flesh, tweaking your nipples until you let out a little whine. He teases you with the tip while rubbing your clit, slowly building you up.
The first time you cum, it’s with a shudder, mewing into your gag as he helps you ride it out. The next time, it’s with a grunt, shivering with overstimulation.
But Namjoon doesn’t stop. He plunges his cock deep into your pussy, hips smacking against yours as he buries himself to the hilt. Pounding into you relentlessly, he keeps up the rhythm of his fingers against your clit until you’re a whimpering puddle beneath him.
“Had enough yet?” he whispers in your ear, his front pressed against your sweat-slick back.
You desperately affirm, nothing but a moaning mess by now.
“Hmm,” he pretends to think it over. A light slap to your thigh.
“I think I want one more.”
You whine through the intrusion keeping your lips sealed, and he simply chuckles at your pathetic state.
“Come on, you can do it,” he prompts, wrapping one hand gently around your throat to remind you who is in control.
Your breath hitches, gurgling from the spit pooling in your mouth.
Namjoon seems to notice, because the next second he’s leaning down to press his nose against your cheek.
“Go ahead,” he says softly. “Suck.”
A moments hesitation, then your lips wrap around the base of the plastic cock, suctioning around it with a loud slurp.
“Good girl,” he praises, swiping a droplet of spit from your chin.
Even with your brain foggy and your mouth stuffed, you manage a soft moan from the affirmation.
He brushes his lips across the shell of your ear.
“Now be a good pet and cum again.”
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→ content warnings: unhealthy relationship (obvi), obsession/over-protection, dubcon bondage/gagging, panty stuffing (but they’re jk’s)
You should’ve known better, really. Because if you had to describe Jungkook in only two words they would have to be: easily provoked.
At this point, you don’t even remember how this whole thing started. All you did was go out to the grocery store to pick up a few things.
You were simply meandering the aisles, minding your own business. Milk, check. Eggs, check. Are we out of dish soap?
Turning the corner, you browse the selection of deli meats when a flash of black flits across your vision.
Shifting your gaze to peer down the aisle, you see Jungkook standing at the other end.
Stomach dropping, you can only watch motionlessly as he barrels towards you, grabs your arm, and drags you out of the store.
He must’ve tracked your location. He hates when you leave the house, let alone without his permission.
You thought you could just grab a few things while he was at work without him noticing, maybe get a taste of autonomy for a change.
But of course you were wrong.
That’s how you found yourself here.
Jungkook yanked you into your shared bedroom, shoving you towards the foot of the bed.
“Take off your clothes,” he says, eyes dark and hooded.
“But—” you begin, only to be cut off.
“Take. Them. Off,” he barks, enunciating every word.
You choose to obey, frantically shedding your many layers to appease him until you’re standing there naked and vulnerable.
“Good,” he breathes, seemingly soothed at the sight of your bare form, his chest heaving.
He stalks towards you, one foot over the other, eyeing you up and down.
“Now sit.”
You plop down on the mattress almost immediately, skin already crawling. Just please him, do whatever he says.
Because Jungkook out of control is not something you want to see.
It’s a good thing he’s so weak for you. Just seeing you naked is like a drug to his twisted brain.
He almost stumbles in his attempts to get to you, breath quickening at the sight of you offering yourself up so willingly.
But sometimes, he wants to take you like you’re not willing.
Jungkook grabs your wrists and flips your body around until your front is pressed against the mattress.
You can hear him shuffling around, looking for something.
The next second, you feel something course rubbing across your skin. A little gasp leaves your lips, stunned by how fast he wraps the rope around your limbs.
He pulls it taut, cinching the knot so your wrists are pinned together. Flipping around so he’s facing your legs, he grabs your ankles and winds the rope around them tightly.
You feel his fingers ghosting over your bound flesh, reveling in your helplessness. Wrists and ankles bound, all you can do is rock back and forth.
He’s always been turned on by the sight of you tied up and at his mercy, unable to run away. All amplified by the fact that you let him.
You always let him wind coil after coil of rope around your limbs, reducing you to a squirming mass. You let him stuff your mouth with a muffling gag so no one but him can hear your whimpering moans.
Because he needs to feel like you’re under his control.
Jungkook hops off the bed and surveys his work.
You wriggle in your bonds to test the strength of the knots. They’re unyielding.
“You aren’t going anywhere,” Jungkook rasps. It sounds more like an assurance to himself instead of a taunt to you.
He crosses the room, riffling through the closet as you writhe on the bed.
When he returns, he has a clean pair of boxers in his hand.
You know what it means. It makes you lick your lips.
He climbs back on the bed, straddling your hips, looming over you like a dark cloud.
“Baby,” you breathe out.
He looks at you immediately, all movement stalled.
There’s a deep fear in his eyes, a frantic thing that’s almost impossible to tame.
“You know I would never leave you, right?” you whisper. Unfortunately, you mean it.
Jungkook’s eyes flick all over your face, your body, then back to your face.
“I...know,” Jungkook whispers, but he doesn’t sound like he means it. It sounds like he thinks you’re a bad liar.
His expression turns a shade darker.
“But just to be sure,” he says under his breath.
And with that, he shoves the wadded-up boxers into your mouth. His fingers push them in deep between your teeth, packing your cheeks and plugging your lips so any sound that comes out will be heavily muffled.
You can’t help but gasp and groan at the intrusion.
Jungkook pulls out one of his bandanas and pulls it taut across your mouth, cleaving the fabric between your lips so you can’t spit his boxers out. For a few seconds, he revels in the power he has over you, pulling the bandana tighter and tighter before tying it at the back of your head.
Once you’re gagged to his liking, he lets his hands roam all over your body as you squirm under his touch.
“Good girl,” he mutters. He almost sounds drunk, that how much he loves to see you at his mercy.
“Struggle for me,” he orders, giving your thigh a light slap.
You immediately comply, wriggling against the ropes and moaning into your gag like a good captive.
He exhales a shaky breath, then laughs from deep in his throat.
“You’re mine, you know that?” he says, and you can hear the dark smile in his voice.
“And you’re never leaving me.”
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Hiii, we miss your writing 😭
i'm sorry babe 😭 life's been busy lately, i hope y'all are doing okay :)
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Hi, just checking in to see how you were!
Hope everything is going okay!
hi baby! yesss everything's fine my love, just life getting hectic with school and work haha! i've hardly any time to wrote these days unfortunately. thanks so much for checking in on me sweetheart 😭
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You alive 🥺🥺🥺
yes love i’m alive!! not gonna lie this semester kinda kicked my ass 😂 and christmas time is absolute hell at work. but yes i’m still here lurking :) and i’ll have some content out soon! i know i said that like ages ago but it’s almost done i swear. thanks for checking up on me lovey 🥺
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You're actually one of my favorite writers here in tumblr! Even though I don't really listen to BTS anymore I will still read your fics. ♡
I was wondering do you write anything else than fanfiction? Because you're very talented and you have a lot of potential for being a writer/author.
-Sorry if this came out rudely, English isn't my first language
you’re good my love no need to apologize!! your english is perfect here! and even if it hypothetically wasn’t you wouldn’t need to apologize for it, at least with me :)
your words are so sweet thank you so much 😭😭 it is so incredibly flattering to hear that you still read my writing despite not being super into bts. to answer your question, i mostly write fanfiction because it’s really all i have time for. i’ve toyed with the concept of using some of my ideas to form full-length works, but i usually end up turning them into fanfiction. i’ve always dreamed of one day becoming a published author but have yet to invest time into writing that isn’t fanfiction since posting fanfiction is a good way to get feedback and i do thrive off of gratification.
it is so very sweet of you to say that thank you so much! i’ve always thought that one of my best abilities was writing so to be complimented on it just warms my heart 💖 thank you for sending this in :)
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sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
I really didn't think he was gonna win. I'm still in shock by the ending. Holy crap. Can I ask...does yn get to be friends with otherworldly jk at least? Or make amends? I really thought Jimin was exaggerating when he said he shut other Jk's eyes. That scene in the forest is so heartbreaking and he was crying and he felt abandoned. I feel bad for yn too bc she'll wake up and have no one and other jimin will be all in her space. If I was her, I'd be nervous to be around jin. And the meshed yoongi hobi couple too. Does other jimin "fix" them? Gah the way you wrote those scenes pulled my heartstrings.
i’m happy the ending made an impression on you! that was kinda my goal haha. I’ll most likely go into detail about your questions in future drabbles/commissions BUT in short yes the mc builds a positive relationship with other!jk. and yes yoongi and hobi get “fixed.”
i’m glad to hear that the story was able to illicit such a reaction!! thank you so much for sending this in ☺️
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sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
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Me, Myself, and Jimin ‘ID Chaos’ Concept Film 1
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sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
lil update
all 3 slots are currently filled so commissions are closed for now!! THANK YOU SO MUCH to the kind souls who sent in requests i love you and I PROMISE YOUR WORKS ARE COMING!! thank you so so so much for your patience i know i’m a disaster haha 😅
in other words, y’all can expect some content coming soon!
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sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
i’m okay with fictional men becoming unhinged over the loves of their lives actually 
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sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
lowered my prices so you get more words per slot!
to the person that recently commissioned, I’ll go ahead and write 3k words for your work to reflect the new guidelines :)
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what the hell let’s give it a go! for anyone that’s interested :)
current status: OPEN
updated: 8/24/22
slots open: 2
slot #1: TAKEN
slot #2: OPEN
slot #3: OPEN
prices (paypal charges a fee so I unfortunately don’t receive the full amount):
2 kofis ($6): 2k words
3 kofis ($9): 2.5k words
4 kofis ($12): 3k words
5 kofis ($15): 3.5k words
6 kofis ($20): 4k words
+   i create a mood board for every commission :)
you CAN request a continuation/part 2 of an already existing story! you can also request a prompt from one of my AUs. for example, “can you write taehyung from you should see me in a crown doing so and so,” or “can you write other jimin from OW doing so and so.”
you CAN request an alternative ending to any story
you CAN request a continuation of a previous commission
you CAN request pretty much whatever you want excluding the following topics below 
what I WON’T write: scat play, underage sex, pedophilia, murdering children/infanticide, heavy misogyny, incest 
please do not commission anything nsfw if you are underage.
disclaimer: because of the nature of how I write, I cannot guarantee an exact amount of time that each commission will take. but since I am asking for monetary compensation, finishing these commissions will be given priority over all my other writing projects and I will complete as fast as I can ☺️
instructions (please read carefully!):
check the top of this post to see if any of the three slots are open. if one is open, proceed!! if none are open, please do not purchase a kofi until one is available.
formulate your request. please include your desired member(s) and all your desired prompts/topics. feel free to be specific!
go to my kofi page and purchase the number of kofis according to your desired word count. please include your request in the message, which you can make private or public. if your request exceeds the word count on the kofi website, feel free to message me or send an anon ask (please include the kofi username that you used to donate!) with your request. I believe kofi also allows you to donate as a guest so I only see the username you used to donate :)
feel free to send in any questions you have :)
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sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
do not talk to me. i hate you. i shouldve stayed silent than tellimg you i will karate chop yo momma in the throat if you didnt update OW. BECAUSE I WAS EXPECTING HER TO ESVAPE I HATE YOY I WILL NEVER SPEAK WITH YOY EVER AGAIN YES IM CRYING ANS CANT TYPE PROPERLY
sorry babes 😂😘
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